Civil War 2.0

Laughing....sweetie, no one 'wanks off' to anything about you.

You're my first, best example of why there will be no civil war. There are always internet chickenshits that call for Civil war........but simply refuse to fight in it.

Which is why your ilk have been bleating about it for a quarter century and will for another.
My ilk???? LMFAO.....
Again, like a good little Eichmann that you are, you keep missing the point. Those of US who have fought against Communism/Socialism/Marxism, know that eventually all the free shit will go away, because the country wont be able to afford it anymore. Then people like you will get angry and want to hurt people like me, who have waited and prepared for that day. You think we are just going to sit there and allow you to take from us what we put away for such an emergency?

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Or.....I reject your calls for civil war. We're not the one's calling for civil war.

Your ilk are.

Your argument shatters on this simple fact.
Or.....I reject your calls for civil war. We're not the one's calling for civil war.

Your ilk are.

Your argument shatters on this simple fact.
I call bullshit, every fucking thing you fuckers do to this country is totally against the Constitution, yet here we are, discussing the final outcome when the economy goes to the shitter.

A little history lesson, which you probably never learned.

We are at 31 trillion dollars of debt, it is just a matter of time we go into hyperinflation. Hope i get to see you when that happens...

This strategy failed as Germany lost the war, which left the new Weimar Republic saddled with massive war debts that it could not afford, totaling 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion), later revised under the Young Plan to 112 billion marks (US$26.3 billion).

Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic - Wikipedia
I call bullshit, every fucking thing you fuckers do to this country is totally against the Constitution, yet here we are, discussing the final outcome when the economy goes to the shitter.

A little history lesson, which you probably never learned.

We are at 31 trillion dollars of debt, it is just a matter of time we go into hyperinflation. Hope i get to see you when that happens...

This strategy failed as Germany lost the war, which left the new Weimar Republic saddled with massive war debts that it could not afford, totaling 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion), later revised under the Young Plan to 112 billion marks (US$26.3 billion).

Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic - Wikipedia

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Again. We're not calling for a civil war. YOUR ilk are.

You're scrambling from topic to topic, trying to blame conservative calls for Civil War on liberals.

Conservative calls for treason against America are on conservatives. Not on anyone else.
Again. We're not calling for a civil war. YOUR ilk are.

You're scrambling from topic to topic, trying to blame conservative calls for Civil War on liberals.

Conservative calls for treason against America are on conservatives. Not on anyone else.
Is it blacks who are murdering blacks and Asians all over America? Is it ANTIFA who is attacking police and burning minority businesses? Yes to both, why do you say that those on the right are the ones doing the destruction? Is it you are just mentally ill that you just cant grasp that it is your side doing all the violence? You must be.

Sure seems that you fuckers have already started the war, many of US are waiting till it spills over to our neck of the woods.
Is it blacks who are murdering blacks and Asians all over America? Is it ANTIFA who is attacking police and burning minority businesses? Yes to both, why do you say that those on the right are the ones doing the destruction? Is it you are just mentally ill that you just cant grasp that it is your side doing all the violence? You must be.

Sure seems that you fuckers have already started the war, many of US are waiting till it spills over to our neck of the woods.

You're still scrambling, looking for excuses to blame Liberals for Conservative calls for Civil War. You're looking for an excuse to justify the violence you seek to inflict.

And there is no justification. Conservatives are leaning toward authoritarianism, increasingly advocating the violent seizure of power they haven't earned.

It was Trump himself that called for the constitution to be terminated. It was conservatives that called for Kari Lake to be 'installed' when she lost her election. And it is conservatives who call for Civil War as the remedy for their electoral losses.

Conservative calls for treason against America are on conservatives. Not on anyone else.
You're still scrambling, looking for excuses to blame Liberals for Conservative calls for Civil War. You're looking for an excuse to justify the violence you seek to inflict.

And there is no justification. Conservatives are leaning toward authoritarianism, increasingly advocating the violent seizure of power they haven't earned.

It was Trump himself that called for the constitution to be terminated. It was conservatives that called for Kari Lake to be 'installed' when she lost her election. And it is conservatives who call for Civil War as the remedy for their electoral losses.

Conservative calls for treason against America are on conservatives. Not on anyone else.
And you are just another stupid Marxist who cant pull his head out of his ass, no matter what proof is presented. So bye bye, you also go the pig sty called ignore.

Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.

Yes, right now politics has no logic to it at all. It's two sides who will do anything to win, and in order to win they're putting in place things that are leading to massive disharmony in society.

At least you inadvertently mentioned real "patriots" ought to be shooting folks ... :auiqs.jpg:

No...real patriots don't shoot people. Real Patriots believe in justice and if they cannot get justice through peaceful means, all that is left is violence. According to election deniers, they haven't gotten violence should be the next move.

Since there has been none, either you're not patriots or you don't really think the election was stolen.
No...real patriots don't shoot people.

Well then ... You shouldn't have posted that if they ...
"were really patriots they would have started shooting already ... I wasn't laughing at the stupid things you think ...
I was laughing at the stupid thing you posted ... Thanks ... Now I can laugh at both of them ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Well then ... You shouldn't have posted that if they ...
"were really patriots they would have started shooting already ... I wasn't laughing at the stupid things you think ...
I was laughing at the stupid thing you posted ... Thanks ... Now I can laugh at both of them ... :auiqs.jpg:

Well, then, you should have posted my entire statement. Thanks, now I can join everyone else in laughing at you.

Well, then, you should have posted my entire statement. Thanks, now I can join everyone else in laughing at you.


See what I mean ... I did post your whole comment the first time ... And you tried to pretend it wasn't what you posted ...
And now you come back and post more stupid shit ... You crack me up ... You cannot help yourself ...
Just one stupid thing right after the next.

That could be why we end up in a Civil War ... :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, right now politics has no logic to it at all. It's two sides who will do anything to win, and in order to win they're putting in place things that are leading to massive disharmony in society.

What makes it really bad ... Is that "winning" in the current political condition ... Is still losing.
It's how fighting with the illusion of conflict ... Allows the Establishment to move the ball down the field in one direction.
We the People are losing our Power as the Establishment gains ground.

No...real patriots don't shoot people. Real Patriots believe in justice and if they cannot get justice through peaceful means, all that is left is violence. According to election deniers, they haven't gotten violence should be the next move.

Since there has been none, either you're not patriots or you don't really think the election was stolen.

Violence ought to be the very last resort when all else has failed, patriot or not. And as so many on the Left have pointed out, there is evidence of election fraud but no proof that the election was stolen. And so, violence is not yet called for. But there are plenty of patriots out there, some believe the election was stolen and some don't.
Violence ought to be the very last resort when all else has failed, patriot or not.
Agreed. But the reason for resorting to violence carries more logic if you're a patriot. Its where you arrive, its not where you start.
And as so many on the Left have pointed out, there is evidence of election fraud but no proof that the election was stolen.
Really? Who has pointed that out? What is this "evidence" you're talking about? Which election? You guys have dealt this card so often you have to be more specific.
And so, violence is not yet called for. But there are plenty of patriots out there, some believe the election was stolen and some don't.

Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2016 Iowa Caucus
Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2016 general election.
Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2020 general election.
His sycophants have charged election fraud in numerous elections since then.

Do you believe he was cheated? Yes or no?

See what I mean ... I did post your whole comment the first time ... And you tried to pretend it wasn't what you posted ...
And now you come back and post more stupid shit ... You crack me up ... You cannot help yourself ...
Just one stupid thing right after the next.

That could be why we end up in a Civil War ... :auiqs.jpg:


You guys are too cowardly to ever start shooting.
Agreed. But the reason for resorting to violence carries more logic if you're a patriot. Its where you arrive, its not where you start.

Really? Who has pointed that out? What is this "evidence" you're talking about? Which election? You guys have dealt this card so often you have to be more specific.


Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2016 Iowa Caucus
Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2016 general election.
Your blob has said he was cheated in the 2020 general election.
His sycophants have charged election fraud in numerous elections since then.

Do you believe he was cheated? Yes or no?

I never said that Trump or anyone else was cheated. I have said it is possible, but never proven. I also said that a whole lot of people do believe Trump was cheated (stolen election), do I really need to specify which one? And that is the point, there are quite a few people who do not trust the electoral process or the current elected gov't. And that is a foundational cause for future political violence.

Me personally, done is done and it's past time to move on. I do believe fraud occurred, procedures were not followed, and people made mistakes. Whether it was enough to elect the wrong person has never been verified, so I do not believe Trump was cheated.

I do however believe that you are an idiotic troll.

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