Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation

Here's the thing: slavery was an intrinsic part of the Southern economy, and the way of life of its quasi-aristocracy. The war could have been avoided by negotiation, but that negotiation would have had to include REPARATIONS to slave owners, to compensate them for the loss of their chattel property. This is what Britain did when it abolished slavery.

But even with these reparations, the plantations did not generate enough revenue to pay farm workers to do what the slaves were doing, so it was going to be difficult, regardless. The South needed to find a way forward without destroying its whole economy.
Trump is right, we needed more statesmen back then who were willing to negotiate in order to prevent war from breaking out. So many lives lost for nothing. Lincoln should be remembered for that.

---He added Lincoln could have negotiated to avoid the war, but he would not have been as well-known as he is today.---

Yeah, does he still think the confederates and yankees were fighting over airport landing rights or did that end with the colonists and the Brits?
No, it could not have been negotiated.

The Southern landowners were not giving up their slaves.
You are speculating. Even then there was a strong movement to end slavery. The pressures were massive. Slavery would have ended a decade later or so at most. They knew the end was near. And we had to go to war. However, the war was more than that. Outside interference from the then globalists wanted a FIAT CURRENCY. Dividing the nation would have made it easier to introduce in two powerful nations in the Western Hemisphere. Thus, making it easier for all nation to have it. We ended up with a strong central government and a half century later a Fiat Currency.
So Trump could have prevented the Civil War. Holy crap. Holy crap.

And yet, he's CREATING one now. That's a little ironic.
Whats the negotiation for slavery again?

Trump didn't say what, just that "something could have been negotiated", but it got Lenny moist.
Isn't this the guy who couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag?
Why would the nascent CSA negotiate with a damn Yankee?

Yeah, does he still think the confederates and yankees were fighting over airport landing rights or did that end with the colonists and the Brits?
Clearly if the Union had immediately siezed the supertrains and airports the war would have been over.

Evidently Trump continues to covet the cracker racist MAGA portion of the party.
From Lincoln's masterpiece, his 2nd Inaugural Address:

"Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.

"One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves not distributed generally over the union but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen perpetuate and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astounding
Trump is right, we needed more statesmen back then who were willing to negotiate in order to prevent war from breaking out. So many lives lost for nothing. Lincoln should be remembered for that.

---He added Lincoln could have negotiated to avoid the war, but he would not have been as well-known as he is today.---

How would that be done? Either you own slaves or not?

Most wars, especially like the civil war, can be avoided. There's a gazillion articles, papers, books on the topic.
Trump has this fantasy that he is a master of negotiation.

Negotiation is built on seeking a middle ground. Compromise is not in Trumps vocabulary. Trumps concept of negotiating is built around bullying the other side to get your way.

No….Trump could not negotiate with Mexico to pay for the wall
No ..Trump can’t negotiate to end the Ukraine war in 24 hours
No….Trump could not have negotiated slavery
Most wars, especially like the civil war, can be avoided. There's a gazillion articles, papers, books on the topic.
War is not to be avoided.

The ideal lies in avoiding its negative material consequences while reaping its material rewards.

Just ask any WarPig.
Sure sure that's like saying technology would have eventually freed all the slaves.

The slave states knew they didn't have to give up their peculiar institution, they just wanted to be able to expand slavery into the new territories.
Technology to pick cotton was not readily available until the 1930s and cotton was picked by hand up till the 1960s
I was thinking more like the cotton gin.

Actually, slavery was on the decline till the invention of the Cotton Gin in 1803.
Up till then, picking seeds out of cotton was too labor intensive to be profitable. Once the cotton gin was available, more slaves were needed to pick cotton and meet the demand

Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation​

The war could have been avoided any number of ways, primary among them simply letting the gulf states go their own way in peace. Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee only seceeded after Lincoln sought to raise an army to crush secession.

Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation​

The war could have been avoided any number of ways, primary among them simply letting the gulf states go their own way in peace. Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee only seceeded after Lincoln sought to raise an army to crush secession.

So you support breaking up the country ?

Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation​

The war could have been avoided any number of ways, primary among them simply letting the gulf states go their own way in peace. Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee only seceeded after Lincoln sought to raise an army to crush secession.
Thats not a negotiation. Thats literally capitulation.

The ACW could have worked out better but it achieved its war aims and also freed an entire people.

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