Church denies funeral to gay man

The stiff's "marriage" was a public repudiation of Christian values. We are all sinners, but most of us don't advertise our sins, and our intention to live a life of sin - as does a gay "spouse."

It is very analogous to the Pope's recent declaration that Mafiosi in Italy are effectively excommunicated. No communion, no marriage, no funeral, without repentance.

BTW, the idiot above who claims he "knows a guy" whose stillborn kid was refused a Catholic burial because it wasn't baptized is either an idiot or a liar. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
And the Pope is not the word in Christian matters, only Catholic. I admire him but don't believe he is infallible in any way, shape, or fashion.
The stiff's "marriage" was a public repudiation of Christian values. We are all sinners, but most of us don't advertise our sins, and our intention to live a life of sin - as does a gay "spouse."

It is very analogous to the Pope's recent declaration that Mafiosi in Italy are effectively excommunicated. No communion, no marriage, no funeral, without repentance.

BTW, the idiot above who claims he "knows a guy" whose stillborn kid was refused a Catholic burial because it wasn't baptized is either an idiot or a liar. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

This idiot does not "Know a guy" who had this happen to him. This idiot's WIFE had this happen to her in 1970, when she was married to her first, and deceased ,husband. I am "this idiot", and you, sir, are not only a jerk, but ignorant, as well.
"We are all sinners, but most of us don't advertise our sins,"

I see. As long as we live in hypocrisy, and in the closet, then we are acceptable in the church.

Got cha!
And that's the point. If Jesus wouldn't say "oh you're a thief and won't stop stealing, so I'm not going to preach to you or have you a part of my congregation" or "you're a whore and won't stop fucking for money" then there's no justification for this church (or any other) to do the same if the sin is homosexuality. Either "love the sinner, hate the sin" means something, or it doesn't.

No, its really not. Unless the sermon to be given at the funeral was a rejection of the person's lifestyle (and I doubt it was) the end was ignore the sinner, and accept the sin for the church holding it, and to them that was a hypocritical position.

The unbelievers' amazing ability to separate their churches from Christ's love, above, is saddening if not surprising. Their members will have a rude awakening when Christ comes again and says to effect, "I don't care if you did things in my name, I know you not."

Any church and any clergy that get between man/woman and their Savior are going to be handled roughly when their accounting is called

Yes, you are an unbeliever, we all know this. What could possibly make you think you are fooling anyone? Much less fooling the Father?

Ecclesiastes 9 …4For whoever is joined with all the living, there is hope; surely a live dog is better than a dead lion. 5For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten. 6Indeed their love, their hate and their zeal have already perished, and they will no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun.

The man had his chance to live a righteous lifestyle and now as his reward, he gets you to argue for him. Good luck with that argument when you stand in the Presence of the Father.

Now, since you want to take little bits and pieces of Scripture, i'll play Paul Harvey and give everyone the rest of the story.

Matthew 25
1“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

7“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

9“ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

10“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

12“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

13“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

The Parable of the ten virgins. Jesus will know those that do His work, and they will have a place with Him, those who do not do His work, He will deny as ever knowing, along with those who refused to hear, or was so caught up in the world, that they could not pull themselves away from it. You [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] have shown for so long now, that you only pull bits and pieces from the Word of God, and use them as you see fit, without revealing the true meaning of what the Word says. You wish to call people hypocrites, and blaspheme the name of the Lord Jesus.

We are to follow the advise of Jesus, and do the will of God the Father

Matthew 4:…9and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me." 10Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'" 11Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

As for you Jake, you are a false prophet, you lead people to destruction, and you work for the enemy of the Lord Jesus. This right here sums you up pretty good, as the disgrace you are.

Psalm 50: …16But to the wicked God says, "What right have you to tell of My statutes And to take My covenant in your mouth? ...17"For you hate discipline, And you cast My words behind you. ...18"When you see a thief, you are pleased with him, And you associate with adulterers…19"You let your mouth loose in evil And your tongue frames deceit. 20"You sit and speak against your brother; You slander your own mother's son. 21"These things you have done and I kept silence; You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes.…

Now I am going to go and pray for you [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] for I have met many on here who need prayer, from the lost to the lonely, but none have I ever met on here, who I consider lower than you, a false prophet, leading people into death and destruction. So pray for you I shall, whether you like it or not.

Have a nice day
Ullyses, thank you for your prayers, and I have been praying for your kind all of my life.

If you let man or woman, church, theology, scripture, whatever, get between you and your Lord, you will lose so very much that an ocean will not hold the tears you are going to weep.

Lean on Jesus, my friend.
The hypocrisy is certainly there, for ignoring the wisdom of Jesus in stating that those who do it to the least of our fellow humans do it to our Lord and Savior.

The congregation would well suited by principle to affiliate with Westboro Baptist.

Again, why don't you show us Scripture on what Jesus wants. Otherwise proclaim your lord to be Lucifer and be done with it. Every true Christian on here knows you worship a false god, and his name is Lucifer.

You wish people to think you are a Christian, but have nothing to back up that claim. Now yell upstairs to your mother and get your cookies and milk before your nap time.:lol:

Ok, I will. Read Mathew 7:1-3.

I thought you didn't give a 'rats ass' about Scripture there Vandal, glad to see you read some of it, now I will tell you what it means.

Matthew 7: 1"Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. 3"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?…

These verses do not say that men should not judge one another. As much as many people wish they did. They say that if you judge someone, that same standard of measure will be used against you on the judgment day. I don't fear the judgment day, as many other Christians do not fear the judgment day, for they follow the next verse as well.

Jesus also says in
John 7:24"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

Thanks for deciding to give a 'rats ass' hope you learned something.
"Again, he was not denied a funeral, or even the preacher his mother wanted to use, they were denied the use of a larger church that opposes gay marriage. "


Like hell, it is....

Kind of reminds me of when the Catholic church told my wife that her first baby, which was born dead, could not be buried in consecrated ground because the child had not been baptized. That is when she walked out of the church, and never returned.

What is it with so many women and liberals that they simply don't understand RULES. The solipsism of your wife is amazing. The entire Catholic Church doctrine has to be bent to her whim in order for her to feel good about god and church. Why bother having any rules if each and every rule is subject to the heckler's veto?
Its not even close to the same, you just like using the WBC as a smear similar to Godwin's law smearing.

When liberals do this it always helps to remind them that Fred Phelps was a Democratic politician, ran as a Democrat for Governor, was a mover and shaker in the Al Gore campaign and was an acclaimed civil rights champion back in the 60s. This guy is a creature of the LEFT, through and through.
The modern day pharisees like Archer et al are in for a rough wake up call if they don't get their spirits straightened out and in touch with their Lord and Savior.

Again and again I refute you with Scripture, yet you show none. You just ramble on and on like a lonely old woman.

Find some Scripture to back up what you say, or tell these people the truth, that you are a false prophet, who looks to lead others to death and destruction.
Again, why don't you show us Scripture on what Jesus wants. Otherwise proclaim your lord to be Lucifer and be done with it. Every true Christian on here knows you worship a false god, and his name is Lucifer.

You wish people to think you are a Christian, but have nothing to back up that claim. Now yell upstairs to your mother and get your cookies and milk before your nap time.:lol:

Would Jesus have turned that man away just because he loved the cock? Would Jesus refuse to minister to any sinner?

Jesus probably liked cock too, he had lots of male friends, but a girlfriend? Never? That's never as in never had a girlfriend, which makes him gay.

'cept for Mary Magdalene ...
There is not a whole lot of difference between today's Christianity, and country clubs and fraternities. You must prove yourself worthy to join. When I was a kid, that automatically excluded anyone with dark skin, in my home in Atlanta. God forbid that a sinner enter the sacred halls of the anointed ones. The church in question should just go full bore and imitate the Mormons, and give out "Temple passes" to the chosen ones.


None are worthy to be in the Presence of God. We are all saved through Grace. Nothing we do here can make us worthy. Being the best person that ever lived and saving thousands of people from death could not make us worthy. Only the Blood of the Lamb, which covers our sin, lets us live in the Presence of God.

A true Christian Church would welcome anyone, who was there to try to find the Truth, the Way and the Life. If they do not, then they are not a Christian Church. But for those who come to the door, just to spread their own brand of hate and lies and mis-directions, they may not be welcomed by the Church.
The church, in this instance, is turning their self-righteous backs on the family of the deceased, because of sex acts that he performed with a man, every one of which, I have performed with my wife. They are, in fact, directly on the side of Westbro Baptist Church. Nobody that I know would prohibit those bastards from exercising their religious beliefs, no matter how disgusting and sanctimonious. The same is true of the church who denied the funeral for the deceased gay. It is important to me that these "Christians' have the right to reveal themselves as the assholes they are, because the world should know that they are beneath contempt. The whole thing reminds me of when Pat Roberts starts on one of his rants about AIDS being God's curse on gays, while totally ignoring those dying from it from blood transfusions and inheriting it as a child through no fault of his own.

May these people reap what they sow.
That's not right Vandal...

The church isn't turning their back on anyone.

They have doctrines they believe in and uphold.

Doctrines that the deceased clearly did not hold.

You can't expect them to turn around and condone the deceased lifestyle.

Yes, funerals are for the living, for the dead know nothing, but the deceased died while living in sin. The church isn't obligated to have their funeral there.

Religion is such a personal choice, why not have the funeral at a church who believes in what the deceased believed in rather than forcing a church that doesn't to?

The church, in this instance, is turning their self-righteous backs on the family of the deceased, because of sex acts that he performed with a man, every one of which, I have performed with my wife. They are, in fact, directly on the side of Westbro Baptist Church. Nobody that I know would prohibit those bastards from exercising their religious beliefs, no matter how disgusting and sanctimonious. The same is true of the church who denied the funeral for the deceased gay. It is important to me that these "Christians' have the right to reveal themselves as the assholes they are, because the world should know that they are beneath contempt. The whole thing reminds me of when Pat Roberts starts on one of his rants about AIDS being God's curse on gays, while totally ignoring those dying from it from blood transfusions and inheriting it as a child through no fault of his own.

May these people reap what they sow.
That's not right Vandal...

The church isn't turning their back on anyone.

They have doctrines they believe in and uphold.

Doctrines that the deceased clearly did not hold.

You can't expect them to turn around and condone the deceased lifestyle.

Yes, funerals are for the living, for the dead know nothing, but the deceased died while living in sin. The church isn't obligated to have their funeral there.

Religion is such a personal choice, why not have the funeral at a church who believes in what the deceased believed in rather than forcing a church that doesn't to?


I agree with Vandalshandle but you make the same point I made earlier - why would anyone what to attend a church that hates them?

Not to mention they're not "Christians" any more than Westboro is.
Kind of reminds me of when the Catholic church told my wife that her first baby, which was born dead, could not be buried in consecrated ground because the child had not been baptized. That is when she walked out of the church, and never returned.

Here is Catholic Canon:

May unbaptized babies receive a Catholic funeral? What about miscarried babies? If a child’s parents intended to have their child baptized but the child died before the sacrament could be administered, the local ordinary may allow the child to have a Catholic funeral (cf. Canon 1183.2).​

From your wife's actions I find it entirely plausible that she was a Catholic in name only and that the local Church leaders didn't believe that she met the condition of bring her child into the community of Catholics via baptism and so, as a stranger to the church, they denied her the right to bury an unbaptized child amongst all those who had had baptism and entered into a Catholic fellowship.

There are two sides to consider here - those who are buried, and their families, and your wife's position.

Catholic law allows such burials and it doesn't penalize faithful Catholic parents whose child died before they were able to baptize the child. No Church-man is going to PURPOSELY antagonize a FAITHFUL Catholic parishioner in this way, but a stranger to the Church is not owed the benefit of the doubt.
Kind of reminds me of when the Catholic church told my wife that her first baby, which was born dead, could not be buried in consecrated ground because the child had not been baptized. That is when she walked out of the church, and never returned.

Here is Catholic Canon:

May unbaptized babies receive a Catholic funeral? What about miscarried babies? If a child’s parents intended to have their child baptized but the child died before the sacrament could be administered, the local ordinary may allow the child to have a Catholic funeral (cf. Canon 1183.2).​

From your wife's actions I find it entirely plausible that she was a Catholic in name only and that the local Church leaders didn't believe that she met the condition of bring her child into the community of Catholics via baptism and so, as a stranger to the church, they denied her the right to bury an unbaptized child amongst all those who had had baptism and entered into a Catholic fellowship.

There are two sides to consider here - those who are buried, and their families, and your wife's position.

Catholic law allows such burials and it doesn't penalize faithful Catholic parents whose child died before they were able to baptize the child. No Church-man is going to PURPOSELY antagonize a FAITHFUL Catholic parishioner in this way, but a stranger to the Church is not owed the benefit of the doubt.

Catholic does not necessarily equal Christian, but that is an argument for another thread.
The modern day pharisees like Archer et al are in for a rough wake up call if they don't get their spirits straightened out and in touch with their Lord and Savior.

Again and again I refute you with Scripture, yet you show none. You just ramble on and on like a lonely old woman.

Find some Scripture to back up what you say, or tell these people the truth, that you are a false prophet, who looks to lead others to death and destruction.

Scripture only and misunderstood by such as you is the way of the pharisee, my friend.

That is not how it works. Lean on the Lord, Ullyses because scripture alone will betray you.
God is neither catholic nor baptist nor methodist nor mormon nor muslim, but He indeed is God of us all, and if you fail treat others fairly and lovingly and in a Christ-like manner, you will come to rue the day and collapse in anguish and tears on that awesome day to come. Amen.

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