Church urgers people to vote out Obama

Churches are voluntary, unions aren't.

Unions shouldn't be allowed to blackmail members into giving money to keep their job and that money given to Democraps.

Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it!

You seem a bit rabid about unions.

The left seems rabid about churches, not seeing the point.

Churches and Unions are apples and oranges. Unions are political entities just like political parties. They deal with the reality based economic and political needs of the members. Usually that membership can and does include a variety of religious constituants.

But unions are tax exempt something you oppose in a group.
Churches are voluntary, unions aren't.

Unions shouldn't be allowed to blackmail members into giving money to keep their job and that money given to Democraps.

Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it!

As are the days when religion can burn non believers at the stake.
You're an idiot and don't make sense.

Unions the majority of the time force new workers to join their union to get or keep their job.

I don't recall anyone from a church forcing people to attend church on Sunday, outside family members.

People need a job to live, people can live without attending church.

Churches are voluntary, unions aren't.

Unions shouldn't be allowed to blackmail members into giving money to keep their job and that money given to Democraps.

Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.
Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

Is this your approval for special interests?

I show approval for anyone that is based in reality and works for issues that benefit me and many issues that may not benefit me directly but just make good sense.

I've been a union rep and have seen the good unions can do for their members. I got some changes made in the U S Postal service that made the job of a letter carrier safer, more comfortable and more efficient which also benefited the PO.

Any organization can be abused. There is nothing good about a corrupt union any more than a corrupt religion. You cannot honestly white wash all unions as being corrupt any more than I should brand all people who believe in god corrupt.
My issue with unions is not in the private sector, I consider them part of the checks and balance system.

Government involvement in stopping expansion to protect unions was over the top and deserving of mock and ridicule.....
Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it!

As are the days when religion can burn non believers at the stake.

Do you actually have a coherent point?? Who cares?! Should we now all list historical relevance to prove that you don't have a decent argument other than you love Unions??
Labor laws that raised worker age limits, improved work hours/wages and improved work safety have pretty eliminated the need for unions.

There are no more child sweatshops in this country and never will be either.

There are no jobs paying people pocket change working 16 hour workdays....well outside the illegals in this country (supported by liberals) that are driving down wages and driving up unemployment.

There is no need to teachers to unite as one group to protect a handful of dumb/bad teachers. Each teacher should be on their own independent contract with the school district and evaluated for being a good or bad teacher.
Churches are voluntary, unions aren't.

Unions shouldn't be allowed to blackmail members into giving money to keep their job and that money given to Democraps.

Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it! much do you think Chicago teachers should be paid?...considering they are required to have a Professional degree...not just a Bachelors.
Labor laws that raised worker age limits, improved work hours/wages and improved work safety have pretty eliminated the need for unions.

There are no more child sweatshops in this country and never will be either.

There are no jobs paying people pocket change working 16 hour workdays....well outside the illegals in this country (supported by liberals) that are driving down wages and driving up unemployment.

There is no need to teachers to unite as one group to protect a handful of dumb/bad teachers. Each teacher should be on their own independent contract with the school district and evaluated for being a good or bad teacher. your logic, we don't need organizations like the NRA, the ACLU, or OSHA anymore.
How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it!

As are the days when religion can burn non believers at the stake.

Do you actually have a coherent point?? Who cares?! Should we now all list historical relevance to prove that you don't have a decent argument other than you love Unions??

You have no point because you do not speak for me. You have no evisense that I love all unions.
The left seems rabid about churches, not seeing the point.

Churches and Unions are apples and oranges. Unions are political entities just like political parties. They deal with the reality based economic and political needs of the members. Usually that membership can and does include a variety of religious constituants.

But unions are tax exempt something you oppose in a group.

That is something I oppose in religions that don't understand the difference or need of the seperation of church and state.
Churches and Unions are apples and oranges. Unions are political entities just like political parties. They deal with the reality based economic and political needs of the members. Usually that membership can and does include a variety of religious constituants.

But unions are tax exempt something you oppose in a group.

That is something I oppose in religions that don't understand the difference or need of the seperation of church and state.

There is no separation of Church and State contained in the US Constitution. The Bill Of Rights were written to protect the people from Government, not the other way around. It states what CONGRESS cannot do.. PERIOD.
Churches and Unions are apples and oranges. Unions are political entities just like political parties. They deal with the reality based economic and political needs of the members. Usually that membership can and does include a variety of religious constituants.

But unions are tax exempt something you oppose in a group.

That is something I oppose in religions that don't understand the difference or need of the seperation of church and state.

No what it does is shows how hypocritical you and most liberals are.
Anyone who calls themself a Christian and votes for the Anti-God left is a liar... PERIOD. The left's support of infanticide, homosexuality, the hatred of Israel and God.. If it walks like a duck..........

And anyone who votes for the right is for killing people in war, corporate corruption and so on, you can make points for either side.

So you're saying all HEROES in the Armed Forces are Conservatives? I can live with that.. Thanks! GE- SOLYNDRA- The ugly face of corporate corruption.. Yes, a leftist ideology that the Zombie liberal loves to pretend doesn't exist. You were saying?!

The same can be applied for both sides, you can justify voting either way.

I know liberals that are pro life, I know liberals that are not for gay marriage, you speak in absolutes and there is no such thing.
Oh! NOW I'm supposed to IMPLEMENT it? I need to build another cup of coffee and think about it. :lol:

I just wonder how you enforce it? Media matters is quite vocal, quite public about its position, and they keep their status, yet the thousands of churches speak to 30 to 1000 at a time and would the government need agents policing all the churches?

Just seems cumbersome.

Dunno... People that run and attend churches believe all kinds of whack shit. That is their right. I would prefer that government makes it's decisions based on fact. It seems like it is a case of raising an elephant in a room. At a certain point it is extremely hard to get it out of the room. Clearly it makes more sense not to let it in the room to begin with.

I just don't know how you would control it. Churches and politics have run hand in hand for a long time. I think the elephant has been raised a long time ago. Clergy blessing the troops is political. Jackson and Sharpton invoke religion in their politics.

Not disagreeing or agreeing, just saying.
And anyone who votes for the right is for killing people in war, corporate corruption and so on, you can make points for either side.

So you're saying all HEROES in the Armed Forces are Conservatives? I can live with that.. Thanks! GE- SOLYNDRA- The ugly face of corporate corruption.. Yes, a leftist ideology that the Zombie liberal loves to pretend doesn't exist. You were saying?!

The same can be applied for both sides, you can justify voting either way.

I know liberals that are pro life, I know liberals that are not for gay marriage, you speak in absolutes and there is no such thing.

The liberal PLATFORM supports abortion on demand at any point in a pregnancy, Homosexuality and it's a FACT that GE and Solyndra are the LEFIST posterchild for Corporate cronism and corruption. When one chooses to make an argument based upon lies, the house of cards falls flat. Don't even try to come back and say "you know people." Sounds like the infamous racial argument that you libs love to throw around about having african american friends. Too bad you can't have it both ways.
Why is that? Can you name any republicans that support the needs of unions? I'm sure that republicans would be lobbied by union leaders if they showed any interest in making law that benefited unions.

How are those Unions working now for the children of Chicago and Rhambo?? The days of corrupt Union coercion are over.. get use to it! much do you think Chicago teachers should be paid?...considering they are required to have a Professional degree...not just a Bachelors.

Are you sure? Because I haven't been able to find anything that suggests you need more than a BA to teach in Chicago.
Im so fucking tired of you fucking left wing hacks saying that they(top earners) dont pay their fair share. Do you know they(top earners) pay 58 percent of ALL Federal taxes while 49 percent pay 0. YES 0 federal taxes. NOW who is not paying their FAIR SHARE. Everyone should contribute. I dont care if it is a 1 a year they need to contribute..


You have the freedom to succeed that goes hand with the freedom to fail.... and whether you do either is of no concern to anyone else... including the government...

When this country was paying for the second world war anyone who earned mor than $300,000 per year paid 91% of the excess to the government. Back then every able bodied man under 40 years of age was drafted. That was fair...not that modern day Republicans will even make note of it. Now they use all the systems in this republic which were bought and paid for with young American blood and think all they have to do for the American dream is show up and shuffle papers. PHUCK THE 1%
El Paso Catholic church bulletin urges Obama defeat - El Paso Times

Meh, I'm not a fan, I hate when the pastor gets political. I feel like politics shouldnt be encouraged by your boss, or your priest.

If they are going to start advocating for candidates..they should lose their tax exempt status.

Simple as that.

Simple as that? The Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques are non-profit organizations that enjoy a tax exempt status. Maybe address all non-profits with the same criteria? Unions or even Federally-funded non-profits like NPR, and ACORN and their next generation derivative off shoots....tell them they lose their exempt status if they stump for candidates. Or, here's a thought.......lose your Federal funds if you stump for any particular candidate. You can advocate your cause, but not the candidate.

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