Clarence Thomas-Enemy to Blacks, And all of America

It's time whites like you shut up trying to explain why blacks don't like Clarence Thomas. Thomas is not liked by blacks because he's a sellout. His record on civil rights is the cause of his dislike. Thomas Sowell is not a conservative; he is a right winger. So is Thomas. Blacks like Michael Steele are conservatives. You support racism by being one. Blacks like me claim racism because racism exists. And it exists outside of government as well as in government.

It's time whites like you shut up and listened or got out of the way for whites who really want this nation to be unified.
You just repeated that that they hate black conservative's. Thomas' record on Civil rights is fine..
You just repeated that that they hate black conservative's. Thomas' record on Civil rights is fine..
His record may be fine to the white racist but his votes killing provisions of the voting rights act and AA as are not fine with black people.
There still are no blacks here who are saying that they agree with what Thomas has done. The only people defending Thomas and making these claims are whites who have generally posted racist views.
There still are no blacks here who are saying that they agree with what Thomas has done. The only people defending Thomas and making these claims are whites who have generally posted racist views.

Once again, iunless they put it in their profile or tell you, you do NOT KNOW what race others are here

But being vile little racist piece of trash you assume those who disageree with you are white

You have NO FUCKING clue what race others are here you little racist PIG

Most black people know YOU ARE a fool and embarrasement
There still are no blacks here who are saying that they agree with what Thomas has done. The only people defending Thomas and making these claims are whites who have generally posted racist views.
Bring these posts with racist views, Simp.
Again, there are blacks in this forum. None of them have come in this thread to post how much they agree with what Thomas has done. Ony white right-wing extremists have, and only white right-wing extremists are claiming that most blacks like what Thomas has done.

And everyone sane knows that these extremists are lying.
Again, there are blacks in this forum. None of them have come in this thread to post how much they agree with what Thomas has done. Ony white right-wing extremists have, and only white right-wing extremists are claiming that most blacks like what Thomas has done.

And everyone sane knows that these extremists are lying.

Once again you have no clue or idea whether the people on this thread are black or white'

So you are a liar a fraud and a racist sack of trash
His record may be fine to the white racist but his votes killing provisions of the voting rights act and AA as are not fine with black people.
Whether leftwing blacks like a particular SC decision doesn't prove they are racist, dumbfuck. You opinion on the matter doesn't prove a damn thing, and that's all you've posted. That SC decision you whine about is itself racist.
His record may be fine to the white racist but his votes killing provisions of the voting rights act and AA as are not fine with black people.
Those provisions should have been killed. They are racist.
Again, there are blacks in this forum. None of them have come in this thread to post how much they agree with what Thomas has done. Ony white right-wing extremists have, and only white right-wing extremists are claiming that most blacks like what Thomas has done.

And everyone sane knows that these extremists are lying.
Perhaps they don't want to put up with your stupid ass calling them "Uncle Tom".

How many have come to support your opinion?
I am sure that they do have to practice AA when it comes to people who are disabled or female.

But they don’t when it comes to white men? Why not? Is it because it is ok for white men to be grouped together and not treated as individuals? That is a rhetorical question.

Actually, your analogy falls flat for a lot of reasons. The first is that most NFL players aren't in the seven or eight figure range. Nor are most MLB. NBA players, the average salary is 4.6MM.

Second is that most major league sports are covered by UNIONS contracts that lock in salaries.

What does salary have to do with discriminatory hiring practices? That was the entire point.

Since you bring up salary, the min. salary in the NFL is $750k for a rookie. That rises to just under $1 mil by the third year in the league. I’m not sure if you are attempting to imply that this is a low min. salary or what.

Meh, not really. First, Asians are seen as a "non-threatening" minority, because of their small numbers. (As opposed to blacks and Hispanics, which have you guys terrified!) The thing is that AA doesn't require you go hire X number of blacks, and X number of Asians. It only requires you to prove you fairly considered them.

You beloved administration does exactly what you say they don’t have to do. They make no bones about excluding all races and the opposite sex but one when it comes to hiring. They can openly say they are going to hire a black female at all of you jump for joy. These are some of the highest, most influential positions in the land and you are ok with them practicing blatant racism and sexism to promote your ideology.

Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to try to rationalize racism and discrimination.

I am not rationalizing anything. I am pointing out cold-hard facts that apply to every human being on the planet no matter where you live. Despite what you have been taught throughout your years of education and indoctrination, just because you may not agree with a set of facts, doesn’t make them any less factual.

Well, no. Because white from Jesusland still benefit from white privilege, no matter how slack jawed, inbred or stupid they are.. and that's the problem.

You think a white guy named Cleetus, who lives up to the name, has white privilege? As usual, you are very misinformed.

You stated that you yourself wouldn’t hire him based on his name or place of birth. Why?

Maybe AA isn't the best solution (I can see problems with it), but how else do you compensate for the benefits of white privilege?

White privilege is nothing more than a left-wing talking point. The low info folks buy it, because it feeds their indoctrinated souls. No compensation is necessary. Hiring people based on the color of their skin is wrong, and the government shouldn’t mandate it.
But they don’t when it comes to white men? Why not? Is it because it is ok for white men to be grouped together and not treated as individuals? That is a rhetorical question.

I've already given you an answer. White men enjoy the benefits of white privilege. Even the lowest methhead in a trailer park.

What does salary have to do with discriminatory hiring practices? That was the entire point.

Since you bring up salary, the min. salary in the NFL is $750k for a rookie. That rises to just under $1 mil by the third year in the league. I’m not sure if you are attempting to imply that this is a low min. salary or what.

The only reason WHY that is a minimum salary is the NFL players have a union and a whole lot of protections, which is why those guys with the torn ACL still get a large chunk of their 8 figure contracts.

You beloved administration does exactly what you say they don’t have to do. They make no bones about excluding all races and the opposite sex but one when it comes to hiring. They can openly say they are going to hire a black female at all of you jump for joy. These are some of the highest, most influential positions in the land and you are ok with them practicing blatant racism and sexism to promote your ideology.

Actually, I'm all for them doing it because the country is half female and about 40% minority, so just have 9 white guys on SCOTUS is insane. In our whole history of SCOTUS, there have been 121 Justices. Of those, only three have been black, 1 has been Hispanic, and five have been women. White dudes have had their turn and then some.

I am not rationalizing anything. I am pointing out cold-hard facts that apply to every human being on the planet no matter where you live. Despite what you have been taught throughout your years of education and indoctrination, just because you may not agree with a set of facts, doesn’t make them any less factual.

then by your logic, it's okay for blacks to go around beating up white people at random, given white people have oppressed them for generations.

You think a white guy named Cleetus, who lives up to the name, has white privilege? As usual, you are very misinformed.

You stated that you yourself wouldn’t hire him based on his name or place of birth. Why?

Yes, Cleetus has White Privilege.

White privilege is nothing more than a left-wing talking point. The low info folks buy it, because it feeds their indoctrinated souls. No compensation is necessary. Hiring people based on the color of their skin is wrong, and the government shouldn’t mandate it.

Then we should also end hiring idiot relatives, hiring the boss's drinking buddy, promoting the woman who is sucking the boss's dick in his office.
Most blacks are not fine with it. Stop being white and projecting your belief on black people.

Most SHOULD be fine with it. Government sponsored race based hiring is not a fix for anything.
Black businesses are required to follow the same rules as everybody else. It's amazing how dumb some white people are.

You sure about that?

It’s amazing how dumb some black people are. Oh wait, is it racist to reverse your own statement? The better way to say it is that it is amazing how dumb some people are. In this case, the indoctrinated fools of all races that buy what the left is selling are pretty ignorant, maybe even “dumb”.

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