Chutkan just denied Trump's discovery request for videotapes--she actually thinks a witness's demeanor can be gleaned from a written record.

There is a lot more, REALLY A LOT MORE, American Indian blood in the people of this Country than most realize.

A great many of the Indigenous people just simply became Americanized or married into America. A lot. If you look back, a lot of us have Indian ancestors.

Blacks are doing it, too. A lot of Black people have Indian ancestors, too. The dream of many young Black Men is to have a White Wife. Not so much for looks because I've seen Black women that were incredibly beautiful. So that's not it.

The reason is -- Most Black Women are THE most Woke, THE most Leftist, THE most angry liberals on Earth.

Black MEN aren't necessarily all that leftist. Some are, many are not. Maybe even 'most' are not. They just want respect. And they won't get it from a super-woke, angry female.
Meh... black chicks are mostly just nasty.

It's the stupid white ones that are dangerous. Leftard white chicks that are too stupid to realize they're kneeling for commies, that's trouble.

We "expect" an attitude from ghetto trash, we do t expect it from educated suburbia. The little moronettes bring their two year olds to the local racial riot, how smart is that?

Then they get mad and blame Trump when their kid gets hit with a brick. :p
Funny how many of them are carrying BLM signs
It doesn't matter. You racists want to conflate, build straw castles, argue falsse equivalences and everything else, but the truth is that whaatever happened as part of thee Floyd protests was because of an act viewed by millions that happened in reality, while 1-6 happened because of nothing. A bunch of white MAGA nuts rioting, looting, beating cops and killing for nothing, no reason whatsoever. So take your little whining about BLM somewhere else. Go post your trash on Larry Elders facebook page.
I know and chauvin didn't even kill Floyd. He died of dope. At least you blmers got rich off of it. Definitely something wrong in this country. We may not survive
Chauvin murdered Floyd. The only thing wrong with America is people like you.
Meh... black chicks are mostly just nasty.

It's the stupid white ones that are dangerous. Leftard white chicks that are too stupid to realize they're kneeling for commies, that's trouble.

We "expect" an attitude from ghetto trash, we do t expect it from educated suburbia. The little moronettes bring their two year olds to the local racial riot, how smart is that?

Then they get mad and blame Trump when their kid gets hit with a brick. :p
What we expect is what we see here being posted by white trash like you.
My link....2,300 peaceful protests, white trash.
What we expect is what we see here being posted by white trash like you.

It doesn't matter. You racists want to conflate, build straw castles, argue falsse equivalences and everything else, but the truth is that whaatever happened as part of thee Floyd protests was because of an act viewed by millions that happened in reality, while 1-6 happened because of nothing. A bunch of white MAGA nuts rioting, looting, beating cops and killing for nothing, no reason whatsoever. So take your little whining about BLM somewhere else. Go post your trash on Larry Elders facebook page.
It does matter actually, it proves my point. Take off your blinders. You know we white people care a lot about you and want you to succeed, that's obvious with all the affirmative action that's gone on over the years however misplaced it might have landed. It behooves you however to think of the rule of law versus your ideological misconceptions. BLM is a violent terrorist organization, obvious to anyone with a brain. Admit it and move on
It does matter actually, it proves my point. Take off your blinders. You know we white people care a lot about you and want you to succeed, that's obvious with all the affirmative action that's gone on over the years however misplaced it might have landed. It behooves you however to think of the rule of law versus your ideological misconceptions. BLM is a violent terrorist organization, obvious to anyone with a brain. Admit it and move on
Whites have received what you call affirmative action from the begginning.. I don't wear blinders and every black organization that has ever threatened the white power structure has been deemed, communist, subversive, or terrorist. So stfu.
Actually I'm not going to blame you, you're just a victim of the whole thing. The lies of the Democrats and dishonesty of the left has affected your people for decades, the pimple is about to pop however.
The lies are coming from the right. We saw what happened. Drugs didn't cut his breath off for 9 minutes.
The lies are coming from the right. We saw what happened. Drugs didn't cut his breath off for 9 minutes.

If the lies are from the Trump side, why cover up the evidence under a WHITE SHEET???


The Bigoted Black Left is behaving like the KKK, always covering up and hiding things...
Whites have received what you call affirmative action from the begginning.. I don't wear blinders and every black organization that has ever threatened the white power structure has been deemed, communist, subversive, or terrorist. So stfu.
Curious can you name any affirmative action for whites only? BLM is a terrorist organization coddled by our Democrats in Washington. Just face it
Laugh. Because if it happens, the punishment this country is going to take will be biblical and people like you will end up rueing the day you began sucking trumps ----.
You are probably going to get violent aren't you? Along with your BLM cronies sucking money off of your poor.
The lies are coming from the right. We saw what happened. Drugs didn't cut his breath off for 9 minutes.
The knee on his back didn't cut off the breath. He didn't die of asphyxiation anyway. He had a bad heart from years of drug abuse and he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Us white boys aren't responsible for your drug addictions. Only you black boys
The knee on his back didn't cut off the breath. He didn't die of asphyxiation anyway. He had a bad heart from years of drug abuse and he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Us white boys aren't responsible for your drug addictions. Only you black boys
Ain't you late for your klan meeting?
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