Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

There is a very big difference. Trump no longer gives press conferences where reporters can ask him questions. Instead, he just tweets away all day will more lies in a format where no one can question him.

Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Elizabeth Warren is trying to put this massive lie she perpetrated for decades to sleep.

"However, what the test really meant was that Warren could be in the range of being 1/64 and 1/1024 Native American. That led to various Nation American nations denouncing Warren until she finally apologized for the entire DNA caper."

The most thorough analysis of whether her claim is true or not is whether or not she continues to claim that she is of Native American heritage. She has erased this from everything Elizabeth Warren. QED!

She lied and benefited from that lie all her adult and professional life. Shameful.

G'head, tell me how offended you really are about a liar...

President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days

Posting a story from the Fake News Washington Post really isn't very useful, Faun.

The Post was the paper who deified Caliph Al-Baghdadi on the occasion of his death- not even mentioning how Al-Baghdadi was crying and whimpering in fear, crapping himself when he realized the jig was up and Trump was capping his sorry ass.

Where is the video w/ souns.

Published 39 mins ago
Pentagon releases video of raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Pentagon releases video of raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Elizabeth Warren is trying to put this massive lie she perpetrated for decades to sleep.

"However, what the test really meant was that Warren could be in the range of being 1/64 and 1/1024 Native American. That led to various Nation American nations denouncing Warren until she finally apologized for the entire DNA caper."

The most thorough analysis of whether her claim is true or not is whether or not she continues to claim that she is of Native American heritage. She has erased this from everything Elizabeth Warren. QED!

She lied and benefited from that lie all her adult and professional life. Shameful.
Jesus fuck, when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.
when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.

What lie?

The schools that benefited, by being able to say they had a minority on their staff, SAY they did not benefit. You just can't make this stuff up until you remember it is the desperation of the FAR-LEFT.

IF her DNA test proved what she claimed is true, why has she deleted all reference to any Native American heritage from all her web presence along with all reference to the DNA test?
Jesus fuck, when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.

The liberal schools that hired her have made self-serving statement to that effect. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth, after all, if they had it would be awfully embarrassing and might even lead to legal action.

I'd really like to see the actual school and employment records to verify it, and the hiring officials at the school to testify about it. Getting people under oath would be a good way to ferret this out.
Liar. Warren's test showed a range where on the low end, she was about 1/1024th Indian. On the high end, it was 1/64th, or 6 generations off. And according to what she said in the past was her family lore was 5 generations earlier. In line with the high end of the test. That confirmed her claims. What she failed to confirm was her claim that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee.

Elizabeth Warren is trying to put this massive lie she perpetrated for decades to sleep.

"However, what the test really meant was that Warren could be in the range of being 1/64 and 1/1024 Native American. That led to various Nation American nations denouncing Warren until she finally apologized for the entire DNA caper."

The most thorough analysis of whether her claim is true or not is whether or not she continues to claim that she is of Native American heritage. She has erased this from everything Elizabeth Warren. QED!

She lied and benefited from that lie all her adult and professional life. Shameful.

G'head, tell me how offended you really are about a liar...

President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days

Posting a story from the Fake News Washington Post really isn't very useful, Faun.

The Post was the paper who deified Caliph Al-Baghdadi on the occasion of his death- not even mentioning how Al-Baghdadi was crying and whimpering in fear, crapping himself when he realized the jig was up and Trump was capping his sorry ass.

And by "fake news," you mean anything that's not nice to Donny Boo Boo.
You Trumpette assfucks crack me up.

You just can't get that Warren does actually have NA ancestry. No it did not give her any advantage in her getting jobs. Yes some college highlighted that ancestry.

Why would she have mentioned her supposed Indian background to a prospective employer- if it wasn't going to give her an advantage?

I've applied for jobs and interviewed before. You have limited time to tell the employer why you would be tremendous for the job.
It's fun watching Trump supporters bitch about Warren lying get a job while they say nary a word about Trump lying about bone spurs to get out of serving his country.

Do you have proof that the Trump's family podiatrist was a liar? Trump himself wouldn't have been the liar, it would have been the doc.

He played soccer...



Basketball and squash ..... all with bone spurs.

Since then, plays tennis...


... and his attorney confirmed there was no surgery to correct his condition.

Your concession is graciously accepted.
when are you people going to quit lying about this.

Warren has not benefits whatsoever. The schools that hired her have confirmed it.

Her DNA test confirmed that what she has said is true.

What lie?

The schools that benefited, by being able to say they had a minority on their staff, SAY they did not benefit. You just can't make this stuff up until you remember it is the desperation of the FAR-LEFT.

IF her DNA test proved what she claimed is true, why has she deleted all reference to any Native American heritage from all her web presence along with all reference to the DNA test?
Oh? Give an example where Warren deleted such a reference. ..
Trump and his "alternative foreign policy" types, epitomize the "swamp". More Trump staffers and cabinet members have been fired or indicted because of lying and corruption, that any President at this point in his administration.
Come on DL....Trump may not be the best guy in the world and even I may not want to hang out with him...he may not be "presidential" as we have come to know it...but he hasn't done anything impeachable....3 years of searching has produced nothing...think about it...

His taxes have been under audit for 20 years plus in NY....he must be the cleanest man in DC the way he has been investigated to no avail.....beat him at the polls if you hate him so much...if he gets re elected beat his successor in 2024...that's what we did with Obama...we didn't investigate him to death we voted against him and his policies...some we won and some he won but we didn't try and impeach him on false grounds....

And we finally won by beating Hillary...if we had impeached Obama behind closed doors you can bet Hillary would have been elected the first female president and the GOP would be ruined for a the dems are on that cliffs edge....what do you want them to do?...jump or think twice?....

Sad part of lunatic Trump supporters like you?
You don’t even know or understand what is right or wrong any more.
Domestic and Foreign policies sucks.

Just because Trump told you this and that doesn’t mean it’s right or true.
------------------------------------- Take it from me but most DEPLORABLES couldn't care less about your types respecting or booing / disrespecting the President Trump Charwin . In fact , I and many DEPLORABLES welcome the DISRESPECT no matter where it comes from Charwin .

That is you. Do I care?
Disrespect? Since when Trump showed respect to others who doesn’t belong to his group.

You have got to be kidding! President Donald Trump was SLAMMED as being toxic to our economy before he even took office. It started well before that and has gotten steadily worse the more success he enjoys!


No I’m not kidding. Trumpy is like a little kid always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid.

He proved himself unfit to be president. That’s a fact. Only catered to a certain group.
He proved himself unfit to be president.
How? your opinion right? well then you can vote against him in 2020...but to try and impeach is a losing tactic....He did nothing wrong...Obama sounded like a pot smoking ghetto punk at times...but I didn't call for his impeachment....
Good thing we have you for that. You can follow them all day long. People with real lives have better things to do.

People with real lives would not be sending tweets out.

So your life is so hollow and pathetic that you have nothing better to do but to follow the tweets of people with no life at all?

What's the difference between spending 30 minutes a day giving a press conference and 30 minutes a day tweeting?
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

You mean he has eliminate more chances for the lying Press to make up lies about him.
People with real lives would not be sending tweets out.

So your life is so hollow and pathetic that you have nothing better to do but to follow the tweets of people with no life at all?

What's the difference between spending 30 minutes a day giving a press conference and 30 minutes a day tweeting?
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.

In 2016, Trump gave more interviews and answered more questions of anyone who asked in a week than Hillary's entire cherry-picked campaign! And the same still hold today. Trump goes anywhere, answers anything, but most democrats still will not even appear on Fox News.
People with real lives would not be sending tweets out.

So your life is so hollow and pathetic that you have nothing better to do but to follow the tweets of people with no life at all?

What's the difference between spending 30 minutes a day giving a press conference and 30 minutes a day tweeting?
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.

Well, you are half right. they ask questions, and he replies, "Don't be rude", if at all.
So your life is so hollow and pathetic that you have nothing better to do but to follow the tweets of people with no life at all?

What's the difference between spending 30 minutes a day giving a press conference and 30 minutes a day tweeting?
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.

In 2016, Trump gave more interviews and answered more questions of anyone who asked in a week than Hillary's entire cherry-picked campaign! And the same still hold today. Trump goes anywhere, answers anything, but most democrats still will not even appear on Fox News.

Of course, he sometimes replies to a question by banning the particular press reporter from the WH, instead. I don't recall any president doing that, before. A free press is Donny's worst enemy. He envies Kim of N. Korea for not having to put up with it.
So your life is so hollow and pathetic that you have nothing better to do but to follow the tweets of people with no life at all?

What's the difference between spending 30 minutes a day giving a press conference and 30 minutes a day tweeting?
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.

Well, you are half right. they ask questions, and he replies, "Don't be rude", if at all.

Everyone wants to ask President Trump a question, he can't answer them all. If people are rudely interrupting, he will of course point it out to them as well he should. And Trump will speak to hostile reporters from ABC or other Fake News networks, and call them out for being fake. He answers questions, but doesn't take garbage from them.
One you get to ask questions art a press conference.

President give more press conferences than any other president.

A lot of conferences on the lawn.

The only thing he's really cut down on are Press Briefings, which are conducted by the WH Press Secretary, not the POTUS anyhow.

He has cut out any opportunity for the press to question him.

What do you mean? They ask President Trump questions all the time on the lawn and at joint pressers with other nations' leaders. And he answers them.

Well, you are half right. they ask questions, and he replies, "Don't be rude", if at all.

Everyone wants to ask President Trump a question, he can't answer them all. If people are rudely interrupting, he will of course point it out to them as well he should. And Trump will speak to hostile reporters from ABC or other Fake News networks, and call them out for being fake. He answers questions, but doesn't take garbage from them.

..and call everything critical of him "fake news" including videos and recordings, and you drink up that Kool-Aid like it was water given to a man dying of thirst. My sig lines includes some of the things he calls "fake news".
My sig lines includes some of the things he calls "fake news".

No one knows exactly how many Illegals voted for Mrs. Clinton, but it was plenty, and there is no reason to think that 5 million Illegal would be supporters of Clinton instead of the man who threatened them with deportation.

Serge Kovaleski reported the massive Islamic crowds that President Trump remembers from 9/11. Mr. Kovaleski was very flustered when Mr. Trump called him out for it. And like a coward, he tried to blame it on his neurological impairment instead of just accepting responsibility.

Donald Trump was doing a routine with Billy Bush, during that Access Hollywood outtake. NBC didn't think it was that entertaining and didn't air it. However it was a routine intended to be entertainment. When Jesse Ventura ran for governor in MN, his opponents didn't bring up his TV talk about the Junkyard Dog "shuffling and jiving", because it was scripted. When Cain Bearer aka Glenn Jacobs ran for Knox County mayor, his opponents didn't bring up his electrocution of Shane McMahon's testicles. Again it was an act.
My sig lines includes some of the things he calls "fake news".

No one knows exactly how many Illegals voted for Mrs. Clinton, but it was plenty, and there is no reason to think that 5 million Illegal would be supporters of Clinton instead of the man who threatened them with deportation.

Serge Kovaleski reported the massive Islamic crowds that President Trump remembers from 9/11. Mr. Kovaleski was very flustered when Mr. Trump called him out for it. And like a coward, he tried to blame it on his neurological impairment instead of just accepting responsibility.

Donald Trump was doing a routine with Billy Bush, during that Access Hollywood outtake. NBC didn't think it was that entertaining and didn't air it. However it was a routine intended to be entertainment. When Jesse Ventura ran for governor in MN, his opponents didn't bring up his TV talk about the Junkyard Dog "shuffling and jiving", because it was scripted. When Cain Bearer aka Glenn Jacobs ran for Knox County mayor, his opponents didn't bring up his electrocution of Shane McMahon's testicles. Again it was an act.

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