Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

It is not a crime for the CIA director as a civilian to screw some groupie on the side, but it is a crime to tell him you know about it and that he needs to say this or that regarding not let the story leak out. I'm guessing Petraeus decided he couldn't cover up his own sins to protect the dirtbag in the White House.

Of course screwing that author should cost him job and possibly his security clearance.

No, it really shouldn't.

But we live in a country where cheating on your wife is an impeachable offense but lying us into a war that kills 5000 Americans isn't.
No what, dumbfuck?

Adultery as the CIA director or any high level Federal job is a fireable offense since blackmail can be used against you to keep it quiet. It is not a crime but you can lose your security clearance over adultery, financial problems, criminal actions, etc.

Obamination blackmailed Petreaus, which is a crime.

Iraq...oh yeah, Petreaus won that war for Bush.

It is not a crime for the CIA director as a civilian to screw some groupie on the side, but it is a crime to tell him you know about it and that he needs to say this or that regarding not let the story leak out. I'm guessing Petraeus decided he couldn't cover up his own sins to protect the dirtbag in the White House.

Of course screwing that author should cost him job and possibly his security clearance.

No, it really shouldn't.

But we live in a country where cheating on your wife is an impeachable offense but lying us into a war that kills 5000 Americans isn't.
Once a man gets to a certain level of power, prestige, and celebrity,

pussy becomes a free gourmet all you can eat smorgasbord that he has to pass every day on his way to the one-item-on-the-menu cafeteria.
Anyone who believes his official reason for resigning is the real one is a probably has to do with libya in some capacity.

this stinks to high heaven....who gives a shit? plus he works for a re-elected Dem president, they don't give a crap about adultery, gay prostitution etc. they are the let it all hang out party...( well, unless its a rep.) what gives?

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair
By Andrea Mitchell and Robert Windrem, NBC News

CIA Director David Petraeus resigned Friday, citing an extramarital affair he had.

Multiple sources tell NBC News that Mike Morrell, the deputy CIA director and a longtime CIA officer, would likely be offered the job as acting director but with the understanding that he may be elevated to the job permanently at some point.

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair - U.S. News

Really? Seriously?

The CIA is different animal.

It's not just that he had an affair, the woman that he had an affair with may have had access to his private (and classified) email accounts.

There's probably alot more to this..

Officials told The Associated Press that information about the affair surfaced over the course of an FBI probe. Meanwhile, law enforcement sources told NBC News that the FBI is currently investigating Petraeus' biographer, who had extensive access to the general, for improperly trying to access his email and possibly gaining access to classified information. The sources emphasized that Petraeus was not under investigation and added that they did not believe the investigation into author Paula Broadwell would result in criminal charges.
CIA Director Petraeus Resigns, Cites Extramarital Affair | NBC New York

Along with this..I've heard he wasn't well liked in the spook community.

you're on page 18, at least in my view set up, this has been addressed, I am not re posting, go read the thread, like 2-3 pages back....

Addressed, how, exactly?

The CIA isn't a public facing organization.

And it shouldn't be.

This compromised Petraeus' ability to do the work..on 2 fronts.
It is astonishing how many weak-minded people there are on this board. The ease with which you morons manufacture shit out of thin air is breathtaking.

I had no idea there were that many of you.

If you have ever suffered the pain of marital betrayal you would never casually ask your spouse to live the pain publicly. Not even for the president. Press alerted that the story was going to break...he preempted with resignation.

And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.
Really? Seriously?

The CIA is different animal.

It's not just that he had an affair, the woman that he had an affair with may have had access to his private (and classified) email accounts.

There's probably alot more to this..

Along with this..I've heard he wasn't well liked in the spook community.

you're on page 18, at least in my view set up, this has been addressed, I am not re posting, go read the thread, like 2-3 pages back....

Addressed, how, exactly?

The CIA isn't a public facing organization.

And it shouldn't be.

This compromised Petraeus' ability to do the work..on 2 fronts.

Again, Clinton was in the same situation and had more power and it was just "between two consenting adults" so it was okay. How can that be? How can it be okay for the president but not for the head of the CIA?
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

Days before his congressional testimony? And you think that's a coincidence? Bill Clinton was diddling interns in the Oval Office. He was likewise dealing with sensitive intel. Sorry, but Patreaus was too far up the food chain to get taken out by a sex scandal, particularly not in this day and age when fidelity is next to meaningless.

What's keeping House chairmen from subpoenaing Patraeus?
breaking , no links yet.......

Benghazi casualty? :eusa_think:

if anyone has another idea for a more appropriate forum for this sound off, I am not sure were it should go...*shrugs*

no... casualty of his own open zipper...

from his resignation letter:

November 2012
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.

As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation's Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair - U.S. News

i know there will be mourning in rightwingnuthackworld because he didn't resign because of "behghazi".

did bush's CIA director resign because the US got attacked on bush's watch?

Everyone in Washington cheats on their wife. We're supposed to believe this guy just happened to have such a crisis of conscience that it caused him to resign from a job?
No, we're supposed to believe that he pre-empted the media outing him. NBC's Andrea Mitchell had been working on the story for 36 hours prior to Patraeus resigning. He obviously got word (he is the spy chief - I'm sure he has a few eyes and ears) and wanted it coming from him, not NBC BREAKING NEWS.
he did resign because of benghazi, that letter about "an affair" is just another in a long line of cover ups.

He doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would besmearch his own personal reputation to "cover up" for Obama.

I suppose it's possible but it seems a stretch. Further info is needed.

I think he wants his marriage to be over. His wife looks like his mother might, and his biographer looks attractive, and he would find much in common with her, kind of like falling for one's doctor; one whom you have told everything to and who has helped you, in some way, even if only that they cared. A 35 year marriage in which two people have lived apart for much of that time, is really, often, quite dull and over with.


More evidence of what a shallow person you are. As if anyone here needed more evidence.
No what, dumbfuck?

Adultery as the CIA director or any high level Federal job is a fireable offense since blackmail can be used against you to keep it quiet. It is not a crime but you can lose your security clearance over adultery, financial problems, criminal actions, etc.

Obamination blackmailed Petreaus, which is a crime.

Iraq...oh yeah, Petreaus won that war for Bush.

It is not a crime for the CIA director as a civilian to screw some groupie on the side, but it is a crime to tell him you know about it and that he needs to say this or that regarding not let the story leak out. I'm guessing Petraeus decided he couldn't cover up his own sins to protect the dirtbag in the White House.

Of course screwing that author should cost him job and possibly his security clearance.

No, it really shouldn't.

But we live in a country where cheating on your wife is an impeachable offense but lying us into a war that kills 5000 Americans isn't.

If Obama was so inclined to protect him he could easily. He does so for everyone else. He protected his Attorney General several times. Obama could easily have made a call to the media and told them not to run the story. They don't want to do anything to trash Obama in any shape or form. Right now all they're interested in is raising taxes on the rich. This is not even a story to them. He wouldn't be an embarrassment to Obama because it has nothing to do with him. That is the reason he resigned. He didn't want the story to become public. Well hell, how much more public could it get?

Everyone knew about his affairs long ago. The timing has Obama written all over it. Anybody remember that stupid video?
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If you have ever suffered the pain of marital betrayal you would never casually ask your spouse to live the pain publicly. Not even for the president. Press alerted that the story was going to break...he preempted with resignation.

And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.

No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!
If you have ever suffered the pain of marital betrayal you would never casually ask your spouse to live the pain publicly. Not even for the president. Press alerted that the story was going to break...he preempted with resignation.

And the story broke anyway. No I don't buy that reason. And I still don't understand why when Clinton did it, it was no big deal, but when this guy does it, it's a career ender.

IMO Clinton should have resigned, now we have a double standard.

No big deal???? :lol:

He was impeached! It was all that was on the news for almost 2 years!

Being impeached and being booted out of office are not the same.

Being impeached is the same as being put on trial.

Clinton was found innocent on all charges by the Senate.
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