Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

there certainly is plenty.
NOT. The fact that some deluded progr claims there is proves nothing.
Billionaires have their hands in a lot of pies, and they know lots of influencial people.

Only Justice Thomas is being held to whatever standard the posters on this thread are trying to hold him to.
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

LOLOL That's not what's wrong. The Biden Regime and the lawless, perverted democrat communist party is what is wrong with this country and you are blaming it on everyone else while you destroy the country.
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

Prove it. Allegations don't work anymore.
I am channeling my inner Chris Hitchens: American Democrats have become poverty enabling 21st century equivalent of carpet baggers. To garner votes from the dumbest low IQ fools that will believe their tripe. We have met the enemy: HE is the democrats. I leave it there.
The Republicans are the Wealthy Elite Deep State?
Some are, some aren't just like the Democrats. But this time it sounds like we are definitely talking about the best Just Money Can Buy.
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

You can't be serious.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

T/B; the RNC/DNC are sleeping in the same bed.

The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

:auiqs.jpg: Look upon above fascist cretin, making as if there is something of corrupt significance in Thomas taking vacations, look upon the vile, intolerant, racist face of the grotesque op, a fascist democrat. See that, we call that shamelessness, it sucks the foul rotting testicles of a pedophile named Biden, a man who has sold out the op's nation incessantly over fifty years to the highest bidders. Biden has never held a job in its life, ever, yet Biden is worth at the minimum half a billion dollars, his corrupt family took a minimum of $31-million dollars in cash from the ccp, and likely tens of millions more than that! But the op, who is a sociopathic fascist, he wants you to think the greatest high court justice in American history is the corrupt one because he vacations with wealthy Americans, he wants you to look elsewhere as he, and his evil political party sexually groom, sexually exploit, and sexually mutilate little boys, and little girls. Are they not obscene, are they not an obscenity?
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

The Wealthy Conservative Elite Deep State have their paid off people in place at the highest levels in America. (Trump still lost all his election fraud court cases despite Clarence Thomas in the bag for Trump)

These people control the highest courts in our country and dictate law and policy for their benefit, using their massive fortunes to gain influence at the very highest levels in America. Conservative judges and politician are more than happy to oblige these dirty handouts.

Its such a joke that Republicans would have the gall to accuse others of corruption and deep state affiliation, when the Republican party is clearly the corrupt party controlled by the wealthy elite in America. Republicans have a big deep state problem, they are bought and paid for by the Conservative elite.

Thomas should never have been appointed in the first place but he was backed by the elitists from the Federalist Society who also got right wing activist hacks like Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito & Barrett appointed to the court.

Nothing will happen to Thomas even though he's bern wined & dined for years by billionaires who have a stake in SC decisions.
The Clarence Thomas Scandal has exposed how interconnected and powerful the conservative wealthy elite are.

Democrats rail against the evil rich corporations who don't pay taxes ...
...while the Bidens fail to report and pay taxes on millions they have received from Russian money laundering, CCP payoffs, extortion, influence peddling, etc...

Democrats attack Capitalism as being evil and a tool to punish the lower / middle class ...

... while Democrats like Bernie Sanders makes millions off Capitalism, has 3 houses, etc...

Democrats talk about making sure everyone 'pays their fair share' ...

... yet Obama, who promised 'the smoothest transition evuh', had a hard time finding Democrats who had paid their taxes to fill Cabinet positions, to include little Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner, Obama's Sect of the Treasury

Democrats accuse others of stealing, scamming, illegally getting money..

..while creating 'Miney For Ukraine' ponzi schemes that lines their own pockets with stolen tax dollars...and no one is ever held accountable.

Democrats call others RACISTS while calling black Conservatives 'Uncle Toms' and continue to smear / take down black USSC Justices...

Part of being a Democrat is never having to apologize for doing the very things you falsely accuse others of doing.

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