CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.

My beef is that as a Nation, we hate each other more each and every day, due to issues.
I wish that would change.

I apologize for my past name calling and attacks.
I'm part of the problem.

I wish to be better.

No.........if you look, honestly, at the problem....the left is the one driving the hate and is not "both sides."

We didn't hate anyone........but the left keeps calling us evil things.......and attacking us, using the government as their tool more and more...
Fair Enough.
Thanks for the response.

In traffic, speed limits reduce accidents.
Without speed limits, most people would drive safely anyway.
With Speed limits, some people still drive at unsafe speeds.
But speed limits do reduce accidents, of course NOT ALL accidents, but it does help.

Can you agree on that ^^^^^ without saying "Well that has nothing to do with guns."
I can say that driving is not a natural right.
Ahem.......would it be because the democrat party/leftists, don't care about criminals getting guns....and that their only focus is making it harder/impossible for normal citizens to own and carry guns?
I respectfully disagree.
All law abiding citizens CARE about criminals getting guns.

Maybe the focus should be
"How to take away guns from Violent Criminals" not "Law Abiding Citizens"

Are you ok with infringing on the right to bear arms from violent convicted criminals.
I respectfully disagree.
All law abiding citizens CARE about criminals getting guns.

Maybe the focus should be
"How to take away guns from Violent Criminals" not "Law Abiding Citizens"

Are you ok with infringing on the right to bear arms from violent convicted criminals.

And again....from the Post by Miketx

But you didn't answer the question. Why do the laws never stop criminals from getting guns?

I answered his question.

Yes....we have 20,000 laws on the books that do this...including laws that let us lock them up when they use guns for rape, robbery, murder...and laws that state that criminals can't buy, own or carry guns...
Here's what I'm saying.
I get it, criminals have guns and will always have guns.
American Citizens have guns and should be allowed to keep ALL their guns.
I've never said otherwise.

If the age of legally purchasing an AR-15 (the gun of major discourse) was raised to 21, IMO, the law abiding father or mother in the USA would still purchase one for his 18 year old child.
I'm willing to guess that many law abiding parents have purchased an AR-15 for their under 18 year old child. It's gonna happen anyway.
And I'm fine with that.
Take instruction (which I know most already do).
You can take an AR 15, or any other gun for that matter, away from 18 year olds the very day that the government gives up their right to draft them and go kill for them at 18 to protect their gun hating arses from the evils in the world.

Not interested?

Yea, didn't think so.

Now go away.
I respectfully disagree.
All law abiding citizens CARE about criminals getting guns.

Maybe the focus should be
"How to take away guns from Violent Criminals" not "Law Abiding Citizens"

Are you ok with infringing on the right to bear arms from violent convicted criminals.
Criminals don't follow the law by definition.....You think that they're going to start because you foolishly think that you can keep guns away from them trying to use the law?
The proper analogy is...

Some people will speed, no matter the law...therefore, we have to ban and confiscate cars.
Who, besides a few crazies, wants to ban guns? Seriously.

Give me some names of Law Abiding Citizens that have specifically said to BAN ALL GUNS.
Maybe they mentioned some specific guns, (AR-15) but who is advocating the confiscating of ALL guns?

That (banning and confiscating all guns) will never happen nor should it happen.
I respectfully disagree.
All law abiding citizens CARE about criminals getting guns.

Maybe the focus should be
"How to take away guns from Violent Criminals" not "Law Abiding Citizens"

Are you ok with infringing on the right to bear arms from violent convicted criminals.
After the application of "Due Process". It is the ONLY legitimate means by the government to restrict the rights of individuals.
You can take an AR 15, or any other gun for that matter, away from 18 year olds the very day that the government gives up their right to draft them and go kill for them at 18 to protect their gun hating arses from the evils in the world.

Not interested?

Yea, didn't think so.

Now go away.

And no abortions till they are 18 too.......if they can't use an AR-15, at 18 to kill someone trying to harm them or their family...they can't kill a baby till they are 21.
Who, besides a few crazies, wants to ban guns? Seriously.

Give me some names of Law Abiding Citizens that have specifically said to BAN ALL GUNS.
Maybe they mentioned some specific guns, (AR-15) but who is advocating the confiscating of ALL guns?

That (banning and confiscating all guns) will never happen nor should it happen.

The democrat party.
Criminals don't follow the law by definition.....You think that they're going to start because you foolishly think that you can keep guns away from them trying to use the law?
Wouldn't it be a GREAT thing IF we could take guns away from criminals?
That would be good, right?
Should criminals lose their Right?
I know, they will get them anyway.
Who, besides a few crazies, wants to ban guns? Seriously.

Give me some names of Law Abiding Citizens that have specifically said to BAN ALL GUNS.
Maybe they mentioned some specific guns, (AR-15) but who is advocating the confiscating of ALL guns?

That (banning and confiscating all guns) will never happen nor should it happen.
Tell the the full and complete list of 'sensible' gun control you folks want. Leave nothing out. Oh wait, you can't, because that list never ends.
Wouldn't it be a GREAT thing IF we could take guns away from criminals?
That would be good, right?
Should criminals lose their Right?
I know, they will get them anyway.

Yes...actual criminals who have been arrested, afforded their legal Right to legal counsel and due process through our court system and convicted by a jury of their peers...lose their Right to own and carry a gun....

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