CIA director: Not passing Ukraine aid would be a mistake 'of historic proportions'

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Do you agree with CIA director ?
I say Yes. Seems to me there should be more explicit emphasis that US&EU support for Ukraine is a national security issue, not a “foreign aid” issue.

Ukraine is just a Money Laundering Operation
It is a secure money laundering operation. Aid goes to Ukraine, gets stolen by the Ukrainian officials and pay off the Americans. That guarantees more aid.
Tip of the iceberg!!! It’s billions BILLIONS flowing to places other Ukraines pointless defense
Zelensky has screwed up so bad other countries are looking at grabbing them some Uke territory namely Poland and Romania

I suggested this from the start nearly two years ago and here .

In their ideal world Russia only wants what it has already , plus the coastal strip running to Odessa and the near ports .Perhaps also a land bridge to Moldova .

And to cement such a scenario Russia had decided to allow Poland , Romania and Hungary to take back land which they believed had been stolen from them .
This could be ideal for Moscow as it would increase the buffer against NATO, which is a prime consideration, and would help start better relations with Poland .
Naturally Moscow would increase its influence hugely in these countries and Kyiv would be an enclave notionally independent but run by a Moscow trusty .
Of course NATO would go bananas . But if Russia expanded in the south as mentioned , nothing could be done to change that .
And if Moscow came to agreements as to how the balance of the presently unoccupied country should be handled , NATO could do very little about that either , other than make threats .
In theory , Game , Set and Match
biden should accept the House immigration bill so that he can get the money for foreign aid
I think that MAGA PLAY AN UGLY political GAME , but I do agree with you , Biden should not listen his radicals ( ultra - left ) and find the WAY TO a COMPROMISE AGREEMENT with R. PARTY .

meanwhile the good guys die :

I think that MAGA PLAY AN UGLY political GAME , but I do agree with you , Biden should not listen his radicals ( ultra - left ) and find the WAY TO a COMPROMISE AGREEMENT with R. PARTY .

meanwhile the good guys die :

The (biden-Lankford senate) bill is designed to reduce the unprecedented level of illegal border crossings recorded along the southern border over the past three years.

That is the complaint with what biden is offering

He wants merely to reduce the migrant invasion to 5,000 a day which is not good enough

We want it stopped entirely
ALL? So you think that Democrats refusing to do anything to stop the flow of unvetted invaders coming across our southern border is a good thing? Since when did one party get a pass on ever needing to compromise but still demanding everything they want?
I thought trump solved the border crisis by simply building a wall and bad mouthing immigrants.
When the CIA director says there is a mistake happening followed by a tremendous risk it usually means the mentioned individuals will have a sudden leak of damaging information released on them from unnamed sources, enough to remove them or force retirement. Or maybe car wreck or suicide.

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