CIC Bone Spur Dalily BS: Wants to impose 25% tariffs on steel, 10% aluminum; stokes trade war fears.

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Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Trump said the duties, 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum, would be formally announced next week, although White House officials later said some details still needed to be ironed out.

Trump believes the tariffs will safeguard American jobs, but many economists say the impact of price increases for users of steel and aluminum, such as the auto and oil industries, will destroy more jobs than curbs on imports create.

“We’re going to build our steel industry back and our aluminum industry back,” Trump said.

Trump to impose steep tariffs on steel, aluminum; stokes trade war...
Trump has been framing his steel decision as a response to China. Per a report from his administration two months ago, China isn't even in the top 10 steel importers to the US (it's 11th); Canada is always #1.


:eusa_think: I really see the Great Douche is playing another insider trading SCAM here.
China is not an issue here. I can see this helping Russia to sell more steel.

FFS! Other nations pay steelworks a few dollars a day. These Steel manufacturing jobs are not coming back. The plants are gone. He will not do this like he did not do his other BS jobs programs .


Lawrence O'Donnell
Things no one named Trump knows:
1. Tariffs are taxes.

2. USA tariffs are not really paid by China. They are paid by USA consumers of Chinese goods.

3. Tariffs raise prices of foreign goods & also raise prices of goods made in USA.

4. Wall St knows all of this.

BTW: More FYI.


I would think if the new sanctions (the Great Douche won't impose them) on Russia should block them selling us steel.

So, I see this as Insider Trading by Douche LLC . These Top 5 are in the running, to watch on the Dow.
I say Ivanka made a deal with South Korea for the Douche Crime Family.
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Thank you Pres. Trump!! ...

If it does not get imposed these new tariffs. Which is the Great Douche Lying patterns.
MAGA Con Man Spews with no actions completed. Will you still be happy with the Great Douche?
Thank you for creating another thread on this topic, because the existing one which is 22 pages wasn’t good enough.
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