Christie vs Clinton

Christie or Clinton?

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Clinton was a terrible Secretary of State and she would make an awful president. She doesn't garner any more respect abroad that Obama does. Benghazi will plague her badly.

Christie has a better chance than many think. Christie here.
Christie is fat and Hillary persecuted women who had relationships with her pervert husband. Which one is more qualified?
Not! Clinton is a vote whore. Clinton helped cover up Benghazi (which is about to open up for discussion again). Clinton is a pathological liar just like that slwazwbag husband she clings to for political reasons only.

Christie has done good works for New Jersey....and will bring a businessman's attitude to the White House as opposed to another fucking political takeover posture.

Nothing could be worse than the Marxist asshole we have in the WH today.

There may not be much if any difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, but there's a lot of difference between Christie and liar Clinton.

Sorry, but the whole Benghazi thing had NOTHING to do with a Clinton coverup. Believe whatever garbage you want, but please have a little respect.

Calling the prez an a-hole is pretty darn low as well. It's one thing to disagree with his policies, It's quite another to disrespect the office.

Fuck off with your "respect" bull shit. Hillary was knee deep in that mess and she ducked out of testifying and then had the complete disrespect to say "What does it matter now?". Respect is earned, not demanded. I wouldn't piss on Hillary if she was on fire.

I would.

one, it's hard to pee accurately on a moving target and Two, I would get to say I pissed on clinton.
Clinton was a terrible Secretary of State and she would make an awful president. She doesn't garner any more respect abroad that Obama does. Benghazi will plague her badly.

Christie has a better chance than many think. Christie here.

Benghazi was a bunch of crap. When people try and explain it to me, they usually attempt to with zero facts.

When I ask them to make a case, they insult me and use bad curse words and ... stuff.

Christy impressed me when he handled the Sandy situation. He impresses me with his attitude. He seems more fair minded. Now, if he can do for the whole country what he did for his own city....then I will vote for him. Then again, dirty wash always comes out before an election so it remains to be seen what nasties they can dig up on him. But for now...Christy.
And it depends on who his running mate will be. I hope he is much more careful than McCain was. NO MORE IDIOTS LIKE PALIN PLEASE.
As one lefty on Morning Joe said today, "Christie can beat Hillary rather easily."
Christie is fat and Hillary persecuted women who had relationships with her pervert husband. Which one is more qualified?

Hillary was put on the international stage and she blew it. On top of that she indulged in lies along with the president.
Just for funzies...if Chris Christie ran for Prez against Hillary Clinton..who would you vote for?

Warning..folks can see who answered the poll.

I would vote for Depends. I am getting up in age and will probably be needing them one day. Does ObamaCare cover that?
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We should have Christie and Clinton participate in a real race. Say...thirteen miles. Whoever crosses the finish line first, if either of them survive that long, wins.

Or how about a Biggest Loser competition?
It depends on who they pick as a running mate. There's things I like about both of them and things I don't like about both of them.

How about other?
It really depends

I think Hillary is kind of burnt out and does not offer much in terms of new leadership. Christie has a better upside if he will run as a right of center Republican who encourages bipartisanship

However, if Christie sells out to the radical fringe who demands undying loyalty to their archaic doctrine, he will lose

Because an adult diaper full of shit would be the better of the three.

I'm a Ted Cruz guy!

Now, if Ted Cruz was not in the picture, of course Christie.
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Sorry about the typo in Christie's name.

Sorry about this interruption.

A question.

Gracie, what's the best way to voice our approval or disapproval of your new avatar image?


Neither. You take your chances with whomever you vote for..just like you take your chances on either getting shredded by very sharp teeth or kissed until you pass out. And no, I won't tell you which does what in my avie. :lmao:

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