Clapper states categorically that there is ZERO EVIDENCE Trump colluded with Russia

Why don't you demand from the President to declassify and release the FISA requests so we can see, what they truly were for, if they even happened?

Press the damn EASY BUTTON folks!
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

So Russia blackmailed him into boosting defense spending
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

The assumption here is that for some reason Clapper has magically had access to every bit of information on this matter and thus from that superhuman perspective of omniscience,

he can categorically proclaim that no collusion has occurred?
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

So Russia blackmailed him into boosting defense spending

lol, wasn't the Reagan strategy to bankrupt Russia by inducing them to overspend on defense?
Note this part of the exchange:

“There is no FISA court order,” Todd asked.

“Not to my knowledge,” Clapper responded.

He says he denies that it happened, then on the other end of his mouth, he tells us he does not know.
It should be that Clapper can’t rule out wiretapping of Trump.

If there's a FISA warrant, that legalizes the whole operation, and therefore all your dreams and hallucinations of Obama illegality are shit.
Note this part of the exchange:

“There is no FISA court order,” Todd asked.

“Not to my knowledge,” Clapper responded.

He says he denies that it happened, then on the other end of his mouth, he tells us he does not know.
It should be that Clapper can’t rule out wiretapping of Trump.

If there's a FISA warrant, that legalizes the whole operation, and therefore all your dreams and hallucinations of Obama illegality are shit.
Irrelevant, a sitting president can't tamper with an election.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

So Russia blackmailed him into boosting defense spending

lol, wasn't the Reagan strategy to bankrupt Russia by inducing them to overspend on defense?

Because we were privy to Russia's finances.
soooo, the president STATES HE WAS BEING WIRE TAPPED.....

AND NOW, wants people to go out and investigate to prove he was right!!!

the president had no idea with no proof that his home was ever wire tapped when he made his tweets, OBVIOUSLY, and he was lying, all to change the topic off of Sessions lying under oath and the rest on the investigation that is dropping daily.

Note this part of the exchange:

“There is no FISA court order,” Todd asked.

“Not to my knowledge,” Clapper responded.

He says he denies that it happened, then on the other end of his mouth, he tells us he does not know.
It should be that Clapper can’t rule out wiretapping of Trump.

If there's a FISA warrant, that legalizes the whole operation, and therefore all your dreams and hallucinations of Obama illegality are shit.
Irrelevant, a sitting president can't tamper with an election.
and no president did, but this president now, sure is trying to tamper and redirect this investigation!
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

More supposition and innuendo, the things conspiracy theories thrive on.
Did anyone see Clapper's interview this morning? He is lying through his teeth. Watch his eyes. He can't keep eye contact AT ALL which is a pretty easy clue that someone is lying to you. On top of the fact of COURSE he wouldn't point fingers at his former boss! Hell Obama would just get the Clinton's to get their workers to make sure Clapper there had a horrible accident...they are experts at it.

Clapper: 'I Can Deny' Wiretap of Trump Tower

He is trying to so damn hard to keep his eyes up but as he keeps talking and his eyes keep shifting down and he keeps wiggling in his seat..LIAR!!!!!
7 Ways to Really Tell if Someone Is Lying to You
  1. Shifty eyes or lack of eye contact.
  2. Fidgeting, such as jittery legs and moving hand
Last edited:
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

I will not watch any video or click on any link wherein THAT BITCH is the subject or purveyor of information.

It was a waste of time, it was nothing but bias confirmation. They claimed Trump spent 40 million, at auction, on a property and sat on it for 2 years just in case the right Russian buyer came along. It was laughable to say the least.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Yeah the dummy also said that Russia didn't hack us..

When you get a chance I suggest that you take the time to watch this Maddow video ( who cares what party she is from) I connects Trump to Russia and the reason why Russia is blackmailing Trump..It will all be out soon..

They didn't hack us they hacked the DNC, a private political organization who's security was lax.

They also hacked the RNC.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Then let's have a bipartisan investigation and lay it to rest. Good lord, we spent at least as much energy and investigative dollars in Hillary's emails and Benghazi. Surely this merits the same.
Clapper is a mega liar. Dem's don't be stupid enough to use him as your "go to guy" . Makes you look like idiots.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

Then let's have a bipartisan investigation and lay it to rest. Good lord, we spent at least as much energy and investigative dollars in Hillary's emails and Benghazi. Surely this merits the same.

Oh I for one would relish seeing Steele under oath. That dossier was already blown out of the water over Cohen.

But Steele could give us the names of the anti Trumpers who first hired him, then we can find out which Dems bought it and how McCain came to be in possession of it.

This will hopefully put the nails in McCains coffin. Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring it on.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

The assumption here is that for some reason Clapper has magically had access to every bit of information on this matter and thus from that superhuman perspective of omniscience,

he can categorically proclaim that no collusion has occurred?

As Director of National Intelligence he has access to any intel report produced by any agency, so yeah, if there's one person who could make that statement, it would be him.
During an interview on Meet The Depressed Clapper stated that there is ZERO EVIDENCE of any collusion between the Trump people & Russia. None, Zilch, Nadda

Time for the left to create a new maze to run around in while they seek nonexistent cheese.

He just said there was NO wiretap of Trump.
He did, during his tenure but that has nothing to do with this thread. Do try to pay attention. Perhaps take your adhd meds?
when did his tenure end gramps?
He submitted his resignation on the 15th or 17th.
But I digress, WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with THIS TOPIC?

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