CIA using Samsung TV's as weapon to spy on Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
BREAKING : Wikileaks Reveals CIA Using Samsung TV’s as Weapons to Spy on Americans
Before you plug in your Samsung Smart TV, you may want to mind your manners and refrain from saying anything the CIA may be interested in.

A Wikileaks bombshell report shows the CIA has developed malware that allows them ..
BREAKING : Wikileaks Reveals CIA Using Samsung TV's as Weapons to Spy on Americans

There are a lot of people who were and are already aware of this. This is to me old, old information.
But here we are again. This should attempt to wake people the hell up again.
You should be concerned about these issues being done behind your back, it is no different than lets say your neighbor wanting to look into your windows you would get offended wouldn't you, it is no different than a teacher getting into your emails reading them you wouldn't like it..................... That old line of " I'm not doing anything, I have nothing to hide is nothing more than a COP OUT BS line to make yourself feel better.
Rush was talking about this just a few minutes ago. And they doubt Obama bugged Trump!
Glad my TV is dumb.
I remember this coming out a while back and people that said that got labeled as a conspiracy theorist or a loon..
I wonder if Trump will be the first president since Carter to try and get rid of the CIA. we all know JFK tried and died as a result whats also never reported is that carter tried as well.they just did not try and assassinate him cause he only started to implement the plan in the last year in office and did not have the time to get it fully going and they knew he was on his way out with a rigged election for Reagan to win. Kennedy was going to wait till his second term to finally get rid of them.If trump is for real,wonder if he waits as well.
I have no cameras on my TV, phone or computer...I know better than that, and have since before the computer age(personal computer age that is)..
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I hope they enjoy watching my parents die slowly..

I'm sure they are

Samsung Admits Its Smart TV Is Spying On You
Samsung Smart TV Is Spying On You. ... Samsung Admits Its Smart TV Is Spying On You ... Samsung's Smart TV uses voice recognition technology to enable voice ...
Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You ... - The Daily Beast
Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on ... company said in a statement to The Daily Beast. ... the TV using voice commands, is a Samsung Smart TV ...
How to stop Samsung's smart TVs from spying on you - BGR
How to stop Samsung's smart TVs from spying on you. Zach Epstein @zacharye. ... Activision admits taking 'Call of Duty' to space was a bad idea.
LG Admits Smart TVs Spied On Users - Dark Reading
LG admits it collected ... LG Admits Smart TVs Spied ... even with Samsung being the top 4 entries in a refined search that only lists LG/Samsung and Smart TV it ...
This isnt news. People have been hacking cameras on phones, tvs, game consoles, etc, for years.
I remember this coming out a while back and people that said got labeled as a conspiracy theorist or a loon..

the brainwashed sheep around the country are so programmed they think we live in a free country and our government is loo
I remember this coming out a while back and people that said that got labeled as a conspiracy theorist or a loon..

sadly many of the sheep in america are so programmed and in denial that we live in a dictatership banana republic thinking this is a free country that they will STILL dismiss that as a conspiracy theory.Hell sadly i know clinton loves who today STILL dont think clinton had sex with monica.Im serious.:rolleyes:

those kinda of sheep are a sad excuse for a human being.
Smart TV's and phones can record the conversations you have, sitting in your living room.
And keep in mind that while there is absolutely no reason for these appliances to have the technology to spy on us, we have never developed a technology we didn't use, sooo.
Smart TV's and phones can record the conversations you have, sitting in your living room.
And keep in mind that while there is absolutely no reason for these appliances to have the technology to spy on us, we have never developed a technology we didn't use, sooo.
Same with smart meters but people are forced to have them or else have no electric off the line.
Smart TV's and phones can record the conversations you have, sitting in your living room.
And keep in mind that while there is absolutely no reason for these appliances to have the technology to spy on us, we have never developed a technology we didn't use, sooo.
Same with smart meters but people are forced to have them or else have no electric off the line.

Smart meters oh yes another good point that most have no idea about. They too have also been causing headaches in people and a few other issues.
Yet we can't get these gawd damn sheep to realize why there is a boom in cancer rates.

Hey I meant to say to you yesterday , thanks for coming to what I see as well defending me over on that other post where they all jumped down my throat lol.
Smart TV's and phones can record the conversations you have, sitting in your living room.
And keep in mind that while there is absolutely no reason for these appliances to have the technology to spy on us, we have never developed a technology we didn't use, sooo.
Same with smart meters but people are forced to have them or else have no electric off the line.

Smart meters oh yes another good point that most have no idea about. They too have also been causing headaches in people and a few other issues.
Yet we can't get these gawd damn sheep to realize why there is a boom in cancer rates.

Hey I meant to say to you yesterday , thanks for coming to what I see as well defending me over on that other post where they all jumped down my throat lol.
Between all of the electronics and all of the environmental hazards (pollutants, fallout, expanding diseases via concentrated feed lots, gmo's and the lack of substance [a lack of nutritional value in the food], experimental vaccines, etc...) there is a health crisis. They already knew this in DC but instead of trying to fix it they started the ACA which in turn took the economy downhill farther.
I wonder if Trump will be the first president since Carter to try and get rid of the CIA. we all know JFK tried and died as a result whats also never reported is that carter tried as well.they just did not try and assassinate him cause he only started to implement the plan in the last year in office and did not have the time to get it fully going and they knew he was on his way out with a rigged election for Reagan to win. Kennedy was going to wait till his second term to finally get rid of them.If trump is for real,wonder if he waits as well.
Oswald didn't work for the CIA but he alone killed JFK.
LOL See all those towers along the highway for cell phones? You think that is what they are for. You auto is just full of chips, you credit card has one in it. You drivers licence does also. When you pass one on the road, they know who you are, what you are driving, who is in the car with you, and how much money you have in your pocket. And they can track you anywhere in the US. LOL
BREAKING : Wikileaks Reveals CIA Using Samsung TV’s as Weapons to Spy on Americans
Before you plug in your Samsung Smart TV, you may want to mind your manners and refrain from saying anything the CIA may be interested in.

A Wikileaks bombshell report shows the CIA has developed malware that allows them ..
BREAKING : Wikileaks Reveals CIA Using Samsung TV's as Weapons to Spy on Americans

There are a lot of people who were and are already aware of this. This is to me old, old information.
But here we are again. This should attempt to wake people the hell up again.
You should be concerned about these issues being done behind your back, it is no different than lets say your neighbor wanting to look into your windows you would get offended wouldn't you, it is no different than a teacher getting into your emails reading them you wouldn't like it..................... That old line of " I'm not doing anything, I have nothing to hide is nothing more than a COP OUT BS line to make yourself feel better.

The truth on the CIA and how the agency usurped power from the American people:

Worth listening to David's points


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