CHUMP owes 1.85 billion

I am really looking forward to watching you asshole Republicans scramble to defend this piece of shit you elected president. You are on the defensive, and Trump is going to give you more to defend than you can ever imagine.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…
How much do you owe the bank that holds your mortgage?

He didn't run for president, you dickwad

So? He's claiming that owing money is some kind of crime that you should be locked up for, douche bag.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…
a debt number means nothing in and of itself.

If one has $10 billion in assets and $2 billion in what?

Now, if you have 50 bucks in assets and $2 billion in debt, that would be a problem.

Depends on WHO you owe it to, in this case. You owe it to HSBC, no big deal. You owe it to Russian and Chinese banks and you've been elected president of United States, that's a big deal.
HSBC is a chinese bank, moron. It stands for "Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corp."

They are int'l, moron. I have had an account for many years.
Trump owes money to the Bank of China. Nice try, loser.

NYT report: Trump owes money to Bank of China, Goldman Sachs
What part of "Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corp" didn't you understand?

$560M is owed to Blackstone/Bayrock. Major stockholders are very wealthy Russians, including Putin.

Do they hold a majority of the company?

Yes. Look it up, sucker.

You made the claim, it's up to you to prove it.

Look it up. I'm tired of doing the homework for lazy assholes on here who just want to drive-by post and never prove a fucking thing, including yourself.
Aside from the fact that you're a lying douche bag, what have you ever proved?
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

I've also heard that he owes the mafia a lot of money.
I am really looking forward to watching you asshole Republicans scramble to defend this piece of shit you elected president. You are on the defensive, and Trump is going to give you more to defend than you can ever imagine.

The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

I've also heard that he owes the mafia a lot of money.
I've heard you have a room temperature I.Q.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

I've also heard that he owes the mafia a lot of money.
They're his partners
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

AND you don't think this chump pos will be wheeling and dealing while president for himself??? The man is a low life crook as was his father hanging with the mob
You don't know Al Sharpton owes millions in back taxes? He is one of Obama's homies. So get outraged about that one first.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

Why weren't you guys able to beat such a low life as Trump? This should have been a cake walk.
You guys are truly incompetent. Don't quit your day job.
a debt number means nothing in and of itself.

If one has $10 billion in assets and $2 billion in what?

Now, if you have 50 bucks in assets and $2 billion in debt, that would be a problem.

Depends on WHO you owe it to, in this case. You owe it to HSBC, no big deal. You owe it to Russian and Chinese banks and you've been elected president of United States, that's a big deal.
why, almost half the U.S debt is owed to the Chinese banks.
How come its wasnt a big deal when the democrats were borrowing from the chinks to fund our social programs.

The POTUS's did not personally have debts with those banks. Are you getting it yet? Through your incredibly thick skull?
You know what? fuck you and your condescending liberal anti american piece of shit ass, along with the rest of you.
Your shoe shine president has borrowed trillions from China, he has put this country in danger by doing so, and all of you window licking slugs sit right back and find no fault in any of it. China owns this country thanks to the charcoal chump.
How about you all worry about the damage your traitorous party has done to this country and stop worrying about how much money is indirectly owed to China by Trumps business.
If you think Trump is going to be able to get away with doing something underhanded to relieve his debt, you are dumber than you appear to be on here. There will be so much oversight on everything he does that there will be no chance of anything going on.
Why cant you scumbags just come right out and admit what your problem is. The whore with the crap bag taped to her leg lost, you all really wanted her because, well,, free shit. Now you dont get your free shit, you have been jumping from one false reason to get rid of Trump to another, nothing sticks, and nothing will. He will be the president, he will get rid of the ACA, he will stop the vermin from south America, and yes, you MIGHT have to end up working for a damn change. Live with it or carry your ass to some other country of your choice.
But, it is a rather nice compliment to admit that Trump is so much smarter than any democrat out there that he will be able to negotiate his business debt away right under their watching eyes and not get caught. Either he is a genius or the democrats are full blown retards. ( Im guessing the second option)
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

Why weren't you guys able to beat such a low life as Trump? This should have been a cake walk.
You guys are truly incompetent. Don't quit your day job.

It would have been easy - if not for conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, House witch hunts, Comey witch hunts, Russian hacking and propaganda, Assange, and media with their thumbs up their asses.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

AND you don't think this chump pos will be wheeling and dealing while president for himself??? The man is a low life crook as was his father hanging with the mob
Still better than obuthole or hiliary.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

Why weren't you guys able to beat such a low life as Trump? This should have been a cake walk.
You guys are truly incompetent. Don't quit your day job.

It would have been easy - if not for conspiracy theories, lies, fake news, House witch hunts, Comey witch hunts, Russian hacking and propaganda, Assange, and media with their thumbs up their asses.
Smoking pyote or pot again aren't you squaw?
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

AND you don't think this chump pos will be wheeling and dealing while president for himself??? The man is a low life crook as was his father hanging with the mob
Still better than obuthole or hiliary.
Come on America 1st lol,,,,,trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow and he has a cabinet of billionaires who will never pass an ethics test
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

What?!?!?!?!? A mega business has liabilities? I am shocked!

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