CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Impeachment is the second choice. The best option is to elect Romney.
I still want to know who thought it was a swell idea to have the Ambassador and the consulate protected by Libyan militias.

Two Libyan militias.

What's wrong with this picture?
I still want to know who thought it was a swell idea to have the Ambassador and the consulate protected by Libyan militias.

Two Libyan militias.

What's wrong with this picture?


What's up with the OUTSOURCING?
Obama doesn't want to offend his Muslim friends. That is why he hasn't done a goddamned thing concerning a harsh response to this act of radical Muslim terrorism!

Let's see..Obama invades Libya after getting approval from the UN (not the US Congress)

Obama gets rid of Gaddafi and allows radical Muslims to take over.

Radical Muslims attack the US Embassy and in a prolonged firefight (long enough that we could have blown away the mortar position and sent fighter jets to blast away the attackers) capture and kill our Ambassador and three others...and Obama doesn't do a goddamned thing!

Obama should be on trial TODAY!

Obama is a worthless, Muslim-lovin' Marxist ASSHOLE!!!

He is anti-American!

What's crazier and I wish everyone could remember this, it was the Libyan President who spilled the beans and said undoubtedly it was an organized AQ attack completely calling Ambassador Rice a liar over "spontaneous".

How wild is this if you think about it?
I still want to know who thought it was a swell idea to have the Ambassador and the consulate protected by Libyan militias.

Two Libyan militias.

What's wrong with this picture?


What's up with the OUTSOURCING?

Honest. You leave your Ambassador in the middle of nowhere Libya with Libyan militias securing his and his staff's safety.

Weeeebo weeeeeeeeeeeebo weeeeeeebo. Who the hell thought this was a great idea?

Why the same people who think Major "pour burning oil down the throats of the infidel" Hassan was only "workplace violence".

Yeah, I can't wait to see how they spin Benghazi into a "workplace violence" issue.
I still want to know who thought it was a swell idea to have the Ambassador and the consulate protected by Libyan militias.

Two Libyan militias.

What's wrong with this picture?


What's up with the OUTSOURCING?

Honest. You leave your Ambassador in the middle of nowhere Libya with Libyan militias securing his and his staff's safety.

Weeeebo weeeeeeeeeeeebo weeeeeeebo. Who the hell thought this was a great idea?[/b[

Why the same people who think Major "pour burning oil down the throats of the infidel" Hassan was only "workplace violence".

Yeah, I can't wait to see how they spin Benghazi into a "workplace violence" issue.

I know I know!


After all, he's a better speech writer than his speech writer and he knows more about the policies on any particular issue than his policy he must know more about military strategy and tactics than anyone in the DOD.
The phrasing and language is curious on both accounts, the CIA spokesperson said they didn't deny requests for help....they did not say they weren't asked....

The WH says:"Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi........

Same same....

Then we have Panetta, who said "You don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on. (We) felt we could not put forces at risk in that situation."

I hate to contradict the Secretary of Defense, but you have special ops teams that train to hit the ground with little or no intelligence. We also had at least one drone, a live feed from the consulate, and a com link with the SEALs on the ground. Someone made a decision not to send help, and Obama did not over rule it, even if he didn't make it. That makes him responsible.

If I missed it which I don't think I have, where does panetta the pancetta actually uneqvically say- he was asked for and or denied help? ;)

Same as my post a few back, what they are not saying, in exact language, Is a form of subterfuge, and misinformation, only, the ice is getting thinner and thinner, they are feasting on each other , state, CIA/intel, military and they are running out of real estate, the finger has no where else to point but at Obama.....
They never got the order to proceed. It's a very sad catastrophe for sure. And the Dear Leader can't blame DA BOOOOSH, or Romney. This is all on him.

so now our government is a tightly centralized organization?With a strickly no freedom of the field commander to make their own decisions and no chain of command?
And if mother fuckers are so perfect, how come your on your azz and not out there showing us how it is done?

You voted for the guy, don't blame me.

I vote Green Party.
I still want to know who thought it was a swell idea to have the Ambassador and the consulate protected by Libyan militias.

Two Libyan militias.

What's wrong with this picture?

Everything is wrong with this picture. It's like Obama sacrificed our people so radical Muslims wouldn't be offended. And he couldn't let our military stop the attacks or even protect themselves. A general is fired over his decision to try to respond to the calls for help. wtf??? Obama is loyal when it comes to Muslims, even if it means abandoning our own people.
As I have pointed out so many times before, when the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are confronted with the facts, they simply make up more lies.

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it. What actually happened is the agent on the roof of compound C radioed them and they came at once, no rejections from CIA headquarters.

Reinforcements came from Tripoli, so there goes the bullshit about no reinforcements. Commandos were also sent from Europe to Italy, but they arrived in Italy after the fighting was over. Their arriving too late to help is twisted by the pathological liars as they were never dispatched.

Video from the compound that was recorded and not recovered until October, some 20 days later, is called a live real time video feed to the White House.

All these facts were readily available to the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood before they constructed their web of lies, which proves their deceit is premeditated. Yet these lying bloodthirsty scum demand that their premeditated lies be taken as fact and anyone who exposes their lies supports the terrorists and cannot be believed. :cuckoo:

Nice try, Ed but the scenario you've put forward is NOT what happened that night.

First of all if you don't know that gunfire can be heard from a mile away then you have very little experience with firearms. The CIA operators that were at the Annex have testified that they heard the gunfire from the consulate.

Help did not come from the Annex until several of the CIA operators refused to obey the third order they had received to "stand down" and went to the consulate to try and rescue the Ambassador.

Reinforcements from Tripoli didn't arrive at the eight member security team arrived at the Annex after midnight at which point they were attacked by a far stronger force of terrorists armed with heavy weapons such as mortars.

A Delta Force team was flown from where they were training in Europe to an air base in Italy where they sat waiting for an order to deploy that never came. Why is that, Ed? They could have been on the ground in Libya in approximately 2 hours but were never deployed. Neither were C-130 gunships nor US fighter aircraft which meant when CIA operators put lasers on the mortars that were targeting them no US missiles ever came to snuff them out. Why is that, Ed?

As for what the White House had for video? It was reported yesterday that there were not one but two drones overhead relaying real time streaming video back to the US chain of command including the President. They were also in direct communication with CIA personnel inside of the Annex during the entire attack. So kindly explain why Leon Panetta's excuse for not sending help was that they didn't know what the situation was on the ground?

I accept that they didn't know the entire situation on the ground. They had no idea how many people were involved, whether they had surface to air missiles, or if there were forces waiting reserve somewhere. That, however, is not an acceptable excuse for not doing something unless you are a politician that is more worried about reelection than American lives.

Are you sure they didn't know? There were two drones parked over the scene from the time the first shot was fired. Somebody knew.
oh, and, if hillary was not married to the most popular democrat out there today, who happens to be actively campaigning for him, she and state, her shop would be treated ala watergate by now.

but, they just can't do it, no Woodward and Bernstein etc etc etc ...
I understand that the seals had lazers locked onto targets. Hmmm That tells me they knew where an attack would be most effective and 2, that that drone was armed.

They never got the order to proceed. It's a very sad catastrophe for sure. And the Dear Leader can't blame DA BOOOOSH, or Romney. This is all on him.

so now our government is a tightly centralized organization?With a strickly no freedom of the field commander to make their own decisions and no chain of command?
And if mother fuckers are so perfect, how come your on your azz and not out there showing us how it is done?
One guy who made his own decision got killed because he was given no support.

Another guy who made his own decision got relieved of duty for making that decision.

You were saying...?
pretty much everything in that video is known to be a lie. There was no order to stand down, There was no live feed to the White House, Woods and Doherty were killed on the Annex roof, not at compound C where Stevens was.

Time World: The Other 9/11: Libyan Guards Recount What Happened in Benghazi

More than a month after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, U.S. officials have yet to talk to many of the Libyan guards on duty at the American mission on that fatal evening. Fearful of reprisal from the still unknown perpetrators of the attack, the guards have gone into hiding; and their vivid recollections are giving way to a sense of abandonment by the American government, which offered them no protection from the attackers the guards believe want them dead.

L.A. Times: Libya guards speak out on attack that killed U.S. ambassador

Face down on a roof inside the besieged American diplomatic compound, gunfire and flames crackling around them, the two young Libyan guards watched as several bearded men crept toward the ambassador's residence with semiautomatic weapons and grenades strapped to their chests.

"We are finished," one of the guards says he remembers thinking....

But nothing, they say, had prepared them for this. They had practiced for an attack by 10 or 15 people; now there were scores of professional-looking militants who moved methodically and used well-practiced hand signals. To make matters worse on the night of Sept. 11, instead of four militiamen who were supposed to be on guard, there were only two inside the compound.

The militiamen say they initially fought back, but when one attacker lobbed a grenade into their bungalow near the compound's entrance, they fled to the roof without their radios and with only one magazine of ammunition between them. The American security officers were nowhere in sight.

As the raid continued — eventually killing Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and another American inside the facility, and two other Americans at a separate location hours later — the two Libyans say that they survived by lying on the roof silently for about an hour, too stunned, scared and overmatched to fight back.

"We were not expecting such a massive attack," the guard says. "We were not ready for it."...

"They called me a liar. They said we didn't see you on the [security] cameras fighting," says the second militiaman, who was questioned by the FBI recently in Tripoli and who, like others interviewed for this story, asked not to be identified out of fear for his safety.

"I told them that we fired our weapons in the beginning but when we got to the roof, there were 100 enemies and two of us. We could do nothing."

Under an agreement with U.S. officials — who describe the post in Benghazi as a "special mission" and not a consulate, as it's often been called — four Feb. 17 fighters were supposed to be posted at the compound around the clock. They trained and worked closely with a rotating cast of American security personnel and slept in the sand-colored bungalow closest to the main entrance and the ambassador's residence.

But commanders still hadn't replaced one of the four who left his post for personal reasons about a month before the attack. A second was patrolling outside the compound when the attackers arrived, and it's unclear whether he engaged in the battle.

Obama outsourced the security jobs to Brittan who in turn outsourced them to Libyans who failed to show up. What happened to Obama's pledge to create jobs for Americans?
The phrasing and language is curious on both accounts, the CIA spokesperson said they didn't deny requests for help....they did not say they weren't asked....

The WH says:"Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi........

Same same....

Then we have Panetta, who said "You don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on. (We) felt we could not put forces at risk in that situation."

I hate to contradict the Secretary of Defense, but you have special ops teams that train to hit the ground with little or no intelligence. We also had at least one drone, a live feed from the consulate, and a com link with the SEALs on the ground. Someone made a decision not to send help, and Obama did not over rule it, even if he didn't make it. That makes him responsible.

If I missed it which I don't think I have, where does panetta the pancetta actually uneqvically say- he was asked for and or denied help? ;)

Same as my post a few back, what they are not saying, in exact language, Is a form of subterfuge, and misinformation, only, the ice is getting thinner and thinner, they are feasting on each other , state, CIA/intel, military and they are running out of real estate, the finger has no where else to point but at Obama.....
and it looks as if the ice will start cracking this week
oh, and, if hillary was not married to the most popular democrat out there today, who happens to be actively campaigning for him, she and state, her shop would be treated ala watergate by now.

but, they just can't do it, no Woodward and Bernstein etc etc etc ...

oh, woodward's out there.... but the NYT has him on mute.

they'll call him when he's useful again.

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