Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

My sig lines includes some of the things he calls "fake news".

No one knows exactly how many Illegals voted for Mrs. Clinton, but it was plenty, and there is no reason to think that 5 million Illegal would be supporters of Clinton instead of the man who threatened them with deportation.

Serge Kovaleski reported the massive Islamic crowds that President Trump remembers from 9/11. Mr. Kovaleski was very flustered when Mr. Trump called him out for it. And like a coward, he tried to blame it on his neurological impairment instead of just accepting responsibility.

Donald Trump was doing a routine with Billy Bush, during that Access Hollywood outtake. NBC didn't think it was that entertaining and didn't air it. However it was a routine intended to be entertainment. When Jesse Ventura ran for governor in MN, his opponents didn't bring up his TV talk about the Junkyard Dog "shuffling and jiving", because it was scripted. When Cain Bearer aka Glenn Jacobs ran for Knox County mayor, his opponents didn't bring up his electrocution of Shane McMahon's testicles. Again it was an act.

Since everything on TV is taped and saved, I am sure that you can provide video proof of the Muslims celebrating the fall of the towers, which is quite extradentary, since nobody knew who destroyed the towers, or why, until 2 days later. I am also sure that you can provide a credible source your Trump's claim that 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 illegals voted for Hillary. First, they are secret ballets. Second, to my knowledge, less than 5 illegal aliens have been convicted of voting in that election. Third, anyone with a lick of sense knows that the last thing an illegal would want to do is to risk deportation by voting in a national election.

Only a Trumpette would attempt to deny that Trump is a pathologically liar, with thousands of documented lies since he was elected.
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.
President give more press conferences than any other president.
A lot of conferences on the lawn.
The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.
He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.
What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.
In 2016, Trump gave more interviews and answered more questions of anyone who asked in a week than Hillary's entire cherry-picked campaign! And the same still hold today. Trump goes anywhere, answers anything, but most democrats still will not even appear on Fox News.
Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy. He envies Kim of N. Korea for not having to put up with it.
Seems your "memory" is as conveniently "spotty" as the rest of your statements. When running, Trump interviewed with any and all takers morning, noon and night. Took any question. Hillary on the other hand ran from the press and when she did concede to an interview, they were only her cherry-picked friends on CBS, etc., and with questions submitted and approved in advance. You know, like how she got her debate questions snuck her in advance from CNN through Donna Brazille. Any of that coming back to you at all?

Here's an article I found on the matter and what they had to say:

Donald Trump is front and center on a daily basis when it comes to the press, often to his own determent. Reporters seem to have unlimited access to Trump and his team, asking just about any question they choose. More often than not they get an answer that makes headlines. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has not had a press conference in 235 days. That is almost 8 months.

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton and the media

To this day Hillary has not changed. And I still see Trump on TV every day fielding questions from the Press. The problem with your revisionist memory of things is that like 2016, are you really going to go into next year again expecting based on what you want to believe vs. how things really are? I think so.
My sig lines includes some of the things he calls "fake news".

No one knows exactly how many Illegals voted for Mrs. Clinton, but it was plenty, and there is no reason to think that 5 million Illegal would be supporters of Clinton instead of the man who threatened them with deportation.

Serge Kovaleski reported the massive Islamic crowds that President Trump remembers from 9/11. Mr. Kovaleski was very flustered when Mr. Trump called him out for it. And like a coward, he tried to blame it on his neurological impairment instead of just accepting responsibility.

Donald Trump was doing a routine with Billy Bush, during that Access Hollywood outtake. NBC didn't think it was that entertaining and didn't air it. However it was a routine intended to be entertainment. When Jesse Ventura ran for governor in MN, his opponents didn't bring up his TV talk about the Junkyard Dog "shuffling and jiving", because it was scripted. When Cain Bearer aka Glenn Jacobs ran for Knox County mayor, his opponents didn't bring up his electrocution of Shane McMahon's testicles. Again it was an act.

Since everything on TV is taped and saved, I am sure that you can provide video proof of the Muslims celebrating the fall of the towers, which is quite extradentary, since nobody knew who destroyed the towers, or why, until 2 days later. I am also sure that you can provide a credible source your Trump's claim that 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 illegals voted for Hillary. First, they are secret ballets. Second, to my knowledge, less than 5 illegal aliens have been convicted of voting in that election. Third, anyone with a lick of sense knows that the last thing an illegal would want to do is to risk deportation by voting in a national election.

Only a Trumpette would attempt to deny that Trump is a pathologically liar, with thousands of documented lies since he was elected.
One person, regardless of religion or race, who celebrated 9-11 is as bad as a thousand.
There were a number of Muslims in America celebrating 9-11. That’s documented. So Trump’s comment was an exaggeration, not a lie.
What is disgusting is the dishonest reporting. If you google ‘Muslims celebrating 9-11’ the hits are exclusively about trump and his exaggeration.
Creepy democrat fascistic bullshit.
Back on topic...
Nats fans like me got a wish we’d been waiting decades for; a World Series championship!
Petulant democrat hypocritical Nats fans who were at Nats WS home games got what they deserved; not a single home win for those $1000+ tickets they purchased. Karma.
Congrats to the Nationals for their victory. I'm still glad the boorish, disrespectful Nats fans were treated to 3 straight home losses.
Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy.
Poor baby, are you gonna cry now for us? Someone treats Trump like a dick trying to obviously trick him with leading questions to deliberately distort what he says and yeah, her might tell them where to get off. Hell of a lot better than Obama, who greeted them with a suave smile and clever retort, then went behind their back to have them investigated and charged with false crimes. Barry Obumma, the president that Kim Jong Un dreams of. Barry Obumma:
  • Circumvented the Freedom of Information Act.
  • Targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a new leak.
  • Secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated Press.
President give more press conferences than any other president.
A lot of conferences on the lawn.
The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.
He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.
What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.
In 2016, Trump gave more interviews and answered more questions of anyone who asked in a week than Hillary's entire cherry-picked campaign! And the same still hold today. Trump goes anywhere, answers anything, but most democrats still will not even appear on Fox News.
Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy. He envies Kim of N. Korea for not having to put up with it.
Seems your "memory" is as conveniently "spotty" as the rest of your statements. When running, Trump interviewed with any and all takers morning, noon and night. Took any question. Hillary on the other hand ran from the press and when she did concede to an interview, they were only her cherry-picked friends on CBS, etc., and with questions submitted and approved in advance. You know, like how she got her debate questions snuck her in advance from CNN through Donna Brazille. Any of that coming back to you at all?

Here's an article I found on the matter and what they had to say:

Donald Trump is front and center on a daily basis when it comes to the press, often to his own determent. Reporters seem to have unlimited access to Trump and his team, asking just about any question they choose. More often than not they get an answer that makes headlines. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has not had a press conference in 235 days. That is almost 8 months.

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton and the media

To this day Hillary has not changed. And I still see Trump on TV every day fielding questions from the Press. The problem with your revisionist memory of things is that like 2016, are you really going to go into next year again expecting based on what you want to believe vs. how things really are? I think so.

...but, but. but, Hillary!
Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy.
Poor baby, are you gonna cry now for us? Someone treats Trump like a dick trying to obviously trick him with leading questions to deliberately distort what he says and yeah, her might tell them where to get off. Hell of a lot better than Obama, who greeted them with a suave smile and clever retort, then went behind their back to have them investigated and charged with false crimes. Barry Obumma, the president that Kim Jong Un dreams of. Barry Obumma:
  • Circumvented the Freedom of Information Act.
  • Targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a new leak.
  • Secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated Press.

...but, but, but Obama!
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
While I can't speak on the issue of the Muslim woman who didn't speak, although, when a Muslim couple are in public, it is supposed to be the male who does the speaking for her, as she is a subjugated gender outside the home. The massively rich can and do buy their sons/daughters way out of the regular armed forces, that's life in the USA. Also, do you boo at those who don't volunteer to serve in today's military that is strictly voluntary? Personally, I served a career in the military and didn't want personnel in the military that didn't want to be there, they make for poor troops.
As for him not agreeing that POW's were heroes, that's a personal perspective. I limit my idea of heroes to the likes of Alvin York, Audie Murphy, Desmond Doss and other Medal of Honor winners. I can sympathize for those who were captured and survived.
As for those who were doing the booing, they are supporting a political party that is no longer what the Democratic party used to be. The current party today is blatantly headed down the path of Marxism/Leninism. Over 77,000 of our military personnel died combating that ideology and to side with such a party is essentially spitting on the graves who sacrificed combating that evil. It is those who booed, who should be booed.
His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY

Which I believe to be an utter bullshit response from the Virus, since there's no rule against releasing tax returns under an audit. This is the work of a con man to me. He promised to release his returns them several times. He failed on delivering this promise (and others), and this has been the trend for three years. Cult45 wants to pin a medal on him for this behavior. Unreal.
Jesus fuck, when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.

The liberal schools that hired her have made self-serving statement to that effect. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth, after all, if they had it would be awfully embarrassing and might even lead to legal action.

I'd really like to see the actual school and employment records to verify it, and the hiring officials at the school to testify about it. Getting people under oath would be a good way to ferret this out.

Obsessing about unimportant shit is Cult45's stock and trade. Whether Warren is a % of Indian or not is very much unimportant shit. It's a partisan 'gotcha!' for political novices and nothing more.
Jesus fuck, when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.

The liberal schools that hired her have made self-serving statement to that effect. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth, after all, if they had it would be awfully embarrassing and might even lead to legal action.

I'd really like to see the actual school and employment records to verify it, and the hiring officials at the school to testify about it. Getting people under oath would be a good way to ferret this out.

Obsessing about unimportant shit is Cult45's stock and trade. Whether Warren is a % of Indian or not is very much unimportant shit. It's a partisan 'gotcha!' for political novices and nothing more.

Some people might think its important to know whether Pocahontas gamed the Affirmative Action system, and took a spot meant for a minority by pretending to be a squaw.

It becomes tougher to justify Affirmative Action if rich honky broads are gaming it. That doesn't help minorities, many of whom are hoping for an Affirmative Action Set Aside to get responsible jobs that they wouldn't otherwise be qualified for.
It becomes tougher to justify Affirmative Action if rich honky broads are gaming it. That doesn't help minorities, many of whom are hoping for an Affirmative Action Set Aside to get responsible jobs that they wouldn't otherwise be qualified for.

So, Cult45 is defending affirmative action now. :auiqs.jpg: Your rationale is a spineless as your convictions.
Try that shit in flyover country and see how many of them get their ask kicked back to the west coast!
Hence, why it's referred to as 'flyover country'. Cities don't necessarily need poverty to be shit holes.
San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and New York City have all certainly proven that.
Most of the most beautiful, scenic and pastoral places in America are in "flyover" country.
Democrats don't fly over 98% of the nation because it is impoverished or a shithole, they fly over it because they simply don't care about the people or places there.
If ONE city in California had enough people in it to get enough popular or EC votes to win an election, you can bet that the entire strategy of the DNC would be to campaign there for them on their issues alone just so that they could win.

Democrats don't care why or how they win, just that they win.
Try that shit in flyover country and see how many of them get their ask kicked back to the west coast!
Hence, why it's referred to as 'flyover country'. Cities don't necessarily need poverty to be shit holes.
San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit and New York City have all certainly proven that.
Most of the most beautiful, scenic and pastoral places in America are in "flyover" country.
Democrats don't fly over 98% of the nation because it is impoverished or a shithole, they fly over it because they simply don't care about the people or places there.
If ONE city in California had enough people in it to get enough popular or EC votes to win an election, you can bet that the entire strategy of the DNC would be to campaign there for them on their issues alone just so that they could win.

Democrats don't care why or how they win, just that they win.

I fly over the Midwest because I used to live in Dallas, and Tulsa, and there is absolutely nothing there that I want to deal with. In Dallas, they consider doing the Boot Scoot to be high culture. Tulsa's claim to fame is having the worst race riot and lynching in American history in 1921, seasoned with being the home of the most fundamental Christianity in the nation, with Oral Roberts' "Prayer Tower" being the number 1 tourist destination.
More than 50%? You believe that number? My God, you are such a dumbass loser!

Across 6 Battleground States Voters Oppose Impeaching & Removing Trump 52-44% – Siena College Research Institute

Support for impeachment is > 50% in the swing states. That's all that matters, politics-wise, to make impeachment a massive winner for Democrats.

And those numbers are coming before most of the evidence against Trump has been presented. It's only going to get worse for Trump.

As that's just reality, your cult will order you to deny it. And we encourage that, since your denial makes it much easier for Democrats to win.
President give more press conferences than any other president.
A lot of conferences on the lawn.
The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.
He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.
What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.
In 2016, Trump gave more interviews and answered more questions of anyone who asked in a week than Hillary's entire cherry-picked campaign! And the same still hold today. Trump goes anywhere, answers anything, but most democrats still will not even appear on Fox News.
Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy. He envies Kim of N. Korea for not having to put up with it.
Seems your "memory" is as conveniently "spotty" as the rest of your statements. When running, Trump interviewed with any and all takers morning, noon and night. Took any question. Hillary on the other hand ran from the press and when she did concede to an interview, they were only her cherry-picked friends on CBS, etc., and with questions submitted and approved in advance. You know, like how she got her debate questions snuck her in advance from CNN through Donna Brazille. Any of that coming back to you at all?

Here's an article I found on the matter and what they had to say:

Donald Trump is front and center on a daily basis when it comes to the press, often to his own determent. Reporters seem to have unlimited access to Trump and his team, asking just about any question they choose. More often than not they get an answer that makes headlines. Hillary Clinton on the other hand has not had a press conference in 235 days. That is almost 8 months.

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton and the media

To this day Hillary has not changed. And I still see Trump on TV every day fielding questions from the Press. The problem with your revisionist memory of things is that like 2016, are you really going to go into next year again expecting based on what you want to believe vs. how things really are? I think so.
So, how often does the Secretary of State hold a press conference?

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