Civil War Facts

Jan 31, 2014
1. The Northeast didn't win the war on liberalism, they won on industry, which they no longer have.

2. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on poverty, The Northeast won the Civil War, on money and economics, TEXAS is now as big as wall street, and will surpass it very shortly.

3. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on political bullshit, the northeast won the civil war on Action, through repeated defeats and comebacks and sheer guts.

4. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by banning guns, they won the civil war by having more guns and larger flank.

5. The Northeast didn't win the civil war with Cowardism or Unfitness, they won the Civil by having more men in the military.

6. The Northeast didn't win the Civil War by having a 60 % high school drop out rate, and 40 % illiteracy rate, they won the civil war, by having more educated people, educated by the standards of the time, which they certainly do not have today.

7. The Northeast didn't win the civil war with laziness, but by having a low unemployment rate, or what would have been a low unemployment rate if such things were measured back then.

Today the south would win the civil war because today the south is where the industry and the economy is, and the weapons, and the military personnel, and the literacy is at.

Thank you.
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1. The Northeast didn't win the war on liberalism, they won on industry, which they no longer have.

2. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on poverty, The Northeast won the Civil War, on money and economics, TEXAS now as big as wall street, and will surpass it very shortly.

3. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on political bullshit, the northeast won the civil war on Action, through repeated defeats and comebacks and sheer guts.

4. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by banning guns, they won the civil war by having more guns and larger flank.

5. The Northeast didn't win the civil war with Cowardism or Unfitness, they won the Civil by having more men in the military.

6. The Northeast didn't win the Civil War by having a 60 % high school drop out rate, and 40 % illiteracy rate, they won the civil war, by having more educated people, educated by the standards of the time, which they certainly do not have today.

7. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by laziness, but by having a low unemployment rate, or what would have been a low unemployment rate if such things were measured back then.

Today the south would win the civil war because today the south is where the industry and the economy is, and the weapons, and the military personnel, and the literacy is at.

Thank you.

While much of what you posted is true, you ignore the large population of semi-literate irish immigrants that had flooded the Northeast and were used as cannon fodder.

Also, to claim the south would win today is to assume that the war would be fought today. There is no slavery and no single issue to push for a seccession.

As a lifelong southerner, let me say I am proud to be an American and will do whatever it takes to remain one.
1. The Northeast didn't win the war on liberalism, they won on industry, which they no longer have.

2. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on poverty, The Northeast won the Civil War, on money and economics, TEXAS now as big as wall street, and will surpass it very shortly.

3. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on political bullshit, the northeast won the civil war on Action, through repeated defeats and comebacks and sheer guts.

4. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by banning guns, they won the civil war by having more guns and larger flank.

5. The Northeast didn't win the civil war with Cowardism or Unfitness, they won the Civil by having more men in the military.

6. The Northeast didn't win the Civil War by having a 60 % high school drop out rate, and 40 % illiteracy rate, they won the civil war, by having more educated people, educated by the standards of the time, which they certainly do not have today.

7. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by laziness, but by having a low unemployment rate, or what would have been a low unemployment rate if such things were measured back then.

Today the south would win the civil war because today the south is where the industry and the economy is, and the weapons, and the military personnel, and the literacy is at.

Thank you.

While much of what you posted is true, you ignore the large population of semi-literate irish immigrants that had flooded the Northeast and were used as cannon fodder.

Also, to claim the south would win today is to assume that the war would be fought today. There is no slavery and no single issue to push for a seccession.

As a lifelong southerner, let me say I am proud to be an American and will do whatever it takes to remain one.

The Americans of today do not have a clue as to what freedom means and the Politician's know this, why else would you not be allowed to drink a 32 oz coke in the largest populated area in the USA.
Freedom is the only thing that matters as the Civil War proved and we are giving them up under the foolish Idea that we the government know better.
This evilness is not recognized buy The northerners and this will be there undoing.
Why do you think even Florida (mostly full of northerner's) is going to be the 2Nd largest populated state soon. They want to get away from over bearing government rule.
We left England to get away from Tyranny, people went west to avoid tyranny, also moved south for the same reason well guess what the super rich move to more appealing environment's every day.
So when the government and stupid brainwashed people push to far there is nowhere left to go and then as in all countries that get out of control there will be civil war again in the USA.
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and really has nothing to do with the Civil War fought over states rights and slavery.
The Northeast?

Guess the op didn't think the Midwest was part of the union yet

The Midwest is conservative as well

and not all of it is north of the mason Dixie line.

it runs east to west, not north to south.

And the blue states that exist in the Midwest are in no better condition than the ghetto northeast today.

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The Northeast?

Guess the op didn't think the Midwest was part of the union yet

The Midwest is conservative as well

and not all of it is north of the mason Dixie line.

it runs east to west, not north to south.

And the blue states that exist in the Midwest are in no better condition than the ghetto northeast today.

oh please no one consider's anything south of the mason Dixie line Midwest
Guess the op didn't think the Midwest was part of the union yet

The Midwest is conservative as well

and not all of it is north of the mason Dixie line.

it runs east to west, not north to south.

And the blue states that exist in the Midwest are in no better condition than the ghetto northeast today.

oh please no one consider's anything south of the mason Dixie line Midwest

and the entire Midwest is red, with the exception of a few states that are no better off than the northeast
Here is a question that will also piss off the hypocrites on the left.

How many free blacks owned slaves in the south? Well, were there any black slave owners?

No? Really?

Oh, those facts that go ignored and would bash those that make money off of keeping the grievances of the black man front and center and perpetually making them feel like victims on behalf of whitey righty.

Back to the question:

Were there black slave owners?
Heres some facts about the North in general.

Adolf Hitler's friend, named HENRY FORD, born in Michigan.. he was a bigot, and was awarded Nazi German war medals.

The American capitol of Nazism is Indiana, it is north of the Mason Dixie Line

Maggie Gallagher, the spearhead of the Anti Gay movement is from Oregon, who does her business out of Princeton New Jersey.

What is it with the goobers and their constant rehashing of the Civil War.

You lost, get over it already.
Heres some facts about the North in general.

Adolf Hitler's friend, named HENRY FORD, born in Michigan.. he was a bigot, and was awarded Nazi German war medals.

The American capitol of Nazism is Indiana, it is north of the Mason Dixie Line

Maggie Gallagher, the spearhead of the Anti Gay movement is from Oregon, who does her business out of Princeton New Jersey.
Here's a fact for you:

The South started a war to prove they were better than the slaves and lost.
Here's a fact for you:

The South started a war to prove they were better than the slaves and lost.

and here's a fact for you.

The south would beat the fuck out of ya today, because the south is in so much better condition.

More Industry, More Schools. Better Schools, More People, a Growing Economy, and better infrastructure, and the Most Americans in the Military.

so how about you fuck off.
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and really has nothing to do with the Civil War fought over states rights and slavery.

what the war was about has zip do with how or why it won.

which has no bearing on how American life is today.

There were other factors, but the one the South used as justification for seceding was "taxation without representation". I'll give a short explanation of that statement and if that's not enough I'll give a longer one.

The textile mills in the North were owned by filth rich industry moguls who worked girls and boys as young as six years ole to death in their mills. These moguls lived like Mid-evil Lords in their mansions on the Hudson and on the Massachusetts seacoast. They depended on cheap cotton from the South to maintain their 'serfdoms'. They bought and sold Senators and Congressmen like livestock. They made sure the power in Congress was centered in the northeastern States by controlling how new States were allowed to enter the Union, keeping the cotton producing States in the minority. By controlling Congress they got import/export Laws passed that guaranteed a continuous uninterrupted flow of cheap cotton from the South. How did this work? Okay another short explanation; They put a tax on exported cotton that gave the Northern textile moguls an unfair advantage. They also put an import tax on cloth and clothes from England that gave the textile moguls even further advantage.
The Southern States tried through all the legal means to gain fair and equal representation in Congress to no avail. They had no other recourse than seceding. They saw in the United States Declaration Of Independence the right, no, not the right, the Duty to secede and set up their own Government.

Now, I don't condone slavery, but I do agree with the right of States to secede from a Tyrannical United States Government. Abraham Lincoln violated the united States Constitution when he invaded Virginia.

Oh, Fort Sumter? It belonged to the State of South Carolina by Sovereignty. The U.S. was unconstitutionally occupying it.

It's ironic how import/export taxes were seen as okay to support child labor to the point of death in the mills in the past, but not okay to support manufacturing jobs in the U.S. now.
90% of politicians have a price and the business moguls are always there to buy them.

Don't blame the Corporations without including the politicians, and Democrat politicians are the biggest recipients of Corporate funds.

I hate both Parties but the "Scumbag Factor" tips the scale with me, with the Democrats owning the "Scumbag Factor".

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