Christmas day is supposed to be 68 degrees

It could possibly hit 70 here in NY.

Maybe this global warming thing is finally starting to kick in.
I remember 40 years ago walking in short sleeves on New Years day. I can also remember being covered in snow and freezing like hell on New Year day, doesn't really mean anything.

I have no memory of ANY new year's day or----nite before------as being anything but
very cold and lousy weather-------either snow or freezing rain. I have memories
of -----It's a bit mistake to go to a "niteclub"

I picked a few places. The first is where I lived 40 years ago, remember 55 in December is warm.

Weather History for Bismarck, ND | Weather Underground

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stop bragging about YOUR DAMNED CLIMATE

Not bragging about WEATHER

I am not impressed. I am a very fortunate person-----my little apartment is
heated-----CENTRAL HEATING------also hot running water. ---------
my TEE PEE is more than snug
Too Funny;

The lib group think is its hot today where i am so it must be man made and it must be unusual.. ITS WEATHER and the PATTERN is not one of warming..
RSS UAH comparison V6.JPG

But hey... they got to have something to fear...
Just for kicks I have bookmarked this thread and post for use next year when the La Nina is in full swing and things are much different (colder by 2 deg C on average).. I wonder if the alarmist drones will be claiming its just weather when its colder?
Yes, we need to keep Silly Billy's predictions front and center. Demonstrates the idiocy of this bunch. What is really telling is that only one of the denialists points out that he has been totally wrong on all his predictions. And that is Longknife. The rest either go along with him, or avoid criticizing his nonsense and lies concerning his education.
Ok, flapyapping silly ass, show us the natural drivers of this climate change. Peer reviewed articles from scientific journals, or lectures present at Scientific Society conferences, please.
Yeah normal natural climate change is confusing to left wing nutters.

These look like natural change to you?




Crick still believes in the HOKEY SCHTICK... Got to love the addition of non-proxy data on the end to give it the hokey stick treatment... Just like the lying sack of shit Mann..

Tell me crick, How do you justify using averaged data and then attaching unaveraged data? Talk about creating a lie from out of thin air..
Yes, along with pretty much every PhD on the planet, I accept that global temperatures have developed in the pattern displayed in those graphs. And lying? How's that physics degree working out for you? The only people rejecting hockey stick graphs are the folks rejecting reality because it's shown a strong tendency to make them look exceedingly foolish.

So, say you had instrumented temperature data for the last 10,000 years. What do you think it would look like and why?
I think today we should resign ourselves to the fundamental equality of all human life - to all life really. Life may be a bitch and we will inevitably die, but if anything, that should make us work all the harder to make it better for everyone. EVERYONE.
The morons are out in force proclaiming that just becasue its warm (coincidentally in the same places it was 2 deg C cooler last year) that it is man made and caused.

When it was cooling it was weather, now that it is warming it is proof of AGW..

Fucking moronic fools like Crick are why most of the US is getting hit with 16-20% increases in power bills this year.


The El Nino warming is leaving fast. The Northern hemisphere has cooled by 1 deg C this week alone (blue line) and the globe (black line) has cooled by 0.5 deg C. Even the southern hemisphere has cooled by 0.2 deg C.

One region remaining a bit warmer is not proof of anything AGW.. (funny this is the cold area you told us didn't mean squat last year and didn't mean the globe was cooling but today it is proof of AGW).
The cold weather last year and the year before was caused by Rossby waves. Rossby waves are caused by a reduction in the temperature difference between the equator and the poles. That difference was been reduced by global warming. There was certainly no reduction in global temperatures coincident with the US cold spells.

As to the value of Billy Boy's el Nino predictions:
Billy_Bob said:
At this rate of decline the El Nino wont be present in just a few short weeks.
13 September 2015
Thread: Tracking the El Nino
Post #584
The cold weather last year and the year before was caused by Rossby waves. Rossby waves are caused by a reduction in the temperature difference between the equator and the poles. That difference was been reduced by global warming. There was certainly no reduction in global temperatures coincident with the US cold spells.

As to the value of Billy Boy's el Nino predictions:
Billy_Bob said:
At this rate of decline the El Nino wont be present in just a few short weeks.
13 September 2015
Thread: Tracking the El Nino
Post #584
I am laughing at your inability to use any critical thinking skills... Your anti-science attitude is incapable of looking at things from a skeptical view point and asking relevant questions. Like now, you revert to character assassination in the hope you can somehow marginalize me. And yet the empirical evidence shows I was correct and much of what you posted was an outright fabrication and lie.

The northern hemisphere temp is rapidly dropping as is the global temp, showing that El Niño effect has dwindled and is no where near what you claimed it would be.


The blue line is the northern hemisphere. The black line is global. You want to show me again where its warming and where the actual El Nino signal is?

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