CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

While the AC-130 could've been wiping out the terrorists, Chinooks or the naval equivalent could be on scene to life out the ambassador and the other personnel in harm's way.

Just another Looney Left attempt to cover up for the Incompetent-in-Chief. :(
Actually, there's no need to answer, because you clearly don't know what Obama was doing at all.

He was on the phone with Netanyahu, he thought scoring political points was more important than making sure the Ambassador was safe. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.
The only think you know for sure is to lie your America-hating ass off!!! You were also sure Obama was watching live video in the situation room of the Bin Laden operation. You were full of shit then and you are full of shit now!

You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

So I pick C) you and your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are lying sacks of shit.
Lying scum like you should be ashamed of yourself, but you lack all moral integrity.

The White House published a photo of Obama watching the bin Laden raid, are they fascists?
Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass
The drone was there 2 1/2 hours after the attack started, according to Panetta.

They had feeds from the security cams in the compound, state used them to describe the attack long before the FBI got into Libya, and the FBI is currently using recordings to question the security guards.

Background Briefing on Libya

Keep pretending there is no video if it makes you fell more secure in your delusions, just don't expect the universe to go along with you.
Then your argument has become that the information was available and Obama simply chose not to watch it. You conceed that he could have watched the video in a click of the if he did then you must concede that he is a lying prick. If he didn't then he is beyond incompetent...NO president that desrves to be in office would ever ignore the situation on the ground.
True to the form of all pathological lying scum, you have to dishonestly change what was said to fit your hate.

I have conceded nothing, I have said you have no proof that a live video was even available to Obama, you have only self serving speculation!

How do lying scum like yourself live with yourself?

Ummm look at the picture in that article you posted. Their facial expressions are worth a thousand words. Hillary looks as if she is covering her face in shock. Neither of us can prove our side but I wonder how a multi million dollar video feed can just black out before the killing. It was working just fine in the initial firefight.

The only part that was "lost" is the actual killing of bin Laden, the raid itself got through.
You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

ok....I can skype with anyone on the planet over my cell phone but Obama cant get a video feed from a $36 million drone that was designed to provide live video to him. What an asshole
But you can't see shit if someone is not skypeing you, can you dipshit!

I can turn on the webcam of my computer at home even if I am not there.
You can bet your ass as CIC that Barry was advised of what was going on. Hell. Even without a live video feed he knew.

He could have demanded aide be sent but he didn't. He also sent his minions out to every talk show to advise us that it was an attack prompted by a video. Jesus he must think we are all stupid.

Those men in Bengazi fought a seven hour battle and aide was an hour away. My God I can only imagine what was going throught the minds of those men as they fought for their lives.

Barry and his administration aren't worth the sweat off those men balls.
Again we see how professionally crafted the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are. Aid was STILL an hour away AFTER the battle was over. Professional liars never tell the WHOLE truth!!! The commandos were still an hour away in Sicily when they first arrived there, but the attack was already over by then.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.

There was already a team in Italy before the attack began, and another was moved there sometime after the attack began. It arrived before the attack was over, but never ordered to deploy.
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.

The attack lasted 7 hours, we have an airbase in Italy that is less than an hour away.

I think the general is lying.
That is a bizarre thing for him to say. It was already confirmed that there is an AC-130 at Sigonella naval air station in Sicily, 90 miles from Benghazi.

{Among the aircraft that fly from this island base are U.S. Air Force C-130, C-17 and C-5 airlifters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers and U.S. Navy P-3 Orions, C-2 Greyhounds C-130s, and C-9B Skytrain IIs and C-40A Clippers. It is one of the most frequently used stops for U.S. airlift aircraft bound from the continental United States to Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean.}

There's no mention of AC-130's in there though, C-130's aren't the same thing. Mind you, the AC-130 wiki entry says two AC-130U's were deployed to Libya in 2011...doesn't say where they are now, or where they're stationed.

The beauty of the AC-130 is that it could have cleared the area, then extracted the survivors. (These are BIG aircraft.)
Not that big, AC-130's aren't used for transporting people. It's got a 105mm gun sticking out it's side, has to store the ammo for that. Plus the other two guns it has, all the fire control systems for those guns, plus the people inside to man it all...barely any room in there for extra people.


There is a lot more room in there than you think.
That is a bizarre thing for him to say. It was already confirmed that there is an AC-130 at Sigonella naval air station in Sicily, 90 miles from Benghazi.

{Among the aircraft that fly from this island base are U.S. Air Force C-130, C-17 and C-5 airlifters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers and U.S. Navy P-3 Orions, C-2 Greyhounds C-130s, and C-9B Skytrain IIs and C-40A Clippers. It is one of the most frequently used stops for U.S. airlift aircraft bound from the continental United States to Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean.}

There's no mention of AC-130's in there though, C-130's aren't the same thing. Mind you, the AC-130 wiki entry says two AC-130U's were deployed to Libya in 2011...doesn't say where they are now, or where they're stationed.

The beauty of the AC-130 is that it could have cleared the area, then extracted the survivors. (These are BIG aircraft.)
Not that big, AC-130's aren't used for transporting people. It's got a 105mm gun sticking out it's side, has to store the ammo for that. Plus the other two guns it has, all the fire control systems for those guns, plus the people inside to man it all...barely any room in there for extra people.


There is a lot more room in there than you think.

I've only ever been inside an C-130 so I'm not completely sure. But every image I can find shows very little free space. All of it's dedicated to the aforementioned stuff...and in the grand scheme of things- and AC-130 isn't all that big.
There's no mention of AC-130's in there though, C-130's aren't the same thing. Mind you, the AC-130 wiki entry says two AC-130U's were deployed to Libya in 2011...doesn't say where they are now, or where they're stationed.

Not that big, AC-130's aren't used for transporting people. It's got a 105mm gun sticking out it's side, has to store the ammo for that. Plus the other two guns it has, all the fire control systems for those guns, plus the people inside to man it all...barely any room in there for extra people.


There is a lot more room in there than you think.

I've only ever been inside an C-130 so I'm not completely sure. But every image I can find shows very little free space. All of it's dedicated to the aforementioned stuff...and in the grand scheme of things- and AC-130 isn't all that big.

An AC-130 has a cargo bay aft of the wings that can be used for a lot more than carrying ammo for the guns. It is small compared to a C-5, but there is plenty of room to use it as an emergency transport.

There is a lot more room in there than you think.

I don't know what they look like inside, but the AC-130 IS A C-130 Aircraft. It has the cargo hold replaced by that amazing weapons system - but I can't imagine why they would remove the passenger compartment.
I've only ever been inside an C-130 so I'm not completely sure. But every image I can find shows very little free space. All of it's dedicated to the aforementioned stuff...and in the grand scheme of things- and AC-130 isn't all that big.

It's a Hercules aircraft dude, it's a big bird.


Wingspan: 132 feet, 7 inches (40.4 meters)
Length: 97 feet, 9 inches (29.8 meters)
Height: 38 feet, 6 inches (11.7 meters)

Factsheets : AC-130H/U
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

More like 34 pages of Obama supporters doing their best to make excuses for the incompetence of this Administration and ignore what have been shown to be obvious attempts to mislead the American people as to what happened in Libya.

Except that neither you or any of your friends over at Fox Noise have proven anything other than your desire to sink this president at any cost.

Thanks for playing, asshole. Get back to me when you have some actual proof.
We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.

The attack lasted 7 hours, we have an airbase in Italy that is less than an hour away.

I think the general is lying.

We have some serious issues with our military capabilities if we CAN'T provide air cover to counter an attack that lasts as long as Benghazi did. Quite frankly, I find it incomprehensible that we couldn't support those people fighting for their lives at the Annex from a logistics point of view. Far too much time was involved to use that excuse.
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.

Yeah...that general also said the entire attack was over in an hour which even Ed knows is a lie. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in that guy's take on the matter.
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

More like 34 pages of Obama supporters doing their best to make excuses for the incompetence of this Administration and ignore what have been shown to be obvious attempts to mislead the American people as to what happened in Libya.

Except that neither you or any of your friends over at Fox Noise have proven anything other than your desire to sink this president at any cost.

Thanks for playing, asshole. Get back to me when you have some actual proof.
How about you provide some proof of Obama's claims?

NOTE: Obama saying things may be enough for you Obamabots, but normal people need more.

You still think it was about the video, don't you?
We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.

Yeah...that general also said the entire attack was over in an hour which even Ed knows is a lie. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in that guy's take on the matter.

Yet you'll put all of your stock in an "unnamed source". Don't look now but your partisanship is showing.
More like 34 pages of Obama supporters doing their best to make excuses for the incompetence of this Administration and ignore what have been shown to be obvious attempts to mislead the American people as to what happened in Libya.

Except that neither you or any of your friends over at Fox Noise have proven anything other than your desire to sink this president at any cost.

Thanks for playing, asshole. Get back to me when you have some actual proof.
How about you provide some proof of Obama's claims?

NOTE: Obama saying things may be enough for you Obamabots, but normal people need more.

You still think it was about the video, don't you?

How about you provide some proof other than Fox's unnamed source?
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

More like 34 pages of Obama supporters doing their best to make excuses for the incompetence of this Administration and ignore what have been shown to be obvious attempts to mislead the American people as to what happened in Libya.

Except that neither you or any of your friends over at Fox Noise have proven anything other than your desire to sink this president at any cost.

Thanks for playing, asshole. Get back to me when you have some actual proof.

Proof? Well we know without question that our Ambassador is dead because the consulate in Benghazi was woefully unprepared to defend itself. Does that need to be "proven" to you?

We also know that President Obama has stated that he immediately gave the order to protect our people on the ground yet that protection was never delivered and some very brave Americans died as a result.

It's quite obvious that we were woefully unprepared to defend American interests in a region where one would think that would be a priority. Or do you need me to "prove" to you that we have a rather large amount of military "assets" in the Middle East? So where WERE those assets and why were they not sent to Benghazi immediately?

We know that the CIA operators were painting enemy mortars with lasers and asking for air strikes...air strikes that never came. Those very same mortars then killed the two ex-Seals. Why was there no c-130 gunships overhead? Why were there no fighter jets with smart weapons flying overhead to respond to those laser paintings by the CIA operators? Why was Delta Force stopped from deploying in a situation for which they are trained to respond? Do you need me to "prove" that we had those things yet didn't use them?

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