Clarification for a political ideology

This is the place to discuss political ideology and those things that pertain to it. And why it is what it is. The 2A just a part of that. If it was a subject on it's own, then a 2A thread would be necessary.

Exactly, plenty of 2A threads.
Where are you getting this from? It's simply not true.

It is true. I seen it with my own eyes and ears. Was told by the incoming LP local chairperson that my opposition to trannies and druggies wouldn't be welcome under her leadership. Every damn meeting, that's all they talked about was how to get drugs legalized and how unfair everyone was to trannies. When we'd get on an important subject, it was quickly discussed and ended, because that was boring.

That chairlady increased the traffic into the meetings. But many of them were purple haired ex Bernie supporters. But now she's gone and the local chapter is gone. Someone with some sense came and tried to oust her and her druggy friends. There's a big fight over it. And so the state LP leadership squashed it. Over what? Trannies and druggies.

I hope the LP's Mises caucus will kick those weirdo's back to Bernie Sanders. Because there's no popular political party that stands up for the average working man and opposes the Fed anymore.
OK....So it's a lost cause and you just want to snivel.

At least I took the action of dropping out altogether.

Tell ya what, send me a billion $$$ and I'll give it a go. But I'm not promising anything. I can't even get these Trumpbots to see how much of a democrat Trump still is.
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.

How can you call yourself a "fiscal conservative" when you have no knowledge of the economy or finance? No debt ceiling increases - How about not spending more than than next 10 countries in the world on military spending, because 8 of the top 10 spenders are your own allies.

Instead of insisting the rest of us waste as much money on our military as you do on yours, why don't YOU cut your spending to something you can actually AFFORD.

As for trade - we need rules. Because otherwise, your large big box corporations will hollow out our retail and manufacturing the same way they hollowed out yours. Or you'll dump your growth hormone laced milk off on our children, for cheap. No thank you. We've all seen what happens with your nation when there are no trading rules. How you'll destroy our home grown industries and businesses for your own profit.

Look what you've done to Tim Hortons. Corporate makes WAY more money. The store owners get nothing.
It is true. I seen it with my own eyes and ears. Was told by the incoming LP local chairperson that my opposition to trannies and druggies wouldn't be welcome under her leadership. Every damn meeting, that's all they talked about was how to get drugs legalized and how unfair everyone was to trannies. When we'd get on an important subject, it was quickly discussed and ended, because that was boring.
That's an interesting anecdote, and i trust that you're telling the truth, though you really didn't describe anything other than the personal concerns of a local chairperson. There's certainly nothing in the platform about "special rights for special people". I vehemently oppose identity politics and wouldn't support a party playing that game.
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.
So which is it? I know I'm not a libertarian, because I don't support Tranny's and druggies having more rights than anyone else. And I'm all for very harsh punishment for those who victimize he innocent. Regardless of their situation.
There's no way I could support those who increase the debt ceiling as Trump and Biden have done. Or assault our 2A, even with something as simple as a bump stock ban.
It seems like the republican party comes closest to your personal political agenda. Why not support Trump?
Tell ya what, send me a billion $$$ and I'll give it a go. But I'm not promising anything. I can't even get these Trumpbots to see how much of a democrat Trump still is.
Maybe a lot of them know and don't care, and support him for other reasons.
How can you call yourself a "fiscal conservative" when you have no knowledge of the economy or finance? No debt ceiling increases - How about not spending more than than next 10 countries in the world on military spending, because 8 of the top 10 spenders are your own allies.

Instead of insisting the rest of us waste as much money on our military as you do on yours, why don't YOU cut your spending to something you can actually AFFORD.

As for trade - we need rules. Because otherwise, your large big box corporations will hollow out our retail and manufacturing the same way they hollowed out yours. Or you'll dump your growth hormone laced milk off on our children, for cheap. No thank you. We've all seen what happens with your nation when there are no trading rules. How you'll destroy our home grown industries and businesses for your own profit.

Look what you've done to Tim Hortons. Corporate makes WAY more money. The store owners get nothing.

You got me confused on what I support. I completely understand how the USD has lost 80% of its buying power just since 1980. And that about 95% of the reason for that is the money the government borrows and injects into the economy. Inflation is nothing more than too much money in the economy.

My idea on our military is to have it just large and strong enough to defend OURSELVES against any threat. Not one penny or soldier more.

Our manufacturing has been hollowed out by the overinflating of our USD value. It's cheaper for an American company to either import cheaper good from another country, than to manufacture them here. EI GM buying all those starters, radiators, water pumps etc etc etc from Mexico.

Trade with all willing nations. Alliance with none.
Maybe a lot of them know and don't care, and support him for other reasons.

Oh yeah, some actually think that Trump was great for our economy and that biden inflation had nothing to do with the $8 trillion that Trump spent.

Because they're retards.
That's an interesting anecdote, and i trust that you're telling the truth, though you really didn't describe anything other than the personal concerns of a local chairperson. There's certainly nothing in the platform about "special rights for special people". I vehemently oppose identity politics and wouldn't support a party playing that game.

When a tranny gets to walk into a womens restroom, that's a special right. When they get to win trophies for beating women, in a womens sports, that's a "special right."

When druggies get to carry up to a certain amount of meth, without getting arrest, but god forbid a decent person puts a pain pill or two into their other meds (for just in case) and gets caught and arrest, that's a special right.

People getting fired for not using some fictiuous pronoun........
I guess I belong to the dinosaur party. Or maybe the "get off my lawn" party.

You seem to be forgetting that there was a global pandemic in 2020, which accounted for the bulk of Trump's spending. Other than that, Trump's deficit was running a lower deficit than Obama's first term.

Even the US Treasury Department admits that:

"Since 2001, the federal government’s budget has run a deficit each year. Starting in 2016, increases in spending on Social Security, health care, and interest on federal debt have outpaced the growth of federal revenue.
From FY 2019 to FY 2021, federal spending increased by about 50 percent in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Fiscal Data Explains the National Deficit

View attachment 828957

Trump's $500 billion Platinum Plan to help revitalize black communities also had a proposal to prosecute the Klan and Antifa as terrorist organizations, but I don't know whatever became of that. Trump just never gets a break. At the same time he signed the Platinum Plan into law, the left was howling like monkeys and accusing him of being a "racist bigot."
I see you are one of those rubes who still bleevs the GOP is fiscally conservative. :lol:

Simply amazing, this willful blindness on the part of you bumpkins!


Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact:

US budget deficit balloons to nearly $1 trillion for fiscal 2019


Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

The deficit grew smaller and smaller during Obama's reign. Under Trump, it EXPLODED.
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I see you are one of those rubes who still bleevs the GOP is fiscally conservative. :lol:

Simply amazing, this willful blindness on the part of you bumpkins!


Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact:

US budget deficit balloons to nearly $1 trillion for fiscal 2019


Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

The deficit grew smaller and smaller during Obama's reign. Under Trump, it EXPLODED.

I didn't forget there was trillions of loose money put into those covid bills that Trump signed. No checks or balances, just "dish out the money." Because as in Trump's own words, "Just print more money."

Trump and Biden both have a spending problem. Government spending is how we got to $32 trillion in debt and inflation running out our noses.

And now with that liberal POS McCarthy at the helm, I doubt he's going to do much to stop Biden's spending. I may have already said this, but he's got a continued resolution bill that's up for a vote in just a couple of weeks. And the liberal Republicans are right along with him. Our only hope is if the freedom caucus can get enough support. But I doubt it because the democrats are on McCarthy's side too.
I consider myself a fiscal and constitutional conservative. I believe in small, less intrusive government. Taxes only enough to pay what the federal government has to have, that's defined by the constitution. And allow the states to dictate only those things that aren't allowed in the constitution.
As in no funding for gender studies. No banning bump stocks. No debt ceiling increases. No corporate welfare. Social welfare on very limited terms.
No policing the world. Have a military that just large enough to defend ourselves from any country.
We trade will all willing nations. Those that don't want to trade, we simply don't trade with them.
We don't get involved in other countries politics dealing with their own citizens.

What am I?

You are a pure conservative who is making only one error: Prior to WWII the British navy protected the sea lines for commerce and from piracy. After WWII, with the destruction of Great Britain and the demise of its once Imperial lobal Military and Navy, that responsibility fell on us by default. e did not ask for it, but we accepted it. Therefore today a super-power military is needed to keep free trade and free sea lanes free.

Other than that detail, you are spot on, a constitutional conservative.

I've always thought this was conservatism. But seems conservatives like Trump & McCarthy are considered conservatives.

Not true. Trump never claimed to be a conservative. BUT, so many of his policies were so good that people like me overlooked the few that were not so good.

The fact is that we live in a 2-party country, and for folks like you and me we have 2 choices: Getting some good policies passed and some good judges by voting Republican, or handing the nation over to the Marxist hoards on the Left, the party of groomers, socialists, open borders, massive taxes, sodomy and baby-killing.

The choice is obvious. We do not get the whole loaf of bread that we would like to have, but we get more than half a loaf, and we must live with that.
The fact is that we live in a 2-party country, and for folks like you and me we have 2 choices
This is not a fact. It's an ignorant assumption, sold to us by the two parties who benefit from it, and accepted by ignorant voters who fall for it.
When a tranny gets to walk into a womens restroom, that's a special right.
There's no "right" to use any particular restroom, regardless of gender. Where do you see libertarians advocating for this kind of nonsense?
When they get to win trophies for beating women, in a womens sports, that's a "special right."
See above. Libertarians don't advocate for state interference in these matters.
[When druggies get to carry up to a certain amount of meth, without getting arrest, but god forbid a decent person puts a pain pill or two into their other meds (for just in case) and gets caught and arrest, that's a special right.
Again, you'll have to show me where libertarian ideas advocate for this kind of crap. Libertarians argue that drugs shouldn't be controlled by the state - that people have the right buy, sell or ingest what ever crap they want to consume. But they're not arguing for anyone to have special rights.

Libertarians are categorically opposed to identity politics. We support equal rights, not the "equity" bullshit, which is the opposite.

Honestly, I don't know where your getting these ideas. It just seems like you're letting your personal distaste for homos and queers, and the smear tactics of the major parties (they don't like us much) lead you to some really incorrect assumptions about libertarians.

People getting fired for not using some fictiuous pronoun........
And where do you see libertarians advocating this as a legal matter? You don't.

Anyone can call their self a libertarian, just like anyone can call their self a conservative, so you can probably find some nut making just about any ridiculous claim. But nothing you're talking about is part of libertarian ideology.
OK....So it's a lost cause and you just want to snivel.

At least I took the action of dropping out altogether.

Name one person in the world that could accomplish that? There is none. It's their game and their rules. Rule #1 is "They win, every time."

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