CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.

I don't own any guns and cannot have a discussion on any particular components of such guns.

I support the 2A 100%, but it was written over 240 years ago.
Things have obviously changed since muzzleloaders.

We license fishing, cars, trucks, boats, trailers, businesses, etc
Cars and trucks weren't even invented yet, so there is obviously nothing in the Constitution about cars and trucks.

I believe that the criminals will always be criminals and will never abide by new or old laws.

So making background checks so they contain ZERO loopholes would not be an infringement.
How is getting a background check infringing. You're a Law Abiding Citizen.

That said, how would we ever patrol private guns sales.
We can't, so quit trying.

Pandora's box is wide open, so nothing will ever really change, I just wish we could stop arguing about it.

Law Abiding Citizens aren't the problem.

That's a small start.
Feel free to discuss this and other current issues.
But be CIVIL.

Gun cuntrol has never worked. People control does. Background checks are fine, and if there was a law that made background checks free to anyone, granted immunity from lawsuits if the sellor used the service, and had no registration or reporting of the weapon being sold, most gun owners would have no problem supporting that law.
Yes...actual criminals who have been arrested, afforded their legal Right to legal counsel and due process through our court system and convicted by a jury of their peers...lose their Right to own and carry a gun....
...while they are locked up.

If/when they are deemed safe to release, all rights should be restored. We must assume that they will get guns one way or another when released. We may as well let it happen or keep them locked up.
Gun cuntrol has never worked. People control does. Background checks are fine, and if there was a law that made background checks free to anyone, granted immunity from lawsuits if the sellor used the service, and had no registration or reporting of the weapon being sold, most gun owners would have no problem supporting that law.

That's why I ask them about a free phone app......that anyone can use to check the background of could actually be used for more than just gun sales......

Free, easy to use, accessible to all, with no records plug in the name, date of birth, maybe a social security tells you if they are a convicted criminal, if they have been committed, or have warrants.....

Then you can make or decline the sale......
Fair Enough.
Thanks for the response.

In traffic, speed limits reduce accidents.
Without speed limits, most people would drive safely anyway.
With Speed limits, some people still drive at unsafe speeds.
But speed limits do reduce accidents, of course NOT ALL accidents, but it does help.

Can you agree on that ^^^^^ without saying "Well that has nothing to do with guns."
A good analogy would be that you can't take your car to the post office or a school. Not to court either.
Yes...actual criminals who have been arrested, afforded their legal Right to legal counsel and due process through our court system and convicted by a jury of their peers...lose their Right to own and carry a gun....
Well, then let's enforce that law.
How do these convicted criminals end up with another weapon? I know, illegally, right.
I'd really like to see the heavy 2A supporters, regardless of party, do a more effective job of enforcing (supporting) these laws and stop the repeat convicted criminal from ever owning a gun.

Who, besides a few crazies, wants to ban guns? Seriously.

Give me some names of Law Abiding Citizens that have specifically said to BAN ALL GUNS.
Maybe they mentioned some specific guns, (AR-15) but who is advocating the confiscating of ALL guns?

That (banning and confiscating all guns) will never happen nor should it happen.
File this under the radical homo activists, who proclaimed for decades that "we're not interested in children".

The kooks will eventually gain control and come after all firearms....As per normal, they'll claim that the failure of previous laws to stop the problem (which it will NEVER EVER do), is evidence that more draconian laws and/or confiscation is called for.
That's why I ask them about a free phone app......that anyone can use to check the background of could actually be used for more than just gun sales......

Free, easy to use, accessible to all, with no records plug in the name, date of birth, maybe a social security tells you if they are a convicted criminal, if they have been committed, or have warrants.....

Then you can make or decline the sale......
Sorry, but no.

If I know you or not, we are friends or not, you would never get My SSAN number from Me.
Well, then let's enforce that law.
How do these convicted criminals end up with another weapon? I know, illegally, right.
I'd really like to see the heavy 2A supporters, regardless of party, do a more effective job of enforcing (supporting) these laws and stop the repeat convicted criminal from ever owning a gun.

Because they were released. they shouldn't have been.
Wouldn't it be a GREAT thing IF we could take guns away from criminals?
That would be good, right?
Should criminals lose their Right?
I know, they will get them anyway.
"Wouldn't it be great...?" (i.e. Utopian thinking) isn't an argument.

Criminals gonna criminal, no matter what you think is great or not.
File this under the radical homo activists, who proclaimed for decades that "we're not interested in children".

The kooks will eventually gain control and come after all firearms....As per normal, they'll claim that the failure of previous laws to stop the problem (which it will NEVER EVER do), is evidence that more draconian laws and/or confiscation is called for.
Which is why we most repeal all gun laws or TEXIT.
Well, then let's enforce that law.
How do these convicted criminals end up with another weapon? I know, illegally, right.
I'd really like to see the heavy 2A supporters, regardless of party, do a more effective job of enforcing (supporting) these laws and stop the repeat convicted criminal from ever owning a gun.


We is the democrat party that attacks the police and releases known, violent, repeat gun offenders........

How do we stop it? Stop voting for democrats.

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