Church denies funeral to gay man

Shame on the church and shame on the congregation. Who are they to judge? Shame.

And shame on you for thinking it's your right to tell a church what it can do. Dumbass.

No one is telling the church what it can do....but scummy behavior should be called out, even tho it is their right to be as scummy as they want to be.
It is a Church's job to judge what goes on in the church building, and also to judge the members of the Church.

Let me try to put this into a little brighter light for you. You believe that the church's job is to judge the congregation. Yet, you have got to be seriously naïve, if you don't realize that about 98% of the congregation is living daily, and perpetually in sin. The only difference between those that the church judges, and those that it does not, is that those that are not being judged have not yet been exposed. Rev. Johnson enjoys pornography on his personal computer. The Choir director is having an affair with his lead vocalist, who is married to a guy who cheats on his taxes. The Youth Leader has fantasies about the pre-teen boys he takes on camping trips. The preacher's wife is a perpetual gossip. The deacons are manipulating a real estate deal with the city counsel, for their own enrichment.

How nice it must be to live in your black and white world of "guilty of sin", and "those who have been saved". While sitting in the "Amen" pew, be sure to take a long look at yourself, and also of Mr. Smith, who may seem a little distracted during the sermon, because he has had his eye on Mrs. Jones oversized breasts as she sits next to the aisle.

I swear Liberals have the mental ability of teenagers. A world of unlimited tolerance also means a world devoid of standards and no judgment. Someone driving 21 mph in a school zone with a limit of 20 mph is just as much a rule breaker as the 9//11 terrorists.

Homosexuality is seen as a greater sin than being a gossip. Most adults understand this highfalutin reasoning and then there's liberals.
Where does it say that?
You cannot deny a man a funeral the day before it. That is just wrong.

Yes they can...but we are also free to point out what pond scum they are.

But it never ends with just pointing out what they are. It devolves into finding out who is a part of whatever organization has given offense to the "gay mafia" and then trying to ruin them.
The church has it's right, but good grief, why would the church agree to do a service for someone which they do not know and why would a person want a church in which they never attended, want them to preside over a funeral service?

Get a funeral home, get a good life long friend to do a eulogy and it is much more intimate and meaningful. It is obvious that neither knew of the others beliefs, very impersonal, very cold.

It appears they had a preacher who was aware of the man's marriage, however they had to book another church due to spacing limitations. It's the second church that found out at the last minute via the obituary that they guy was gay and married to another man, and the LOCATION that decided it could not in good faith allow the funeral mass to take place at their church.
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death.......

Leviticus 20:2

Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

Should we start hauling rocks to the local high school and stone the boys as they walk out?
The verse is talking about having sex with devil worshipers.

Which is also a grave sin. ... :eusa_hand:

You know, you're right. My mistake. But still, a good stoning does sound like fun.
I suspect that the reason that homosexuality is a greater sin than gossip, is because you are more likely to be a gossip, than a homosexual.

If you want to understand religious positions, as an outsider to a religion, look back on history and understand the context in which behaviors began being classified as sins. In the age before antibiotics, homosexuals were walking disease factories and being around them was not healthy. Purging homosexuals from society improved society by lessening risks to people. Classifying adultery as a sin lessened romance-based murders, strengthened families, etc. Classifying theft as a sin reduced violence in society, etc.

To refrain from sinning improved the fabric of society. These edicts/lessons are nothing but good rules for living.

Absolutely true, which is why, during the Middle Ages, people suffering from the plague were shunned by Christians.

People suffering from the plague were shunned by survivors. If they didn't shun people suffering from the plague, they got the plague themselves.
We see the heretical Christians of the far right evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals justify their hate in the name of Christ. Careful of "I knew ye not", kiddos.

For shame.

Says someone who takes bits and pieces of the Book. Please, save us your idiocy.
Their building, their rules. Religious organizations are not public property.

I agree 100% with the legal right to exclude, but have no problem pointing out that they don't love Christ in so doing.

And how would you know? Everyone on here that does love Christ, knows that you have no respect for Christ, and besmirch His name. Enjoy your judgement, hope you find your way before your time is done.
Besides, why would a fudge packer want a Christian funeral?

When the Bible clearly says that sodomites are an abomination and are to be stoned to death. ... :cool:

I hope you aren't serious

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death.......
Why exactly are you disobeying God then? Surely if you were out there stoning gays we'd have seen you in the news.
Besides, why would a fudge packer want a Christian funeral?

When the Bible clearly says that sodomites are an abomination and are to be stoned to death. ... :cool:

I hope you aren't serious

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death.......

We are not living in 1400 B.C , you will have to get your kicks some other way.
Their building, their rules. Religious organizations are not public property.

I agree 100% with the legal right to exclude, but have no problem pointing out that they don't love Christ in so doing.

And how would you know? Everyone on here that does love Christ, knows that you have no respect for Christ, and besmirch His name. Enjoy your judgement, hope you find your way before your time is done.

You and the other heretics who pollute the name of our Lord and Savior know no such thing. Your attitude is why social conservatism is waning in the world, righteously so.
The church has every right to refuse. However, to consider the Baptist Missionary churches that I have known in the south as acting in Christian charity would be error. The officials of the church are not acting as their and my Lord and Savior would wish.

For shame.
I admire the preacher for standing up for his Christian ethics and values. ... :cool:

Where in the bible does it explain how to tell if a dead body is gay? And as I understand Islam, you're not gay if you fuck a young boy in the ass, especially if it's gang rape. Is that correct? So how does Islam tell if a dead body is gay?
The church, in this instance, is turning their self-righteous backs on the family of the deceased, because of sex acts that he performed with a man, every one of which, I have performed with my wife. They are, in fact, directly on the side of Westbro Baptist Church. Nobody that I know would prohibit those bastards from exercising their religious beliefs, no matter how disgusting and sanctimonious. The same is true of the church who denied the funeral for the deceased gay. It is important to me that these "Christians' have the right to reveal themselves as the assholes they are, because the world should know that they are beneath contempt. The whole thing reminds me of when Pat Roberts starts on one of his rants about AIDS being God's curse on gays, while totally ignoring those dying from it from blood transfusions and inheriting it as a child through no fault of his own.

May these people reap what they sow.
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The church, in this instance, is turning their self-righteous backs on the family of the deceased, because of sex acts that he performed with a man, every one of which, I have performed with my wife. They are, in fact, directly on the side of Westbro Baptist Church. Nobody that I know would prohibit those bastards from exercising their religious beliefs, no matter how disgusting and sanctimonious. The same is true of the church who denied the funeral for the deceased gay. It is important to me that these "Christians' have the right to reveal themselves as the assholes they are, because the world should know that they are beneath contempt. The whole thing reminds me of when Pat Roberts starts on one of his rants about AIDS being God's curse on gays, while totally ignoring those dying from it from blood transfusions and inheriting it as a child through no fault of his own.

May these people reap what they sow.

Its not even close to the same, you just like using the WBC as a smear similar to Godwin's law smearing.

Again, he was not denied a funeral, or even the preacher his mother wanted to use, they were denied the use of a larger church that opposes gay marriage.

Hypocrisy is also a sin, one Jesus was not too fond of. If they allowed the church to be used by his family, and the sermon contained positive references to his relationship with his husband, wouldn't the church then be considered hypocrites, considering sermons there denounced gay marriage in the past?
"Again, he was not denied a funeral, or even the preacher his mother wanted to use, they were denied the use of a larger church that opposes gay marriage. "


Like hell, it is....

Kind of reminds me of when the Catholic church told my wife that her first baby, which was born dead, could not be buried in consecrated ground because the child had not been baptized. That is when she walked out of the church, and never returned.
The hypocrisy is certainly there, for ignoring the wisdom of Jesus in stating that those who do it to the least of our fellow humans do it to our Lord and Savior.

The congregation would well suited by principle to affiliate with Westboro Baptist.
TAMPA, FL (WFLA) - Julie Atwood was standing at her son's casket when the phone rang. The church where her son's funeral was scheduled to be held the next day decided to abruptly cancel the service, after the pastor learned the deceased was gay and his obituary listed a surviving "husband."

Atwood said she was told it would be "blasphemous" to hold the services at the church because her son, Julion Evans, 42, was gay.

He says the obituary named him as "husband," and that their marriage was no secret.

But when the obituary published in the local newspaper, everything changed.

T.W. Jenkins, pastor at New Hope says was not aware of that Evans had a husband or was gay until members of his congregation saw the obit and called to complain. They did not think it was right to have the funeral at their church.

Jenkins said his church preaches against gay marriage.

"Based on our preaching of the scripture, we would have been in error to allow the service in our church," Jenkins said. "I'm not trying to condemn anyone's lifestyle, but at the same time, I am a man of God, and I have to stand up for my principles."

Church denies funeral to gay man - | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports

This is simply a "now my church will look bad" story. Sue the church into extinction and be done with it.

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