Chump Change

I covered EXACTLY what you said. You want to give excuses that Trump was losing money on businesses he wasn't controlling on his own. That's bullshit, and as I pointed out to you VERY clearly, a lot of his income comes from licensing THE TRUMP NAME ONLY, for income, with ZERO capital risk to it. ZERO.
Once again you did not answer any of it, YOU chose to bring up the licensing of his name I was talking about such things as Trump tower where he and others were involved. Where did you talk about why not one of you on the crazy left were screaming about emulments when Carter was in office? Where did you mention anything about caring about the Cinton foundation?

Love the bob and weave that you are hoping to pull off.

Well first off, I'm not on the left. Secondly when Carter was in office I was 5 years old when he left office.

It is quite funny you are talking shit about Carter when he is one of the most down to Earth Presidents of ALL-TIME. He's 94 years old and STILL helping build houses for Habitat for Humanity, and he STILL LIVES in a house worth only $167,000. You need to pick better battles.

Former President Jimmy Carter lives in a $167,000 house and shops at the Dollar General

I've said from the very beginning that I think the Clintons are shady. I've seen several people like you make this strawman argument and I will make you the same offer.

BET ME, LOSER LEAVES FORUM FOREVER... show ONE POST that I said I supported Clinton as President and voted for him or her. ONE POST. Either put up or shut up. If I supported either of them it should be pretty easy to find ONE POST out of my 21,000+ right?

You guys are all the same. Make statements and won't stand behind them.
You are still playing the bob and weave. So once again you are saying that not only was it alright for carter to do somethings ng you are against but because you like him it was fine. You can claim that he was Jesus Christ and Buddha rolled into one person but he was doing the same thing with his business as Trump.

You still are not addressing the fact that Trump and others were involved in certain projects.

Well goody for you not being a fan and f the Clintons but were you vocal about shutting down their foundation or did you just shrug? If you were not as vocal about her as you are about Trump then explain how you really think one should be treated differently

No, not what I said at all. I was FIVE YEARS OLD when he left office. I didn't give a rat's ass about the President at that time...

What I did say is, if Carter was as bad as you say, it is kind of odd that he was that crooked back then when here he is at age 94 years old and still building houses with Habitat for Humanity and lives in a $167,000 house. He must be so crooked to be living so far beyond his means right? How much do you think the median value of a house or condo sold in the Second quarter of 2018? $255,000 :71:

U.S. Median Home Price Appreciation Decelerates in Q2 2018 to Slowest Pace in Two Years | ATTOM Data Solutions

So you think Trump lost over a Billion dollars over a decade because of the "other people" he was doing business with? I don't think you know as much about the Trump company as you think you do.

And BTW, yes for about the first 6 months on this forum Clinton supporters HATED me because I know her and Bill are dirty. One of their lawyers was actually based in the city I live in now. I see you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is. Typical... talk shit trying to put words in my mouth and then won't back it up.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
There was a recession for over a decade?
Lol, recycling a story from 2016? Trump was still worth a billion when he reported losses of a billion. Come back to me when you can do the same. Oh, and the new York Times wrote a great article calling him the come back kid. Quit being a hack, let's worry about the real news. Obama spying.

What 2016 story? The comeback kid?... I love how you just take Trump's word for it... when he's been known to lie about EVERYTHING.
There was a recession for over a decade?
Lol, recycling a story from 2016? Trump was still worth a billion when he reported losses of a billion. Come back to me when you can do the same. Oh, and the new York Times wrote a great article calling him the come back kid. Quit being a hack, let's worry about the real news. Obama spying.

What 2016 story? The comeback kid?... I love how you just take Trump's word for it... when he's been known to lie about EVERYTHING.
No more than Obama did, you gonna recycle the grab them by the pussy story next week? Lol, you're pathetic.

Same shit different day. You'll never hold him accountable for anything he does. EVER. What I think is the absolute best about it all is, he's played you supporters like true idiots. Trump is a Democrat... he donated tons of money to Democrat campaigns, including Clinton. You all got played, and you continue to get played every single day, when he continues to push the envelope on what he can say and watch you guys continue to support him.
He is keeping his campaign promises, something I've never seen in my lifetime. Unemployment is a a 50 low. Things are going good, I'm not going to go back 30 years to find something to whine about. No maybe you should, put on your pussy hat, go outside, and yell at the sky. Maybe that will make you feel better. Cause Trump will be YOUR president till 2024!

What campaign promises? Is Clinton in jail? Is Mexico paying for a wall? He can't tell the truth, period. He's a Democrat that has always supported Democrats. You are a leftard, or worse yet, a rightie who is dumb enough to get played to support a Democrat.
Once again you did not answer any of it, YOU chose to bring up the licensing of his name I was talking about such things as Trump tower where he and others were involved. Where did you talk about why not one of you on the crazy left were screaming about emulments when Carter was in office? Where did you mention anything about caring about the Cinton foundation?

Love the bob and weave that you are hoping to pull off.

Well first off, I'm not on the left. Secondly when Carter was in office I was 5 years old when he left office.

It is quite funny you are talking shit about Carter when he is one of the most down to Earth Presidents of ALL-TIME. He's 94 years old and STILL helping build houses for Habitat for Humanity, and he STILL LIVES in a house worth only $167,000. You need to pick better battles.

Former President Jimmy Carter lives in a $167,000 house and shops at the Dollar General

I've said from the very beginning that I think the Clintons are shady. I've seen several people like you make this strawman argument and I will make you the same offer.

BET ME, LOSER LEAVES FORUM FOREVER... show ONE POST that I said I supported Clinton as President and voted for him or her. ONE POST. Either put up or shut up. If I supported either of them it should be pretty easy to find ONE POST out of my 21,000+ right?

You guys are all the same. Make statements and won't stand behind them.
You are still playing the bob and weave. So once again you are saying that not only was it alright for carter to do somethings ng you are against but because you like him it was fine. You can claim that he was Jesus Christ and Buddha rolled into one person but he was doing the same thing with his business as Trump.

You still are not addressing the fact that Trump and others were involved in certain projects.

Well goody for you not being a fan and f the Clintons but were you vocal about shutting down their foundation or did you just shrug? If you were not as vocal about her as you are about Trump then explain how you really think one should be treated differently

No, not what I said at all. I was FIVE YEARS OLD when he left office. I didn't give a rat's ass about the President at that time...

What I did say is, if Carter was as bad as you say, it is kind of odd that he was that crooked back then when here he is at age 94 years old and still building houses with Habitat for Humanity and lives in a $167,000 house. He must be so crooked to be living so far beyond his means right? How much do you think the median value of a house or condo sold in the Second quarter of 2018? $255,000 :71:

U.S. Median Home Price Appreciation Decelerates in Q2 2018 to Slowest Pace in Two Years | ATTOM Data Solutions

So you think Trump lost over a Billion dollars over a decade because of the "other people" he was doing business with? I don't think you know as much about the Trump company as you think you do.

And BTW, yes for about the first 6 months on this forum Clinton supporters HATED me because I know her and Bill are dirty. One of their lawyers was actually based in the city I live in now. I see you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is. Typical... talk shit trying to put words in my mouth and then won't back it up.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.
Well first off, I'm not on the left. Secondly when Carter was in office I was 5 years old when he left office.

It is quite funny you are talking shit about Carter when he is one of the most down to Earth Presidents of ALL-TIME. He's 94 years old and STILL helping build houses for Habitat for Humanity, and he STILL LIVES in a house worth only $167,000. You need to pick better battles.

Former President Jimmy Carter lives in a $167,000 house and shops at the Dollar General

I've said from the very beginning that I think the Clintons are shady. I've seen several people like you make this strawman argument and I will make you the same offer.

BET ME, LOSER LEAVES FORUM FOREVER... show ONE POST that I said I supported Clinton as President and voted for him or her. ONE POST. Either put up or shut up. If I supported either of them it should be pretty easy to find ONE POST out of my 21,000+ right?

You guys are all the same. Make statements and won't stand behind them.
You are still playing the bob and weave. So once again you are saying that not only was it alright for carter to do somethings ng you are against but because you like him it was fine. You can claim that he was Jesus Christ and Buddha rolled into one person but he was doing the same thing with his business as Trump.

You still are not addressing the fact that Trump and others were involved in certain projects.

Well goody for you not being a fan and f the Clintons but were you vocal about shutting down their foundation or did you just shrug? If you were not as vocal about her as you are about Trump then explain how you really think one should be treated differently

No, not what I said at all. I was FIVE YEARS OLD when he left office. I didn't give a rat's ass about the President at that time...

What I did say is, if Carter was as bad as you say, it is kind of odd that he was that crooked back then when here he is at age 94 years old and still building houses with Habitat for Humanity and lives in a $167,000 house. He must be so crooked to be living so far beyond his means right? How much do you think the median value of a house or condo sold in the Second quarter of 2018? $255,000 :71:

U.S. Median Home Price Appreciation Decelerates in Q2 2018 to Slowest Pace in Two Years | ATTOM Data Solutions

So you think Trump lost over a Billion dollars over a decade because of the "other people" he was doing business with? I don't think you know as much about the Trump company as you think you do.

And BTW, yes for about the first 6 months on this forum Clinton supporters HATED me because I know her and Bill are dirty. One of their lawyers was actually based in the city I live in now. I see you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is. Typical... talk shit trying to put words in my mouth and then won't back it up.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.

No the only reason it is difficult for you to discuss this with me, is because I know what I'm talking about, and you are used to people that just talk out of their ass. What you think is a large company is actually pretty compartmentalized and his actual Trump Organization has very few employees... to the point that many people say it looks like a mom & pop company, not a billion dollar enterprise.

Allen Weisselberg No Relationships Chief Financial Officer --
Jim Petrus No Relationships Chief Operating Officer --
Cathy Hoffman Glosser No Relationships Executive Vice President of Global Licensing --
Donald J. Trump Jr. No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions --
Ivanka M. Trump No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions

NO board... NO committee.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
You are still playing the bob and weave. So once again you are saying that not only was it alright for carter to do somethings ng you are against but because you like him it was fine. You can claim that he was Jesus Christ and Buddha rolled into one person but he was doing the same thing with his business as Trump.

You still are not addressing the fact that Trump and others were involved in certain projects.

Well goody for you not being a fan and f the Clintons but were you vocal about shutting down their foundation or did you just shrug? If you were not as vocal about her as you are about Trump then explain how you really think one should be treated differently

No, not what I said at all. I was FIVE YEARS OLD when he left office. I didn't give a rat's ass about the President at that time...

What I did say is, if Carter was as bad as you say, it is kind of odd that he was that crooked back then when here he is at age 94 years old and still building houses with Habitat for Humanity and lives in a $167,000 house. He must be so crooked to be living so far beyond his means right? How much do you think the median value of a house or condo sold in the Second quarter of 2018? $255,000 :71:

U.S. Median Home Price Appreciation Decelerates in Q2 2018 to Slowest Pace in Two Years | ATTOM Data Solutions

So you think Trump lost over a Billion dollars over a decade because of the "other people" he was doing business with? I don't think you know as much about the Trump company as you think you do.

And BTW, yes for about the first 6 months on this forum Clinton supporters HATED me because I know her and Bill are dirty. One of their lawyers was actually based in the city I live in now. I see you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is. Typical... talk shit trying to put words in my mouth and then won't back it up.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.

No the only reason it is difficult for you to discuss this with me, is because I know what I'm talking about, and you are used to people that just talk out of their ass. What you think is a large company is actually pretty compartmentalized and his actual Trump Organization has very few employees... to the point that many people say it looks like a mom & pop company, not a billion dollar enterprise.

Allen Weisselberg No Relationships Chief Financial Officer --
Jim Petrus No Relationships Chief Operating Officer --
Cathy Hoffman Glosser No Relationships Executive Vice President of Global Licensing --
Donald J. Trump Jr. No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions --
Ivanka M. Trump No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions

NO board... NO committee.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Talking with you is like talking with a board. Damn I can only lead you by the hand I can not teach you to think, read or even pay attention. If he is such a small mom and pop operation then how is he able to make the 40 million in revenue in 2017 from only one hotel?

Give one example of a mom and pop that makes that kind of money. How many mom and pops have properties world wide?
His jets probably do that. Have no idea what his real estate, golf courses, entertainment company, hotels and other investments do. Then he has little items like his cologne.

But hey you know it all. Right no reason to even pretend that there is even anyone that knows something you don't.
No, not what I said at all. I was FIVE YEARS OLD when he left office. I didn't give a rat's ass about the President at that time...

What I did say is, if Carter was as bad as you say, it is kind of odd that he was that crooked back then when here he is at age 94 years old and still building houses with Habitat for Humanity and lives in a $167,000 house. He must be so crooked to be living so far beyond his means right? How much do you think the median value of a house or condo sold in the Second quarter of 2018? $255,000 :71:

U.S. Median Home Price Appreciation Decelerates in Q2 2018 to Slowest Pace in Two Years | ATTOM Data Solutions

So you think Trump lost over a Billion dollars over a decade because of the "other people" he was doing business with? I don't think you know as much about the Trump company as you think you do.

And BTW, yes for about the first 6 months on this forum Clinton supporters HATED me because I know her and Bill are dirty. One of their lawyers was actually based in the city I live in now. I see you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is. Typical... talk shit trying to put words in my mouth and then won't back it up.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.

No the only reason it is difficult for you to discuss this with me, is because I know what I'm talking about, and you are used to people that just talk out of their ass. What you think is a large company is actually pretty compartmentalized and his actual Trump Organization has very few employees... to the point that many people say it looks like a mom & pop company, not a billion dollar enterprise.

Allen Weisselberg No Relationships Chief Financial Officer --
Jim Petrus No Relationships Chief Operating Officer --
Cathy Hoffman Glosser No Relationships Executive Vice President of Global Licensing --
Donald J. Trump Jr. No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions --
Ivanka M. Trump No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions

NO board... NO committee.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Talking with you is like talking with a board. Damn I can only lead you by the hand I can not teach you to think, read or even pay attention. If he is such a small mom and pop operation then how is he able to make the 40 million in revenue in 2017 from only one hotel?

Give one example of a mom and pop that makes that kind of money. How many mom and pops have properties world wide?
His jets probably do that. Have no idea what his real estate, golf courses, entertainment company, hotels and other investments do. Then he has little items like his cologne.

But hey you know it all. Right no reason to even pretend that there is even anyone that knows something you don't.

I just showed you... there are FIVE PEOPLE at the head office of the organization... with NO BOARD or COMMITTEE members. There is a reason why Trump has lost so much money and can't get loans in the U.S., it's because he doesn't know how to run a company.

Even Don Jr., said they run it like a mom & Pop company... literally HIS WORDS.

Inside the Trump Organization, the Company That Has Run Trump’s Big World

This is what happens when you don't know what you are talking about, and suddenly you are trying to use Google to find links to support what you think is true.
I see you are still playing either stupid or are refusing to answer what I wrote. Let me put this in the simplest form possible short of a coloring book and crayon.
No one stopped Carter or Clinton by yelling about the emoluments clause. So we have at the very least two times that those in power did not fully divest themselves. They did not shut down, they did not sell. Now suddenly we have you and others saying that Trump should have done it diffrent. You can't allow two others to do one thing then suddenly change the way you want the rules to read simply because you don't like the guy.
Kind of like changing the rules in the middle of a baseball game because the other team is winning.

I stated that he may have been changing value on some properties based on how they were being managed by those that were running those properties. Try actually reading.

Is it possible that some of the properties like Trump tower that he had other partners in was allowed to lose money? Absolutely. As I stated before not a bad idea to let a property lose money then purchase it from your partners at a reduced price.

Yes he could have made some bad descision where he lost money without meaning to. Hell there are many that have done that. I bought land when I was young that I planned to retire on. My plans changed and I lost money on the land. Gaming casinos in Atlantic city did not turn out to be the golden goose some thought.

And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.

No the only reason it is difficult for you to discuss this with me, is because I know what I'm talking about, and you are used to people that just talk out of their ass. What you think is a large company is actually pretty compartmentalized and his actual Trump Organization has very few employees... to the point that many people say it looks like a mom & pop company, not a billion dollar enterprise.

Allen Weisselberg No Relationships Chief Financial Officer --
Jim Petrus No Relationships Chief Operating Officer --
Cathy Hoffman Glosser No Relationships Executive Vice President of Global Licensing --
Donald J. Trump Jr. No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions --
Ivanka M. Trump No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions

NO board... NO committee.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Talking with you is like talking with a board. Damn I can only lead you by the hand I can not teach you to think, read or even pay attention. If he is such a small mom and pop operation then how is he able to make the 40 million in revenue in 2017 from only one hotel?

Give one example of a mom and pop that makes that kind of money. How many mom and pops have properties world wide?
His jets probably do that. Have no idea what his real estate, golf courses, entertainment company, hotels and other investments do. Then he has little items like his cologne.

But hey you know it all. Right no reason to even pretend that there is even anyone that knows something you don't.

I just showed you... there are FIVE PEOPLE at the head office of the organization... with NO BOARD or COMMITTEE members. There is a reason why Trump has lost so much money and can't get loans in the U.S., it's because he doesn't know how to run a company.

Even Don Jr., said they run it like a mom & Pop company... literally HIS WORDS.

Inside the Trump Organization, the Company That Has Run Trump’s Big World

This is what happens when you don't know what you are talking about, and suddenly you are trying to use Google to find links to support what you think is true.
Ok so you don't think almost 500 properties and businesses is a large company. Got it. Then of course you have the approximately 250 companies that licencsed his brand. Got it.

I think you are the only one on this planet that thinks that is not a large company. The fact that Trump tower in New York only has just over 22,000 employees means nothing.

Don jr may believe that it is run like a mom and pop when compared to companies that have executives that spend a lot of their time writing reports for others to read.

You seem to be the one running all over Google trying to prove that Trump only has a small little company. Face it you have no idea what you have been talking about since you began this little tantrum of yours but you are bound and determined to be right no matter how many times you are proven incompetent.
And you keep saying that about Carter with ZERO to back it up... and the fact he has lived a life that is below the average American.

As for your other comments, you keep making assumptions about why he lost money with ZERO to back it up. If you actually paid attention and KNEW about Trump's company, you'd know that you don't know shit. Do you think Trump has a huge company?
Talking with you is like talking with a two year old. I refuse to get out the coloring book and crayons to explain things that should be a simple thought process for most people.

As for your assumption that as you put it "do you think Trump has a large company"? You might read this and learn that he does indeed have a large company. The Companies Donald Trump Owns

Once again you dullard, Carter owened a business. He had his mother and child run it for him while he was president. Clinton had her daughter run the foundation. Trump is having his sons run his company while he is president. No one complained about the emoluments clause when they were in a position of power. So yelling and kicking your heels in a little temper tantrum about the emoluments clause now is like changing the rules in the middle of a game.

And yes he did lose money from casinos and from some that are no longer licencsing his brand.

If you still are unable to understand it I give up since you are unable to understand simple thoughts.

No the only reason it is difficult for you to discuss this with me, is because I know what I'm talking about, and you are used to people that just talk out of their ass. What you think is a large company is actually pretty compartmentalized and his actual Trump Organization has very few employees... to the point that many people say it looks like a mom & pop company, not a billion dollar enterprise.

Allen Weisselberg No Relationships Chief Financial Officer --
Jim Petrus No Relationships Chief Operating Officer --
Cathy Hoffman Glosser No Relationships Executive Vice President of Global Licensing --
Donald J. Trump Jr. No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions --
Ivanka M. Trump No Relationships Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions

NO board... NO committee.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Talking with you is like talking with a board. Damn I can only lead you by the hand I can not teach you to think, read or even pay attention. If he is such a small mom and pop operation then how is he able to make the 40 million in revenue in 2017 from only one hotel?

Give one example of a mom and pop that makes that kind of money. How many mom and pops have properties world wide?
His jets probably do that. Have no idea what his real estate, golf courses, entertainment company, hotels and other investments do. Then he has little items like his cologne.

But hey you know it all. Right no reason to even pretend that there is even anyone that knows something you don't.

I just showed you... there are FIVE PEOPLE at the head office of the organization... with NO BOARD or COMMITTEE members. There is a reason why Trump has lost so much money and can't get loans in the U.S., it's because he doesn't know how to run a company.

Even Don Jr., said they run it like a mom & Pop company... literally HIS WORDS.

Inside the Trump Organization, the Company That Has Run Trump’s Big World

This is what happens when you don't know what you are talking about, and suddenly you are trying to use Google to find links to support what you think is true.
Ok so you don't think almost 500 properties and businesses is a large company. Got it. Then of course you have the approximately 250 companies that licencsed his brand. Got it.

I think you are the only one on this planet that thinks that is not a large company. The fact that Trump tower in New York only has just over 22,000 employees means nothing.

Don jr may believe that it is run like a mom and pop when compared to companies that have executives that spend a lot of their time writing reports for others to read.

You seem to be the one running all over Google trying to prove that Trump only has a small little company. Face it you have no idea what you have been talking about since you began this little tantrum of yours but you are bound and determined to be right no matter how many times you are proven incompetent.

You just fucking argued with me about the label of the Trump Organization as a "mom & pop" run business... and I posted where DONALD TRUMP Jr. SAID IT! And you are still arguing with me about it.

You feel pretty dumb right now right? I mentioned about the Trump Organization several posts ago... because I already knew, but was giving you the chance to go realize I was right and just shut up instead of continuing to embarrass yourself. Instead you just kept arguing saying I was dumb and had no idea what I was talking about.

See I actually watch and read several news' sources, I can talk about these subjects without constantly have to Google everything. I only go Google the links when I run into people like you who don't listen or actually go do research to educate yourself.

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