Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

Too coincidental with the campaign over and the statement about Benghazi, defend this all you want...

The truth about Benghazi will be a major dilemma for this admin for years to come...
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

Days before his congressional testimony? And you think that's a coincidence? Bill Clinton was diddling interns in the Oval Office. He was likewise dealing with sensitive intel. Sorry, but Patreaus was too far up the food chain to get taken out by a sex scandal, particularly not in this day and age when fidelity is next to meaningless.
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

I'm sorry, but the POTUS is privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.....

Why is it different for the CIA director than the President who is the head of our military? The guy with all the power to send the bombs?
The FBI Has Been Investigating Petraeus' Biographer Over Access To Classified Info​

Nov. 9, 2012
By:Kim Bashin

CIA Director David Petraeus resigned over an extramarital affair, according to a letter he sent to CIA staff. The news was confirmed by Press Secretary Jay Carney in a briefing this afternoon.

Slate's Fred Kaplan quickly reported that the affair was with Paula Broadwell — Gen. Petraeus' biographer who was embedded with him in Afghanistan. Now, NBC is reporting that the FBI has been investigating Broadwell, fearing that she had access to some confidential information.

Read more:
The FBI Has Been Investigating Petraeus Biographer Paula Broadwell - Business Insider
breaking , no links yet.......

Benghazi casualty? :eusa_think:

if anyone has another idea for a more appropriate forum for this sound off, I am not sure were it should go...*shrugs*

They are saying he was doing the dirty deed and not with his wife. I however think this is going to be Obama fall guy

I wonder if he was paid off to take the fall for this. I don't understand how this will be the fault of any single person. Too many people knew what was going on with the attack and they all knew about the previous attacks and the repeated requests for more security. If any one person had dropped the ball, there were others who could have easily picked up the slack unless all were under orders not to help. That goes back to the top. I guess we should question the leader of the country. Valerie Jarrett. She is Iranian so maybe had a problem stopping the terrorists.
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

Days before his congressional testimony? And you think that's a coincidence? Bill Clinton was diddling interns in the Oval Office. He was likewise dealing with sensitive intel. Sorry, but Patreaus was too far up the food chain to get taken out by a sex scandal, particularly not in this day and age when fidelity is next to meaningless.

Fidelity is next to meaningless? Tell that to Santorum and the Tea Party.
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

I'm sorry, but the POTUS is privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.....

Why is it different for the CIA director than the President who is the head of our military? The guy with all the power to send the bombs?

Sorry Sniper Kitty, but the President has those pesky people known as Secret Service that follow him around ALL THE TIME. He wouldn't be able to make a secret meeting.

And no...................there are some things that the President doesn't know, unless others think it's something he needs to act on.
This is such bullshit. But this is Axelrod. Its Chicago. When I get rested up. I'm going to have a good time.

Fair game. Everything is off the table.

Let's see how they like it back.
I'm Sorry but when you are Director of the CIA you are privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.

That said the man gave his whole life to service of his country. I have nothing but respect for him. We all make mistakes.

I'm sorry, but the POTUS is privy to the most sensitive intel. What the man knows could get a lot of people killed. You do not put yourself in any position that someone could use to compromise you.....

Why is it different for the CIA director than the President who is the head of our military? The guy with all the power to send the bombs?

Sorry Sniper Kitty, but the President has those pesky people known as Secret Service that follow him around ALL THE TIME. He wouldn't be able to make a secret meeting.

And no...................there are some things that the President doesn't know, unless others think it's something he needs to act on.

Well the Secret Service could not stop Monica giving Bill blow jobs in the Oval Office.

He was getting his dick sucked as he was directing a war.
It's funny watching CNN. They are just "So Astonished" by this whole thing but they've yet to even bring up the Benghazi angle which is just too obvious. And of course Hillary is resigning and "too busy" to give testimony next week as well.

People died, they knew what was going on but still feel the need to do as much ass covering as possible. Next it'll be that its sensitive information and we can't know what was decided and they may not even serve them subpoenas either. We wont find out the truth because Obama knew and it might cause him to be impeached for allowing an ambassador and his men to be murdered.
Like I pointed out before.......if this was some kind of secret it wasn't hidden very well because I heard he had been screwing around while he was 101st Commander while at Ft Campbell.

This is no secret.
Ever since Obama hired him I wondered why he would actually put someone who's competent in the position. I didn't think it was because he needed a scapegoat just in case something went wrong. It was one of the reasons he asked a Republican Congressman to be his Commerce Secretary, however he wisely turned down the offer.

Everyone seemed to already know the General was a skirt chaser. I didn't like hearing the rumors but they were frequent here on post. I simply ignored them.
If you have ever suffered the pain of marital betrayal you would never casually ask your spouse to live the pain publicly. Not even for the president. Press alerted that the story was going to break...he preempted with resignation.
Ever since Obama hired him I wondered why he would actually put someone who's competent in the position. I didn't think it was because he needed a scapegoat just in case something went wrong. It was one of the reasons he asked a Republican Congressman to be his Commerce Secretary, however he wisely turned down the offer.

Everyone seemed to already know the General was a skirt chaser. I didn't like hearing the rumors but they were frequent here on post. I simply ignored them.

Why is that anyone's business?

Frankly, most of the officers I knew were getting some on the side, especially if they were deployed a long way away from home.

The real problem is we have too many Christian assholes in this country who think they need to impose their morality on the rest of us.

You clowns on the right thought Petraeus was the best thing since sliced bread when he salvaged Bush's fiasco in Iraq. But the minute he decided to go to work for Obama, he became the enemy.

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