Civil War Facts

Concentration camps, where Americans are imprisoned without the benefit of a trial, are concentrations camps.


Prisoner of war camps are not concentration camps. Words have meanings. If you had a better command of the English language I wouldn't need to instruct you on this.
They wren't housing prisoners of war, dumbass. The inmates were civilians who lived in Union States.

Yes, words have meanings, and you mostly don't know what they are.

Prisoners in jail for violating the law are also not a concentration camp.
The only thing they did is criticize Lincoln, shit for brains.

Now we're back to the legal interpretations of a brainless scumbag on the internet.
Nope. I simply post facts, you Stalinist asshole.
Prisoner of war camps are not concentration camps. Words have meanings. If you had a better command of the English language I wouldn't need to instruct you on this.
They wren't housing prisoners of war, dumbass. The inmates were civilians who lived in Union States.

Yes, words have meanings, and you mostly don't know what they are.

Prisoners in jail for violating the law are also not a concentration camp.
The only thing they did is criticize Lincoln, shit for brains.

Now we're back to the legal interpretations of a brainless scumbag on the internet.
Nope. I simply post facts, .....

You wouldn’t know a fact if it dropped you on your head, wannabe.
See TDS is strong in the weak-minded and weak-willed.

Who ever believes that BS you posted would believe that tRUMP was chosen by god.

1. The Northeast didn't win the war on liberalism, they won on industry, which they no longer have.

2. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on poverty, The Northeast won the Civil War, on money and economics, TEXAS now as big as wall street, and will surpass it very shortly.

3. The Northeast didn't win the Civil war on political bullshit, the northeast won the civil war on Action, through repeated defeats and comebacks and sheer guts.

4. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by banning guns, they won the civil war by having more guns and larger flank.

5. The Northeast didn't win the civil war with Cowardism or Unfitness, they won the Civil by having more men in the military.

6. The Northeast didn't win the Civil War by having a 60 % high school drop out rate, and 40 % illiteracy rate, they won the civil war, by having more educated people, educated by the standards of the time, which they certainly do not have today.

7. The Northeast didn't win the civil war by laziness, but by having a low unemployment rate, or what would have been a low unemployment rate if such things were measured back then.

Today the south would win the civil war because today the south is where the industry and the economy is, and the weapons, and the military personnel, and the literacy is at.

Thank you.

While much of what you posted is true, you ignore the large population of semi-literate irish immigrants that had flooded the Northeast and were used as cannon fodder.

Also, to claim the south would win today is to assume that the war would be fought today. There is no slavery and no single issue to push for a seccession.

As a lifelong southerner, let me say I am proud to be an American and will do whatever it takes to remain one.
It was never based on slavery you num nuts View attachment 300825
He was
You have TDS, how would you know that is truth or not.
Some more lies for you to absorb from "tRUMPenFuherer"...
Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine
President Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine - CNNPolitics

You dropped out too soon, brainless.
I see you've given up all pretense of proving your imbecile claims.

Thanks for conceding.

Stomping your feet and insisting won’t change History, dumbass.
Repeating your idiocies 1000 times won't make them true.

I’m informing you about the facts of History. You are engaging in the most absurd revisionism, and you’ve repeated your nonsense more than 1000 times.
You're reporting fantasies. Nothing you have posted is true.
Lincoln was not the one who insisted on forming a nation where 40 percent of the population was in slavery
Lincoln was not the one who preferred war to letting people live free
Yet he chose war. He warred on fellow Americans. The exact definition of treason.
Firing on US troops was treason
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
You have TDS, how would you know that is truth or not.
Some more lies for you to absorb from "tRUMPenFuherer"...
Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine
President Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine - CNNPolitics

I see you've given up all pretense of proving your imbecile claims.

Thanks for conceding.

Stomping your feet and insisting won’t change History, dumbass.
Repeating your idiocies 1000 times won't make them true.

I’m informing you about the facts of History. You are engaging in the most absurd revisionism, and you’ve repeated your nonsense more than 1000 times.
You're reporting fantasies. Nothing you have posted is true.
Your article is mostly lies, douchebag.
Yet he chose war. He warred on fellow Americans. The exact definition of treason.
Firing on US troops was treason
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.
Firing on US troops was treason
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, shit for brains.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.
Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.

The Supreme Court ruled on this question, which brings us back to their interpretation of the law vs ignorant nobody on the internet. You lose AGAIN.
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.

The Supreme Court ruled on this question, which brings us back to their interpretation of the law vs ignorant nobody on the internet. You lose AGAIN.
He has to be paid for this somehow. Why would anyone continue with all this so repetitively and erroneously unless lucre were involved somewhere? What possibly could otherwise be his recompense?
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.

The Supreme Court ruled on this question, which brings us back to their interpretation of the law vs ignorant nobody on the internet. You lose AGAIN.
We've been over this ground already. At the time of the Texas v White decision, the court was packed with Lincoln appointed hacks, and their decision was based on multiple fallacies, like the claim that Texas was a state of the union at a time when it had no Senators and no Congressman.

You keep dragging up the same old debunked arguments time and time again.
SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.

The Supreme Court ruled on this question, which brings us back to their interpretation of the law vs ignorant nobody on the internet. You lose AGAIN.
He has to be paid for this somehow. Why would anyone continue with all this so repetitively and erroneously unless lucre were involved somewhere? What possibly could otherwise be his recompense?
Well, we know the reason for your obstinacy: shear stupidity.
Yet he chose war. He warred on fellow Americans. The exact definition of treason.
Firing on US troops was treason
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
So, your point is since the SC militia fired on Sumter, in which no one was killed or injured, Lincoln was justified in attacking all the seceding states causing 850k deaths and massive destruction. Are you stupid?

Firing on US troops was treason
Wrong. If they are trespassing on the sovereign territory of another country, then they deserve what they get.
Wasn’t their territory
It was a US Military installation
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
So, your point is since the SC militia fired on Sumter, in which no one was killed or injured, Lincoln was justified in attacking all the seceding states causing 850k deaths and massive destruction. Are you stupid?

"Are you stupid?"

Yes he is!
Once again we see the TDS boys falling in line for tRUMPenFuherer.
By the way, lick your lips and so the shit stains from tRUMPS ass is not still showing. Have a little dignity if you can find any. It is mixing with the sperm you suck down.
Butt muncher.

You have TDS, how would you know that is truth or not.
Some more lies for you to absorb from "tRUMPenFuherer"...
Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine
President Trump says 'with me, there's no lying' -- and makes 14 false claims about impeachment and Ukraine - CNNPolitics

Stomping your feet and insisting won’t change History, dumbass.
Repeating your idiocies 1000 times won't make them true.

I’m informing you about the facts of History. You are engaging in the most absurd revisionism, and you’ve repeated your nonsense more than 1000 times.
You're reporting fantasies. Nothing you have posted is true.
Your article is mostly lies, douchebag.
It was their territory. It just wasn't their property. US doesn't have the right to occupy foreign territory, moron.

Evidently, it is not

Ft Sumter STILL belongs to the Federal Government
Thanks for proving you don't know the difference between property and territory. Ft Sumter is within the boundaries of South Carolina and subject to its legal jurisdiction.

SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Maybe S.C. identified as being trans-national.
SC is within the boundaries of the United States of America.
It was not within the boundaries of the United States of America after it seceded, ....

Wrong. That was not legal or legitimate. It was, as it remains, a part of the United States of America.
Of course, you can't cite any law that it violates. All you can do is stamp your foot and insist that your fantasies are legitimate.

The Supreme Court ruled on this question, which brings us back to their interpretation of the law vs ignorant nobody on the internet. You lose AGAIN.
We've been over this ground already. At the time of the Texas v White decision, the court was packed with Lincoln appointed hacks, and their decision was based on multiple fallacies, like the claim that Texas was a state of the union at a time when it had no Senators and no Congressman.

You keep dragging up the same old debunked arguments time and time again.

And again, the uneducated nobody on the internet seeks to discredit real legal experts. Your bitter hatred for my country grants your ignorant ass not one iota of legitimacy, and obviously no understanding of History.

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