CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it.


I live well over a mile from a shooting range and I can hear gunfire all the time.. and I am sure mortar rounds are much louder than small arms fire.
I live less than a mile from the police shooting range and I have never heard their gunfire at my house in over 20 years. And the poster clearly said gunfire, not mortar fire.

Again it was reported that the CIA annex found out about the attack when they were radioed from the compound.

You might want to take your head out of your ass, helps immensely with that whole "hearing thing".
What you are saying here has no relationship to actual events, Ed. The CIA operators at the Annex asked three times for permission to go to the consulate when they heard gunfire coming from that location and were told to stand down each time. After the third time they disobeyed orders and made their way to the consulate.

No reinforcements were sent in because Panetta and the General in charge supposedly didn't feel they knew enough about what was happening on the ground to "risk" sending in more troops. This despite having intelligence coming from the Annex and the consulate telling them exactly what was going on, video streams coming from the consulate and the Annex telling them exactly what was going on, and two drones over head during the battle ALSO telling them exactly what was going on. If there was ever a battle that commanders KNEW what was going was THIS ONE!!! The Obama Administration had so much live intel on the situation they might has well have been THERE, yet they couldn't pull the trigger on ANYTHING to help those poor bastards and let them die after fighting for nearly six hours while help was sitting there waiting for the order to deploy. Leon Panetta is a worthless piece of shit. How he sat there and allowed what happened to happen is disgusting. To use the excuse that we didn't know enough about the situation to send help is one of the most pathetic things I've EVER heard.
As I have pointed out so many times before, when the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are confronted with the facts, they simply make up more lies.

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it. What actually happened is the agent on the roof of compound C radioed them and they came at once, no rejections from CIA headquarters.

Reinforcements came from Tripoli, so there goes the bullshit about no reinforcements. Commandos were also sent from Europe to Italy, but they arrived in Italy after the fighting was over. Their arriving too late to help is twisted by the pathological liars as they were never dispatched.

Video from the compound that was recorded and not recovered until October, some 20 days later, is called a live real time video feed to the White House.

All these facts were readily available to the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood before they constructed their web of lies, which proves their deceit is premeditated. Yet these lying bloodthirsty scum demand that their premeditated lies be taken as fact and anyone who exposes their lies supports the terrorists and cannot be believed. :cuckoo:

Nice try, Ed but the scenario you've put forward is NOT what happened that night.

First of all if you don't know that gunfire can be heard from a mile away then you have very little experience with firearms. The CIA operators that were at the Annex have testified that they heard the gunfire from the consulate.

Help did not come from the Annex until several of the CIA operators refused to obey the third order they had received to "stand down" and went to the consulate to try and rescue the Ambassador.

Reinforcements from Tripoli didn't arrive at the eight member security team arrived at the Annex after midnight at which point they were attacked by a far stronger force of terrorists armed with heavy weapons such as mortars.

A Delta Force team was flown from where they were training in Europe to an air base in Italy where they sat waiting for an order to deploy that never came. Why is that, Ed? They could have been on the ground in Libya in approximately 2 hours but were never deployed. Neither were C-130 gunships nor US fighter aircraft which meant when CIA operators put lasers on the mortars that were targeting them no US missiles ever came to snuff them out. Why is that, Ed?

As for what the White House had for video? It was reported yesterday that there were not one but two drones overhead relaying real time streaming video back to the US chain of command including the President. They were also in direct communication with CIA personnel inside of the Annex during the entire attack. So kindly explain why Leon Panetta's excuse for not sending help was that they didn't know what the situation was on the ground?
Repeating the same GOP lies does not make them true.

There was no order to "stand down." It was the agents in the TOC, not the Annex, who said they heard gunfire.

The help that came to the compound from the Annex consisted of 22 men, 6 CIA agents and 16 members of the Libyan February 17th Brigade.

The commandos flown to Italy did not arrive in Italy until AFTER the fighting was over, which is of course why the order never came. DUH.

And that drone bullshit was "reported" by pathological liars. It was 2.5 hours after the attack began when the first drone was diverted from another part of Libya so it would not have arrived at the compound until later, and the second drone was not diverted until 4.25 hours later. And the feed from the drone would go to the control center for the drone, not the White House.

Of course you already knew everything you posted was a lie, that's exactly why you posted it.
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If the story was chronologically spelled out by Matt Lauer and all the Real Time was true would you liberal folks believe it?

If Yes, would you vote for Romney?
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Fox News Channel reported Friday that American officials in the compound repeatedly asked for military help during the assault but were rebuffed by CIA higher-ups. At a press briefing one day earlier, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, asked why there had not been a quicker, more forceful response to the assault, complained of "Monday-morning quarterbacking." Panetta said he and top military commanders had judged it too dangerous to send troops to the eastern Libyan city without a clearer picture of events on the ground.

The "basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," he said during a joint question-and-answer session with Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey.

"As a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, General Ham, General Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation," Panetta said. General Carter Ham commands the U.S. Africa Command.

And the CIA has denied that anyone in its chain of command rejected requests for help from the besieged Americans.

But Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, in a post published Friday, doubted Panetta's explanation and said the fault must lie with Obama himself. "Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No," Kristol wrote. "It would have been a presidential decision."

"He's wrong," said Vietor.

Obama did not deny requests for help in Benghazi: Aide | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
pretty much everything in that video is known to be a lie. There was no order to stand down, There was no live feed to the White House, Woods and Doherty were killed on the Annex roof, not at compound C where Stevens was.

Time World: The Other 9/11: Libyan Guards Recount What Happened in Benghazi

More than a month after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, U.S. officials have yet to talk to many of the Libyan guards on duty at the American mission on that fatal evening. Fearful of reprisal from the still unknown perpetrators of the attack, the guards have gone into hiding; and their vivid recollections are giving way to a sense of abandonment by the American government, which offered them no protection from the attackers the guards believe want them dead.

L.A. Times: Libya guards speak out on attack that killed U.S. ambassador

Face down on a roof inside the besieged American diplomatic compound, gunfire and flames crackling around them, the two young Libyan guards watched as several bearded men crept toward the ambassador's residence with semiautomatic weapons and grenades strapped to their chests.

"We are finished," one of the guards says he remembers thinking....

But nothing, they say, had prepared them for this. They had practiced for an attack by 10 or 15 people; now there were scores of professional-looking militants who moved methodically and used well-practiced hand signals. To make matters worse on the night of Sept. 11, instead of four militiamen who were supposed to be on guard, there were only two inside the compound.

The militiamen say they initially fought back, but when one attacker lobbed a grenade into their bungalow near the compound's entrance, they fled to the roof without their radios and with only one magazine of ammunition between them. The American security officers were nowhere in sight.

As the raid continued — eventually killing Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and another American inside the facility, and two other Americans at a separate location hours later — the two Libyans say that they survived by lying on the roof silently for about an hour, too stunned, scared and overmatched to fight back.

"We were not expecting such a massive attack," the guard says. "We were not ready for it."...

"They called me a liar. They said we didn't see you on the [security] cameras fighting," says the second militiaman, who was questioned by the FBI recently in Tripoli and who, like others interviewed for this story, asked not to be identified out of fear for his safety.

"I told them that we fired our weapons in the beginning but when we got to the roof, there were 100 enemies and two of us. We could do nothing."

Under an agreement with U.S. officials — who describe the post in Benghazi as a "special mission" and not a consulate, as it's often been called — four Feb. 17 fighters were supposed to be posted at the compound around the clock. They trained and worked closely with a rotating cast of American security personnel and slept in the sand-colored bungalow closest to the main entrance and the ambassador's residence.

But commanders still hadn't replaced one of the four who left his post for personal reasons about a month before the attack. A second was patrolling outside the compound when the attackers arrived, and it's unclear whether he engaged in the battle.
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really? you have evidence Obama said no? Please link that up for me to read.

Keep trying to make the attack a issue larger than it is. You will fail like usual.
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus | The Weekly Standard

Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

So who in the government did tell “anybody” not to help those in need? Someone decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators. Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No.

It would have been a presidential decision. There was presumably a rationale for such a decision. What was it? When and why—and based on whose counsel obtained in what meetings or conversations—did President Obama decide against sending in military assets to help the Americans in need?​

No one else had the authority.

But you just keep insisting your little tin god is perfect. Bootlicker retard.

An opinion piece isn't authoritative.
You just keep believing Obama's lies.
pretty much everything in that video is known to be a lie. There was no order to stand down, There was no live feed to the White House, Woods and Doherty were killed on the Annex roof, not at compound C where Stevens was.

Ambassador Died in Smoke While Agents Searched for Him - Bloomberg

The attackers immediately set fire to the building known as the barracks, which housed the compound’s Libyan guards. Then they penetrated the building where Stevens was staying during a visit to Benghazi from Tripoli, the Libyan capital. It contained a protected “safe haven” walled off by a metal grill with locks, the officials said.

Safe Haven

The attackers looked through the grill and saw nothing. They couldn’t break the locks to enter the safe haven, and though no one got in, a security agent with Stevens was prepared to shoot anyone who did.
Instead, the attackers poured diesel fuel in and around the building and set it on fire, according to the two officials.
Stevens was trapped in the burning building as it quickly filled with smoke. By the time the intruders left, the officials said, it was difficult to see or breathe. The ambassador, along with Sean Smith, a foreign-service information officer, and the security agent moved to a bathroom with a window in an attempt to get air.
The three men were on the bathroom floor, desperate for air, when they decided they needed to leave the building. The security agent later told State Department officials that he wasn’t able to see three feet in front of him.
With dozens of armed attackers still at the compound, the agent led Stevens and Smith to a bedroom that had a window exit as more shooting and explosions could be heard outside and tracer bullets pierced the night.

Missing Persons

The agent, barely able to breathe, escaped through the bedroom window, only to discover that Stevens and Smith were no longer with him.
The agent re-entered the building several times in an attempt to find the two men. He never did. He finally staggered up a ladder to the roof, where he radioed other security agents for help, though he could barely speak, the two officials said.
The other agents, scattered at two different structures in the compound, drove to the ambassador’s building in an armored vehicle and made repeated attempts to feel their way through the smoke and fire to find Stevens and Smith.
When they found Smith, the information officer was dead. The ambassador was still missing.
Security at the compound consisted of five diplomatic security special agents and four Libyans who were members of the Feb. 17 Brigades, a militia assisting the Libyan government, the two officials said.

Reinforcements Arrive

Then a so-called quick reaction security team, housed in an annex about 1.2 miles (1.9 kilometers) from the compound, arrived.

As the additional agents tried to secure the building’s perimeter, they also made repeated attempts to find Stevens. One agent took off his shirt, dipped it into the compound’s swimming pool, and put it back on before heading into the smoke-filled building, the two officials said.
Fearing for their safety, the agents decided they had to evacuate the compound and get to the annex. They piled into the armored vehicle with Smith’s corpse and made their way out the main gate, the two officials said.
With traffic clogging the road, the vehicle was going about 15 miles an hour when a group of men met them and signaled for them to turn. The armored vehicle then was attacked with AK-47 rifle fire and hand grenades. The vehicle kept rolling with two flat tires.

Firing Positions

It eventually reached the annex, where agents took up firing positions on the roof. The annex then took intermittent fire from AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades for several hours, the officials said.
Reinforcements from Tripoli, some 400 miles away, who had been called when the attack began, then arrived and made their way to the annex.
At about 4 a.m., the two officials said, the annex took mortar fire. Some rounds landed on the roof, killing two agents and severely wounding another. Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty, two former Navy SEALs working as security personnel, were the other Americans killed in Benghazi.
The remaining agents then decided to evacuate the annex and made their way to the Benghazi airport, where they were evacuated on two flights.

really? you have evidence Obama said no? Please link that up for me to read.

Keep trying to make the attack a issue larger than it is. You will fail like usual.
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus | The Weekly Standard

Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

So who in the government did tell “anybody” not to help those in need? Someone decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators. Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No.

It would have been a presidential decision. There was presumably a rationale for such a decision. What was it? When and why—and based on whose counsel obtained in what meetings or conversations—did President Obama decide against sending in military assets to help the Americans in need?​

No one else had the authority.

But you just keep insisting your little tin god is perfect. Bootlicker retard.
You gotta love how the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood continue to lie when their previous lie is shot down. After being exposed as liars when FOX said the CIA told the agents in Libya to stand down, rather than admit that the agents were not told to stand down, the pathological liars simply accuse others of doing what was never done. As the earlier post shows reinforcements were sent in rather than told to stand down.

That was provided by two unnamed State Department personnel.

You swallow it whole, without question.

Bootlicker retard.
The very same State Department that's been lying to the American public since this entire debacle took place.
The bottom line with this mess is that the administration during and after benghazi incident have taken a position a position how can we handle this from a political standpoint that won't hurt us.
The intention of this royal regime was that everyone should be slaughtered. Two men, Dougherty and Woods violated their orders to get out the ones they did get out. Otherwise it would have been 30 dead instead of 4.
The bottom line with this mess is that the administration during and after benghazi incident have taken a position a position how can we handle this from a political standpoint that won't hurt us.

That's it. It was bad enough that they screwed up; that the President was unaware or didn't care; that nobody was ready for stepped up terrorist activity on 9/11; the whole ugly scenario. So they admit they screwed up; they take their licking in verbal criticism and contempt; and we move on.

But no. We are stonewalled, lied to, and played for the fools the American people too often have become. Well this time, I don't think so many of us are willing to be played for fools. We resent and are angry when we are insulted by their assuming we will buy dishonesty that doesn't even make sense, much moreso when it has been exposed for what it is.

Four good people who trusted their country to take care of thme are dead. Numerous others are injured. And now we know it all could have likely been prevented. I hope this story does not go away until heads have rolled.
As I have pointed out so many times before, when the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are confronted with the facts, they simply make up more lies.

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it. What actually happened is the agent on the roof of compound C radioed them and they came at once, no rejections from CIA headquarters.

Reinforcements came from Tripoli, so there goes the bullshit about no reinforcements. Commandos were also sent from Europe to Italy, but they arrived in Italy after the fighting was over. Their arriving too late to help is twisted by the pathological liars as they were never dispatched.

Video from the compound that was recorded and not recovered until October, some 20 days later, is called a live real time video feed to the White House.

All these facts were readily available to the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood before they constructed their web of lies, which proves their deceit is premeditated. Yet these lying bloodthirsty scum demand that their premeditated lies be taken as fact and anyone who exposes their lies supports the terrorists and cannot be believed. :cuckoo:

Did you ever consider the possibility that the annex received a call for help from the consulate? Ever heard of radios and sat com? Do you think we live in the the early 20th century like Obama?
Did you ever consider that you are the STUPIDEST liar on the face of the Earth?

Again we see how worthless lying scum cover their lies, they simply play dumb as if their ignorance excuses their premeditated lies.

So how exactly does your complete idiocy make the claim that the CIA heard the gunfire over a mile away??? :asshole:

I can't possibly be the stupidest liar on the face of the Earth until after you are dead, your title is safe.

State has said that both the annex and the consulate were in communication with Foggy Bottom, and that the feed was sent to the White House Situation Room, they didn't have to hear anything from a mile away, their phones were in their hands.
What a horrifying debacle. The Dear Leader just can't blame this one away. This Libya mess is all his.
What you are saying here has no relationship to actual events, Ed. The CIA operators at the Annex asked three times for permission to go to the consulate when they heard gunfire coming from that location and were told to stand down each time. After the third time they disobeyed orders and made their way to the consulate.

No reinforcements were sent in because Panetta and the General in charge supposedly didn't feel they knew enough about what was happening on the ground to "risk" sending in more troops. This despite having intelligence coming from the Annex and the consulate telling them exactly what was going on, video streams coming from the consulate and the Annex telling them exactly what was going on, and two drones over head during the battle ALSO telling them exactly what was going on. If there was ever a battle that commanders KNEW what was going was THIS ONE!!! The Obama Administration had so much live intel on the situation they might has well have been THERE, yet they couldn't pull the trigger on ANYTHING to help those poor bastards and let them die after fighting for nearly six hours while help was sitting there waiting for the order to deploy. Leon Panetta is a worthless piece of shit. How he sat there and allowed what happened to happen is disgusting. To use the excuse that we didn't know enough about the situation to send help is one of the most pathetic things I've EVER heard.

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it.


I live well over a mile from a shooting range and I can hear gunfire all the time.. and I am sure mortar rounds are much louder than small arms fire.

Not to mention that they had heavy machine guns and rockets.
What you are saying here has no relationship to actual events, Ed. The CIA operators at the Annex asked three times for permission to go to the consulate when they heard gunfire coming from that location and were told to stand down each time. After the third time they disobeyed orders and made their way to the consulate.

No reinforcements were sent in because Panetta and the General in charge supposedly didn't feel they knew enough about what was happening on the ground to "risk" sending in more troops. This despite having intelligence coming from the Annex and the consulate telling them exactly what was going on, video streams coming from the consulate and the Annex telling them exactly what was going on, and two drones over head during the battle ALSO telling them exactly what was going on. If there was ever a battle that commanders KNEW what was going was THIS ONE!!! The Obama Administration had so much live intel on the situation they might has well have been THERE, yet they couldn't pull the trigger on ANYTHING to help those poor bastards and let them die after fighting for nearly six hours while help was sitting there waiting for the order to deploy. Leon Panetta is a worthless piece of shit. How he sat there and allowed what happened to happen is disgusting. To use the excuse that we didn't know enough about the situation to send help is one of the most pathetic things I've EVER heard.
As I have pointed out so many times before, when the lies of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are confronted with the facts, they simply make up more lies.

The CIA annex was a mile away, it's amazing that the sound of "gunfire" carries that far!!! So amazing only a right-wing nut can be stupid enough to believe it. What actually happened is the agent on the roof of compound C radioed them and they came at once, no rejections from CIA headquarters.

Reinforcements came from Tripoli, so there goes the bullshit about no reinforcements. Commandos were also sent from Europe to Italy, but they arrived in Italy after the fighting was over. Their arriving too late to help is twisted by the pathological liars as they were never dispatched.

Video from the compound that was recorded and not recovered until October, some 20 days later, is called a live real time video feed to the White House.

All these facts were readily available to the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood before they constructed their web of lies, which proves their deceit is premeditated. Yet these lying bloodthirsty scum demand that their premeditated lies be taken as fact and anyone who exposes their lies supports the terrorists and cannot be believed. :cuckoo:

Nice try, Ed but the scenario you've put forward is NOT what happened that night.

First of all if you don't know that gunfire can be heard from a mile away then you have very little experience with firearms. The CIA operators that were at the Annex have testified that they heard the gunfire from the consulate.

Help did not come from the Annex until several of the CIA operators refused to obey the third order they had received to "stand down" and went to the consulate to try and rescue the Ambassador.

Reinforcements from Tripoli didn't arrive at the eight member security team arrived at the Annex after midnight at which point they were attacked by a far stronger force of terrorists armed with heavy weapons such as mortars.

A Delta Force team was flown from where they were training in Europe to an air base in Italy where they sat waiting for an order to deploy that never came. Why is that, Ed? They could have been on the ground in Libya in approximately 2 hours but were never deployed. Neither were C-130 gunships nor US fighter aircraft which meant when CIA operators put lasers on the mortars that were targeting them no US missiles ever came to snuff them out. Why is that, Ed?

As for what the White House had for video? It was reported yesterday that there were not one but two drones overhead relaying real time streaming video back to the US chain of command including the President. They were also in direct communication with CIA personnel inside of the Annex during the entire attack. So kindly explain why Leon Panetta's excuse for not sending help was that they didn't know what the situation was on the ground?

I accept that they didn't know the entire situation on the ground. They had no idea how many people were involved, whether they had surface to air missiles, or if there were forces waiting reserve somewhere. That, however, is not an acceptable excuse for not doing something unless you are a politician that is more worried about reelection than American lives.
I understand that the seals had lazers locked onto targets. Hmmm That tells me they knew where an attack would be most effective and 2, that that drone was armed.

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