Civil War 2.0

I do wonder what the real instigators -- people like Hannity and Tucker and Levin and all the online propagandists -- will do if and when this happens. If past is prologue, they'll claim complete innocence and act like they have absolutely no idea what anyone is talking about.

What? Huh? Me? Huh? What? I didn't say nuthin'!

Then we'll see if they get away with that.
If it were a real civil war they would disappear and be replaced by someone very supportive of the government or show up to work looking terrified and the entire station would have changed its tune. .

Okay ... I already gave them a reason not to be ... What else do you want to say ...
You got anything to add to the conversation ... :auiqs.jpg:


The States have expressed no serious interest in secession.

The 'civil war' is being pushed by a handful of violent domestic terrorists.......and internet chickenshits who refuse to do any of the fighting they call for.

Neither are going to inspire patriots to start murdering cops, their families, and our soldiers.
The States have expressed no serious interest in secession.

The 'civil war' is being pushed by a handful of violent domestic terrorists.......and internet chickenshits who refuse to do any of the fighting they call for.

Neither are going to inspire patriots to start murdering cops, their families, and our soldiers.

As unserious, limited in number and ineffective as you seem to think they are ...
They sure have you running here and gabbing about them every chance you get ... :auiqs.jpg:

Of course ... You really have no business thinking you can speak for other people ... But thanks for your rather lackluster opinion ...
For whatever it may be worth.

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One of the main reasons we've got little to fear from another 'civil war' is that its most ardent supporters are overwhelmingly old white guys who aren't going to do any of the fighting themselves.

You know the type: internet chickenshits who will allude to violence, threaten harm.......but insist its someone *else* that has to fight their 'civil war'.

The actual civil war was lead by states. No state gets behind this violence what the 'civil war 2.0' advocates are ACTUALLY backing is the murdering of cops and our soldiers by domestic terrorists.

And no patriot is getting behind that sick shit.
Have you been watching what happens lately when punks like you get out of hand?

This country is sitting on a powder keg, just waiting to blow.
I guess you never heard of the three month riot in Portland in 2020 when BLM/Antifa thugs set fire to a federal building with innocent civilians and federal employees inside.
And out in the west a city seceded from the US and had the largest rate of murder ever in the world. That was because it was a Marxist take over.
The States have expressed no serious interest in secession.

The 'civil war' is being pushed by a handful of violent domestic terrorists.......and internet chickenshits who refuse to do any of the fighting they call for.

Neither are going to inspire patriots to start murdering cops, their families, and our soldiers.
They are not all for it...

They are grooming their followers, to commit violence... By their lying....

The election was stolen from you

Nancy Pelosi a traitor... Omar is a traitor

Adam Schiff committed treason

President Biden is illegitimate

The FBI are traitors.... Corrupt.

The DOJ is illegally unfair....

Biden is being paid by and works for the Chinese and has deals to give America away to them....

Democrats are pedophiles/ groomers...

All this made up out of whole cloth lies, are subliminal justification for violence.... For 1/6 ...for etc etc etc.

The more the lies are repeated the easier the violence becomes....
They are not all my for it...

They are grooming their followers, to commit violence... By their lying....

The election was stolen from you

Nancy Pelosi a traitor... Omar is a traitor

Adam Schiff committed treason

President Biden is illegitimate

The FBI are traitors.... Corrupt.

The DOJ is illegally unfair....

Biden is being paid by and works for the Chinese and has deals to give America away to them....

Democrats are pedophiles/ groomers...

All this made up out of whole cloth lies, are subliminal justification for violence....
The Irony coming from a Leftist...
Rampant daily crime and every excuse in the book for BLM violence.
Eat shit.
Wait I thought this was about right wing terrorists. Now its your fear of BLM in Oregon? I am confused.
There is no Right Wing terrorism.
O! I forgot, some guy who votes R once threatened somebody and didn't so anything, but he votes R.
Stop making yourself look like a bigger schmuck than you already are.
They are not all for it...

They are grooming their followers, to commit violence... By their lying....

The election was stolen from you

Nancy Pelosi a traitor... Omar is a traitor

Adam Schiff committed treason

President Biden is illegitimate

The FBI are traitors.... Corrupt.

The DOJ is illegally unfair....

Biden is being paid by and works for the Chinese and has deals to give America away to them....

Democrats are pedophiles/ groomers...

All this made up out of whole cloth lies, are subliminal justification for violence.... For 1/6 ...for etc etc etc.

The more the kids are repeated the easier the violence becomes....

The People caterwauling about the garbage you posted are not the ones you need to worry about ... :auiqs.jpg:
Those people are just like little dogs chasing the balls the Assclowns on Capitol Hill keep tossing down the street.

Apparently, the concept of a Civil War 2.0 is somewhat diverse. Especially since we are not talking about the present but at some point in the future. As in years down the road, maybe 10 or 20 or even longer. Expecting the 2nd CW to be like the 1st one was/is kinda unrealistic, no? Which is not to say a state or states cannot decide at some distant time on the future to secede or never would even consider it, I've never been one to say 'never' or 'always' when it comes to human behavior, individually or collectively. It may not start that way, but is it so impossible? For now, yeah. But in 10 or 20 years or later? Really? How many people thought Jan 6th could never happen? Did we not fortify the White House recently? Somebody must've thought it might be a good idea.

So. Not possible ever, right? Can't happen anywhere in America, right? Okay. Chances are I'll be dead by then anyway, if it occurs. To all you young people under 50, I say Good Luck and I'm sorry we didn't do anything to head things off before it got out of hand. IMHO, this country is headed in the wrong direction and has been doing so for quite some time. Throw in the fact that we have more guns than people in this country and a lot of the people do not trust their gov't or the electoral process that we use to elect people, and it seems like there could be trouble ahead. But not Civil War 2.0? OK, call it what you want.
Apparently, the concept of a Civil War 2.0 is somewhat diverse. Especially since we are not talking about the present but at some point in the future. As in years down the road, maybe 10 or 20 or even longer. Expecting the 2nd CW to be like the 1st one was/is kinda unrealistic, no? Which is not to say a state or states cannot decide at some distant time on the future to secede or never would even consider it, I've never been one to say 'never' or 'always' when it comes to human behavior, individually or collectively. It may not start that way, but is it so impossible? For now, yeah. But in 10 or 20 years or later? Really? How many people thought Jan 6th could never happen? Did we not fortify the White House recently? Somebody must've thought it might be a good idea.

So. Not possible ever, right? Can't happen anywhere in America, right? Okay. Chances are I'll be dead by then anyway, if it occurs. To all you young people under 50, I say Good Luck and I'm sorry we didn't do anything to head things off before it got out of hand. IMHO, this country is headed in the wrong direction and has been doing so for quite some time. Throw in the fact that we have more guns than people in this country and a lot of the people do not trust their gov't or the electoral process that we use to elect people, and it seems like there could be trouble ahead. But not Civil War 2.0? OK, call it what you want.

Expecting 'Civil War 2.0' to be anything more than domestic terrorists attacking cops, civilians and soldiers is a bit unrealistic.

There is no army, no territory, no resources, no battles. There are no secession, no States backing it.

What the right is advocating are individual citizens taking up arms and attacking law enforcement, politicians and soft civilian targets.

Basic, generic, domestic terrorism. This is the right's 'Civil War 2.0'. And not a one of them isn't advocating naked treason.
But not Civil War 2.0? OK, call it what you want.

That's a start.

Think about the ideology, terminology, history and vision towards an end goal ...
I mentioned it already ... But will touch on it again ... Just in context.

Civil Wars rarely end well ... And most of the time just amount to prolonged suffering ... With some rewards at times.
They also result in deep festering wounds ... That rarely heal over time ... And eventually weasel their way back to the surface.

On the other hand ... Revolutions are a bit different ... And tend to have better record ... For a simple reason.
You are not trying to change the People ... You just need to change the Government ... The People will follow.

One way divides the People ... While the other way unites the People.
One way sacrifices a lot in the beginning ... Where the other way attempts to capture it all.

It's still a roll of the dice either way ... Sometimes what you choose for a goal ... And how you plan on getting there ...
Will make all the difference though.

Who? Consider how many Q-Anon type websites are out there on the 'net. A lotta these people have guns and a lotta them truly believe the 2020 election was stolen and our electoral process has been suborned. What if the democrats wins in 2024 and 2026, and they finally abolish the filibuster and implement a full-blown progressive agenda? Do you remember the Seattle thing where some people declared their own little piece of downtown Seattle to be a separate from the rest of us? Or places like Waco, where a group of people declare themselves to be no longer a part of America and unwilling to be current laws? I kinda think sooner or later there could be shots fired and people getting killed. How many incidents and deaths does it take to call it a Civil War?
Its not the incidents, its the doctrine. Anarchy scratches an itch. It isn't a form of government.
With what? There's a lotta guns out there. Small arms to be sure, but so what? And some of these people might know how to make and IED bomb. MacGiver did it a lot and that was what, 30-40 years ago?
Again, you've watched way too much television.
Against who? Do you recall the guy that shot at the republicans at a baseball practice? Or the guy that wanted to shoot Justice Kavanaugh and a couple of other conservative justices but got caught first? Did we not have firebombs and stuff thrown at federal buildings in Portland, Seattle, and other places? Is it not possible that at some point bullets start flying in the next riot? Excuse me, I meant to say 'peaceful protest'. Do you think there's no chance of an attack on a political convention or rally somewhere by either party or any person? Wasn't there a near-riot in Chicago at the 1968 democratic convention? Can it happen again, this time with guns? Or maybe IED bombs?
Yeah, everything you just described is terrorism; not a civil war. Now, if you're arguing that there is going to be a civil war fought like a guerrilla war where there are IEDs that indiscriminately kill whomever happens to be driving would struggle to see how the faction that planted that bomb would get popular support outside of it being done under the auspices of a supposed jihad. But nobody--even republicans--are going to cheer a school bus being blown apart.
I'm not saying any of this is likely, but I also ain't saying it can't happen either.

You've basically deplatformed yourself.

If any of these toothless hicks were really "patriots", they would have started shooting already.
Says the internet chickenshit who is doubling down on ellipses.....rather than actually doing any of the fighting.

Thank you....

for proving....

my point....
:laughing0301:...... You don't know anything about me little boy....

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