Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

Yep...Petreaus could have been protected, Democraps don't punish people for sleeping around since they do it too.

Petreaus quit because he was probably told to play along over Libya because of the affair and he couldn't live a lie like that especially after a great military career built on protecting morality and the law.

He will talk and Obamination is toast.

What happens to the election results when Obamination is shown to be a criminal....

No what, dumbfuck?

Adultery as the CIA director or any high level Federal job is a fireable offense since blackmail can be used against you to keep it quiet. It is not a crime but you can lose your security clearance over adultery, financial problems, criminal actions, etc.

Obamination blackmailed Petreaus, which is a crime.

Iraq...oh yeah, Petreaus won that war for Bush.

No, it really shouldn't.

But we live in a country where cheating on your wife is an impeachable offense but lying us into a war that kills 5000 Americans isn't.

If Obama was so inclined to protect him he could easily. He does so for everyone else. He protected his Attorney General several times. Obama could easily have made a call to the media and told them not to run the story. They don't want to do anything to trash Obama in any shape or form. Right now all they're interested in is raising taxes on the rich. This is not even a story to them. He wouldn't be an embarrassment to Obama because it has nothing to do with him. That is the reason he resigned. He didn't want the story to become public. Well hell, how much more public could it get?

Everyone knew about his affairs long ago. The timing has Obama written all over it. Anybody remember that stupid video?
This compromised Petraeus' ability to do the work..on 2 fronts.

Right but my problem with it is why wait?

If this compromised his ability to do his job FOR REAL, like if there was a possibility that he'd cause real damage to the country then why wasn't he fired back in August or when they found out?

Obviously the election and then covering up the Benghazi thing was the REAL reason, not what they claim. If it wasn't for Benghazi they could have just pretended it never happened, they'd already done exactly that for months.
And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.

No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!

Being impeached and being booted out of office are not the same.

Being impeached is the same as being put on trial.

Clinton was found innocent on all but one charge.
So? Because the Senate didn't convict him, the whole thing becomes no big deal?

You really are a dumbass.
Hmmmm, Biden's own words in the video.

Now get the fuck out of here you piece of shit.

[ame=]Biden and Obama Try to Steal Bush's Iraq Victory Legacy - YouTube[/ame]

You stupid piece of shit....Joe Biden claimed the Iraq War was an Obamination victory.

You need to follow along, moron.


You think the U.S. won that war. Your username fits.

You're a liar. Show where Biden said that.
If you have ever suffered the pain of marital betrayal you would never casually ask your spouse to live the pain publicly. Not even for the president. Press alerted that the story was going to break...he preempted with resignation.

And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.

No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!

Yeah, but he wasn't removed from office. Which means that he was tried and found NOT GUILTY. Although my senator wrote me that she voted not guilty because the crime wasn't "worthy of removal".
And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.

No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!

Being impeached and being booted out of office are not the same.

Being impeached is the same as being put on trial.

Clinton was found innocent on all but one charge.

Which charge was he found guilty of in the impeachment?
Obama could easily have made a call to the media and told them not to run the story.

You're so delusional, you actually believe he has that power over ALL media. :lol:

If a POTUS could do that, why didn't Clinton just tell the media not to ask about Monica?

You're a fucken idiot. The story was coming from one source. The whole media had no clue.

However, we at Ft Campbell knew it while he was still active-duty.

So why did Obama let him become CIA Director. Everyone knows about his affair. Why all of the sudden such a rush to get rid of him?????

Well, it was an attempt to remove him as a witness.

That is a criminal act. An impeachable act.

National Security Specialist On Time With Him In Afghanistan: Petraeus Affair Was Not A Secret

I figure the GOP has nothing to lose now. Start impeachment proceedings now.
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No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!

Being impeached and being booted out of office are not the same.

Being impeached is the same as being put on trial.

Clinton was found innocent on all but one charge.

Which charge was he found guilty of in the impeachment?

Two charges......perjury and obstruction of justice in the House.

The Senate acquitted him. The GOP didn't have a two thirds majority so he was acquitted.
Obama could easily have made a call to the media and told them not to run the story.

You're so delusional, you actually believe he has that power over ALL media. :lol:

If a POTUS could do that, why didn't Clinton just tell the media not to ask about Monica?

You're a fucken idiot. The story was coming from one source. The whole media had no clue.

However, we at Ft Campbell knew it while he was still active-duty.

So why did Obama let him become CIA Director. Everyone knows about his affair. Why all of the sudden such a rush to get rid of him?????

Well, it was an attempt to remove him as a witness.

That is a criminal act. An impeachable act.

National Security Specialist On Time With Him In Afghanistan: Petraeus Affair Was Not A Secret

I figure the GOP has nothing to lose now. Start impeachment proceedings now.

I'm not seeing how his resignation removes him as a witness in any way. It wasn't like he was IN Benghazi, and frankly, the CIA is the one who fucked that up.

Fact is, the election's over, the Repukes in Congress will go through the motions for Faux News, and then the issue will be quietly dropped before they make themselves look any worse.

Romney had the good sense to drop it before he lost the election.
Iraq...oh yeah, Petreaus won that war for Bush.


You think the U.S. won that war. Your username fits.

At the current time, you could indeed say that the USA did "win" that war by any reasonable definition. They invaded the country, removed the Saddam regime, replaced it with a new one, rebuilt the military and police forces from the ground up, and then left when the place had become relatively stable. Iraq is now free of all sanctions and rebuilding its oil infrastructure. Oil production has surpassed 1990 levels prior to the invasion of Kuwait and is projected to be second only to Saudi Arabia by 2020 which will help put a dent in rising oil prices in the coming years. Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia are far more secure than they have ever been in decades.
Oh I'm so shocked. There isn't a man alive that can't be led around by his zipper.
And yet. . . it sure does come in convienient for Obama, doesn't it??
FBI probe of Petraeus triggered by e-mail threats from biographer, officials say

By Sari Horwitz and Greg Miller, Updated: Saturday, November 10, 5:05 PM

The collapse of the impressive career of CIA Director David H. Petraeus was triggered when a woman with whom he was having an affair sent threatening e-mails to another woman close to him, according to three senior law enforcement officials with know*ledge of the episode.

The recipient of the e-mails was so frightened that she went to the FBI for protection and help tracking down the sender, according to the officials. The FBI investigation traced the threats to Paula Broadwell, a former military officer and a Petraeus biographer, and uncovered explicit e-mails between Broadwell and Petraeus, the officials said.

When Petraeus’s name surfaced, FBI investigators were concerned that the CIA director’s personal e-mail account had been hacked and that national security had been threatened. The officials said further investigation, including FBI interviews with Broadwell and Petraeus, led to the discovery that the two were engaged in an affair.

The identity of the woman who received the e-mails was not disclosed, and the nature of her relationship with Petraeus is unknown. The officials said the woman did not work at the CIA and was not Petraeus’s wife, Holly. The law enforcement officials said the e-mails indicated that Broadwell perceived the other woman as a threat to her relationship with Petraeus.

The law enforcement officials did not provide an exact timeline for the investigation, but they said the inquiry started several months ago. They said investigators thought they were dealing with a routine harassment case until some communications were traced to a private e-mail account belonging to Petraeus.

The sexually explicit nature of the communications caused investigators to suspect that someone had broken into Petraeus’s e-mail account, leading to concerns about potential national security breaches, according to the officials. As the investigation proceeded and more evidence emerged, including Broadwell’s role, FBI investigators realized they had uncovered an affair between Petraeus and Broadwell, the officials said.

The e-mails from Broadwell indicated that she thought the other woman was becoming involved with Petraeus, according to the officials. They said the e-mails were “threatening and harassing” but not specific enough to warrant criminal charges.

One of the officials said that the recipient of the e-mails complained to Petraeus about them and that the FBI later obtained e-mails between Petraeus and Broadwell in which they discussed the harassment.

The investigators first interviewed Petraeus about two weeks ago, the officials said. They reviewed the evidence with him but did not suggest that he should resign or that he would be charged with a crime, according to the officials.

One of the officials said Justice Department officials were unclear on what steps to take after they concluded that there would be no charges against the CIA director or Broadwell and that there had been no breach of national security.

“This is a very personal matter, not a matter of intelligence,” the senior U.S. intelligence official said. “There are protocols for this. I would imagine things have to cross a certain threshold before they are reportable.”

FBI probe of Petraeus triggered by e-mail threats from biographer, officials say - The Washington Post

The only reason the entire situation has come to light at the moment it appears is becaused based on the above sources, a few months ago, Paula Broadwell sent another women some threatening E-mails because she feared this other women was becoming involved with Petraeus. She sent the E-mails under a different name and was careful in what she said so as not to cross a line, but it was enough to scare the "other women" in going to the police/FBI. So essentially Paula is having an affair with Patraeus and got upset that another women might be having an affair with him as well.

In hind site, the smarter course of action would have been to extricate one's self from the affair and return to her family in North Carolina, but surprisingly she decided to double down on the affair and scare the so called "other women" off.

Of course, this is all predicated on the idea that the above sources are accurate. This all seems really hard to believe.
Obama could easily have made a call to the media and told them not to run the story.

You're so delusional, you actually believe he has that power over ALL media. :lol:

If a POTUS could do that, why didn't Clinton just tell the media not to ask about Monica?

Oblamer has more power over MSM than Bubba ever had. You can tell by the way the MSM buried Fast & Furious, Benghazi, and how CBS held back the very statements of Oblamer that would have made him out a liar during the second debate.
Iraq...oh yeah, Petreaus won that war for Bush.

You think the U.S. won that war. Your username fits.

At the current time, you could indeed say that the USA did "win" that war by any reasonable definition. They invaded the country, removed the Saddam regime, replaced it with a new one, rebuilt the military and police forces from the ground up, and then left when the place had become relatively stable. Iraq is now free of all sanctions and rebuilding its oil infrastructure. Oil production has surpassed 1990 levels prior to the invasion of Kuwait and is projected to be second only to Saudi Arabia by 2020 which will help put a dent in rising oil prices in the coming years. Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia are far more secure than they have ever been in decades.

Um... yeah. Not really.

The thing about it is, the real winner of the Iraq War was Iran. We turned Iraq from a Sunni-Dominated enemy of Iran to a SHi'ite dominated friend.

When Iran's president can walk down the streets of Baghdad to cheering crowds and our president has to sneak in during the middle of the night so no one throws a shoe at him (or worse), the Iranians got more out of the deal than we did.

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