CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

So much outrage over 4 dead but no one cares about the thousands dead during 9/11 which bush knew was coming or the two wars and probably a third if Mitt gets his way.

You really think George W. Bush "knew" that 9/11 was coming?

There's stupid and then there is Stupid...and then there is YOUR kind of STUPID!!!

It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault and I'm getting sick of it. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared joke Obama. He actually took action against them. I don't think anyone could have done better than Bush did given those circumstances. Yes he wasn't right about nuclear weapons in Iraq, but he couldn't take any chances that he was wrong about the possibility that they did either. Hindsight is always 20/20. Quit with the Bush bashing. After the civil war, people probably thought the same about Abraham Lincoln and his treatment toward the South, but now he is considered one of the greatest presidents in American history.
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You really think George W. Bush "knew" that 9/11 was coming?

There's stupid and then there is Stupid...and then there is YOUR kind of STUPID!!!

It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared buffoon I know.

Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols
It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared buffoon I know.

Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols

Afghanistan was the base of operations of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Both of which were linked to the 9/11 attacks. Sorry if you don't like that but when we are attacked unprovoked, you bet your ass that America is coming for you. And as far as Iraq goes, Saddam Hussein was complicit with Osama Bin Laden and was aiding him. Which is why he was hiding out in a hole scared shitless.
I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared buffoon I know.

Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols

Afghanistan was the base of operations of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Both of which were linked to the 9/11 attacks. Sorry if you don't like that but when we are attacked unprovoked, you bet your ass that America is coming for you. And as far as Iraq goes, Saddam Hussein was complicit with Osama Bin Laden and was aiding him. Which is why he was hiding out in a hole scared shitless.

Saddam kept Iraq in check we haven't been able to we went into Iraq because Bush said they had WMD's when in fact they did not.
It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared buffoon I know.

Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols

False pretenses? Afghanistan?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols

Afghanistan was the base of operations of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Both of which were linked to the 9/11 attacks. Sorry if you don't like that but when we are attacked unprovoked, you bet your ass that America is coming for you. And as far as Iraq goes, Saddam Hussein was complicit with Osama Bin Laden and was aiding him. Which is why he was hiding out in a hole scared shitless.

Saddam kept Iraq in check we haven't been able to we went into Iraq because Bush said they had WMD's when in fact they did not.

Yeah Saddam kept Iraq in check all right. Murdered and tortured his own people by the thousands. His sons literally tortured people for the pure enjoyment of it. And as far as WMDs are concerned like I said, why take the chance that he does have them and do nothing? If he really did have them and used them, a whole lot more people would die than a few thousand. Millions would have died. Your very naive if you think we need absolute facts before taking military action when nukes are concerned. Iran is months away from their own nukes right now, and what is Obama doing? NOTHING
It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

I have heard people blaming bush for 4 years for shit that is not his fault. And as for him knowing about 9/11 beforehand, I would like to see documentation that supports such a wild accusation. Oh and by the way, he didn't just sit around while Americans were killed and make excuses unlike some big eared buffoon I know.

Oh really going into Afghanistan and then Iraq both under false pretenses isn't getting Americans killed for no reason? Lols

You really are one of the most ignorant people I've ever run across. We didn't go into Afghanistan "under false pretenses"...we went there because the Taliban was sheltering Osama bin Laden and Al Queda.

Before you come here and make these utterly laughable statements why don't you do yourself a favor and educate yourself on the topics you're discussing.
Afghanistan was the base of operations of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Both of which were linked to the 9/11 attacks. Sorry if you don't like that but when we are attacked unprovoked, you bet your ass that America is coming for you. And as far as Iraq goes, Saddam Hussein was complicit with Osama Bin Laden and was aiding him. Which is why he was hiding out in a hole scared shitless.

Saddam kept Iraq in check we haven't been able to we went into Iraq because Bush said they had WMD's when in fact they did not.

Yeah Saddam kept Iraq in check all right. Murdered and tortured his own people by the thousands. His sons literally tortured people for the pure enjoyment of it. And as far as WMDs are concerned like I said, why take the chance that he does have them and do nothing? If he really did have them and used them, a whole lot more people would die than a few thousand. Millions would have died. Your very naive if you think we need absolute facts before taking military action when nukes are concerned. Iran is months away from their own nukes right now, and what is Obama doing? NOTHING

Righttttttt go in just under a rumor they have it or when in reality we went in because Bush had to finish his dad's vendetta. I don't care how Saddam kept Iraq in Check he did so we always have to go sticking our noses into other countries business and can't seem to worry or car about our own people here at home.
Saddam kept Iraq in check we haven't been able to we went into Iraq because Bush said they had WMD's when in fact they did not.

Yeah Saddam kept Iraq in check all right. Murdered and tortured his own people by the thousands. His sons literally tortured people for the pure enjoyment of it. And as far as WMDs are concerned like I said, why take the chance that he does have them and do nothing? If he really did have them and used them, a whole lot more people would die than a few thousand. Millions would have died. Your very naive if you think we need absolute facts before taking military action when nukes are concerned. Iran is months away from their own nukes right now, and what is Obama doing? NOTHING

Righttttttt go in just under a rumor they have it or when in reality we went in because Bush had to finish his dad's vendetta. I don't care how Saddam kept Iraq in Check he did so we always have to go sticking our noses into other countries business and can't seem to worry or car about our own people here at home.

It was far from rumor my friend. He refused to allow UN inspectors into his country, even tho his country was a member of UN and required under law to permit them. Sounds really suspicious to me and a good basis for using military action. And it was not just the US that was worried, you forget it was a coalition of UN forces that went in. So not just US "sticking their noses" as u put it.
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating.
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating. you know for sure?
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.
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Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.

You know that the drone video was fed straight to Obama?
You should call Fox immediately and tell them this bombshell piece of informtion.
Don't forget to detail how you come by this information. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.

You know that the drone video was fed straight to Obama?
You should call Fox immediately and tell them this bombshell piece of informtion.
Don't forget to detail how you come by this information.

Oh my God...DUDE!!! You and I can go on skype and have a conversation on live video right now and we live on opposite sides of the planet. We can do this with our fucking cell phones let alone laptops. Are you seriously suggesting that a $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video to the commanders (which is exactly what Obama is) would be unable to stream to the White House? Are you completely out of your mind? If you believe that you are either the stupidest person on the planet (actually 2nd since Ed get's the honor of being the 1st) or you are desperately hoping everyone else is.

Jesus what a douchebag. Take your pick...he's incompetent or he's a lying bag of shit. My vote is all of the above.
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Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.

You know that the drone video was fed straight to Obama?
You should call Fox immediately and tell them this bombshell piece of informtion.
Don't forget to detail how you come by this information.

Oh my God...DUDE!!! You and I can go on skype and have a conversation on live video right now and we live on opposite sides of the planet. We can do this with our fucking cell phones let alone laptops. Are you seriously suggesting that a $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video to the commanders (which is exactly what Obama is) would be unable to stream to the White House? Are you completely out of your mind? If you believe that you are either the stupidest person on the planet (actually 2nd since Ed get's the honor of being the 1st) or you are desperately hoping everyone else is.

Jesus what a douchebag. Take your pick...he's incompetent or he's a lying bag of shit. My vote is all of the above.

Tell me, do you think he has a live feed to every drone operating on the planet - to every security camera on a US embassy, to every camera on a military vehicle, to every camera on a soldier, to every US security or diplomatic radio transmission..............???

Do you imagine he has a big wall covered in screens like in the third Batman movie?

Do you think that's what the Whitehouse really is, a secret lair for the Justice League...douchebag?
Which one is Obama, I'm thinking Red Tornado...douchebag?
Actually, there's no need to answer, because you clearly don't know what Obama was doing at all.
Tell me, do you think he has a live feed to every drone operating on the planet....

I had to sit there and read this over and over for about ten minutes......then I picked my jaw up off the floor. Ahem....YES.....that's the whole fucking purpose of the predator program you blithering fool. Can you skype with anyone on the planet that has a computer with a webcam? YES! Can the president of the United States access a video feed of any drone in operation? YES! That's why they were built in the first place. Are you liberals really this incredibly ignorant or are you just fucking with me?
Tell me, do you think he has a live feed to every drone operating on the planet....

I had to sit there and read this over and over for about ten minutes......then I picked my jaw up off the floor. Ahem....YES.....that's the whole fucking purpose of the predator program you blithering fool. Can you skype with anyone on the planet that has a computer with a webcam? YES! Can the president of the United States access a video feed of any drone in operation? YES! That's why they were built in the first place. Are you liberals really this incredibly ignorant or are you just fucking with me?

I'm glad you took the time to read it, I put some effort into it.

So you believe that the president is constantly scrolling through all the US communication and surveillance devices on the planet.
I'm sure both Liberals and Conservatives would see how ridiculous that is.

So, if you're neither Liberal or Conservative, you must be the other kind.
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating.
Again, notice how the worthless lying scum has to change what was said to create a Straw Man to argue with. I never said a live video stream couldn't go beyond the drone control room, I said that all claims that it did are nothing but pure speculation by known liars. One of your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood shit stains said that the State Dept said there was a live video stream, but when I challenged the lying POS to link to the State Dept making that statement the lying POS didn't, even though the lying POS has posted in this thread since then.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of dishonesty you are so proudly demonstrating.
Actually, there's no need to answer, because you clearly don't know what Obama was doing at all.

You don't know what Obama was doing either. He clearly chooses carefully which things he wants to take credit for based on what it is. He has a reputation for that. Even though it wasnt his policies that led to the killing of Osama in the first place. And if you can think back and remember the 2008 election, Obama never mentioned Osama one time!! It's not like he did any of the work, but he'll be more than happy to take the credit. Makes me sick. As far as the technology goes to monitor missions in real time, if we could monitor the moon landing in real time during the 60's, you think we haven't progressed enough in the past half century to monitor something that happens in another country? Your dumber than I thought. And trust me, if it was a pre planned mission with the express purpose of getting Osama, you think he won't be watching it as it is happening? Ridiculous

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