Clarence Thomas vs George Floyd

ahahhah it allows the Federal Govt the power to regulate intersstate commerce.....and pass any legislation that might be necessary and proper to carry that out.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The Constitution comes from James Madison and the Constitutional Convention

The word "REGULATE" in the founder's day meant to "keep regular and without restriction".
Our current interpretation, which means "to restrict", is totally and completely wrong.

When a doctor talks of "regular bowel movements", he means without restriction.
When a clockmaker talks about a regulated timepiece, he means one without restriction.

To "regulate" means to prevent restriction.
Most people on “welfare” are children, senior citizens and disabled.

Anyone else is on welfare for a very short period of time since the programs provide a safety net following personal crises such as severe illness, having to flee an abusive relationship or losing a job.

What makes people poor is when the benefits of economic growth are concentrated to the top of the country.

We’ve had decades of proof that Reaganomics doesn’t work the way they told us. It was always a lie told to the working class to make them compliant.
Most people below poverty are on gov assistance. You’re in denial. Why do you think repubs won the congress in 1994?
He never beat up anyone.
He did however point a gun at a pregnant woman.
Which was a misdemeanor theft conviction.
No felony, ever.
Floyd was convicted of theft in 1998, not armed robbery.
He never "counterfeited" or was ever charged with that.
You little Moon Bat shitheads love your Negro heroes don't you? Even when they are pieces of low life ghetto Negro shit like this Floyd turd. A sonofabith that served eight jail terms.

George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis police union chief

“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter posted Monday on Twitter.

Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the Daily Mail reported.
The word "REGULATE" in the founder's day meant to "keep regular and without restriction".
Our current interpretation, which means "to restrict", is totally and completely wrong.

When a doctor talks of "regular bowel movements", he means without restriction.
When a clockmaker talks about a regulated timepiece, he means one without restriction.

To "regulate" means to prevent restriction.
you can regulate without providing restrictions, but sometimes you can provide them as well.
: to govern or direct according to rule
: to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
: to make regulations for or concerning
regulate the industries of a country
: to bring order, method, or uniformity to
The word "REGULATE" in the founder's day meant to "keep regular and without restriction".
Our current interpretation, which means "to restrict", is totally and completely wrong.

When a doctor talks of "regular bowel movements", he means without restriction.
When a clockmaker talks about a regulated timepiece, he means one without restriction.

To "regulate" means to prevent restriction.

Regulated means exactly what it means today

Controlled, trained, organized.
There were lists of who was in the militia and what rge ir roles were. They were trained and knew their expectations

Well Regulated did not mean a bunch of guys running around with guns
the rule of law comes from the US Constitution.....the Constitution gives Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce.
It's authoritarian over reach. They needed to amend the Constitution to ban alcohol nationwide. But in 1937 they used an unconstitutional prohibitive tax to outlaw Marijuana nationwide. By the time that got declared unconstitutional, the power of the feds had grown so much that they had the power to use statutes to not only outlaw it here but also to start and international crusade against it in other countries. Can you imagine how that would have gone over in other countries when we banned alcohol. The Canadian Club distillery was right across the border.
Most people below poverty are on gov assistance. You’re in denial. Why do you think repubs won the congress in 1994?
Well duh. That’s because government assistance is made for people who live in poverty. You can’t even get welfare if you aren’t in poverty.

If it weren’t for the programs you’re talking about, far more people would be impoverished.
odd, just a few post ago you claimed the Govt has no right to regulate families.....glad to see you wised up a little today

Providing for the voluntary welfare of a child that is already born, is NOT at all "regulating families".
First of all, the word "regulate" actually does not at all mean to control, but the opposite.
It means to prevent restriction.
Second is that the desires of a child only count against the desires of the parents AFTER birth.
I asked a question. Do you not know the answer? You compared a State commissioning a statue of a SC Justice to a privately commissioned Statue of Mr. Floyd. Unless you know of a state that has commissioned a statue of Mr. Floyd, do you?
Clarence Thomas is a man. George Floyd was a child. And many who vote Prog are the same. We see the Prog children of politics all over the nation now. And they are not taken to task for their massive failures. Government is too large for the people to not be affected by these real non-qualified people put into power.
ahahhah it allows the Federal Govt the power to regulate intersstate commerce.....and pass any legislation that might be necessary and proper to carry that out.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

The Constitution comes from James Madison and the Constitutional Convention

Regulate means to keep regular, which means to prevent restriction.
There is absolutely NO federal authority at all to restrict any private commerce, between individuals in other states or other countries.

Which means Biden's economic sanctions on Russia are totally illegal.
This is strengthened by the ratification of the 1904 Geneva Conventions, by Congress, into US law.
It's authoritarian over reach. They needed to amend the Constitution to ban alcohol nationwide. But in 1937 they used an unconstitutional prohibitive tax to outlaw Marijuana nationwide. By the time that got declared unconstitutional, the power of the feds had grown so much that they had the power to use statutes to not only outlaw it here but also to start and international crusade against it in other countries. Can you imagine how that would have gone over in other countries when we banned alcohol. The Canadian Club distillery was right across the border.
They didn't need a constitutional ban to regulate booze.....just like they don't need one to regulate the trade of drugs.....pot isn't banned federally, it's regulated though.
Should Clarence Thomas be honored with a statue? I mean George Floyd has at least one and he was only famous for being a criminal killed by police. Doesn't a black Supreme Court Justice deserve a statue more than George Floyd does? Or, is Clarence Thomas nothing but an Uncle Tom?

In a Tuesday 32-20 Georgia Senate vote, Republicans elected to erect a statue of Justice Thomas on the state Capitol grounds.

Democrats, who are in the minority, instead offered to erect a statue of the late John Lewis, a civil rights legend and Georgia congressman. Unsurprisingly, Republicans didn’t go for it.

Clarence Thomas survived a "High Tech Lynching", so I say yes.
You’re talking about the extremely anomalous cases of rape or incest. You’re wagging the dog. This is about a woman choosing copulation.

Women do not really have a choice about copulation, since it is an inherent biological drive.
That is like saying women can choose to not sleep or eat.
Providing for the voluntary welfare of a child that is already born, is NOT at all "regulating families".
First of all, the word "regulate" actually does not at all mean to control, but the opposite.
It means to prevent restriction.
Second is that the desires of a child only count against the desires of the parents AFTER birth.
by taking the child away from it's parents you are certainly restricting what the parents can and can not do with their child,

transitive verb

: to govern or direct according to rule
: to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
: to make regulations for or concerning
regulate the industries of a country
: to bring order, method, or uniformity to
Regulate means to keep regular, which means to prevent restriction.
There is absolutely NO federal authority at all to restrict any private commerce, between individuals in other states or other countries.

Which means Biden's economic sanctions on Russia are totally illegal.
This is strengthened by the ratification of the 1904 Geneva Conventions, by Congress, into US law.
I provided you with where in the Constitution the Congress gets it's power to regulate commerce.

transitive verb

: to govern or direct according to rule
: to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
: to make regulations for or concerning
regulate the industries of a country
: to bring order, method, or uniformity to

They didn't need a constitutional ban to regulate booze.....just like they don't need one to regulate the trade of drugs.....pot isn't banned federally, it's regulated though.

The real meaning of "regulate" means to keep regular, without any restriction.
And there is no legal means by which booze or drugs can at all be restricted.
Government only has the authority delegated to it by individuals, to defend their rights for them.
Restricting booze or drugs to others, is not defending anyone's rights at all, but over stepping and dictating.
That is inherently illegal.
Prohibition and all drug laws are inherently illegal.
The real meaning of "regulate" means to keep regular, without any restriction.
And there is no legal means by which booze or drugs can at all be restricted.
Government only has the authority delegated to it by individuals, to defend their rights for them.
Restricting booze or drugs to others, is not defending anyone's rights at all, but over stepping and dictating.
That is inherently illegal.
Prohibition and all drug laws are inherently illegal.
hahahah you mean your "real meaning" - not how it's actually defined in the dictionary....funny how you dembots like to make up your own meanings to words

The Constitution clearly gives Cognress the power to regulate Commerce, and the Courts have upheld that includes regulating Drugs...

Gonzalez v. Raich (2004)​

The case eventually went to the Supreme Court. The Court upheld the Controlled Substances Act and affirmed Congress’s power to ban local use and cultivation of marijuana. The Court reasoned, “The exemption for cultivation by patients and caregivers can only increase the supply of marijuana in the California market.” Therefore, the Court argued, the “aggregate impact on the national market” would be “substantial,” and within Congress’s power to regulate.

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