Church Attendance Declining

“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
Mass murdering was virtually unknown and unthinkable prior to 1964. Today it’s a weekly occurrence.
What do you suggest we do about that? The right has no solutions to addressing that issue. Some don’t even consider it an issue.
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
Mass murdering was virtually unknown and unthinkable prior to 1964. Today it’s a weekly occurrence.
What do you suggest we do about that? The right has no solutions to addressing that issue. Some don’t even consider it an issue.
The first mass murder in America took place in CAMDEN N.J. Funny how far Camden has gone down hill since then. It was once a very desirable place to live. N.J. has ties to the nation's very first mass shooting and its most recent
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It was prophesied that there would be a great "falling away" of the mainstream churches.

What verse?
This one
It was prophesied that there would be a great "falling away" of the mainstream churches.

What verse?
This one
As complacent as Israel was before G-d exacted Judgement upon her sinful and rebellious people, America is soon to follow suit, but not just America, but the entire world. I Thessalonians 4 speaks of the Rapture of the Church. Afterwards, the events of Daniel and John will begin to take place.
The more woke churches get and the more social justice they attempt to deliver the fewer will attend.
It was prophesied that there would be a great "falling away" of the mainstream churches.
It was prophesied that there would be a great "falling away" of the mainstream churches.

What verse?
This one

Antiochus IV Epiphanes took over the Temple and calle himself God Manifest.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
It was prophesied that there would be a great "falling away" of the mainstream churches.

What verse?
This one
As complacent as Israel was before G-d exacted Judgement upon her sinful and rebellious people, America is soon to follow suit, but not just America, but the entire world. I Thessalonians 4 speaks of the Rapture of the Church. Afterwards, the events of Daniel and John will begin to take place.

You don't understand 1 Thessalonians 4 or the Rapture or the book of Daniel.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
But churches that preach and teach the Bible are heavily attended. Because people are hungry for the Truth.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Overall church attendance is declining. I don’t see anything suggesting that it’s the “woke” churches that are suffering the most.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
But churches that preach and teach the Bible are heavily attended. Because people are hungry for the Truth.

Too many are teaching the Scofield Heresy.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Overall church attendance is declining. I don’t see anything suggesting that it’s the “woke” churches that are suffering the most.
Because the Gospel is not preached. People want and need Christ in their lives.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Overall church attendance is declining. I don’t see anything suggesting that it’s the “woke” churches that are suffering the most.
Because the Gospel is not preached. People want and need Christ in their lives.
That didn’t address what I said. Read it again.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Overall church attendance is declining. I don’t see anything suggesting that it’s the “woke” churches that are suffering the most.
Because the Gospel is not preached. People want and need Christ in their lives.
That didn’t address what I said. Read it again.
Oh it very much addresses it. ONLY the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring freedom to sinful man. And these so-called "woke churches" are an affront to the Gospel.
Many people are discovering they can worship god by themselves and don't have to attend a church to do so.
They just won't go to a woke church. Churches that perform same sex weddings get fewer Christian attendees. Churches that preach critical race theory or equity will close.
Overall church attendance is declining. I don’t see anything suggesting that it’s the “woke” churches that are suffering the most.
Because the Gospel is not preached. People want and need Christ in their lives.
That didn’t address what I said. Read it again.
Oh it very much addresses it. ONLY the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring freedom to sinful man. And these so-called "woke churches" are an affront to the Gospel.
You’ve said absolutely nothing indicating that those are the churches who are losing the most attendees.

It’s not that complicated.
There are benefits to fellowship. I am speaking for older christians I know who practice Christianity without attending church. They are no less Christian than those who attend. Perhaps times are changing.
I will never call one tele evangelist who swims in $$$ a Christian. They aren't practicing what Christ taught.

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