Civil Rights Movement 2014: A Status Report


May 23, 2014
The Civil Rights Movement has long been over and is nothing like its roots from 1960's. Today they are mired in violence and criminal activity. The so called advocates of this modern Civil Rights Movement actually want to elevate Michael Brown and Travon Martin to status of Rosa Parks and MLK. Its laughable. The fact of the matter is that in 2014 race is not an issue in our society. Your attitude will determine your altitude in life. Please news media stop even referring to a "civil rights movement" in America in 2014. All you do is get a bunch of crazies riled up who want to relive the 1960's again. We have Civil War reenactments perhaps that's what liberals need. A place to go play 1960's a few weekends a year.
The destruction of the Black family in America is a tragedy exceeded only by slavery itself. African Americans were on the verge of full participation in our society when we started offering to any unmarried girl with a positive pregnancy test her own apartment, complete with subsidized utilities, food, medical care and cash.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
It is funny how each and every racist redneck has to open his own thread to post his swamp gibberish on the issue.

It is not funny how people like you keep African Americans in psychological bondage.

Wow Cletus! You are using a word with more than 2 nouns. I am sure that was quite challenging for a redneck like you. Congratulations for that success.

Now go explain your swamp theory, instead of posting mindless and fundermentaly useless lines.
Look at all these conservatives on this thread longing for better times!

You can thank Martin Luther King for that one. He's the one that sent black children into those firehoses when all he had to do was wait until Bull Connor was gone and the girls could have gone to school without challenge.
Look at all these conservatives on this thread longing for better times!

You can thank Martin Luther King for that one. He's the one that sent black children into those firehoses when all he had to do was wait until Bull Connor was gone and the girls could have gone to school without challenge.

Lol Katz you really are a piece of work.
It is funny how each and every racist redneck has to open his own thread to post his swamp gibberish on the issue.

It is not funny how people like you keep African Americans in psychological bondage.

Wow Cletus! You are using a word with more than 2 nouns. I am sure that was quite challenging for a redneck like you. Congratulations for that success.

Now go explain your swamp theory, instead of posting mindless and fundermentaly useless lines.

A word with more than 2 nouns? Apparently, "redneck" is a classification to which you "fundermentaly" aspire.
The Supreme Court gutted the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and agreed with plaintiff argument that the South has changed fundamentally over the last several generations.

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