Civil War 2.0

Says the guy calling for civil war from a golf course.

You're not gonna fight. And you're hardly alone. Though you do elegantly demonstrate why there won't be a civil war.
When did I call for a civil war?... you must have me confused with someone else....
Funny thing about this topic. It has been a mainstay of political debate forums for over 25 years. When I first got online, in the dialup days of all text pages, there were people talking about the next civil war or revolution. It was just around the corner.

And yet, here we are.
When did I call for a civil war?... you must have me confused with someone else....


That was more than 2 years ago.

See, even you ignore the silly nonsense you say.
Funny thing about this topic. It has been a mainstay of political debate forums for over 25 years. When I first got online, in the dialup days of all text pages, there were people talking about the next civil war or revolution. It was just around the corner.

And yet, here we are.

There will never be a shortage of internet badasses calling for wars they won't fight in.

Which is where their argument is born....and dies. Its green AF, beginning and ending in the same steaming bullshit.
Expecting 'Civil War 2.0' to be anything more than domestic terrorists attacking cops, civilians and soldiers is a bit unrealistic.

There is no army, no territory, no resources, no battles. There are no secession, no States backing it.

What the right is advocating are individual citizens taking up arms and attacking law enforcement, politicians and soft civilian targets.

Basic, generic, domestic terrorism. This is the right's 'Civil War 2.0'. And not a one of them isn't advocating naked treason.
Dude, it is the Progressives that hate the police, why else defund them. It is the Progressives who hat the military, which is why they are indoctrinating the soldiers with WOKE ideas. At the time the economy goes to hell, the police and military will take their guns and go home to wait out the events that will unfold. Are you prepped for such an event? I fucking doubt it, because you are a pansy ass, who thinks guns on their own will kill.

Its really not. As a nation we've endured *much* higher crime rates than we are now. We're still below the worst of GW's presidency, and far lower than any period in the 90s.

Oakland isn't attacking SF. San Diego isn't struggling with a new generation of cartel kidnap boys.

What you're demonstrating is an emotional and cognitive commitment to collapse.

You're hardly alone. Conservatives in general are emotionally commited to the collapse of the United States. If why I don't want them anywhere near leadership positions.
And those with guns will protect their own. They won't go out looking for war.

Yeah, there will be looters. But once a few of those are shot down, there will be less.
If there is no law, who do you think the looters will be looking to loot? You can bet there will be plenty of angry people looking to take revenge on, for fucking up this once great country....

Dude, it is the Progressives that hate the police, why else defund them. It is the Progressives who hat the military, which is why they are indoctrinating the soldiers with WOKE ideas. At the time the economy goes to hell, the police and military will take their guns and go home to wait out the events that will unfold. Are you prepped for such an event? I fucking doubt it, because you are a pansy ass, who thinks guns on their own will kill.

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We're not the one calling for your silly cosplay Civil War. That's your ilk.
But that wasn't calling for way dummy... nice try though.... did you wank off while you were searching my posts?...

Laughing....sweetie, no one 'wanks off' to anything about you.

You're my first, best example of why there will be no civil war. There are always internet chickenshits that call for Civil war........but simply refuse to fight in it.

Which is why your ilk have been bleating about it for a quarter century and will for another.
We're not the one calling for your silly cosplay Civil War. That's your ilk.
No, but you keep voting in the very people who want to bring F-15s to fight their own Citizens, while giving up billions of dollars of military equipment to radical Muslims who do want to kill your sorry ass, and all they have to do is come across the southern border and murder you in your sleep. Once again, if the economy collapses, there wont be anyone to protect you. That will be when the shooting starts. You are a dumbass for condoning the very people who want to see you dead.
No, but you keep voting in the very people who want to bring F-15s to fight their own Citizens, while giving up billions of dollars of military equipment to radical Muslims who do want to kill your sorry ass, and all they have to do is come across the southern border and murder you in your sleep. Once again, if the economy collapses, there wont be anyone to protect you. That will be when the shooting starts. You are a dumbass for condoning the very people who want to see you dead.

We're not calling for a civil war. Which is what this thread is about.
No, but you keep voting in the very people who want to bring F-15s to fight their own Citizens, while giving up billions of dollars of military equipment to radical Muslims who do want to kill your sorry ass, and all they have to do is come across the southern border and murder you in your sleep. Once again, if the economy collapses, there wont be anyone to protect you. That will be when the shooting starts. You are a dumbass for condoning the very people who want to see you dead.
Your post literally makes no sense.
Is that why your ilk are calling for a civil war?

You might want to get a good number of States on board first. Otherwise, its just generic domestic terrorism when you start shooting cops and soldiers rather than good old fashion treason.
Again, like a good little Eichmann that you are, you keep missing the point. Those of US who have fought against Communism/Socialism/Marxism, know that eventually all the free shit will go away, because the country wont be able to afford it anymore. Then people like you will get angry and want to hurt people like me, who have waited and prepared for that day. You think we are just going to sit there and allow you to take from us what we put away for such an emergency?


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