Clarence Thomas-Enemy to Blacks, And all of America

Try some reading comprehension

no one said it does not exist.

Of course it does but most of it is in third wrld and soclaisty countres.

Capitalist policies have nothing to do with the immigration crises

you have debunked nothing. Indroctination is not present in all college majors

Trump has nothing to do with this try to worship someone else besides trump

Seriously guy, guess again!

You trolls try getting my threads closed. And nothing I have said here or anywhere is racist

Yeah. It is.
. If what I said was so terribly racist, then whites other than right wing extremists would be calling it out.

The fact that you see all things in terms of black versus white is a testament to the racism inherent in your thinking and posting. Denying reality doesn’t make it go away. You’re a racist. It’s disgraceful. You should seriously seek to make amends.
I speak for blacks more than your ass does and you only think that uncle toms who regurgitate white racist views about blacks are independent thinkers. Thomas is not thinking for himself, those who oppose him are. And if you are white and posting racist bs, that's what you will be called.
You just want to keep playing the victim, card that is all!
Seriously guy, guess again!


Do try and stick to the subject

We were not referring to state to state comparisons. We were comparing capitalist nations to socialist failures. Your link is MEANINGLESS

Massive failure for you
Clarence Thomas is a sellout. And the only people who support him are enemies of equal opportunity and of American democracy. His wife is an insurrectionist, and so by extension that makes him one. And yet he sits on the Supreme Court. He took the place of Thurgood Marshall. And Marshall is turning around in his grave like he's on a rotisserie because of the choice the first Bush made.

Thurgood Marshall

Thoroughgood "Thurgood" Marshall (July 2, 1908 – January 24, 1993) was an American civil rights lawyer and jurist who served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1967 until 1991. He was the Supreme Court's first African-American justice. Prior to his judicial service, he was an attorney who fought for civil rights, leading the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Marshall was a prominent figure in the movement to end racial segregation in American public schools. He won 29 of the 32 civil rights cases he argued before the Supreme Court, culminating in the Court's landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which rejected the separate but equal doctrine and held segregation in public education to be unconstitutional. President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Marshall to the Supreme Court in 1967. A staunch liberal, he frequently dissented as the Court became increasingly conservative.

Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American lawyer and jurist who serves as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President George H. W. Bush to succeed Thurgood Marshall and has served since 1991. After Marshall, Thomas is the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court and has been its longest-serving member since Anthony Kennedy's retirement in 2018. Since Stephen Breyer's retirement in 2022, he is also the Court's oldest member.

Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia. After his father abandoned the family, he was raised by his grandfather in a poor Gullah community near Savannah. Growing up as a devout Catholic, Thomas originally intended to be a priest in the Catholic Church but was frustrated over the church's insufficient attempts to combat racism. He abandoned his aspiration of becoming a clergyman to attend the College of the Holy Cross and, later Yale Law School, where he was influenced by a number of conservative authors, notably Thomas Sowell. Upon graduating, he was appointed as an assistant attorney general in Missouri and later entered private practice there. He became a legislative assistant to U.S. Senator John Danforth in 1979, and was made Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education in 1981. President Ronald Reagan appointed Thomas as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) the next year.

Compare the resumes of these 2 men and it is apparent that Thomas should NEVER have been put in to replace a legendary legal mind such as Marshall.

I'd buy him a beer any day

Do try and stick to the subject

We were not referring to state to state comparisons. We were comparing capitalist nations to socialist failures. Your link is MEANINGLESS

Massive failure for you

You're such a sleazy bullshit artist!

You posted:

"Capitalism has elminated poverty in much of the world. "

I posted proof that poverty level are huge - especially in red states of the U.S.

Your argument has been debunked.

Go back to your delusional world.
I got sad news for you...poverty exists all over the world especially in capitalist countries.

Right now, the U.S. is suffering massive illegal immigration due to the capitalist policies that were forced on Central America in the 1980s. Those policies caused massive poverty.

Sorry to debunk your delusions.! (NOT!)

Only some college majors include any 'indoctrination'. If someone majors in Political Science they're going to be exposed to a very large variety of political thought, if they major in Engineering, business, finance or pre-Med, they're less likely to take courses that have any 'indoctrination'.

Of course, MAGA Morons would like all college majors to do nothing but worship their orange god-child.
Why are people from over 150 countries flocking over our Southern border if capit is so bad, Simp?
Seriously guy, guess again!

The US poverty rate is virtually the same as prior to our spending TRILLIONS on the socialist “War on poverty” programs.
Why are people from over 150 countries flocking over our Southern border if capit is so bad, Simp?

They're flocking to our border because U.S. capitalist policy in Central America has caused massive poverty in those countries.

Any other idiotic questions?
Clarence Thomas is a sellout. And the only people who support him are enemies of equal opportunity and of American democracy. His wife is an insurrectionist, and so by extension that makes him one. And yet he sits on the Supreme Court. He took the place of Thurgood Marshall. And Marshall is turning around in his grave like he's on a rotisserie because of the choice the first Bush made.

Thurgood Marshall

Thoroughgood "Thurgood" Marshall (July 2, 1908 – January 24, 1993) was an American civil rights lawyer and jurist who served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1967 until 1991. He was the Supreme Court's first African-American justice. Prior to his judicial service, he was an attorney who fought for civil rights, leading the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Marshall was a prominent figure in the movement to end racial segregation in American public schools. He won 29 of the 32 civil rights cases he argued before the Supreme Court, culminating in the Court's landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which rejected the separate but equal doctrine and held segregation in public education to be unconstitutional. President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Marshall to the Supreme Court in 1967. A staunch liberal, he frequently dissented as the Court became increasingly conservative.

Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an American lawyer and jurist who serves as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President George H. W. Bush to succeed Thurgood Marshall and has served since 1991. After Marshall, Thomas is the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court and has been its longest-serving member since Anthony Kennedy's retirement in 2018. Since Stephen Breyer's retirement in 2022, he is also the Court's oldest member.

Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia. After his father abandoned the family, he was raised by his grandfather in a poor Gullah community near Savannah. Growing up as a devout Catholic, Thomas originally intended to be a priest in the Catholic Church but was frustrated over the church's insufficient attempts to combat racism. He abandoned his aspiration of becoming a clergyman to attend the College of the Holy Cross and, later Yale Law School, where he was influenced by a number of conservative authors, notably Thomas Sowell. Upon graduating, he was appointed as an assistant attorney general in Missouri and later entered private practice there. He became a legislative assistant to U.S. Senator John Danforth in 1979, and was made Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education in 1981. President Ronald Reagan appointed Thomas as Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) the next year.

Compare the resumes of these 2 men and it is apparent that Thomas should NEVER have been put in to replace a legendary legal mind such as Marshall.

Thomas is established wealthy and successful as well as educated... so I guess I can see that you don't have anything in common with him...
You're such a sleazy bullshit artist!

You posted:

"Capitalism has elminated poverty in much of the world. "

I posted proof that poverty level are huge - especially in red states of the U.S.

Your argument has been debunked.

Go back to your delusional world.
Correction large blue cities in Red states don't make me tell you again!
Clarence Thomas is ethically rudderless, ideologically extreme and purposefully or inadvertently a tool of the white supremacist/neoconfederate/anti-democratic fascism represented by Trump and MAGA
Such a racist hit piece above.
They're flocking to our border because U.S. capitalist policy in Central America has caused massive poverty in those countries.

Any other idiotic questions?
20,000 Chinese came across in the last 4 months, Dumbass. Can you show us on a map where China is?

how many countries in Central America, Dumbass? We have people flooding across the border from over 150 countries.

Oh, and link us up to US policies that have caused poverty in those communist shitholes. I’m betting you will fail miserably.

You're such a sleazy bullshit artist!

You posted:

"Capitalism has elminated poverty in much of the world. "

I posted proof that poverty level are huge - especially in red states of the U.S.

Your argument has been debunked.

Go back to your delusional world.
No it clearly has not been debunked

We were disussing the world and you made a lame idiotic attempt to focus on the US where poverty is luxury compared to thirs world countries and socialist shit holes

you have been owned boy you you failed like a weak littyle bitch

You Absolutely failed and are now spinning like a childish coward

But you cannot save face
Hey little im.2. Why another thread by you on the very same topic, you idiot?

Anyway, here’s a rebuttal of your valueless shit. Again.

I speak for blacks more than your ass does and you only think that uncle toms who regurgitate white racist views about blacks are independent thinkers. Thomas is not thinking for himself, those who oppose him are. And if you are white and posting racist bs, that's what you will be called.
I hate to break this to you, IM2...but you no more "speak for blacks" than I "speak for whites"! You have your opinion. Other blacks have THEIR opinions! Clarence Thomas' views differ from yours. That doesn't make him a bad person any more than Ruth Bader Ginsberg's views made her a bad person. You claiming anyone who doesn't agree with you is a "racist" is nothing more than laziness! Racism has nothing to do with it. You just post stupid stuff!
I could have simplified the OP's point in much shorter order.

Thomas is black? Yes
Wow, and Thomas is Republican too? Yes

Cry away, he must be Uncle Tom in the eyes of the feeble, doesn't matter what he does.
I could have simplified the OP's point in much shorter order.

Thomas is black? Yes
Wow, and Thomas is Republican too? Yes

Cry away, he must be Uncle Tom in the eyes of the feeble, doesn't matter what he does.

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