CHUMP owes 1.85 billion

The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…


Grow a brain, Chump is trying to pay off his debt by selling the US to putin.

"I'm the king of debt. I love debt," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer

I'll ask you the same question I asked the OP, what's Trumps debt to revenue ratio?
Texas I wish I knew Seems he hides things like that Says he's worth 10 billion others say 2 or 3 Where are his tax returns? Think they might answer some questions

So what you're saying is you have no proof, but in your opinion his debt load sounds bad, so you're just going to run with it. Grow up man.

The dumbass can't even tell you why it's bad.
See the difference bri?
Hello ? President Putin?

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The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…


Grow a brain, Chump is trying to pay off his debt by selling the US to putin.

The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…


$560M is owed to Blackstone/Bayrock. Major stockholders are very wealthy Russians, including Putin.

So putin literally has chump by the short hairs. That is why he is selling the US to Putin...
How is Trump "selling" the U.S. to Putin? Is Putin moving in to the White house?
"I'm the king of debt. I love debt," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer

I'll ask you the same question I asked the OP, what's Trumps debt to revenue ratio?
Texas I wish I knew Seems he hides things like that Says he's worth 10 billion others say 2 or 3 Where are his tax returns? Think they might answer some questions

So what you're saying is you have no proof, but in your opinion his debt load sounds bad, so you're just going to run with it. Grow up man.

The dumbass can't even tell you why it's bad.
See the difference bri?
Hello ? President Putin?

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The "difference" between what, your delusions and reality?
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…


$560M is owed to Blackstone/Bayrock. Major stockholders are very wealthy Russians, including Putin.

So putin literally has chump by the short hairs. That is why he is selling the US to Putin...
How is Trump "selling" the U.S. to Putin? Is Putin moving in to the White house?
Trump being there means putin might as well be there too
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

I suppose that makes Trump too big to fail.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…


$560M is owed to Blackstone/Bayrock. Major stockholders are very wealthy Russians, including Putin.

So putin literally has chump by the short hairs. That is why he is selling the US to Putin...
How is Trump "selling" the U.S. to Putin? Is Putin moving in to the White house?
Trump being there means putin might as well be there too
You are utterly hilarious. What's worse, you actually expect us to believe you're a patriotic American.
The WSJ discovers (even without Hair Twitler's tax returns), he owes more than 1.85 BILLION....yes, with a "B" to more than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows...

Trump’s Debts Are Widely Held on Wall Street, Creating New Potential Conflicts
The debts of Donald Trump and his businesses are scattered across Wall Street banks, mutual funds and other financial institutions, broadening the tangle of…

I suppose that makes Trump too big to fail.

Try reading the rest of the thread, get back to me when you're caught up.
Wouldn't there be some useful info if Trump released his taxes as promised?
You Repubs are okay with Donnie selling the US to putin? When Russia knows our military plans before our soldiers in the field, maybe you will wake up? Putin has a man on the inside now.
Another "will it stick" thread by stupid liberals. You people are the dumbest bunch of living animals on earth. You try to weave a web to make anything stick by picking unverified, and actually illegally obtained information if it is true and then you fabricate a line of shit that is not even close to reality. You either have no idea about the real economic system we live in, or you are just LYING out your ass to try to defame someone. I suggest BOTH you are ignorant of the real facts so fabricate some, and then you lie and hope other people will believe the shit you post.

GUESS WHAT TRUMP WON YOU AND ALL OF THE LIBERALS LIKE YOU LOST! Trumps agenda will be implemented because of the reid rule change. There is NO way to stop it.
Is this the next thing?

Trump will never be nominated.
Trump can't win.
Threatening to kill the electors
Badgering Congress
Now the Russian connection is fizzling out.
Debt is next up.

After that:
Trump's Air force One is destroying the environment.
Trump's White House has a large carbon footprint that is killing snail darters.

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