Christie says Government shut down is irresponsible

The GOP is trying to defund a Law that was approved by both houses of Congress, the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court. They are the loser if the Government is shut down. And the weeny John Boner cannot control his own party.....this is very funny...

Yeah, they can do that. They hold the purse strings. I'm hoping they develop enough collective backbone to de-fund our silly Middle East military adventures.
They passed it then they read it and suddenly found out it blows and want to be exempt from it and there's no way to pay for it
The Dems are waiting for the House to come up with a plan. Waiting....waiting....waiting...
Some idiots don't believe in "We The People."

Chris "KRISPIE KREME" Christy, is a DOLT that had better become a DEMOCRAT...because he IS one.

He can FORGET about POTUS aspirations.

The GOP is trying to defund a Law that was approved by both houses of Congress, the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court. They are the loser if the Government is shut down. And the weeny John Boner cannot control his own party.....this is very funny...

The RePugs want America to fail. They cannot get over the fact that not only was Barack Obama elected in 2008, he was re-elected in 2012.

The A.C.H.A. passed both Houses and was signed by President Obama.

The A.C.H.A. has, by a majority decison of SCOTU (Chief Justice Roberts in the Majority) been ruled Constittutional.

Why Do RePugs want to deny Thirty Million (30,000,000) Americans Health Care?

Why do RePugs want to deny Health Care To People With Pre-Existing Conditions?

IF RePugs are so fucking hot to trot to make sure the Government Is Not, Will Not, Cannot be involved in Health Care, why do they insist on passing Anti-Abortion Laws that exactly what they do not want the Government to do?
You may disagree with Christie but he is a Republican and has some brain power unlike the recent party picks for presidential runs. He seems to be going for it and making some headway opeining up the lines of communication between the two primary parties. He is a true Republican. Moderate but Conservative and ready to go to work.

That is something we haven't seen from those on the Right in quite some time.

You have to get rid of the Teaparty if you ever want to be respected again. Give people like Christie and other moderates a listen instead of digging in and living by talking points forever.
You may disagree with Christie but he is a Republican and has some brain power unlike the recent party picks for presidential runs. He seems to be going for it and making some headway opeining up the lines of communication between the two primary parties. He is a true Republican. Moderate but Conservative and ready to go to work.

That is something we haven't seen from those on the Right in quite some time.

You have to get rid of the Teaparty if you ever want to be respected again. Give people like Christie and other moderates a listen instead of digging in and living by talking points forever.

What makes no sense is that the far right see those efforts as being "everything that is wrong" with the GOP. They don't want open lines of communication and working with the Dems to find compromises. Instead they are adopting a "my way or the highway" approach. Historically it has always been whomever occupies the moderate middle who wins the Whitehouse. I don't see that trend changing in 2016 and Christie is an excellent candidate for occupying the political center.
Another reason Christie should be discounted as a possible Republican Presidential candidate.

Yeah, you all wouldn't know how to act with a bright candidate who has the country's best interest at heart anyway..
Then he should tell Obama not to shut it down just to get funding for Obamacare which the people overwhelmingly oppose.

I am definitely no fan of the mandatory and confiscatory provisions of "Obamacare", but you have to admit that putting such a provision to defund it in a bill is sure to meet with fierce resistance from the other side, and it's likely that no bill will be passed. Why not deal with defunding "Obamacare" with another bill and deal with this bill seperately?
Christie says Government shut down is irresponsible

Hey Christie , Over eating is irresponsible you fat sack of blubber .:eek:


I'm beginning to seriously doubt that Christie can win the GOP nomination.

Christie: It?s ?irresponsible? to threaten a government shutdown ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Christie is once again showing that he puts his Country above partisan politics. The House Baggers will not heed his warning and will end up shutting down the Government.

That lard ass needs to keep his fat face in Jersey. He don't get paid to worry about the federal government

He certainly has a right to express his opinion on a matter that may affect his State and the residents of his State.
You may disagree with Christie but he is a Republican and has some brain power unlike the recent party picks for presidential runs. He seems to be going for it and making some headway opeining up the lines of communication between the two primary parties. He is a true Republican. Moderate but Conservative and ready to go to work.

That is something we haven't seen from those on the Right in quite some time.

You have to get rid of the Teaparty if you ever want to be respected again. Give people like Christie and other moderates a listen instead of digging in and living by talking points forever.

What makes no sense is that the far right see those efforts as being "everything that is wrong" with the GOP. They don't want open lines of communication and working with the Dems to find compromises. Instead they are adopting a "my way or the highway" approach. Historically it has always been whomever occupies the moderate middle who wins the Whitehouse. I don't see that trend changing in 2016 and Christie is an excellent candidate for occupying the political center.

House republicans are not unlike North Korea in many regards.

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