Chuck and Nancy forcing nat'l parks to go to seed

I wish it was more than this "partial" bullshit. Fuck our corrupt dishonest fed gov
Without a federal government, there is only anarchy. Is that what you want?
There are far worse alternatives. Unlike many people's misconception.... Anarchy isn't necessarily mass chaos, and violence. However it does require one to be free. Free thinking, and willing to do what it takes to ensure their own saftey, success, and freedom. But then some would prefer to be nannied, cradle to grave. Such people aren't capable of handling freedom.
Yep. Thats why the masses vote it away!
Right! And yet, the majority in this country vote for a Constitution that gives us those freedoms propped up by a federal government. We handle freedom because of a Constitution that has 27 delegated powers, giving us all the freedom we need. You throw that away, and you won't be able to spell freedom.
I am all for strong border security. I do not want to derail the thread as it is about national parks, but spending 20 billion dollars for a wall seems like a monumental waste of money as opposed to other types of security.
If the premise is that only the most effective form of border security should get funded apparently these 65 other nations have all decided to make the same foolish mistake. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

Or have they? Is there something about a border wall that they all know about, but leftists with a political agenda would like to ignore or pretend just doesn't exist?

That's exactly the case, it seems.
They are defending against military invasion not against people coming to mow your lawn
Their refusal to pass a budget that President Trump is able to sign is having repercussions elsewhere.

President Trump should turn over the national parks to the states.

And if they don't want them, sell the national parks to developers returning the land to the people. I can see a Yosemite Hills subdivision in California and perhaps new taxpaying resorts being opened in Yellowstone.

A Trump International in Wyoming would be a great asset.]

Federal shutdown closes major portions of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Trump owns the shutdown:
Candyland that is so incisive. Thank you so much for that.

Did you hear that on MSLSD?

It sounds like the conservatives need to be reminded what their master said. They seem to want to blame others when Trump is the one who said he’d be the one responsible.

Those are the facts; now spin away.

I give President Trump the responsibility for shutting down the government to protect the American Citizens, but the Dirty Dems get the responsibility for shutting down the government to protect illegal aliens, human traffickers, gangs, criminals, and drug cartels.
View attachment 238029
Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for not being able to come up with better lies. Their material is old and out of date and so tired.

Cost of Illegal Immigrants -
Cost of Illegal Immigrants -

Thanks! Cellblock should be ashamed of himself for pedaling lies;
Their refusal to pass a budget that President Trump is able to sign is having repercussions elsewhere.

President Trump should turn over the national parks to the states.

And if they don't want them, sell the national parks to developers returning the land to the people. I can see a Yosemite Hills subdivision in California and perhaps new taxpaying resorts being opened in Yellowstone.

A Trump International in Wyoming would be a great asset.]

Federal shutdown closes major portions of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Hello! Knock knock! Time to turn off the dumb dumb faucet.
Democrats don’t take over the house until tomorrow. Republicans have been in control of the entire government since Trump has been president. Duh!

What is it you guys don’t get?
Everything! THEY ARE SO FRIGGIN DUMB. It's exhausting.
They are defending against military invasion not against people coming to mow your lawn
That's the idiot's answer. They are defending against a refugee tide, the same as we are doing at our Southern border.
the obstruction of the left notwithstanding.
I wish it was more than this "partial" bullshit. Fuck our corrupt dishonest fed gov
Without a federal government, there is only anarchy. Is that what you want?
Our federal govt has a limited set of powers. They have been abusing the constitution since lincoln.
Fuck them.
We still have state and local govts. Also, we have people. THE people.
Link to the factual instances where the federal government has been abusing the Constitution?

We have the people? What people? Who are these people? I don't know them, do you? I don't know you. Do you think I'm going to trust you who I do not know to look after my well being? Lol! Not even on a bet.

An state and local governments? What about them? Without federal oversight of state and local governments, they are useless.

So you are going to trust the government?
A hell of a lot more than state and local governments. Have you ever lived in a small town? Man please. Those son of a bucks will rob you blind.
/——/ Politico? LOL
Yep! And you have nothing to counter their argument. No surprises there.
Oh, and kudos go out to Deanrd; Cost of Illegal Immigrants - I'll tell him you said hello.
/---/ My source was not an email chain. Moron.
It doesn't have to be doofus. Fact check already debunked what you were posting anyway. And who is going to believe you anyway, after you tried to lie your way through another bogus link from the beginning? Washington Times? Lol! You have no skin in this game any longer. Take a hike.
I wish it was more than this "partial" bullshit. Fuck our corrupt dishonest fed gov
Without a federal government, there is only anarchy. Is that what you want?
Our federal govt has a limited set of powers. They have been abusing the constitution since lincoln.
Fuck them.
We still have state and local govts. Also, we have people. THE people.
Link to the factual instances where the federal government has been abusing the Constitution?

We have the people? What people? Who are these people? I don't know them, do you? I don't know you. Do you think I'm going to trust you who I do not know to look after my well being? Lol! Not even on a bet.

An state and local governments? What about them? Without federal oversight of state and local governments, they are useless.

So you are going to trust the government?
A hell of a lot more than state and local governments. Have you ever lived in a small town? Man please. Those son of a bucks will rob you blind.

Can you answer the question? Do you trust the government?
. Fact check already debunked what you were posting anyway. And who is going to believe you anyway, after you tried to lie your way through another bogus link from the beginning? Washington Times? Lol! You have no skin in this game any longer. Take a hike.

Factcheck is a liberal outfit bwk. It would be like saying CNN or the DNC "debunked" it.

Do you know what Fake News is?
But that's just it isn't it. We really don't know the actual cost at the end of the day. But with the examples I gave, that you ignore, you can bet it's a whole lot less than what the article posts. We know this, because illegals spend money. Lot's of money.
And tens of millions of low wage illegals cost the nation money. Lots of money!

Leftists should be very familiar with the Wal Mart effect ( a community picking up the costs of employees of an employer that pays minimum wage and zero benefits).
How much greater is that effect when we aren't talking about a small community but the entire nation and those people
who we are expected to cover their living expenses (medical, schooling, food, housing, criminal interdiction, loss of tax revenue, etc.) reach the tens of millions?

Illegal Aliens a Drain on U.S. Taxpayers, Report Says
Feel free to object to this study but be sure you bring facts and documentation i

n place of negative gainsaying. Thanks.
Oh, and just attacking the source doesn't counter facts and statistics provided either.
  1. Boss, get a hold of yourself? American Citizen? lol! This from your link;
    Given that illegals tend to earn less money and live in poverty, they are also prone to use welfare. In Texas, for instance, 58 percent of illegal households collect some form of welfare, CIS reported, with 49 percent using food assistance and 41 percent using Medicaid. In California and Illinois, 55 percent use welfare. The list of states goes down from there. Your article is six years old.

    The real truth about benefits; Meme Misleads on Benefits of Illegal Immigration - Stop using bogus web sites.
. Fact check already debunked what you were posting anyway. And who is going to believe you anyway, after you tried to lie your way through another bogus link from the beginning? Washington Times? Lol! You have no skin in this game any longer. Take a hike.

Factcheck is a liberal outfit bwk. It would be like saying CNN or the DNC "debunked" it.

Do you know what Fake News is?
If that were true, you'd have documented proof of such a thing. You can't prove it, thus you are lying. That's the "real fake news". Your lies that you can't rebut. Try again.
/——/ Politico? LOL
Yep! And you have nothing to counter their argument. No surprises there.
Oh, and kudos go out to Deanrd; Cost of Illegal Immigrants - I'll tell him you said hello.
/---/ My source was not an email chain. Moron.
It doesn't have to be doofus. Fact check already debunked what you were posting anyway. And who is going to believe you anyway, after you tried to lie your way through another bogus link from the beginning? Washington Times? Lol! You have no skin in this game any longer. Take a hike.
/----/ Fact Check?
/——/ Politico? LOL
Yep! And you have nothing to counter their argument. No surprises there.
Oh, and kudos go out to Deanrd; Cost of Illegal Immigrants - I'll tell him you said hello.
/---/ My source was not an email chain. Moron.
It doesn't have to be doofus. Fact check already debunked what you were posting anyway. And who is going to believe you anyway, after you tried to lie your way through another bogus link from the beginning? Washington Times? Lol! You have no skin in this game any longer. Take a hike.
/----/ -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group
If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

That is exactly what Web sites like are. They are biased, politically motivated propaganda Web sites, manned and funded by biased political organizations who set up the sites for the sole purpose of deviously "backing up" the political arguments of those who hold the same views that they do. It's kind of like you have a friend who is in on your lie, and you use him to back up your story and don't tell anyone else he is your friend.

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