CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.

The problem is the unwillingness of far too many to consider firearm regulatory measures that don’t involve the regulation of specific types of weapons.
Because most weapons targeted are fundamentally no different than any other gun.
One more thing at this early stage. Unlike some people, I am content with acknowledging some minimal qualifications in the right such as licensing and registration and related things like minimum age and no felony record. Just as the right to free speech is couched in absolute language, nevertheless we recognize some qualifications; so too I believe that the 2d Amendment allows for those minimal qualifiers.
Would those who qualify have UNRESTRICTED access to all military weapons?
(With a few exceptions) ALL sides of our family have guns. most did or do hunt.
Those that don't are happy to eat venison or dove dinners. Many have other interests that include guns.
So up till a few years ago I would support guns totally.
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO THINK TODAY. The lack of gun education/ skill in use/, abuse of the right of ownership/safe handling & storage of guns. Why it became popular to walk are streets/eating places/ enter Walmart or any other place of business with a rifle slung over your arm. politicians pose with powerful rifles WHY unless they are running for the gun commission? PRO GUN ANTI GUN NUT.
(With a few exceptions) ALL sides of our family have guns. most did or do hunt.
Those that don't are happy to eat venison or dove dinners. Many have other interests that include guns.
So up till a few years ago I would support guns totally.
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO THINK TODAY. The lack of gun education/ skill in use/, abuse of the right of ownership/safe handling & storage of guns. Why it became popular to walk are streets/eating places/ enter Walmart or any other place of business with a rifle slung over your arm. politicians pose with powerful rifles WHY unless they are running for the gun commission? PRO GUN ANTI GUN NUT.
In exchange for mandatory high school gun training, we all get machine guns.

Civil discussion?
Have you gone mad?
Yeah, all of a sudden they're interested in being civil, right?

The dumb fucktard lefties rioted all summer, dragged an ex president through the mud at taxpayer expense, left 600 people in jail without due process while the Queen Witch was preparing her dog and pony show - threatened businesses and Supreme Court Justices -

And NOW they want to be civil?

I don't believe a word of it. Not a fucking word

What I know is, I want these leftist scumbags GONE. Out of power. As far away from the reins of power and responsibility as humanly possible.
(With a few exceptions) ALL sides of our family have guns. most did or do hunt.
Those that don't are happy to eat venison or dove dinners. Many have other interests that include guns.
So up till a few years ago I would support guns totally.
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO THINK TODAY. The lack of gun education/ skill in use/, abuse of the right of ownership/safe handling & storage of guns. Why it became popular to walk are streets/eating places/ enter Walmart or any other place of business with a rifle slung over your arm. politicians pose with powerful rifles WHY unless they are running for the gun commission? PRO GUN ANTI GUN NUT.
it is interesting that because of the fear of guns in the latter half of the last century and the first two decades of this century, that family don't teach proper gun handling.

In the Founding era, it was expected that as young as as 5-year-olds were taught to handle knives and other tools we would consider to dangerous today. By the time they were 10 or 12, they had been taught in the proper use, care, and maintenance of a gun and when it was appropriate to use that weapon.

Its interesting that the drive to eliminate guns in America for safety, is actually causing far more issues of safety and use than it ever had before.

As for you last sentence, those are more of incidents of people pushing back than a real desire to enter a supermarket armed. After all, a rifle is a poor choice of weapon in close-quarter life and death situations.
I agree 100%.

The focus should be on taking and KEEPING guns away from convicted criminals.
Laws that already exist.
But how?

Start by having laws that actually punish crimes. Commit a crime with a gun? Automatic 10 years in prison, no parole. Commit a violent crime with a gun? 20 years, no parole. Murder someone with a gun? Life, no parole. And no option for leftist, pro-crime DAs and judges to overrule these sentences. If they do, guess what? They go to prison, too.
Well, then let's enforce that law.
How do these convicted criminals end up with another weapon? I know, illegally, right.
I'd really like to see the heavy 2A supporters, regardless of party, do a more effective job of enforcing (supporting) these laws and stop the repeat convicted criminal from ever owning a gun.


Easy, other criminals provide them. They stwal them. Obtain them from criminal FFL holders, imagine that, gang bangers get an FFL so they can provide guns to their banger buddies.

And of course, failure by progressive, soros backed DA's to enforce the laws already on the books.

My M-4 is eleven ARs safer!

Yeah, all of a sudden they're interested in being civil, right?

The dumb fucktard lefties rioted all summer, dragged an ex president through the mud at taxpayer expense, left 600 people in jail without due process while the Queen Witch was preparing her dog and pony show - threatened businesses and Supreme Court Justices -

And NOW they want to be civil?

I don't believe a word of it. Not a fucking word

What I know is, I want these leftist scumbags GONE. Out of power. As far away from the reins of power and responsibility as humanly possible.
Yup and they are right here in this thread lying and deflecting, like always.
This is an attempt to have at least one thread where discussion remains civil.
No name calling or threats.
Just say I respectfully disagree.
If you can't do that, then just stick with the other threads.

I'll start. BackAgain

2nd Amendment:

A heated discussion topic.

You should have put this in Zone 1, dummy.
Where have all the hunters gone who passed down skill & safety?
OK with me machine guns, The more ability to kill many people the more skill must be required ?
Leftist butchers have no skill other than lying stealing cheating and killing.

This further proves that this topic will only be discussed one way.
Why what? Why not discuss a rather silly extreme point now instead of allowing the conversation to develop meaningfully?

I’m sure there’s a better place for you to engage in thread derailment. Don’t fret.

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