Civilization’s Oldest Problem


Sep 23, 2010
Racism is less than a hundred years old; so it is not the oldest problem:

The mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, in an address to the radical socialist organization National Council of La Raza, bragged that his city is no longer majority white and the city’s schools now have students who speak 62 different languages.


But in a speech before the La Raza National Affiliates Luncheon earlier this week in Kansas City, Mayor Mark Holland boasted that only five years later his city’s white population has been reduced to 40 percent.


In August 2014 Holland told city commissioners that the Kansas City police and fire departments were too white, reported KMBC-TV 9.


In fact, many of us Christians celebrate the ruling and the continued welcome and recognition of all people. But I want to close by saying we just couldn’t be more proud that La Raza is here in Kansas City and it’s an honor to be able to greet you.”​

The United Nations dictating the number of immigrants America must accept is younger than racism; so it is not the oldest problem:

U.N. sends KC 2,371 refugees since 2002

The refugees, unlike most other classifications of immigrants, immediately qualify for a smorgasbord of state and federal welfare benefits and are placed on a fast-track toward full citizenship, which is obtainable within five years.​

Dirty little moralist freaks of every stripe paid for their morality is the oldest problem:

Holland, an ordained Methodist minister, then went on the attack against any Christians who don’t share his liberal theological views on same-sex marriage.


The U.S. State Department, working with the United Nations, has sent 2,371 international refugees to Kansas City, Kansas, since 2002. The State Department’s database does not include U.N. refugees dispersed throughout the U.S. before 2002 but the program has been ongoing in its current form since 1980. The U.N. picks about 95 percent of the refugees sent to the U.S. The State Department, working with nine major contractors such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, distributes about 70,000 refugees annually from mostly Third World nations into 190 U.S. cities and towns.​

Mayor brags: Our white population plummets
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 07/15/2015 @ 9:02 pm

Mayor brags Our white population plummets

NOTE: A non-white Christian cleric is twice as deadly as a white one because the non-whites claim God hates whites.

You are dead wrong if you think there is a difference between Mayor Holland and that piece of scum in the White House. Abe Greenwald focused on Israel’s danger emanating in the White House, but he also hit upon a disturbing truth:

(2) transforming the United States into a more forgiving, less imposing power; (3) establishing diplomacy as a great American good in itself; (5), ensuring the legacies of the president and secretary of state as men of vision and peace.


If you think the United States just struck a poor nuclear deal with Iran, you’re right; but if that’s your key takeaway, you’re missing the point. Iran’s nuclear program was last on the list of the Obama administration’s priorities in talking to Tehran. The administration readily caved on Iran’s nukes because it viewed the matter only as a timely pretense for achieving other cherished aims. These were: (1) preventing an Israeli attack on Iran; (2) transforming the United States into a more forgiving, less imposing power; (3) establishing diplomacy as a great American good in itself; (4) making Iran into a great regional power; and (5), ensuring the legacies of the president and secretary of state as men of vision and peace.

The Deal Wasn’t About Iran’s Nukes
Abe Greenwald | 07.15.2015 - 2:30 PM

The Iran Nuclear Deal Isn t About Nukes

I would not sound a clarion call for resistance if I understood why so many Americans believe the garbage Socialist priests put out for the sole purpose of getting their hands on tax dollars.

Parenthetically, not once did I ever hear a talking head point out that the IMF is a United Nations Agency deeply involved in saving the EU. They all talk as though a bunch of bankers in Europe are going to bailout Greece when they should be reporting how American tax dollars are going down the drain to support Socialist priests in Greece.

Eric Hoffer touched on civilization’s oldest problem by defining mass movements.

Eric Hoffer’s true believers historically began their march in one country, or even on a continent; spreading their poison outward year after year. Today’s poison is universal in that government venom has sickened every country, every institution, and every people. (Freedom from government is the only known antidote.)

Priests fed on everybody in every society throughout history to be sure. Muslims believe their priests; Christians believe their priests; Communists believe their priests and so it goes. Priests in the oldest known civilizations were believed. The ideology mattered not. Being paid for morality applied to all of them. The difference today is that priests are collectively accepted as everyone’s moral advisor.

In the contemporary world, priests of one belief have no objection to priests of another belief making a buck. That was not true until Socialist priests took a share of the sucker pool away from the old guard. Basically, giving each other a helping hand is akin to Democrats and Republicans sharing the public purse.

True believers were always dirty little moralists driven by religion or government. Communists and Muslim priesthoods combine religion and government. Irrespective of the driving force. The true believer is everywhere on the march as never before.

For though ours is a godless age, it is the very opposite of irreligious. The true believer is everywhere on the march, and both by converting and antagonizing he is shaping the world in his own image. And whether we are to line up with him or against him, it is well that we should know all we can concerning his nature and potentialities. Eric Hoffer

Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements

I am not sure that Hoffer’s brilliant analysis of mass movements applies to today’s filthy priesthoods since their poison is being swallowed everywhere. Their poison is universal under different names —— Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Communism, the New World Order, Universal Human Rights, and so on. They all have one thing in common: A priesthood (true believers) collects the money, and controls the beliefs, whatever the belief happens to be; so I can understand a church protecting their priests, governments do it all the time, but the R.C.Ch.’s list of priorities is too rancid for my tastes:


As the Christian world was reeling in shock yesterday over video proof that Planned Parenthood is making money selling aborted baby parts to the biomedical industry, there was no word about the sale of aborted baby parts from the Vatican and this what was taking place under the unsuspecting noses of he faithful:

“A press conference was held today in the Vatican to discuss two meetings taking place here next week on climate change, human trafficking, and sustainable development. The meetings will bring together mayors from around the world, to discuss how cities can help contribute to the solution of some of these problems facing humanity. (Zenit, July 15, 2015)

Pope Francis now the United Nations Biggest Useful Idiot
By Judi McLeod
July 16, 2015

Pope Francis now the United Nations Biggest Useful Idiot

Defeating an ideology never defeats priesthoods. In order to defeat the concept of priests their personality type has to be identified and rendered harmless at a young age. No easy task. Teachers identifying and training children for Socialism’s priesthood appear to have an easier task. Tax dollars certainly simplifies the job.

Finally, nowadays priesthoods are rowing the United Nations in the same direction. My only pleasure is in knowing that as soon as one of them has all of the power they will kill the others. Freedom will not benefit from it as Communist priests prove time after time, but it sure as hell will be fun watching the slaughter; more so if one of the other priesthoods wipes out the Communists.
Civilization's biggest problem is the intractable stupidity of enormous numbers of its uneducated occupants, and the happy willingness of the slightly more intelligent among them to give them a dollar from someone else's pocket for a vote.

Take our own resident Democrat/Communists and their supporters, for example.

Racism is less than a hundred years old; so it is not the oldest problem:

How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?

What the fuck were all those lynchings that took place after the Civil War about? What the fuck were Jim Crow and "colored" restrooms and the Klan about? What the hell was that invention of "Africans are inferior" to justify shipping them across an ocean about?

"Less than a hundred years"? --- are you insane?
Racism is less than a hundred years old; so it is not the oldest problem:

How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?

What the fuck were all those lynchings that took place after the Civil War about? What the fuck were Jim Crow and "colored" restrooms and the Klan about? What the hell was that invention of "Africans are inferior" to justify shipping them across an ocean about?

"Less than a hundred years"? --- are you insane?
Yes the op is
Racism is less than a hundred years old; so it is not the oldest problem:

How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?

What the fuck were all those lynchings that took place after the Civil War about? What the fuck were Jim Crow and "colored" restrooms and the Klan about? What the hell was that invention of "Africans are inferior" to justify shipping them across an ocean about?

"Less than a hundred years"? --- are you insane?
Of course he is insane.
Racism is less than a hundred years old; so it is not the oldest problem:

How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?

What the fuck were all those lynchings that took place after the Civil War about? What the fuck were Jim Crow and "colored" restrooms and the Klan about? What the hell was that invention of "Africans are inferior" to justify shipping them across an ocean about?

"Less than a hundred years"? --- are you insane?
Of course he is insane.
How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?
To Pogo: See this thread:

Racism Equal Distribution Of The Wealth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Of course he is insane.
To Asclepias: Presumably, you read the above thread since you did respond. Racism is an invented sin obviously went over your head.
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.

You actually want to use your own bullshit thread theory to back up a different bullshit thread?

You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
And completely full of shit too. Racism, as it applies to African slavery in the Americas, was invented five hundred years ago to rationalize the peddling of human beings across the ocean. They were getting flak for it from religious voices as long ago as Bartholomé de las Casas.

Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?

"Less than a century", my ASS. That one's gonna follow you around.
How in the wide world of Blue Fuck do you figure that?
To Pogo: See this thread:

Racism Equal Distribution Of The Wealth US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Of course he is insane.
To Asclepias: Presumably, you read the above thread since you did respond. Racism is an invented sin obviously went over your head.
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.
Racism is almost as old as humanity .
Actually, if I had to pick one problem that humanity has as it's oldest, I'd have to say it's greed.

Followed a close second by bigotry, being biased against someone just because they look or act different than you do.
Actually, if I had to pick one problem that humanity has as it's oldest, I'd have to say it's greed.

Followed a close second by bigotry, being biased against someone just because they look or act different than you do.

And the trait of self-righteousness to round out the triad.
Civilization's oldest problem is controlling it's borders. Every freaking country in what we used to call the "free world" secures it's borders and has always secured it's borders. Try entering any country in Central America or South America or Asia or freaking Europe with no documents and the least you could count on is a jail cell and civil rights that are a hundred years behind American standards and the worst case scenario is doing 20 years hard labor for entering North Korea. Yet the radical left seems to think that America should be an open country and what passes for the media seems to agree.
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.
To Asclepias: Make an effort to understand the difference between skin color racism and slavery; i.e., cheap labor. Get some help or stop talking about a topic you cannot grasp.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: I refer to previous threads so I do not have to type the same views over and over again. I do it for people who are genuinely interested in a topic in order to elaborate, but I do it mostly for assholes like you.
You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: Repeating the same objections without offering an intelligent rebuttal is the very essence of circular reasoning. I usually post a video of a merry-go-round when I tire of addressing the same questions over and over again.
And completely full of shit too. Racism, as it applies to African slavery in the Americas, was invented five hundred years ago to rationalize the peddling of human beings across the ocean. They were getting flak for it from religious voices as long ago as Bartholomé de las Casas.
To Pogo: Skin color had nothing to do with how one race treats another race. If your pigmentation argument was as old as you claim, there would have been a body of law against it after countless judicial systems came and went without mentioning it. There is no evidence of racism existing throughout history. Look at the history of racism if you doubt me. Better yet, show me some evidence of racism before the end of the Civil War. In fact, show me a single reference to racism in any historical document.

Indeed, you will not find one word about your definition of racism in Civil War literature. Surely abolitionists would have railed against racism if they heard of it.

Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Hatred, greed, envy, jealousy, and all of the rest of mankind’s character flaws, but not racism. Racism is nothing more than the latest disguise worn by some race hustlers for profit.
Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Research the origin of the words you throw around so freely:

When did the word racism first appear - AOL Search Results
To Pogo: An asshole should never, never, call attention to his ass.
That one's gonna follow you around.
To Pogo: I certainly hope so.

The important factor in understanding so-called racism is that blacks were imported into this country as slaves. Slavery was the great Satan and rightly so if you do not want to end up being a slave. My point: There was no skin color racism until long after The War Between The States ended. Not long after slavery was abolished in this country, hustling preachers, do-gooders, and sharpshooters saw freed black slaves as the answer to their prayers.

The main difference between the do-gooders and the sharpshooters is that the white do-gooders learned about money from the sharpshooters. After all, where is the good in saving the black race when you’re a poor white living in a poor black neighborhood? On the other hand, the sharpshooters never fell for the crap the do-gooders spread around.

Do-gooders and sharpshooters do have this in common; they get paid for telling everyone else how to behave.

As to murder —— pardon me —— I mean victims of racism, I’ve never heard of a hate-filled black racist emigrating to an all-black African country. I know that if I was so full of hatred, I would do whatever it takes to stay far away from the group I hated.

Furthermore, I’ve never heard of a black or white do-gooder moving to a black Third World country and devoting his or her life to improving the lives of the natives based on skin color. Now that Muslims are slaughtering Christians again, à la the Ottoman Empire, there is not a chance black, or white, do-gooders will be moving to Africa any time soon.

A few wealthy do-gooders will continue to donate money to the Third World for the tax deduction. Somehow, that entitles them to tell the rest of us what to do.

Early in the 20th century, hustling preachers took the moral bit in their teeth and decided that whites were guilty of a sin more grievous than murder; hence, the concept of skin color racism was born. To give credit where credit is due, it was no small thing to create a sin then get it accepted as a crime worse than murder. In no time at all every white American was a racist criminal.

Throughout history sins became laws that prohibit. Over many centuries, thou-shall-not was codified; becoming the foundation for judicial systems. Knowing full-well that sins become laws, dirty little moralists seized the opportunity to increase the scope of their expertise by inventing pigmentation racism.

Moralists always end up with all of the money. That is why they are never in short supply. So it is commonplace to see race hustling preachers —— and leading Democrats, getting rich by contributing nothing more to society than their objection to an invented sin.

At one time or another members of every race were slaves as well as slave owners. Communist governments still enslave irrespective of race.

Interestingly, every individual can be the victim of a real crime, but only blacks can be the victims of racism if you believe Communists. Every individual can commit a crime, but only blacks are incapable of committing the crime of racism —— according to our Department of Justice.

Let’s follow the money for a minute. “Pigford” is but one example of Civil Rights race hustlers profiting from their invention:

Pigford began innocently enough: as a lawsuit to redress a perceived wrong against a group of 91. But then the number climbed to 400....then 1,600...then...

The number of black farmers has metastasized -- nay, exploded -- and the aggrieved group now includes not only blacks, but Hispanics, Native Americans, and females. In fact over 90,000 people have filed claims seeking a payment under the terms of the original Pigford court ruling. That decision, now referred to as Pigford #1, was anticipated to cost approximately $120 million, including legal fees.

June 15, 2013
Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
By Jim O'Sullivan

404 Can t Find Page - American Thinker

Pigford was about the money, but the invented sin was the sale pitch.

Racists discover love

Laws against racism was another attempt to legislate love. Love born of legislation is as unsustainable as is compassion legislated by involuntary charity.

Unlike laws against committing real crimes, racism’s laws demand specific behavior from everyone. That sounds good in theory, but it falls apart when black racists object knowing they will be punished by the same system that exercises far less tolerance when it punishes white racists.

Throughout history, every race enslaved their own kind along with enslaving peoples of different races from conquered territories. As ancient forms of enslaving one’s own race became untenable in advanced countries, there was no prohibition against enslaving other races for financial gain.

If you check, I think you will find that centuries ago the black race was defined as inferior because the white race had left the black race far behind in science, technology, and the arts. In short: Blacks were meant to be slaves. The truth: Black inferiority was a cover story for forced labor. It had nothing to do with pigmentation.

Bottom Line: Black skin was used as form of identity akin to the yellow star Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. The yellow star was also about labor:


Precise translation: Labour Makes You Free or Work Makes You Free

Incidentally, thousands of years ago the yellow race in ancient China was so far ahead of blacks and whites they could have justified enslaving both races.

In this country whites are blamed for black on black crimes while the invented sin of racism wasted no time going global. The stories out of Africa tell us that black Africans kill black Africans because of white racism practiced under colonial rule. After colonialism in Africa ceased to exist, black Africans killing whites became necessary in order for blacks to cleanse their continent of the last remnants of European colonialism.

NOTE: White slave traders purchased slaves from black sellers. The label of pigmentation racism never interfered in the business of business. In any event, colonialism was the true villains as far as do-gooders were concerned.

Sharpshooters wasted no time cashing in on the new sin. Black, and white, race hustlers quickly turned the new sin into a money-making scam. Preaching hatred of whites became a moneymaker when it came to passing the plate around for donations. Preaching hatred even became a virtue in some quarters. Example: Democrats play the race card for no other reason than to loot the public purse, yet they are portrayed as the most compassionate of human beings.

Finally, there was one serious danger in making pigmentation racism a sin and a crime. Employing all of the government’s awesome powers to impose an invented sin on everyone is a dangerous game to play. It’s doubly-dangerous for do-gooders, religious fanatics, Communist revolutionaries, deviates, and charity hustlers who acquire tax dollar wealth, power, and privilege, by draping themselves in brotherly love morality. Invariably, the immoral majority wile tire of hearing how bad they are; leaving them no choice but to take the moral high ground and commence slaughtering every dirty little moralist race hustler in sight. I’m sure Thomas Jefferson would approve:

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.
Actually, if I had to pick one problem that humanity has as it's oldest, I'd have to say it's greed.
To ABikersailor: You make a good case. Greed always finds an outlet. Pigmentation racism has been one of the most successful outlets ever devised.
The period of the Renaissance and Reformation was also the time when Europeans were coming into increasing contact with people of darker pigmentation in Africa, Asia, and the Americas and were making judgments about them. The official rationale for enslaving Africans was that they were heathens, but slave traders and slave owners sometimes interpreted a passage in the book of Genesis as their justification. Ham, they maintained, committed a sin against his father Noah that condemned his supposedly black descendants to be "servants unto servants." When Virginia decreed in 1667 that converted slaves could be kept in bondage, not because they were actual heathens but because they had heathen ancestry, the justification for black servitude was thus changed from religious status to something approaching race. -- The Historical Origins and Development of Racism
For those scoring at home, or even like the OP sitting home alone, the above reference would be three hundred and forty-eight years ago.

To Pogo: Skin color had nothing to do with how one race treats another race. If your pigmentation argument was as old as you claim, there would have been a body of law against it after countless judicial systems came and went without mentioning it. There is no evidence of racism existing throughout history. Look at the history of racism if you doubt me. Better yet, show me some evidence of racism before the end of the Civil War. In fact, show me a single reference to racism in any historical document.

Fucking "laws" are not required to establish racism. In fact as such it would be impossible to do so, since racism is a sociocultural concept. The laws, if there be any, would reflect what the culture already established.

Such as this Virginia statute:

[E]very assemblage of negroes for the purpose of instruction in reading or writing, or in the night time for any purpose, shall be an unlawful assembly. Any justice may issue his warrant to any office or other person, requiring him to enter any place where such assemblage may be, and seize any negro therein; and he, or any other justice, may order such negro to be punished with stripes. (Wiki)
Note: "Negroes", not "slaves". It was forbidding literacy for black people, literally.

Published 1849 --- 166 years ago. DUMBASS.

Or this event:

>> The Cincinnati Riots of 1829 were triggered by competition between Irish immigrants and African Americans for jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA[1] but also were related to white fears given the rapid increases of free and fugitive blacks in the city during this decade, particularly in the preceding three years. Merchants complained about the poor neighborhoods along the river as having ill effects on their waterfront shops and trade with southern planters. Artisans excluded blacks from apprenticeships and jobs in the skilled trades.In June 1829 overseers of the poor announced that blacks would be required to post bonds of surety in 30 days or face expulsion from the city and state, in an enforcement of the 1807 Black Law, intended to discourage black settlement in the state. << (Wiki)
More on "Black Laws":
>> Date:
Thu, 1804-01-05
On this date in 1804, “Black Laws” were enacted in the state of Ohio. The Congress of the Buckeye state became the first legislative body in the country to enact Black Laws, intended to restrict the rights of free blacks.

Two groups supported the measure: white settlers from Kentucky and Virginia, and a growing group of businessmen who had ties to southern slavery. All of them despised blacks. The legislation forced blacks and mulattoes to furnish certificates of freedom from a court in the United States before they could settle in Ohio. All black residents had to register with the names of their children by June 1, 1805. The registration fee was 12 and a half cents per name.

It became a punishable offense to employ a black person who could not present a certificate of freedom. Anyone harboring or helping fugitive slaves was fined $1,000, with the informer receiving half of the fine. On January 25, 1807, these laws were toughened and other states followed Ohio’s lead. The Black Laws remained in effect until 1849. <<
--- and that's over two hundred years ago.

Fucking wackaloon.
Enjoy the new sig line, stupid.
Last edited:
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.
To Asclepias: Make an effort to understand the difference between skin color racism and slavery; i.e., cheap labor. Get some help or stop talking about a topic you cannot grasp.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: I refer to previous threads so I do not have to type the same views over and over again. I do it for people who are genuinely interested in a topic in order to elaborate, but I do it mostly for assholes like you.
You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: Repeating the same objections without offering an intelligent rebuttal is the very essence of circular reasoning. I usually post a video of a merry-go-round when I tire of addressing the same questions over and over again.
And completely full of shit too. Racism, as it applies to African slavery in the Americas, was invented five hundred years ago to rationalize the peddling of human beings across the ocean. They were getting flak for it from religious voices as long ago as Bartholomé de las Casas.
To Pogo: Skin color had nothing to do with how one race treats another race. If your pigmentation argument was as old as you claim, there would have been a body of law against it after countless judicial systems came and went without mentioning it. There is no evidence of racism existing throughout history. Look at the history of racism if you doubt me. Better yet, show me some evidence of racism before the end of the Civil War. In fact, show me a single reference to racism in any historical document.

Indeed, you will not find one word about your definition of racism in Civil War literature. Surely abolitionists would have railed against racism if they heard of it.

Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Hatred, greed, envy, jealousy, and all of the rest of mankind’s character flaws, but not racism. Racism is nothing more than the latest disguise worn by some race hustlers for profit.
Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Research the origin of the words you throw around so freely:

When did the word racism first appear - AOL Search Results
To Pogo: An asshole should never, never, call attention to his ass.
That one's gonna follow you around.
To Pogo: I certainly hope so.

The important factor in understanding so-called racism is that blacks were imported into this country as slaves. Slavery was the great Satan and rightly so if you do not want to end up being a slave. My point: There was no skin color racism until long after The War Between The States ended. Not long after slavery was abolished in this country, hustling preachers, do-gooders, and sharpshooters saw freed black slaves as the answer to their prayers.

The main difference between the do-gooders and the sharpshooters is that the white do-gooders learned about money from the sharpshooters. After all, where is the good in saving the black race when you’re a poor white living in a poor black neighborhood? On the other hand, the sharpshooters never fell for the crap the do-gooders spread around.

Do-gooders and sharpshooters do have this in common; they get paid for telling everyone else how to behave.

As to murder —— pardon me —— I mean victims of racism, I’ve never heard of a hate-filled black racist emigrating to an all-black African country. I know that if I was so full of hatred, I would do whatever it takes to stay far away from the group I hated.

Furthermore, I’ve never heard of a black or white do-gooder moving to a black Third World country and devoting his or her life to improving the lives of the natives based on skin color. Now that Muslims are slaughtering Christians again, à la the Ottoman Empire, there is not a chance black, or white, do-gooders will be moving to Africa any time soon.

A few wealthy do-gooders will continue to donate money to the Third World for the tax deduction. Somehow, that entitles them to tell the rest of us what to do.

Early in the 20th century, hustling preachers took the moral bit in their teeth and decided that whites were guilty of a sin more grievous than murder; hence, the concept of skin color racism was born. To give credit where credit is due, it was no small thing to create a sin then get it accepted as a crime worse than murder. In no time at all every white American was a racist criminal.

Throughout history sins became laws that prohibit. Over many centuries, thou-shall-not was codified; becoming the foundation for judicial systems. Knowing full-well that sins become laws, dirty little moralists seized the opportunity to increase the scope of their expertise by inventing pigmentation racism.

Moralists always end up with all of the money. That is why they are never in short supply. So it is commonplace to see race hustling preachers —— and leading Democrats, getting rich by contributing nothing more to society than their objection to an invented sin.

At one time or another members of every race were slaves as well as slave owners. Communist governments still enslave irrespective of race.

Interestingly, every individual can be the victim of a real crime, but only blacks can be the victims of racism if you believe Communists. Every individual can commit a crime, but only blacks are incapable of committing the crime of racism —— according to our Department of Justice.

Let’s follow the money for a minute. “Pigford” is but one example of Civil Rights race hustlers profiting from their invention:

Pigford began innocently enough: as a lawsuit to redress a perceived wrong against a group of 91. But then the number climbed to 400....then 1,600...then...

The number of black farmers has metastasized -- nay, exploded -- and the aggrieved group now includes not only blacks, but Hispanics, Native Americans, and females. In fact over 90,000 people have filed claims seeking a payment under the terms of the original Pigford court ruling. That decision, now referred to as Pigford #1, was anticipated to cost approximately $120 million, including legal fees.

June 15, 2013
Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
By Jim O'Sullivan

404 Can t Find Page - American Thinker

Pigford was about the money, but the invented sin was the sale pitch.

Racists discover love

Laws against racism was another attempt to legislate love. Love born of legislation is as unsustainable as is compassion legislated by involuntary charity.

Unlike laws against committing real crimes, racism’s laws demand specific behavior from everyone. That sounds good in theory, but it falls apart when black racists object knowing they will be punished by the same system that exercises far less tolerance when it punishes white racists.

Throughout history, every race enslaved their own kind along with enslaving peoples of different races from conquered territories. As ancient forms of enslaving one’s own race became untenable in advanced countries, there was no prohibition against enslaving other races for financial gain.

If you check, I think you will find that centuries ago the black race was defined as inferior because the white race had left the black race far behind in science, technology, and the arts. In short: Blacks were meant to be slaves. The truth: Black inferiority was a cover story for forced labor. It had nothing to do with pigmentation.

Bottom Line: Black skin was used as form of identity akin to the yellow star Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. The yellow star was also about labor:


Precise translation: Labour Makes You Free or Work Makes You Free

Incidentally, thousands of years ago the yellow race in ancient China was so far ahead of blacks and whites they could have justified enslaving both races.

In this country whites are blamed for black on black crimes while the invented sin of racism wasted no time going global. The stories out of Africa tell us that black Africans kill black Africans because of white racism practiced under colonial rule. After colonialism in Africa ceased to exist, black Africans killing whites became necessary in order for blacks to cleanse their continent of the last remnants of European colonialism.

NOTE: White slave traders purchased slaves from black sellers. The label of pigmentation racism never interfered in the business of business. In any event, colonialism was the true villains as far as do-gooders were concerned.

Sharpshooters wasted no time cashing in on the new sin. Black, and white, race hustlers quickly turned the new sin into a money-making scam. Preaching hatred of whites became a moneymaker when it came to passing the plate around for donations. Preaching hatred even became a virtue in some quarters. Example: Democrats play the race card for no other reason than to loot the public purse, yet they are portrayed as the most compassionate of human beings.

Finally, there was one serious danger in making pigmentation racism a sin and a crime. Employing all of the government’s awesome powers to impose an invented sin on everyone is a dangerous game to play. It’s doubly-dangerous for do-gooders, religious fanatics, Communist revolutionaries, deviates, and charity hustlers who acquire tax dollar wealth, power, and privilege, by draping themselves in brotherly love morality. Invariably, the immoral majority wile tire of hearing how bad they are; leaving them no choice but to take the moral high ground and commence slaughtering every dirty little moralist race hustler in sight. I’m sure Thomas Jefferson would approve:

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.
Actually, if I had to pick one problem that humanity has as it's oldest, I'd have to say it's greed.
To ABikersailor: You make a good case. Greed always finds an outlet. Pigmentation racism has been one of the most successful outlets ever devised.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
The fact that racism is more than 100 years old obviously went over yours.
To Asclepias: Make an effort to understand the difference between skin color racism and slavery; i.e., cheap labor. Get some help or stop talking about a topic you cannot grasp.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain

You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: I refer to previous threads so I do not have to type the same views over and over again. I do it for people who are genuinely interested in a topic in order to elaborate, but I do it mostly for assholes like you.
You are insane. Ever hear of circular reasoning?
To Pogo: Repeating the same objections without offering an intelligent rebuttal is the very essence of circular reasoning. I usually post a video of a merry-go-round when I tire of addressing the same questions over and over again.
And completely full of shit too. Racism, as it applies to African slavery in the Americas, was invented five hundred years ago to rationalize the peddling of human beings across the ocean. They were getting flak for it from religious voices as long ago as Bartholomé de las Casas.
To Pogo: Skin color had nothing to do with how one race treats another race. If your pigmentation argument was as old as you claim, there would have been a body of law against it after countless judicial systems came and went without mentioning it. There is no evidence of racism existing throughout history. Look at the history of racism if you doubt me. Better yet, show me some evidence of racism before the end of the Civil War. In fact, show me a single reference to racism in any historical document.

Indeed, you will not find one word about your definition of racism in Civil War literature. Surely abolitionists would have railed against racism if they heard of it.

Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Hatred, greed, envy, jealousy, and all of the rest of mankind’s character flaws, but not racism. Racism is nothing more than the latest disguise worn by some race hustlers for profit.
Again, how do you explain lynchings of more than a century ago? Uranus rising?
To Pogo: Research the origin of the words you throw around so freely:

When did the word racism first appear - AOL Search Results
To Pogo: An asshole should never, never, call attention to his ass.
That one's gonna follow you around.
To Pogo: I certainly hope so.

The important factor in understanding so-called racism is that blacks were imported into this country as slaves. Slavery was the great Satan and rightly so if you do not want to end up being a slave. My point: There was no skin color racism until long after The War Between The States ended. Not long after slavery was abolished in this country, hustling preachers, do-gooders, and sharpshooters saw freed black slaves as the answer to their prayers.

The main difference between the do-gooders and the sharpshooters is that the white do-gooders learned about money from the sharpshooters. After all, where is the good in saving the black race when you’re a poor white living in a poor black neighborhood? On the other hand, the sharpshooters never fell for the crap the do-gooders spread around.

Do-gooders and sharpshooters do have this in common; they get paid for telling everyone else how to behave.

As to murder —— pardon me —— I mean victims of racism, I’ve never heard of a hate-filled black racist emigrating to an all-black African country. I know that if I was so full of hatred, I would do whatever it takes to stay far away from the group I hated.

Furthermore, I’ve never heard of a black or white do-gooder moving to a black Third World country and devoting his or her life to improving the lives of the natives based on skin color. Now that Muslims are slaughtering Christians again, à la the Ottoman Empire, there is not a chance black, or white, do-gooders will be moving to Africa any time soon.

A few wealthy do-gooders will continue to donate money to the Third World for the tax deduction. Somehow, that entitles them to tell the rest of us what to do.

Early in the 20th century, hustling preachers took the moral bit in their teeth and decided that whites were guilty of a sin more grievous than murder; hence, the concept of skin color racism was born. To give credit where credit is due, it was no small thing to create a sin then get it accepted as a crime worse than murder. In no time at all every white American was a racist criminal.

Throughout history sins became laws that prohibit. Over many centuries, thou-shall-not was codified; becoming the foundation for judicial systems. Knowing full-well that sins become laws, dirty little moralists seized the opportunity to increase the scope of their expertise by inventing pigmentation racism.

Moralists always end up with all of the money. That is why they are never in short supply. So it is commonplace to see race hustling preachers —— and leading Democrats, getting rich by contributing nothing more to society than their objection to an invented sin.

At one time or another members of every race were slaves as well as slave owners. Communist governments still enslave irrespective of race.

Interestingly, every individual can be the victim of a real crime, but only blacks can be the victims of racism if you believe Communists. Every individual can commit a crime, but only blacks are incapable of committing the crime of racism —— according to our Department of Justice.

Let’s follow the money for a minute. “Pigford” is but one example of Civil Rights race hustlers profiting from their invention:

Pigford began innocently enough: as a lawsuit to redress a perceived wrong against a group of 91. But then the number climbed to 400....then 1,600...then...

The number of black farmers has metastasized -- nay, exploded -- and the aggrieved group now includes not only blacks, but Hispanics, Native Americans, and females. In fact over 90,000 people have filed claims seeking a payment under the terms of the original Pigford court ruling. That decision, now referred to as Pigford #1, was anticipated to cost approximately $120 million, including legal fees.

June 15, 2013
Pigford: The Unexamined Obama Administration Scandal
By Jim O'Sullivan

404 Can t Find Page - American Thinker

Pigford was about the money, but the invented sin was the sale pitch.

Racists discover love

Laws against racism was another attempt to legislate love. Love born of legislation is as unsustainable as is compassion legislated by involuntary charity.

Unlike laws against committing real crimes, racism’s laws demand specific behavior from everyone. That sounds good in theory, but it falls apart when black racists object knowing they will be punished by the same system that exercises far less tolerance when it punishes white racists.

Throughout history, every race enslaved their own kind along with enslaving peoples of different races from conquered territories. As ancient forms of enslaving one’s own race became untenable in advanced countries, there was no prohibition against enslaving other races for financial gain.

If you check, I think you will find that centuries ago the black race was defined as inferior because the white race had left the black race far behind in science, technology, and the arts. In short: Blacks were meant to be slaves. The truth: Black inferiority was a cover story for forced labor. It had nothing to do with pigmentation.

Bottom Line: Black skin was used as form of identity akin to the yellow star Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. The yellow star was also about labor:


Precise translation: Labour Makes You Free or Work Makes You Free

Incidentally, thousands of years ago the yellow race in ancient China was so far ahead of blacks and whites they could have justified enslaving both races.

In this country whites are blamed for black on black crimes while the invented sin of racism wasted no time going global. The stories out of Africa tell us that black Africans kill black Africans because of white racism practiced under colonial rule. After colonialism in Africa ceased to exist, black Africans killing whites became necessary in order for blacks to cleanse their continent of the last remnants of European colonialism.

NOTE: White slave traders purchased slaves from black sellers. The label of pigmentation racism never interfered in the business of business. In any event, colonialism was the true villains as far as do-gooders were concerned.

Sharpshooters wasted no time cashing in on the new sin. Black, and white, race hustlers quickly turned the new sin into a money-making scam. Preaching hatred of whites became a moneymaker when it came to passing the plate around for donations. Preaching hatred even became a virtue in some quarters. Example: Democrats play the race card for no other reason than to loot the public purse, yet they are portrayed as the most compassionate of human beings.

Finally, there was one serious danger in making pigmentation racism a sin and a crime. Employing all of the government’s awesome powers to impose an invented sin on everyone is a dangerous game to play. It’s doubly-dangerous for do-gooders, religious fanatics, Communist revolutionaries, deviates, and charity hustlers who acquire tax dollar wealth, power, and privilege, by draping themselves in brotherly love morality. Invariably, the immoral majority wile tire of hearing how bad they are; leaving them no choice but to take the moral high ground and commence slaughtering every dirty little moralist race hustler in sight. I’m sure Thomas Jefferson would approve:

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.
Actually, if I had to pick one problem that humanity has as it's oldest, I'd have to say it's greed.
To ABikersailor: You make a good case. Greed always finds an outlet. Pigmentation racism has been one of the most successful outlets ever devised.
You should make an effort to understand racism is more than 100 years old.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
To daws101: Is that the best you can do after all of the details I posted! I’d be happy if you post one detail that supports your position, or is it that you know better than to cite slavery?
You should make an effort to understand racism is more than 100 years old.
To Asclepias: Provide links to support your opinion. Check the origin of racism/racist before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.
To daws101: Is that the best you can do after all of the details I posted! I’d be happy if you post one detail that supports your position, or is it that you know better than to cite slavery?
You should make an effort to understand racism is more than 100 years old.
To Asclepias: Provide links to support your opinion. Check the origin of racism/racist before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

I dont have to provide links. Its common knowledge.

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