CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

But you can't see shit if someone is not skypeing you, can you dipshit!

Oh so the $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video that you conceded earlier was streaming it to the control room of the drone was somehow denying Obama the ability to access it? :rofl: :lmao: what an incredible tool.
Again, you have no proof of anything, only your own self serving speculation. You have no idea of the quality of the video, it could easily be nothing but video of intense smoke. You pretend the scene was lit like a hollywood movie set with perfect lighting giving exquisite detail and close ups of each terrorist because you desire to believe only the worst about a president you hate almost as much as you hate yourself.

You don't know shit about the video, but you are too dishonest to admit it! think after 17 years, with infrared, microwave, all sorts of shit...they can't get an idea of what is going on? Intense smoke....good fucking christ. You think all we can do is visual? The Hubble Space Telescope can figure out whether there is water ice on a planet 100 million light years away but we can't see through smoke and stream video to the White House. What a total fucking asshole. :lmao: Fucking police helicopters can see through smoke let alone a fucking predator drone. What a total douchebag :rofl:
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You can bet your ass as CIC that Barry was advised of what was going on. Hell. Even without a live video feed he knew.

He could have demanded aide be sent but he didn't. He also sent his minions out to every talk show to advise us that it was an attack prompted by a video. Jesus he must think we are all stupid.

Those men in Bengazi fought a seven hour battle and aide was an hour away. My God I can only imagine what was going throught the minds of those men as they fought for their lives.

Barry and his administration aren't worth the sweat off those men balls.
Again we see how professionally crafted the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are. Aid was STILL an hour away AFTER the battle was over. Professional liars never tell the WHOLE truth!!! The commandos were still an hour away in Sicily when they first arrived there, but the attack was already over by then.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.
Seems like everyone who tried to respond to the benghazi attack are being relieved of their duties.
Obama really must be a stooge if he thinks some of us aren't noticing this.
Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.
Sicily's not in Europe?! You must be on Obama's security counsel.

:lol: I wouldn't take Ed too seriously. He has two things to say:

"CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood"



Other than that it's really just ...."blah, blah, blah"

oh there is a third thing he says:

Oh so the $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video that you conceded earlier was streaming it to the control room of the drone was somehow denying Obama the ability to access it? :rofl: :lmao: what an incredible tool.
Again, you have no proof of anything, only your own self serving speculation. You have no idea of the quality of the video, it could easily be nothing but video of intense smoke. You pretend the scene was lit like a hollywood movie set with perfect lighting giving exquisite detail and close ups of each terrorist because you desire to believe only the worst about a president you hate almost as much as you hate yourself.

You don't know shit about the video, but you are too dishonest to admit it! think after 17 years, with infrared, microwave, all sorts of shit...they can't get an idea of what is going on? Intense smoke....good fucking christ. You think all we can do is visual? The Hubble Space Telescope can figure out whether there is water ice on a planet 100 million light years away but we can't see through smoke and stream video to the White House. What a total fucking asshole. :lmao: Fucking police helicopters can see through smoke let alone a fucking predator drone. What a total douchebag :rofl:
Yeah, and the pictures that come from Hubble are not live feeds. The data is filtered, which takes time, before you get those pretty pictures.

Again, you have no idea of the quality of the drone video or how much processing had to be done at the control station or how long it might have taken before they had any usable intel, if any, from the video. You just know that YOU know everything without actually knowing anything. :asshole:
Yeah, and the pictures that come from Hubble are not live feeds. The data is filtered, which takes time, before you get those pretty pictures.

Again, you have no idea of the quality of the drone video or how much processing had to be done at the control station or how long it might have taken before they had any usable intel, if any, from the video. You just know that YOU know everything without actually knowing anything. :asshole:

Uh would Homer respond to this? Oh I know:

Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.
Sicily's not in Europe?! You must be on Obama's security counsel.
Again we see how premeditated liars try to distract attention from the facts. No one said that Sicily was not in Europe, but obviously the commandos were gathered from parts of Europe and brought to Sicily.

When the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood stoop to such distractions they are subconsciously admitting what I posted was the truth and they have no rebuttal for it so distraction is their only hope of deliberate deception.
:lol: I wouldn't take Ed too seriously. He has two things to say:

"CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood"



Other than that it's really just ...."blah, blah, blah"

oh there is a third thing he says:


Again we see how premeditated liars try to distract attention from the facts. No one said that Sicily was not in Europe, but obviously the commandos were gathered from parts of Europe and brought to Sicily.

When the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood stoop to such distractions they are subconsciously admitting what I posted was the truth and they have no rebuttal for it so distraction is their only hope of deliberate deception.

See? :lmao: Hell at this point I could write his own posts for him.

here I will write his next post and save him the time. All he will have to do is copy and paste....over and over and over and over.........

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, LIARS, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...... blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, LIARS, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA."
We should make a drinking game out of this meathead. Everytime Ed says "LIARS!" it's three beer gulps. Every time he say says "CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood" it's five, every time he goes "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" we have to finish our drinks.

Hell we will be shit faced in two posts.
You can bet your ass as CIC that Barry was advised of what was going on. Hell. Even without a live video feed he knew.

He could have demanded aide be sent but he didn't. He also sent his minions out to every talk show to advise us that it was an attack prompted by a video. Jesus he must think we are all stupid.

Those men in Bengazi fought a seven hour battle and aide was an hour away. My God I can only imagine what was going throught the minds of those men as they fought for their lives.

Barry and his administration aren't worth the sweat off those men balls.
Again we see how professionally crafted the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are. Aid was STILL an hour away AFTER the battle was over. Professional liars never tell the WHOLE truth!!! The commandos were still an hour away in Sicily when they first arrived there, but the attack was already over by then.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.

Who says they had to come from Italy?? Last I heard there were carriers in the Gulf. Those Carriers could have sent men to aid the consulate. The last I knew Carriers carry Helo's as well as jets. They also carry marines.

The asshole administration has already fired the General and an Admiral.

Barry and his administration come out smelling like shit on this whole deal. We have 4 dead Americans who could have been saved. Those guys fought a 7 hour gun battle and waited for help that wasn't coming.

Hope Barry and his cohorts are proud of themselves.
I have not heard that Obama and Panetta were in a meeting one hour after the attack began. Regardless, that does not mean the drone was able to get there before 2 1/2 hours or that anything was visible but smoke.

And I have not heard that the Ambassador called anyone for help, it sounds as if the concentration was getting him to safety. In other words, help was already there.

You all sound like troofers.
He blame DA BOOOOOSH yet? I know he blamed Romney, but that didn't work. So the 'Blame BOOOOOOSH' rant has to be coming soon. What a mess.
Well it sort of beats the last white house which watched 2,700 Americans get incinerated at the WTC and several hundred more get pulverized in the pentagon.

But then's not like any of you folks gave a was New York and Washington..after all.

In fact..a couple of them put the blame on New Yorkers. Both were close advisors to Bush.

So Bush denied help on the first 9/11 attack, and Jerry Falwell was a "close adviser?"

Lie much?
Help was at most an hour away. The battle lasted for seven hours. Ambassador Stevens had been calling for help for months. Even the very DAY he died he sent an e-mail asking for help.

The Red Cross got their people out. The British got their Ambassador out. Only the US left their people to die, by now the only conclusion is that they were left to die not by accident, but by design. think after 17 years, with infrared, microwave, all sorts of shit...they can't get an idea of what is going on? Intense smoke....good fucking christ. You think all we can do is visual? The Hubble Space Telescope can figure out whether there is water ice on a planet 100 million light years away but we can't see through smoke and stream video to the White House. What a total fucking asshole. :lmao: Fucking police helicopters can see through smoke let alone a fucking predator drone. What a total douchebag :rofl:

Well. edtheliar is HOPING he can blow enough smoke that the voting public can't see through it....
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

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