Clapper states categorically that there is ZERO EVIDENCE Trump colluded with Russia

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.
Did you also hear Clapper say there was categorically NO wiretap on Trump's campaign by Obama? So maybe the President needs a new maze of his own.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

I will not watch any video or click on any link wherein THAT BITCH is the subject or purveyor of information.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

As "soon" as "soon" happens by all means let us know.
When is "soon" going to happen to officer Wilson BTW?
You've been putting up your stupid posts for so long you've now become a caricature of yourself.
That's saying something!
My clapper said nothing at all about it. How did you get yours to speak? :dunno:

During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

They didn't hack us they hacked the DNC, a private political organization who's security was lax.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

As "soon" as "soon" happens by all means let us know.
When is "soon" going to happen to officer Wilson BTW?
You've been putting up your stupid posts for so long you've now become a caricature of yourself.
That's saying something!

Are you high? Go back to bed and get some rest..
He had to come out and say this
Because if they kept on with this accusation of Russians then The Wire Tapping Becomes a Bigger story and takes down Obama and a lot of people in Intel, including the Traiterous Leakers and Wire Tappers themselves.
I think it was Seth, the DNC whistle blower that got whacked. I think he got the info to Assange because he was upset with what they did to Bernie and Assange leaked the emails realizing what happened.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

He just said there was NO wiretap of Trump.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

He just said there was NO wiretap of Trump.
He did, during his tenure but that has nothing to do with this thread. Do try to pay attention. Perhaps take your adhd meds?

Clapper is a proven liar. This is the guy that told Congress the NSA was not collecting information of any sort on millions of Americans (later determined that they were).
Note this part of the exchange:

"I can deny it", Clapper said.

“There is no FISA court order,” Todd asked.

“Not to my knowledge,” Clapper responded.

He says he denies that it happened, then on the other end of his mouth, he tells us he does not know.
It should be that Clapper can’t rule out wiretapping of Trump.
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During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

He just said there was NO wiretap of Trump.
He did, during his tenure but that has nothing to do with this thread. Do try to pay attention. Perhaps take your adhd meds?

Does Clapper still have access to classified material?
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

He just said there was NO wiretap of Trump.
He did, during his tenure but that has nothing to do with this thread. Do try to pay attention. Perhaps take your adhd meds?
when did his tenure end gramps?

Clapper is a proven liar. This is the guy that told Congress the NSA was not collecting information of any sort on millions of Americans (later determined that they were).

I'm pretty sure you're a proven liar too in your tenure on this forum.

Does that mean it's our obligation to reject anything you claim on your say-so?

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