Clarence Thomas vs George Floyd

Are you trying to say there are no George Floyd statues? Or, are you agreeing with me in that no state should commission a George Floyd statue but a state should commission a Clarence Thomas statue? Take your pick.

George Floyd used drugs, but that harmed no one.
Clarence Thomas harmed everyone with his legal opinions that are not based on law.
Humans obviously have the reproductive rate of prey, but have now become predators that can not survive such a high reproductive rate.
The War on Drugs, Federal gun laws, and most of what the SCOTUS does is totally illegal these days.
There is little evidence of George Floyd ever harming anyone, and made one mistake when 19.
In contrast, Clarance Thomas has a long history of harming hundreds of millions of people deliberately, all the time.
Feeling absent fact
haha what does being elected to speeding matter? he’s a federal judge…he was nominated and confined by the senate. i get you worship politicians, and think you got to get elected to be honored but that’s. not the case

sorry you feel like the following a court order is illegal but you are in the minority

The fact he was not elected to anything means he does not at all represent the will of the people or any sort of democracy.

The fact the courts allowed waterboarding, the War on Drugs, federal gun law, etc., shows the government is totally corrupt and we need to start over again, like we did in 1776.
George Floyd used drugs, but that harmed no one.
Clarence Thomas harmed everyone with his legal opinions that are not based on law.
Humans obviously have the reproductive rate of prey, but have now become predators that can not survive such a high reproductive rate.
The War on Drugs, Federal gun laws, and most of what the SCOTUS does is totally illegal these days.
Laws that make it safe for us arent subject to
you feelings evaluation
Thomas rulings don’t appeal to your Criminal First wishfullness.
The fact he was not elected to anything means he does not at all represent the will of the people or any sort of democracy.

The fact the courts allowed waterboarding, the War on Drugs, federal gun law, etc., shows the government is totally corrupt and we need to start over again, like we did in 1776.
who said he represents the will of rhe people? he’s a federal judge…his job is to say what’s the law, not whatever the will of rhe people is.

we have judges in a democracy to say what is rhe law…that’s their job
Feeling absent fact

It is a fact that Roe Vs Wade was illegally overturned because family planning is both a private family matter and a medical matter, both of which government has no legal authority over.

If you can force women to give birth against their will, that is no different than mandating rape.
It is the same level of personal subjugation.
It is a fact that Roe Vs Wade was illegally overturned because family planning is both a private family matter and a medical matter, both of which government has no legal authority over.

If you can force women to give birth against their will, that is no different than mandating rape.
It is the same level of personal subjugation.
Had it been illegal to do so it would not have been done
Fact which does not match your wishes or feelings . However, that does not make it illegal
Should Clarence Thomas be honored with a statue? I mean George Floyd has at least one and he was only famous for being a criminal killed by police. Doesn't a black Supreme Court Justice deserve a statue more than George Floyd does? Or, is Clarence Thomas nothing but an Uncle Tom?

In a Tuesday 32-20 Georgia Senate vote, Republicans elected to erect a statue of Justice Thomas on the state Capitol grounds.

Democrats, who are in the minority, instead offered to erect a statue of the late John Lewis, a civil rights legend and Georgia congressman. Unsurprisingly, Republicans didn’t go for it.

Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit!
Laws that make it safe for us arent subject to
you feelings evaluation
Thomas rulings don’t appeal to your Criminal First wishfullness.

When a person decided to use drugs, it harms no one else so it is NOT a matter of safety at all.
But when government decides to criminalize drugs, that entices crime with high profits, greatly increases murder rates over turf wars and cash robberies, and it illegally tries to dictate personal choices.
Had it been illegal to do so it would not have been done
Fact which does not match your wishes or feelings . However, that does not make it illegal

Government always does lots of illegal things.
For example, the war on drugs, the invasion of Iraq, mandated sentences, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, waterboarding, Gitmo, etc.
Every war since 1812 has been totally illegal.
Politicians lied to whip up emotions, but that does not change the fact they were all criminal.
It is a fact that Roe Vs Wade was illegally overturned because family planning is both a private family matter and a medical matter, both of which government has no legal authority over.

If you can force women to give birth against their will, that is no different than mandating rape.
It is the same level of personal subjugation.
what? Govt regulates families and medicine all the time. On what planet do you think in? Nobody is forcing women to give birth....
who said he represents the will of rhe people? he’s a federal judge…his job is to say what’s the law, not whatever the will of rhe people is.

we have judges in a democracy to say what is rhe law…that’s their job

The fact Clarance Thomas has never been elected to anything, shows that he is just the product of kowtowing to the will of the wealthy elite, over the will of the majority.

There are no federal judges who understand or follow the rule of law at all.
The rule of law says that all legal authority comes from the defense of the inherent rights of individuals.
Since drug use, for better or worse, does not at all harm anyone else, then no drug law could possibly be legal at all.
Instead all drug laws are attempts by one minority to dictate what everyone else is supposed to be forced to do.
That is inherently illegal.
Anyone supporting any drug law at all is a criminal.
And all you have to do is look at history, to see I am right.
There were no drug laws at all in the US until around 1890, which is when the US started to become an authoritarian dictatorship.
That is when the monopolies took over, the US illegally attacked Spain, and we stole all their colonies, so we could take their place as the world's largest illegal colonial imperialist.
Not at all.
That is the point, that Clarance Thomas was never elected to anything, and represents the minority that is forcing the end of Roe Vs Wade on all of us, illegally.
While I am certainly not a Clarence Thomas fan, that doesn't mean that local governments can't put a statue of whoever they want as long as it's reasonable and voted in via democratic process.
what? Govt regulates families and medicine all the time. On what planet do you think in? Nobody is forcing women to give birth....

It is illegal for federal government to regulate families OR medicine.
Show me where in the federal constitution that the federal government was authorized to do anything like that?
If you criminalize abortion, you are forcing women to give birth.
By driving the cost of all consumer goods up, by driving the cost of energy up, by printing money and by welfare entitlements.
And no one forgives loans. The money has to come from somewhere.
You must be on welfare.
Ah. Welfare makes people poor. Giving people money makes them poor.

It’s doublethink. Don’t trust logic. Trust the conservative dogma.
The fact Clarance Thomas has never been elected to anything, shows that he is just the product of kowtowing to the will of the wealthy elite, over the will of the majority.

There are no federal judges who understand or follow the rule of law at all.
The rule of law says that all legal authority comes from the defense of the inherent rights of individuals.
Since drug use, for better or worse, does not at all harm anyone else, then no drug law could possibly be legal at all.
Instead all drug laws are attempts by one minority to dictate what everyone else is supposed to be forced to do.
That is inherently illegal.
Anyone supporting any drug law at all is a criminal.
And all you have to do is look at history, to see I am right.
There were no drug laws at all in the US until around 1890, which is when the US started to become an authoritarian dictatorship.
That is when the monopolies took over, the US illegally attacked Spain, and we stole all their colonies, so we could take their place as the world's largest illegal colonial imperialist.
the rule of law comes from the US Constitution.....the Constitution gives Congress the authority to regulate interstate the sell and distribution of drugs. All drug laws on the book, were put there by a majority in Congress.
While I am certainly not a Clarence Thomas fan, that doesn't mean that local governments can't put a statue of whoever they want as long as it's reasonable and voted in via democratic process.

That would be like government deciding to put up a statue of Hitler.
Clarence Thomas is extremely unpopular.
Our government is not supposed to do unpopular things.
Only dictatorships force unpopular things on the people.
Should Clarence Thomas be honored with a statue? I mean George Floyd has at least one and he was only famous for being a criminal killed by police. Doesn't a black Supreme Court Justice deserve a statue more than George Floyd does? Or, is Clarence Thomas nothing but an Uncle Tom?

In a Tuesday 32-20 Georgia Senate vote, Republicans elected to erect a statue of Justice Thomas on the state Capitol grounds.

Democrats, who are in the minority, instead offered to erect a statue of the late John Lewis, a civil rights legend and Georgia congressman. Unsurprisingly, Republicans didn’t go for it.

I heard some piece of shit black politician call Clarence an UNCLE TOM.


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