Clarence Thomas-Enemy to Blacks, And all of America

It's the same usual suspects posting their support for a black man who helps them stay racist.

Let me know when a black person here posts in agreement with you guys about Thomas let me know.
It's the same usual suspects posting their support for a black man who helps them stay racist.

Let me know when a black person here posts in agreement with you guys about Thomas let me know.

so you can add hm to you ignore list, after calling him an Uncle Tom?
I am speaking about what whites have done. I am not speaking for whites. Whites are here who agree with me and they speak for whites. History is documented son, so it is not my fault you choose to be ignorant of it. Had I praised Thomas, or started a thread dissing somebody like Sharpton, I would be the 31 black representative in the US of A in your view. But because I do not pander to you racist scum, I can't speak for what I am to people who are not black.

I am not a racist because I disagree with your policies nor am I a racist because I support Trump over Biden. I am not a racist, period. I never said that black people in the US haven't been victims of racism, certainly in the past. I have merely stated that attempting to mitigate racism, by using racism, is wrong. There are far too many examples of successful black people in this country to claim that racism, or white people, hold them down.

As to the top of this thread, I support Thomas because he correctly believes that the government sponsoring policies based on race is wrong.
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Compare the resumes of these 2 men and it is apparent that Thomas should NEVER have been put in to replace a legendary legal mind such as Marshall.

Um, okay, the victor gets the spoils, guy. My problem is that these guys end up serving for 30+ years until they are old and senile and their clerks end up writing most of their opinions, so they are largely figureheads.

Liberals kind of screwed themselves when they relied on the courts do to what they should have been doing in the legislatures.

Hey little im.2. Why another thread by you on the very same topic, you idiot?

Anyway, here’s a rebuttal of your valueless shit. Again.
His last thread got closed in Zone 1. He's hoping to do better here.
Consider that there may be no single person in American history who has benefited more from affirmative action than Clarence Thomas. It is an oft-repeated fact that Thomas got into Yale Law School based on race-conscious admissions. Claiming he was “humiliated” by possessing a law degree that “bore the taint of racial preference,” he went on to become a prominent opponent of affirmative action—even suggesting that race-based policies represented the new slavery or Jim Crow, but for white people. Nonetheless, Thomas continued to benefit from his race long after his days at Yale.

Oh, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people have benefited more from AA, like that Bimbo I used to work with who spent her whole day shopping on Amazon and couldn't figure out how to do basic functions of her job with written instructions.

Most Americans opposed Affirmative Action. Even a slight plurality of blacks oppose it.

Now, Thomas was appointed for three reasons.

1) unlike Bush's other pick, Souter, he was a solid conservative.
2) He had a very thin judicial record, so he couldn't be attacked like Bork was.
3) And, yes, he was black.

On that third point, do you think Sotomayor would have been appointed if she wasn't Hispanic, or Jackson if she wasn't black and a woman?

I also think that Thomas is a bitter guy. What Biden and the rest of the Democrats did to him with the Anita Hill bullshit was beyond the pale. It was obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together she was lying through he teeth, and they paraded her charges like they were real, anyway.
This forum tends to attract extremists.

You know that when a white person and a black person apply for a job, when the black person gets hired the white person says that it's AA to blame, while if the white person gets hired the black says that it's due to racial prejudice. Meanwhile all the employer cares about is who will make the most money for them.

This is true. The best example is pro sports. We are supposed to believe that the predominately white coaches and owners in the NFL are willing to hire the best person for the job, but CEO’s and managers of companies aren’t willing to do the same? In both cases, they want to make money and they will hire the person that helps them do that. Managers in white collar jobs are generally hiring the best person for the job, because it ultimately helps their bottom line. Asians are over-represented as a percentage of the population in white collar America and far, far under-represented in pro sports. This implies that Asians, in general, do something to provide themselves with a leg up in the white collar world. We all know what that something is….education that they take very seriously.
Oh, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people have benefited more from AA, like that Bimbo I used to work with who spent her whole day shopping on Amazon and couldn't figure out how to do basic functions of her job with written instructions.

Most Americans opposed Affirmative Action. Even a slight plurality of blacks oppose it.

Now, Thomas was appointed for three reasons.

1) unlike Bush's other pick, Souter, he was a solid conservative.
2) He had a very thin judicial record, so he couldn't be attacked like Bork was.
3) And, yes, he was black.

On that third point, do you think Sotomayor would have been appointed if she wasn't Hispanic, or Jackson if she wasn't black and a woman?

I also think that Thomas is a bitter guy. What Biden and the rest of the Democrats did to him with the Anita Hill bullshit was beyond the pale. It was obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together she was lying through he teeth, and they paraded her charges like they were real, anyway.

I can’t understand what is going on with you on this thread. You are making far too much sense on this issue.
I didn't get where I am because I'm white. Many late nights working say otherwise.

What racist assumptions am I making? It seems like you were the one making racist assumptions... that whites only got where they are due to their race.
And how many jobs have you been given by a person of color? I know every person who has hired me in the 32 years since I parted company with the Army has been a fellow white person and only two of them have been female.

Let's get realistic: Affirmative Action makes up for the effects of white privilege. Is it the best solution? Probably not, because inevitably if you are trying to fill a quota, you are going to hire someone who has no business in that job.
I can’t understand what is going on with you on this thread. You are making far too much sense on this issue.

There's a lot of things you don't understand, Cleetus.

Educating you would take too much time.

YOu see, this is what you get wrong. I'm not a liberal, I'm a pragmatist.

Thomas should have never been put on the Court, because he's an idiot.
But attacking him with a charge from a bitter ex-employee who lied her ass off was beyond good taste, and I suspect the reason why he's the most regressive jurist on SCOTUS is that he's rightfully bitter about the way he was treated.

But the Court will be a better place when he's replaced.
DEI and AA have no place in our country. They are by their very nature discriminatory. You can’t fight potential racism with real racism. It is illogical. I support Thomas because, amoung other things, he believes we should all be judged equally. That makes perfect sense to me. My guess is, you dislike Ben Carson as well.

I know for certain that if I was an African American who worked my butt off to make good grades and to be successful, I would be firmly against allowing fellow African Americans getting a leg up simply because of the color of their skin. It would diminish my well earned accomplishments and would provide less incentive for others to follow in my footsteps, instead relying on a government program to get them over some perceived hump.

There are many African Americans who have earned the right to be in their positions of success. They have out-performed others, regardless of race. Just because there may not be enough to fill some imaginary quota, doesn’t mean we should demean their well earned accomplishments nor should we punish individuals of other races.

AA and DEI are illogical and wrong. It is as simple as that.

Again, the problem here is that you assume that every white person who is in a position of success is there because they merit it.

I have worked with one woman who got promoted because of an Affirmative Action quota to a job she had no business being in.

I have worked with white people who got promoted because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. And because I don't exempt myself, necessarily, I can say that at least two jobs I've gotten in my career have been due to connections. One of those was absolutely a bad fit. (Not because of talent, but because I wasn't a good fit with their toxic culture.)
And how many jobs have you been given by a person of color? I know every person who has hired me in the 32 years since I parted company with the Army has been a fellow white person and only two of them have been female.

Let's get realistic: Affirmative Action makes up for the effects of white privilege. Is it the best solution? Probably not, because inevitably if you are trying to fill a quota, you are going to hire someone who has no business in that job.

Are you saying that a white person is more likely to hire a white person simply because they are white and a black person is more likely to hire a black person simply because they are black? If so, how would we ever actually resolve that problem?

If this is the case, how do you explain the anomaly that is pro sports? White people hire predominately black people every day in this arena. Does discrimination suddenly stop in sports for some reason? If what you are saying is true, why would there not be a lot more white people in the NFL? There are plenty of white athletes that are capable, but maybe not the BEST. People typically hire the best person for the job because they want their business/department to succeed. It’s a money thing.
There's a lot of things you don't understand, Cleetus.

Educating you would take too much time.

YOu see, this is what you get wrong. I'm not a liberal, I'm a pragmatist.

Thomas should have never been put on the Court, because he's an idiot.
But attacking him with a charge from a bitter ex-employee who lied her ass off was beyond good taste, and I suspect the reason why he's the most regressive jurist on SCOTUS is that he's rightfully bitter about the way he was treated.

But the Court will be a better place when he's replaced.

Ah, now we are back to the dumb Joe we all know.

I'm a pragmatist

This is hilarious.
Are you saying that a white person is more likely to hire a white person simply because they are white and a black person is more likely to hire a black person simply because they are black? If so, how would we ever actually resolve that problem?

Um, yeah, that's exactly what I am saying, Cleetus. Even if you remove the outright bigots in HR departments (and there are plenty of those), the reality is that most of us relate well to people who remind us of ourselves. The white HR manager might not intend to be racist, but he is going to be more sympathetic to the white job applicant because he's easier to empathize with. It's nothing more complex than that.

You see this in studies where they sent out resumes with identical qualifications, but half had black names like Jamal, and the other half had white names like Greg. The resumes with the white names got 50% more callbacks.

As I said, every job I've gotten, I got because a white person made the decision. Two cases were because the person hiring was a fellow veteran. Two cases, because someone recommended me for the job. one case, I had a pretty good relationship with the boss because he was a fellow Star Trek Nerd.

There are interpersonal issues that have a lot more to do with who gets hired or retained than "qualifications". If there weren't, then we'd just leave the hiring decisions to ATS software.

If this is the case, how do you explain the anomaly that is pro sports? White people hire predominately black people every day in this arena. Does discrimination suddenly stop in sports for some reason? If what you are saying is true, why would there not be a lot more white people in the NFL? There are plenty of white athletes that are capable, but maybe not the BEST. People typically hire the best person for the job because they want their business/department to succeed. It’s a money thing.
Why do you guys bring up professionals sports as it means anything?

Let's be blunt here. Only 2% of high school athletes go on to get college scholarships. Only 2% of College players get offers to play for the NBA or NFL. (MLB and the NHL don't even PRETEND that they need college athletes; they import foreigners who are good at the games.)

Hitting a ball or running very fast doesn't take intellectual skill, just dumb muscle.
There has been a huge difference in the socio-economic status of millions of black people since these programs were enacted. They've been a huge success.

The fact is that every other ethnic group in this country has climbed the socio-economic ladder after a few generations. Black people were held down and continued to suffer for generations.

This country was built by black labor.

The civil right legislation of the 1960s should have been created in the 1870s.

The gains made by blacks is due to capitalism not AA

This country was built by many including blacks but no more so than anyone else

Civil rights legislation has been a failure and abomination
I speak for blacks right now. I think the member of a race of people who were so lazy that they enslaved people to do the work they should have done or stole ideas from people to take credit for things they did not do can talk about anybody else being lazy.
No you do not

You speak for you and that is all
They have worked and the only reason they have not worked better is because of whites like this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times, but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Thet have not worked
Um, yeah, that's exactly what I am saying

Ok, so then logic would dictate that black business owners should be forced to use AA or DEI as well so their biases won’t affect their hiring decisions.

Why do you guys bring up professionals sports as it means anything?

Regardless if pro-sports mean anything to you, I bring it up as an example where clearly your theory about people hiring those like you, not the best person, falls flat. It is a very small but very lucrative business. They are some of the most sought after jobs in the country, but only a few have the ability to do them at the highest levels. The owners make more money if they win, therefore, they hire the best people for these positions. We are supposed to believe your theory only applies in the business world, not the sports world.

Another example of your theory falling flat is the hiring of Asians, by non-Asians, in the business world. This most certainly happens on a daily basis. Again, you theory falls flat.

All that being said, there are certainly biases out there, but they are not exclusive to white vs black or male vs female.

What if you had to make picks for your basketball team based on nothing but names. Assuming you wanted to win, would you pick the kids with black sounding names first? Would you pick the kids with Asian sounding names last? What about if you were picking from the same list for you math team? Would your selection order be reversed? Why?

What is really going on is completely natural. Human nature is formed through experiences. It always has been and it always will be. We all “discriminate” on a daily basis based on past experiences. I may not go to McDonalds again simply because I had a bad experience at a couple of them that had poor management. It doesn’t mean that all McDonalds are bad, but I may choose not to go to any of them again because I have a perception that they are bad. If I see stories on the news about McDonalds having a rash of bad management throughout the country, that may further cement the idea in my mind not to visit another one, despite the fact that the one up the road from me may have great management and be very good.

You wouldn’t likely hire a guy named Cleetus because of the negative connotations of the name. I personally wouldn’t name my child Cleetus because of these negative connotations. Maybe it shouldn’t be that way, but that is reality. Based on your negative perceptions of the South in general, you may not bother to even interview anyone from the South, despite their qualifications. While this is not racist, it is certainly ethnocentric to a point where someone may be harmed. Should you be forced to apply DEI to introduce some Southern diversity into your work environment?

The stark, perhaps unfortunate, reality is that the only real way to change people’s perceptions are through experiences, not government programs that force the hiring of certain groups of people over other groups of people, particularly when they are not applied equally across all groups, as is the case with DEI and AA.
Ok, so then logic would dictate that black business owners should be forced to use AA or DEI as well so their biases won’t affect their hiring decisions.
I am sure that they do have to practice AA when it comes to people who are disabled or female.

Regardless if pro-sports mean anything to you, I bring it up as an example where clearly your theory about people hiring those like you, not the best person, falls flat. It is a very small but very lucrative business. They are some of the most sought after jobs in the country, but only a few have the ability to do them at the highest levels. The owners make more money if they win, therefore, they hire the best people for these positions. We are supposed to believe your theory only applies in the business world, not the sports world.

Actually, your analogy falls flat for a lot of reasons. The first is that most NFL players aren't in the seven or eight figure range. Nor are most MLB. NBA players, the average salary is 4.6MM.

Second is that most major league sports are covered by UNIONS contracts that lock in salaries.

Another example of your theory falling flat is the hiring of Asians, by non-Asians, in the business world. This most certainly happens on a daily basis. Again, you theory falls flat.

Meh, not really. First, Asians are seen as a "non-threatening" minority, because of their small numbers. (As opposed to blacks and Hispanics, which have you guys terrified!) The thing is that AA doesn't require you go hire X number of blacks, and X number of Asians. It only requires you to prove you fairly considered them.

What is really going on is completely natural. Human nature is formed through experiences. It always has been and it always will be. We all “discriminate” on a daily basis based on past experiences. I may not go to McDonalds again simply because I had a bad experience at a couple of them that had poor management. It doesn’t mean that all McDonalds are bad, but I may choose not to go to any of them again because I have a perception that they are bad. If I see stories on the news about McDonalds having a rash of bad management throughout the country, that may further cement the idea in my mind not to visit another one, despite the fact that the one up the road from me may have great management and be very good.

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to try to rationalize racism and discrimination.

You wouldn’t likely hire a guy named Cleetus because of the negative connotations of the name. I personally wouldn’t name my child Cleetus because of these negative connotations. Maybe it shouldn’t be that way, but that is reality. Based on your negative perceptions of the South in general, you may not bother to even interview anyone from the South, despite their qualifications. While this is not racist, it is certainly ethnocentric to a point where someone may be harmed. Should you be forced to apply DEI to introduce some Southern diversity into your work environment?

Well, no. Because white from Jesusland still benefit from white privilege, no matter how slack jawed, inbred or stupid they are.. and that's the problem.

The stark, perhaps unfortunate, reality is that the only real way to change people’s perceptions are through experiences, not government programs that force the hiring of certain groups of people over other groups of people, particularly when they are not applied equally across all groups, as is the case with DEI and AA.
Or you can admit that the discrimination is real, and make amends.

Maybe AA isn't the best solution (I can see problems with it), but how else do you compensate for the benefits of white privilege?
Ok, so then logic would dictate that black business owners should be forced to use AA or DEI as well so their biases won’t affect their hiring decisions.
Black businesses are required to follow the same rules as everybody else. It's amazing how dumb some white people are. You choose to ignore what whites have done to create the need for AA and DEI and have lied for the last 60 years about how things have discriminated against whites even as whites have consistently been the majority of everything.

And there is massive evidence that t has been white businesses that have continued the refusal to hire and promote people of color even when they had the better experience and qualifications.

They don't like him because he's a black conservative.

No there isn't.

Sure they would. They do it all the time. Just read Thomas Sowell.

No one supports racism, douchebag. Black assholes like you are claiming racism all the time even though the government isn't involved.

Liberal Dictionary
Black right wing extremist - black conservative.

You aren't fooling anyone, douchebag.
It's time whites like you shut up trying to explain why blacks don't like Clarence Thomas. Thomas is not liked by blacks because he's a sellout. His record on civil rights is the cause of his dislike. Thomas Sowell is not a conservative; he is a right winger. So is Thomas. Blacks like Michael Steele are conservatives. You support racism by being one. Blacks like me claim racism because racism exists. And it exists outside of government as well as in government.

It's time whites like you shut up and listened or got out of the way for whites who really want this nation to be unified.

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