CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Actually, there's no need to answer, because you clearly don't know what Obama was doing at all.

You don't know what Obama was doing either. He clearly chooses carefully which things he wants to take credit for based on what it is. He has a reputation for that. Even though it wasnt his policies that led to the killing of Osama in the first place. And if you can think back and remember the 2008 election, Obama never mentioned Osama one time!! It's not like he did any of the work, but he'll be more than happy to take the credit. Makes me sick. As far as the technology goes to monitor missions in real time, if we could monitor the moon landing in real time during the 60's, you think we haven't progressed enough in the past half century to monitor something that happens in another country? Your dumber than I thought. And trust me, if it was a pre planned mission with the express purpose of getting Osama, you think he won't be watching it as it is happening? Ridiculous

You're right, I have no idea what Obama was doing.
Do you think he's monitoring all the drones and surveillance cameras right now?
What about listening in on all the diplomatic and military radio communications?
Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.
The only think you know for sure is to lie your America-hating ass off!!! You were also sure Obama was watching live video in the situation room of the Bin Laden operation. You were full of shit then and you are full of shit now!

You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

So I pick C) you and your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are lying sacks of shit.
Lying scum like you should be ashamed of yourself, but you lack all moral integrity. you know for sure?

Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.
The only think you know for sure is to lie your America-hating ass off!!! You were also sure Obama was watching live video in the situation room of the Bin Laden operation. You were full of shit then and you are full of shit now!

You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

So I pick C) you and your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are lying sacks of shit.
Lying scum like you should be ashamed of yourself, but you lack all moral integrity.

I am very informed on this issue. I actually have a link to an article that proves just that but I don't have enough posts to paste the link. If I did, you would look like a complete idiot because you have no idea what your talking about. And it's not a link to a foxnews article either.
Yes I know for sure. That's the whole point of the drone. That's exactly what it was designed to do and it's been doing it for 17 years. Now you have two choices:

a) Obama was sitting there watching the video.

b) Obama simply chose not to watch the video.

If a; then Obama had plenty of information and simply chose not to act. Leon Panetta saying "we didn't have enough information" is complete bullshit which is why he completely dodged the question when he was asked if he was watching it during the attack. Of course he was fucking watching it. Good Christ.

If b; then this President is completely fucking incompetent. No president should be allowed to stay in office if he has access to such information during an attack on a US consulate and American citizens and choose not to watch and evaluate the situation.

So take your pick....he's either incompetent, or he's a lying sack of shit.
The only think you know for sure is to lie your America-hating ass off!!! You were also sure Obama was watching live video in the situation room of the Bin Laden operation. You were full of shit then and you are full of shit now!

You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

So I pick C) you and your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are lying sacks of shit.
Lying scum like you should be ashamed of yourself, but you lack all moral integrity.

I am very informed on this issue. I actually have a link to an article that proves just that but I don't have enough posts to paste the link. If I did, you would look like a complete idiot because you have no idea what your talking about. And it's not a link to a foxnews article either.
It has to be from the State Dept, not FOX, IBD, Heritage, Bigotbart, The Blaze, your MessiahRushie, etc., etc., etc.

You can post the link without the "http://www."

The only thing I've found is a live AUDIO was monitored by one person, diplomatic security official Charlene Lamb.
The only think you know for sure is to lie your America-hating ass off!!! You were also sure Obama was watching live video in the situation room of the Bin Laden operation. You were full of shit then and you are full of shit now!

You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

So I pick C) you and your fellow CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are lying sacks of shit.
Lying scum like you should be ashamed of yourself, but you lack all moral integrity.

I am very informed on this issue. I actually have a link to an article that proves just that but I don't have enough posts to paste the link. If I did, you would look like a complete idiot because you have no idea what your talking about. And it's not a link to a foxnews article either.
It has to be from the State Dept, not FOX, IBD, Heritage, Bigotbart, The Blaze, your MessiahRushie, etc., etc., etc.

The only thing I've found is a live AUDIO was monitored by one person, diplomatic security official Charlene Lamb.

It still will not let me post it. Just do a google search "live feed osama killing" and open the first page. Published by a british news agency "the telegraph" this article mentions that Obama did watch a live "video" feed in the situation room at the White House that lacked "audio". The source of this info is John Brennan, US counter terrorism chief who actually watched the feed himself.
Tell me, do you think he has a live feed to every drone operating on the planet....

I had to sit there and read this over and over for about ten minutes......then I picked my jaw up off the floor. Ahem....YES.....that's the whole fucking purpose of the predator program you blithering fool. Can you skype with anyone on the planet that has a computer with a webcam? YES! Can the president of the United States access a video feed of any drone in operation? YES! That's why they were built in the first place. Are you liberals really this incredibly ignorant or are you just fucking with me?

I'm glad you took the time to read it, I put some effort into it.

So you believe that the president is constantly scrolling through all the US communication and surveillance devices on the planet.
I'm sure both Liberals and Conservatives would see how ridiculous that is.

So, if you're neither Liberal or Conservative, you must be the other kind.

Dont be an asshole. No he didn't walk into a room with thousands of video screens on the wall with one for every drone. But just like you and I can tune into one video feed or the other on our computers Obama can do the same with our drones. Shit you can go on any porn site and tune into any one of thousands of people streaming videos with a click of the mouse and you are suggesting that Obama couldn't get the feed off a drone? Unfuckingbelievable. Now I know you are not that are just trying to play games.
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating.
Again, notice how the worthless lying scum has to change what was said to create a Straw Man to argue with. I never said a live video stream couldn't go beyond the drone control room, I said that all claims that it did are nothing but pure speculation by known liars.

Then your argument has become that the information was available and Obama simply chose not to watch it. You conceed that he could have watched the video in a click of the if he did then you must concede that he is a lying prick. If he didn't then he is beyond incompetent...NO president that desrves to be in office would ever ignore the situation on the ground.
You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

ok....I can skype with anyone on the planet over my cell phone but Obama cant get a video feed from a $36 million drone that was designed to provide live video to him. What an asshole you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?

Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass
The drone was there 2 1/2 hours after the attack started, according to Panetta.
I am very informed on this issue. I actually have a link to an article that proves just that but I don't have enough posts to paste the link. If I did, you would look like a complete idiot because you have no idea what your talking about. And it's not a link to a foxnews article either.
It has to be from the State Dept, not FOX, IBD, Heritage, Bigotbart, The Blaze, your MessiahRushie, etc., etc., etc.

The only thing I've found is a live AUDIO was monitored by one person, diplomatic security official Charlene Lamb.

It still will not let me post it. Just do a google search "live feed osama killing" and open the first page. Published by a british news agency "the telegraph" this article mentions that Obama did watch a live "video" feed in the situation room at the White House that lacked "audio". The source of this info is John Brennan, US counter terrorism chief who actually watched the feed himself.
Osama bin Laden dead: Blackout during raid on bin Laden compound - Telegraph

Osama bin Laden dead: Blackout during raid on bin Laden compound

The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events.

Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, revealed there was a 25 minute blackout during which the live feed from cameras mounted on the helmets of the US special forces was cut off.
A photograph released by the White House appeared to show President Barack Obama and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded. In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.
In an interview with PBS, Mr Panetta said: "Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn't know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.
"We had some observation of the approach there, but we did not have direct flow of information as to the actual conduct of the operation itself as they were going through the compound."
Uh huh.....I can log onto the security cameras where I work from right here at my desk and receive streaming video of what is going on there but a $38 million reconnaissance drone that has been providing live streaming video over combat zones for the last 17 years can't go beyond the drone's control room. What a fucking idiot.

I don't think there is a word that accurately describes the degree of stupidity you are so proudly demonstrating.
Again, notice how the worthless lying scum has to change what was said to create a Straw Man to argue with. I never said a live video stream couldn't go beyond the drone control room, I said that all claims that it did are nothing but pure speculation by known liars.

Then your argument has become that the information was available and Obama simply chose not to watch it. You conceed that he could have watched the video in a click of the if he did then you must concede that he is a lying prick. If he didn't then he is beyond incompetent...NO president that desrves to be in office would ever ignore the situation on the ground.
True to the form of all pathological lying scum, you have to dishonestly change what was said to fit your hate.

I have conceded nothing, I have said you have no proof that a live video was even available to Obama, you have only self serving speculation!

How do lying scum like yourself live with yourself?
Again, notice how the worthless lying scum has to change what was said to create a Straw Man to argue with. I never said a live video stream couldn't go beyond the drone control room, I said that all claims that it did are nothing but pure speculation by known liars.

Then your argument has become that the information was available and Obama simply chose not to watch it. You conceed that he could have watched the video in a click of the if he did then you must concede that he is a lying prick. If he didn't then he is beyond incompetent...NO president that desrves to be in office would ever ignore the situation on the ground.
True to the form of all pathological lying scum, you have to dishonestly change what was said to fit your hate.

I have conceded nothing, I have said you have no proof that a live video was even available to Obama, you have only self serving speculation!

How do lying scum like yourself live with yourself?

Ummm look at the picture in that article you posted. Their facial expressions are worth a thousand words. Hillary looks as if she is covering her face in shock. Neither of us can prove our side but I wonder how a multi million dollar video feed can just black out before the killing. It was working just fine in the initial firefight.
You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

ok....I can skype with anyone on the planet over my cell phone but Obama cant get a video feed from a $36 million drone that was designed to provide live video to him. What an asshole
But you can't see shit if someone is not skypeing you, can you dipshit!
Then your argument has become that the information was available and Obama simply chose not to watch it. You conceed that he could have watched the video in a click of the if he did then you must concede that he is a lying prick. If he didn't then he is beyond incompetent...NO president that desrves to be in office would ever ignore the situation on the ground.
True to the form of all pathological lying scum, you have to dishonestly change what was said to fit your hate.

I have conceded nothing, I have said you have no proof that a live video was even available to Obama, you have only self serving speculation!

How do lying scum like yourself live with yourself?

Ummm look at the picture in that article you posted. Their facial expressions are worth a thousand words. Hillary looks as if she is covering her face in shock. Neither of us can prove our side but I wonder how a multi million dollar video feed can just black out before the killing. It was working just fine in the initial firefight.
And here you see the inherent dishonesty of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. I supply the facts from the very source the poster considered credible when he thought the source supported him, but even after faced with the truth he refuses to believe it.

How do you communicate with a mind so totally closed to the truth????
Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass
The drone was there 2 1/2 hours after the attack started, according to Panetta.

"according to Panetta" is very significant. Look at the timeline, Ravi. Obama was in a meeting with Biden and Panetta at 5:00 PM Washington time. That would be one hour after the attack started. Let's put this in perspctive...just follow me for a second here....

1) Do you really think Ambassador Stevens tried to fight off this attack for two hours against 150-200 terrorists with AK-47s and RPGs before he made his first call for help? Would you wait that long? Don't you think a US Ambassador in a nation like Libya would have direct line to the White House, Department of Defense, State Department, etc on speed dial?

2) If Obama was in a meeting with Panetta and Biden one hour after the attack began you hav to assume they were talking about this situation. I mean....unless you want to suggest that they just happened to be there. Come on. They were called in. Now trace it back...give 15 minutes for everyone to get there, give another 10 minutes for the information that we were under attack to get to everyone and coordinate....that means Obama knew what was going on within 35 minutes of the attack commencing.

3) If I am president I say the following: get me some information on what the hell is going on and get it NOW, get our special forces on alert and get them into position if it becomes necessary to strike, I want planes in the air awaiting my orders and get the C150s heading that direction, I want to know what assets we have, their strength, their proximity and the time it will take to mobilize them. Everything I have posted above means that only one hour has passed since the attack started.....yet the first drone was not diverted to gain intel for another 90 minutes?!?!?!? What the hell were they doing? Our military technology is the most advanced in the world and it took us 90 minutes to realize we had a recon drone in the area in the sky? Bullshit.

4) So they divert the drone to gather intel. Let's say it takes an hour to get there as it's already in the sky. It should be arriving after 2 hours of fighting if it was deployed expediently, but it's actually arriving after 3 1/2 because of the unexplained delay. Now despite what Ed and the other jack ass say, the drone is designed to provide live streaming video...we have had it in combat situations doing that job for 17 years. It's absolutely inconceivable to suggest that Obama didn't have access to the video feed. I mean come on Ravi...I have enough respect for you that I know you realize that. Now we have experience with this technology...we have been using it in Iraq and Afghanistan....30 minutes max to appraise the situation. Yet they didn't deploy the second drone for another four hours?!?!?!?!? They should have an idea of what was going on after 2 1/2 hours, yet after 6 1/2 hours all they have done is deploy a second drone?

Now think about this for a second. Fighters could have been there strafing and delivering ordinance in under an hour with deadly precision from Italy. The C150s only a few minutes later...according to the timeline they could have been delivering air support in less than three hours, yet 6 1/2 hours later all they had was another drone in the air? Good God!!!! The "we don't want to violate their airspace" argument is a joke. Benghazi is a coastal city...our forces could have circled over the sea in international waters while waiting for the order to engage and struck inside of two minutes on top of which we don't care about their airspace since we already had a drone there to begin with. The "we didn't know the situation" argument is a have a $38 million aircraft that was designed for the specific purpose of providing that intel flying overhead. ya though I do........BULLSHIT! I mean come on!!!!

The timeline on intel gathering was 2 1/2 hours, air support in three, special forces on the gound mounting a rescue operation in 3 1/2....but by three and a half real time all they had done was get the first drone there....and this all comes back to Obama because he is the only one as Commander in Chief who can give these orders. He failed and Americans are dead as a result....and he followed it all up by lying over and over to the American people about a fucking video on youtube.

Was it "evil"...I mean foul intent by Obama with some evil deed and scheme in mind? No I don't think that at all. But was it incompetent? Oh hell yes. Did he fumble the ball? Fuck yes he did. Is he involved in a cover up to hide that incompetence? I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion. Is the President of the United States of America responsible for this're God damned right he is and he should be held accountable.
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You are too dishonest to even admit there is a choice C) there was no live video to watch. Because that most likely choice does not support your blind hate!

ok....I can skype with anyone on the planet over my cell phone but Obama cant get a video feed from a $36 million drone that was designed to provide live video to him. What an asshole
But you can't see shit if someone is not skypeing you, can you dipshit!

Oh so the $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video that you conceded earlier was streaming it to the control room of the drone was somehow denying Obama the ability to access it? :rofl: :lmao: what an incredible tool.
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I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass
The drone was there 2 1/2 hours after the attack started, according to Panetta.

"according to Panetta" is very significant. Look at the timeline, Ravi. Obama was in a meeting with Biden and Panetta at 5:00 PM Washington time. That would be one hour after the attack started. Let's put this in perspctive...just follow me for a second here....

1) Do you really think Ambassador Stevens tried to fight off this attack for two hours against 150-200 terrorists with AK-47s and RPGs before he made his first call for help? Would you wait that long? Don't you think a US Ambassador in a nation like Libya would have direct line to the White House, Department of Defense, State Department, etc on speed dial?

2) If Obama was in a meeting with Panetta and Biden one hour after the attack began you hav to assume they were talking about this situation. I mean....unless you want to suggest that they just happened to be there. Come on. They were called in. Now trace it back...give 15 minutes for everyone to get there, give another 10 minutes for the information that we were under attack to get to everyone and coordinate....that means Obama knew what was going on within 35 minutes of the attack commencing.

3) If I am president I say the following: get me some information on what the hell is going on and get it NOW, get our special forces on alert and get them into position if it becomes necessary to strike, I want planes in the air awaiting my orders and get the C150s heading that direction, I want to know what assets we have, their strength, their proximity and the time it will take to mobilize them. Everything I have posted above means that only one hour has passed since the attack started.....yet the first drone was not diverted to gain intel for another 90 minutes?!?!?!? What the hell were they doing? Our military technology is the most advanced in the world and it took us 90 minutes to realize we had a recon drone in the area in the sky? Bullshit.

4) So they divert the drone to gather intel. Let's say it takes an hour to get there as it's already in the sky. It should be arriving after 2 hours of fighting if it was deployed expediently, but it's actually arriving after 3 1/2 because of the unexplained delay. Now despite what Ed and the other jack ass say, the drone is designed to provide live streaming video...we have had it in combat situations doing that job for 17 years. It's absolutely unconceivable to suggest that Obama didn't have access to the video feed. I mean come on Ravi...I have enough respect for you that I know you realize that. Now we have experience with this technology...we have been using it in Iraq and Afghanistan....30 minutes max to appraise the situation. Yet they didn't deploy the second drone for another four hours?!?!?!?!? They should have an idea of what was going on after 2 1/2 hours, yet after 6 1/2 hours all they have done is deploy a second drone?

Now think about this for a second. Fighters could have been there strafing and delivering ordinance in under an hour with deadly precision from Italy. The C150s only a few minutes later...according to the timeline they could have been delivering air support in less than three hours, yet 6 1/2 hours later all they had was another drone in the air? Good God!!!! The "we don't want to violate their airspace" argument is a joke. Benghazi is a coastal city...our forces could have circled over the sea in international waters while waiting for the order to engage and struck inside of two minutes. The "we didn't know the situation" argument is a have a $38 million aircraft that was designed for the specific purpose of providing that intel flying overhead. ya though I do........BULLSHIT! I mean come on!!!!

The timeline on intel gathering was 2 1/2 hours, air support in three, special forces on the gound mounting a rescue operation in 3 1/2....but by three and a half real time all they had done was get the first drone there....and this all comes back to Obama because he is the only one as Commander in Chief who can give these orders. He failed and Americans are dead as a result....and he followed it all up by lying over and over to the American people about a fucking video on youtube.

Was it "evil"...I mean foul intent by Obama with some evil deed and scheme in mind? No I don't think that at all. But was it incompetent? Oh hell yes. Did he fumble the ball? Fuck yes he did. Is he involved in a cover up to hide that incompetence? I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion. Is the President of the United States of America responsible for this're God damned right he is and he should be held accountable.
Again, your whole "timeline" is a complete fabrication based on pure self serving speculation by a pathological liar seething nothing but hatred for President Obama.

You weren't there and you know shit!
You can bet your ass as CIC that Barry was advised of what was going on. Hell. Even without a live video feed he knew.

He could have demanded aide be sent but he didn't. He also sent his minions out to every talk show to advise us that it was an attack prompted by a video. Jesus he must think we are all stupid.

Those men in Bengazi fought a seven hour battle and aide was an hour away. My God I can only imagine what was going throught the minds of those men as they fought for their lives.

Barry and his administration aren't worth the sweat off those men balls.
ok....I can skype with anyone on the planet over my cell phone but Obama cant get a video feed from a $36 million drone that was designed to provide live video to him. What an asshole
But you can't see shit if someone is not skypeing you, can you dipshit!

Oh so the $38 million drone that was designed for the specific purpose of providing live video that you conceded earlier was streaming it to the control room of the drone was somehow denying Obama the ability to access it? :rofl: :lmao: what an incredible tool.
Again, you have no proof of anything, only your own self serving speculation. You have no idea of the quality of the video, it could easily be nothing but video of intense smoke. You pretend the scene was lit like a hollywood movie set with perfect lighting giving exquisite detail and close ups of each terrorist because you desire to believe only the worst about a president you hate almost as much as you hate yourself.

You don't know shit about the video, but you are too dishonest to admit it!
Barry has a problem taking personal responsibility. It is part and parcel of his political philosophy which lays responsibility on the government. Barry has sort of painted himself into a corner by literally becoming the government, a job he was ill-prepared for.

Now in the Benghazi case he is desperately floundering trying to deny the problem while incongruously having other fall on their swords for him. It is the mark of a failed leader and leadership. He simply cannot and will not acknowledge that as president he could have acted to save American lives and in doing so accept the responsibility that is squarely his.

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