CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Notice how the pathological liars try to cover for each other rather than admit that the lying shit stain Foxfyre was lying her ass off. Instead her fellow lying scum edited out her shameless and undeniable lie as if it never existed!

Here it is again to refresh your selective memory: you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?

Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?


...What? There's no possible way a Predator is that quick, it's max speed isn't even 200 MPH.

You're thinking more along the lines of the Reaper methinks.

A Predator C is jet powered. An MQ-1 is far slower

I'm pretty sure there's only one of those in service, in the entire world. And even that's on a trail bases. Highly doubt either of the drones was one of those, very very very doubtful indeed.
...What? There's no possible way a Predator is that quick, it's max speed isn't even 200 MPH.

You're thinking more along the lines of the Reaper methinks.

A Predator C is jet powered. An MQ-1 is far slower

I'm pretty sure there's only one of those in service, in the entire world. And even that's on a trail bases. Highly doubt either of the drones was one of those, very very very doubtful indeed.

Well there's the MQ-1 Predator A, the Predator B "Reaper", and the Predator C "Avenger". ONE of them was there. :lol:
A Predator C is jet powered. An MQ-1 is far slower

I'm pretty sure there's only one of those in service, in the entire world. And even that's on a trail bases. Highly doubt either of the drones was one of those, very very very doubtful indeed.

Well there's the MQ-1 Predator A, the Predator B "Reaper", and the Predator C "Avenger". ONE of them was there. :lol:

Either A's or B's; not possible it was a C.
I'm pretty sure there's only one of those in service, in the entire world. And even that's on a trail bases. Highly doubt either of the drones was one of those, very very very doubtful indeed.

Well there's the MQ-1 Predator A, the Predator B "Reaper", and the Predator C "Avenger". ONE of them was there. :lol:

Either A's or B's; not possible it was a C.

Even if it was a Pred-B the thing can still hit 300 mph...and probably faster since the military isn't going to say exactly how fast it can go. I mean they are not going to make that public knowledge. The thing would have to be totally on the other side of the country not to get there damn fast. you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?


...What? There's no possible way a Predator is that quick, it's max speed isn't even 200 MPH.

You're thinking more along the lines of the Reaper methinks.

A Predator C is jet powered. An MQ-1 is far slower. A Predator B is faster than the MQ-1. Just depends on what variant you are referring to....and a Reaper is a's a Predator B.

DailyTech - Air Force Debuts New Jet-powered UAV
And as a know-it-all who knows nothing you know for sure that the Predator C Avenger is even in Libya. Aren't there only prototypes of the Predator C Avenger in use now and only in Afghanistan?
I'm brand new to these forums and some of the info on this thread I am just hearing about for the first time. The navy seal who "defied" orders and gave his life to save the lives of others is nothing short than heroic. Anyone who says otherwise is just ignorant. In these difficult times, it's sometimes hard to determine what the right thing to do is. This is a tragedy. Our own ambassador was murdered and sodomized openly in the streets. This should have been considered an "act of war" against our country. The fact that our president refuses to acknowledge the heroism of these individuals is utterly disgraceful. We need to vote his ass out NOW! Seriously folks, never before in our country's history has there been a time when the fate of America has been placed in the hands of the people. If we vote this man in for another 4 years, the blood of these victims is on our hands. We need to stand up for what is right. We are Americans, and should act like it. This is our country guys. Lets take it back.
...What? There's no possible way a Predator is that quick, it's max speed isn't even 200 MPH.

You're thinking more along the lines of the Reaper methinks.

A Predator C is jet powered. An MQ-1 is far slower. A Predator B is faster than the MQ-1. Just depends on what variant you are referring to....and a Reaper is a's a Predator B.

DailyTech - Air Force Debuts New Jet-powered UAV
And as a know-it-all who knows nothing you know for sure that the Predator C Avenger is even in Libya. Aren't there only prototypes of the Predator C Avenger in use now and only in Afghanistan?

What a jack-ass....look right below your post dick-head
Well there's the MQ-1 Predator A, the Predator B "Reaper", and the Predator C "Avenger". ONE of them was there. :lol:

Either A's or B's; not possible it was a C.

Even if it was a Pred-B the thing can still hit 300 mph...and probably faster since the military isn't going to say exactly how fast it can go. I mean they are not going to make that public knowledge. The thing would have to be totally on the other side of the country not to get there damn fast.

Sure they will, maybe not on highly classified and advanced stuffs like say, you're F-22 or B-2 way back in the day... but as far as I know- they haven't classified anything about the specs on a Reaper. It's been sold on the open market to other nations, seems kind of pointless really. you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?

Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

I wasn't specifically referring to her statement about the drone being in the air from the moment the first shot was wasn't.....but it was there DAMNED fast; a hell of a lot faster than you try to make it sound. And to suggest that there wasn't a live stream to the situation room is fucking laughable....that's one of the primary purposes of the fucking thing, jack ass
Again, see what is happening here. The lying scum CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying about how fast the drones were on the scene, with no facts to back up their premeditated lie, so they accuse me of misrepresenting the time of arrival of the drones. Mind you I linked to an actual statement of when each drone was dispatched, but I'm the one who is misrepresenting when the drones were on the scene.

Again, this is why the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood have no credibility on anything and if they say there was a live feed to the situation room you can be absolutely sure there wasn't, based on the source. There was probably a live feed to the station that was controlling the drone, but beyond that point everything is pure speculation by known liars.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Two and a half hours after the attack began, an unarmed predator drone was diverted from a surveillance mission over another part of Libya to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

That, plus a second unarmed drone dispatched four hours and 15 minutes later, were the only U.S. military forces sent to the scene of the attack. Commandos were dispatched from Europe to an air field in Sigonella, Sicily, but by the time they got there the attack in Benghazi was over.
Either A's or B's; not possible it was a C.

Even if it was a Pred-B the thing can still hit 300 mph...and probably faster since the military isn't going to say exactly how fast it can go. I mean they are not going to make that public knowledge. The thing would have to be totally on the other side of the country not to get there damn fast.

Sure they will, maybe not on highly classified and advanced stuffs like say, you're F-22 or B-2 way back in the day... but as far as I know- they haven't classified anything about the specs on a Reaper. It's been sold on the open market to other nations, seems kind of pointless really.

Whatever.....the point is the thing would have gotten from wherever it was to the target relatively quickly at which point it would have been streaming video....that was its main purpose when the thing was built in the first place. The weapons came later.

Ed's suggestion that it cannot be proven that it was streaming video is about the most laughable argument I have ever heard. It's the whole point of having the fucking thing.
Notice how the pathological liars try to cover for each other rather than admit that the lying shit stain Foxfyre was lying her ass off. Instead her fellow lying scum edited out her shameless and undeniable lie as if it never existed!

Here it is again to refresh your selective memory: you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?

Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

The State Department said there was a live feed from Benghazi.
Even if it was a Pred-B the thing can still hit 300 mph...and probably faster since the military isn't going to say exactly how fast it can go. I mean they are not going to make that public knowledge. The thing would have to be totally on the other side of the country not to get there damn fast.

Sure they will, maybe not on highly classified and advanced stuffs like say, you're F-22 or B-2 way back in the day... but as far as I know- they haven't classified anything about the specs on a Reaper. It's been sold on the open market to other nations, seems kind of pointless really.

Whatever.....the point is the thing would have gotten from wherever it was to the target relatively quickly at which point it would have been streaming video....that was its main purpose when the thing was built in the first place. The weapons came later.

Ed's suggestion that it cannot be proven that it was streaming video is about the most laughable argument I have ever heard. It's the whole point of having the fucking thing.
Again, when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying, they simply create a Straw Man to attack.

It is just another of your lies to claim that I said there was no streaming video from the drone. I said the claim that the stream went beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.
Again, see what is happening here. The lying scum CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying about how fast the drones were on the scene, with no facts to back up their premeditated lie, so they accuse me of misrepresenting the time of arrival of the drones.

Are you really this stupid? Don't answer...we already know. You desperately attempt to deflect from the point that regardless of which variant it was it's going to arrive pretty damned quick....certainly with PLENTY of time to have provided information and responded.

Again, this is why the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood have no credibility on anything and if they say there was a live feed to the situation room you can be absolutely sure there wasn't, based on the source. There was probably a live feed to the station that was controlling the drone, but beyond that point everything is pure speculation by known liars.

Ok look at what you just quoted dumb ass and then try using your brain for a second...if you have one.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Two and a half hours after the attack began, an unarmed predator drone was diverted from a surveillance mission over another part of Libya to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Now what the fuck do you think an unarmed drone is doing flying over Libya? Just buzzing around burning gas? It sure wasn't up there for the purpose of attacking a target was it? So what was it doing? Hmmmmm....think maybe it was doing some recon? What the fuck do you think it does it with? Hmmm....I don't cameras maybe?!?! Now you think that video can not be accessed by the fucking situation room in the white house? Of course it can. When ST6 took out Bin Laden they sent streaming video to the president from helmet fucking think there was none sent from a fucking predator?!?!?!? My God you are incredibly dense. you know how fast a predator drone flies? A predator UAV can hit 460 mph unclassified speed (which means in reality it can exceed that speed)...even if it was completely on the other side of the country it would have been there in about an hour max feeding real time video right to the situation room. Hell you can stream real time video of yourself jacking off in the shower over a cell think a fucking predator can't?

Now matter how fast the drone can fly, it can't fly fast enough to travel back in time!!! Notice how these lying scum continue to defend their fellow lying scum when one of them is caught in an obvious lie. The lying shit stain said there were TWO (2) drones over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Any claim that there was a live feed to the situation room comes from the same lying scum and carries the same credibility.

The State Department said there was a live feed from Benghazi.
Link to the state dept, and not some lying member of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood making that claim.
Again, see what is happening here. The lying scum CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying about how fast the drones were on the scene, with no facts to back up their premeditated lie, so they accuse me of misrepresenting the time of arrival of the drones.

Are you really this stupid? Don't answer...we already know. You desperately attempt to deflect from the point that regardless of which variant it was it's going to arrive pretty damned quick....certainly with PLENTY of time to have provided information and responded.

Again, this is why the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood have no credibility on anything and if they say there was a live feed to the situation room you can be absolutely sure there wasn't, based on the source. There was probably a live feed to the station that was controlling the drone, but beyond that point everything is pure speculation by known liars.

Ok look at what you just quoted dumb ass and then try using your brain for a second...if you have one.

Military response to Benghazi attack questioned - CBS News

Two and a half hours after the attack began, an unarmed predator drone was diverted from a surveillance mission over another part of Libya to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Now what the fuck do you think an unarmed drone is doing flying over Libya? Just buzzing around burning gas? It sure wasn't up there for the purpose of attacking a target was it? So what was it doing? Hmmmmm....think maybe it was doing some recon? What the fuck do you think it does it with? Hmmm....I don't cameras maybe?!?! Now you think that video can not be accessed by the fucking situation room in the white house? Of course it can. When ST6 took out Bin Laden they sent streaming video to the president from helmet fucking think there was none sent from a fucking predator?!?!?!? My God you are incredibly dense.
Again, any claim that the streaming video went live beyond the station controlling the drone is pure speculation by known liars.

It is interesting that you bring up the Bin Laden "live feed" to the situation room which the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood insists never happened and the famous photo was staged in front of blank screens!!!


The head of the CIA admitted yesterday that there was no live video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as further doubts emerged about the US version of events.
A photograph released by the White House appeared to show the President and his aides in the situation room watching the action as it unfolded. In fact they had little knowledge of what was happening in the compound.
So much outrage over 4 dead but no one cares about the thousands dead during 9/11 which bush knew was coming or the two wars and probably a third if Mitt gets his way.
So much outrage over 4 dead but no one cares about the thousands dead during 9/11 which bush knew was coming or the two wars and probably a third if Mitt gets his way.

You really think George W. Bush "knew" that 9/11 was coming?

There's stupid and then there is Stupid...and then there is YOUR kind of STUPID!!!
So much outrage over 4 dead but no one cares about the thousands dead during 9/11 which bush knew was coming or the two wars and probably a third if Mitt gets his way.

You really think George W. Bush "knew" that 9/11 was coming?

There's stupid and then there is Stupid...and then there is YOUR kind of STUPID!!!

It has come out time and again he knew such is life but you really are foolish :lol::lol:

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