CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Yes we could have protected our people. That consulate was considered American Soil.

The consulate, American Soil, was being attacked and I for one have no problem blowing away the attackers. If civilians are in the way. Tough shit.
Help was at most an hour away. The battle lasted for seven hours. Ambassador Stevens had been calling for help for months. Even the very DAY he died he sent an e-mail asking for help.

The Red Cross got their people out. The British got their Ambassador out. Only the US left their people to die, by now the only conclusion is that they were left to die not by accident, but by design.

got any proof?
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Yes we could have protected our people. That consulate was considered American Soil.

The consulate, American Soil, was being attacked and I for one have no problem blowing away the attackers. If civilians are in the way. Tough shit.

even if it was/is your child in the way?
Yes we could have protected our people. That consulate was considered American Soil.

The consulate, American Soil, was being attacked and I for one have no problem blowing away the attackers. If civilians are in the way. Tough shit.

But Obama want's to distance himself from the Bush way of shows of strength, if a few Americans have to die to show that we are subservient to the will of the Muslim majority in the region, then so be it. The apology tour was more than just an embarrassment, it was a statement of policy, it was Obama telling the Muslim world that we are a cowed and subservient people.
Come on people! Even Harold's machine detected it. John could have been there by the time it was over! The ambassador was a person of interest. This is how insane this conversation is for people to bury their head in solid rock and excuse boy wonder from his lies. He backed himself in a corner claiming he knew then didn't know. And I saw a headline this morning saying that his biggest concern in conjunction with the election is the hurricane coming. Come on!
We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Yes we could have protected our people. That consulate was considered American Soil.

The consulate, American Soil, was being attacked and I for one have no problem blowing away the attackers. If civilians are in the way. Tough shit.

even if it was/is your child in the way?

If parents permit their children to be in the vicinity of a firefight, too bad. Really. Terrorists know that if they attack from civilian areas, they can shoot and we can't shoot back. That's one rule that needs to be changed. That's not fighting, it's sacrifice.
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Yes we could have protected our people. That consulate was considered American Soil.

The consulate, American Soil, was being attacked and I for one have no problem blowing away the attackers. If civilians are in the way. Tough shit.

Haven't we already been over how Consulates aren't considered sovereign soil?
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

You know, Jose Fuck, a lot more than Fox is reporting on the Obama failure.

Even Useless Rag Today has been forced to address it.

Obama rebuffs Benghazi questions
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.
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Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

You know, Jose Fuck, a lot more than Fox is reporting on the Obama failure.

Even Useless Rag Today has been forced to address it.

Obama rebuffs Benghazi questions

Sorry, Spermbank2008, nothing in there proving your wet dream that Obama is personally responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans. Try again.
Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

That is a bizarre thing for him to say. It was already confirmed that there is an AC-130 at Sigonella naval air station in Sicily, 90 miles from Benghazi.

{Among the aircraft that fly from this island base are U.S. Air Force C-130, C-17 and C-5 airlifters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers and U.S. Navy P-3 Orions, C-2 Greyhounds C-130s, and C-9B Skytrain IIs and C-40A Clippers. It is one of the most frequently used stops for U.S. airlift aircraft bound from the continental United States to Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean.}

Naval Air Station Sigonella - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.

The beauty of the AC-130 is that it could have cleared the area, then extracted the survivors. (These are BIG aircraft.)
That is a bizarre thing for him to say. It was already confirmed that there is an AC-130 at Sigonella naval air station in Sicily, 90 miles from Benghazi.

{Among the aircraft that fly from this island base are U.S. Air Force C-130, C-17 and C-5 airlifters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers and U.S. Navy P-3 Orions, C-2 Greyhounds C-130s, and C-9B Skytrain IIs and C-40A Clippers. It is one of the most frequently used stops for U.S. airlift aircraft bound from the continental United States to Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean.}

There's no mention of AC-130's in there though, C-130's aren't the same thing. Mind you, the AC-130 wiki entry says two AC-130U's were deployed to Libya in 2011...doesn't say where they are now, or where they're stationed.

The beauty of the AC-130 is that it could have cleared the area, then extracted the survivors. (These are BIG aircraft.)

Not that big, AC-130's aren't used for transporting people. It's got a 105mm gun sticking out it's side, has to store the ammo for that. Plus the other two guns it has, all the fire control systems for those guns, plus the people inside to man it all...barely any room in there for extra people.
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

More like 34 pages of Obama supporters doing their best to make excuses for the incompetence of this Administration and ignore what have been shown to be obvious attempts to mislead the American people as to what happened in Libya.
Wow, 34 pages of fright-wingers suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome claiming to know for sure what went on during the attack because, you know, some unnamed sources of Fox (not at all biased) told them so.

You know, Jose Fuck, a lot more than Fox is reporting on the Obama failure.

Even Useless Rag Today has been forced to address it.

Obama rebuffs Benghazi questions

Sorry, Spermbank2008, nothing in there proving your wet dream that Obama is personally responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans. Try again.

What "is" Barry personally responsible for, Jose? He was so quick to claim the lion's share of credit for the death of Osama bin Laden yet equally quick to blame this fiasco on others. It seems that the buck only stops at Barack Obama's desk when things go well...when they don't then it is always someone else's fault.

Is that what you call leadership?
Our F22 can go mach 2.8. We could have been there in no time had the order been given.

We had a C-130 gunship less than a hundred miles away, we could have easily protected our people. BUT Obama is too bought into apologizing and appeasing Al Qaeda to allow a show of American strength.

Last night, on Fox, Geraldo was interviewing a general who said there was no C-130 within strike distance or any other force that could have responded in time to help. Geraldo is pretty left wing and an Obama supporter and thanked the general for his 'honesty'. But to my ears, it just didn't ring true at the time.

In another interview, on a program an hour later, a top Congressional rep on the intelligence committee was asked point blank if that drone parked over the consulate was armed. He said he was not privileged to answer that.

The longer this goes on, and the more the Administration is digging in and refusing to assist in the investigation, all the while putting out the official line that they are going to do a full investigation, the more it doesn't meet the smell test and the more it is looking like a huge cover up.
That's priceless! What a general says does not "ring true" to the person who lied about two drones being over the scene from the first shot!!!!
Absolutely priceless!
Again, you have no proof of anything, only your own self serving speculation. You have no idea of the quality of the video, it could easily be nothing but video of intense smoke. You pretend the scene was lit like a hollywood movie set with perfect lighting giving exquisite detail and close ups of each terrorist because you desire to believe only the worst about a president you hate almost as much as you hate yourself.

You don't know shit about the video, but you are too dishonest to admit it! think after 17 years, with infrared, microwave, all sorts of shit...they can't get an idea of what is going on? Intense smoke....good fucking christ. You think all we can do is visual? The Hubble Space Telescope can figure out whether there is water ice on a planet 100 million light years away but we can't see through smoke and stream video to the White House. What a total fucking asshole. :lmao: Fucking police helicopters can see through smoke let alone a fucking predator drone. What a total douchebag :rofl:
Yeah, and the pictures that come from Hubble are not live feeds. The data is filtered, which takes time, before you get those pretty pictures.

Again, you have no idea of the quality of the drone video or how much processing had to be done at the control station or how long it might have taken before they had any usable intel, if any, from the video. You just know that YOU know everything without actually knowing anything. :asshole:
Hey, dumbass:

What good is data from a drone that has to be processed first?

Hint: None.

Drones provide real-time data and video in the visible spectrum and in IR. There is no rational way to deny this.

But of course, you'll keep denying it. Because you're a fucking Obama bootlicker. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.

You know that the drone video was fed straight to Obama?
You should call Fox immediately and tell them this bombshell piece of informtion.
Don't forget to detail how you come by this information.

It was fed to the White House Situation Room. Obama thought talking on the phone and pandering to the press was more important, so he left his underlings to watch it, he decided to wait for the DVD.
You know that the drone video was fed straight to Obama?
You should call Fox immediately and tell them this bombshell piece of informtion.
Don't forget to detail how you come by this information.

Oh my God...DUDE!!! You and I can go on skype and have a conversation on live video right now and we live on opposite sides of the planet. We can do this with our fucking cell phones let alone laptops. Are you seriously suggesting that a $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video to the commanders (which is exactly what Obama is) would be unable to stream to the White House? Are you completely out of your mind? If you believe that you are either the stupidest person on the planet (actually 2nd since Ed get's the honor of being the 1st) or you are desperately hoping everyone else is.

Jesus what a douchebag. Take your pick...he's incompetent or he's a lying bag of shit. My vote is all of the above.

Tell me, do you think he has a live feed to every drone operating on the planet - to every security camera on a US embassy, to every camera on a military vehicle, to every camera on a soldier, to every US security or diplomatic radio transmission..............???

Do you imagine he has a big wall covered in screens like in the third Batman movie?

Do you think that's what the Whitehouse really is, a secret lair for the Justice League...douchebag?
Which one is Obama, I'm thinking Red Tornado...douchebag?

He has access to every live feed the military, CIA, and State Department has. Are you saying they hid it from him?
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