Classless Democrats boo our President at the World Series.

If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
While I can't speak on the issue of the Muslim woman who didn't speak, although, when a Muslim couple are in public, it is supposed to be the male who does the speaking for her, as she is a subjugated gender outside the home. The massively rich can and do buy their sons/daughters way out of the regular armed forces, that's life in the USA. Also, do you boo at those who don't volunteer to serve in today's military that is strictly voluntary? Personally, I served a career in the military and didn't want personnel in the military that didn't want to be there, they make for poor troops.
As for him not agreeing that POW's were heroes, that's a personal perspective. I limit my idea of heroes to the likes of Alvin York, Audie Murphy, Desmond Doss and other Medal of Honor winners. I can sympathize for those who were captured and survived.
As for those who were doing the booing, they are supporting a political party that is no longer what the Democratic party used to be. The current party today is blatantly headed down the path of Marxism/Leninism. Over 77,000 of our military personnel died combating that ideology and to side with such a party is essentially spitting on the graves who sacrificed combating that evil. It is those who booed, who should be booed.
Is that why Melania never speaks?
If you watched the video....the stadium was doing a "Salute to Veterans" in between innings...showing military members....then, in the middle, they flash video of Capt. Bone Spurs. You know...the guy who dodged Viet Nam. The guy who insulted a Gold Star mother. The guy who denigrated POWs. That guy. Shame on anyone who DIDN'T boo.
While I can't speak on the issue of the Muslim woman who didn't speak, although, when a Muslim couple are in public, it is supposed to be the male who does the speaking for her, as she is a subjugated gender outside the home. The massively rich can and do buy their sons/daughters way out of the regular armed forces, that's life in the USA. Also, do you boo at those who don't volunteer to serve in today's military that is strictly voluntary? Personally, I served a career in the military and didn't want personnel in the military that didn't want to be there, they make for poor troops.
As for him not agreeing that POW's were heroes, that's a personal perspective. I limit my idea of heroes to the likes of Alvin York, Audie Murphy, Desmond Doss and other Medal of Honor winners. I can sympathize for those who were captured and survived.
As for those who were doing the booing, they are supporting a political party that is no longer what the Democratic party used to be. The current party today is blatantly headed down the path of Marxism/Leninism. Over 77,000 of our military personnel died combating that ideology and to side with such a party is essentially spitting on the graves who sacrificed combating that evil. It is those who booed, who should be booed.
Is that why Melania never speaks?
You have to call her Melanie to get her to respond.
Drinking is part of how men are in America... stop punishing men!
I could take the Deep State fans in Washington DC acting like rude, classless cretins at the World Series if we hadn't just been through eight years of the Obama regime where any acts criticism of Barry at all were called de facto acts of racism.

We were told to respect the office of the president and attacked when it was thought we were not
respectful. Without their double standards the left would have no standards at all.
I could take the Deep State fans in Washington DC acting like rude, classless cretins at the World Series if we hadn't just been through eight years of the Obama regime where any acts criticism of Barry at all were called de facto acts of racism.

We were told to respect the office of the president and attacked when it was determined we did not. Without their double standards the left would have no standards at all.

I don't remember a whole lot of respect for our last president from the right. Why would you expect that precedent to be ignored?
I could take the Deep State fans in Washington DC acting like rude, classless cretins at the World Series if we hadn't just been through eight years of the Obama regime where any acts criticism of Barry at all were called de facto acts of racism.

We were told to respect the office of the president and attacked when it was thought we were not
respectful. Without their double standards the left would have no standards at all.

I criticized Obama when he didn't go the way I wanted but I also praised him when he did. Rump started out good and I gave him some praise. Then all of a sudden, his Rump Train took a dirt road. And he took you with him. Now he's having to pay the piper. Sure do wish he would show as much class as Nixon.
I criticized Obama when he didn't go the way I wanted but I also praised him when he did. Rump started out good and I gave him some praise. Then all of a sudden, his Rump Train took a dirt road. And he took you with him. Now he's having to pay the piper. Sure do wish he would show as much class as Nixon.
We live in a much more crass age. I don't recall any of Nixon's opponent's selling "Impeach the Mother F***er" t-shirts for instance, like Rashida Tlaib is doing.

And I don't recall his opponents attempting to have removed from office with with a scam like the Russian collusion hoax.
A hoax still ongoing with the Ukraninia nonsense and no president has ever had to deal with elements within the intelligence community chiefly, but not completely, colluding to have him, Trump, removed from office.

I've gone with Trump, and will go on with him, not because I think he is the best president ever but because the lunatics on the left (progressives, socialists, globalists, media, etc.) cannot be allowed to get away with sedition
and subverting our constitution and taking the country to a very dark place where it was never intended to be.
I would have booed Obama if he was attending a game I was attending. This is nothing.
I criticized Obama when he didn't go the way I wanted but I also praised him when he did. Rump started out good and I gave him some praise. Then all of a sudden, his Rump Train took a dirt road. And he took you with him. Now he's having to pay the piper. Sure do wish he would show as much class as Nixon.
We live in a much more crass age. I don't recall any of Nixon's opponent's selling "Impeach the Mother F***er" t-shirts for instance, like Rashida Tlaib is doing.

And I don't recall his opponents attempting to have removed from office with with a scam like the Russian collusion hoax.
A hoax still ongoing with the Ukraninia nonsense and no president has ever had to deal with elements within the intelligence community chiefly, but not completely, colluding to have him, Trump, removed from office.

I've gone with Trump, and will go on with him, not because I think he is the best president ever but because the lunatics on the left (progressives, socialists, globalists, media, etc.) cannot be allowed to get away with sedition
and subverting our constitution and taking the country to a very dark place where it was never intended to be.

If you haven't noticed, we are already in a very dark place.
I criticized Obama when he didn't go the way I wanted but I also praised him when he did. Rump started out good and I gave him some praise. Then all of a sudden, his Rump Train took a dirt road. And he took you with him. Now he's having to pay the piper. Sure do wish he would show as much class as Nixon.
We live in a much more crass age. I don't recall any of Nixon's opponent's selling "Impeach the Mother F***er" t-shirts for instance, like Rashida Tlaib is doing.

And I don't recall his opponents attempting to have removed from office with with a scam like the Russian collusion hoax.
A hoax still ongoing with the Ukraninia nonsense and no president has ever had to deal with elements within the intelligence community chiefly, but not completely, colluding to have him, Trump, removed from office.

I've gone with Trump, and will go on with him, not because I think he is the best president ever but because the lunatics on the left (progressives, socialists, globalists, media, etc.) cannot be allowed to get away with sedition
and subverting our constitution and taking the country to a very dark place where it was never intended to be.

Your support of Trump is based on the same thing most other Trump supporters is. You know he is a pig. You know he is an idiot. You know he is making terrible decisions, and hurting our country, and our allies by doing so. All these overwhelmingly important things take a back seat to your desire to be childishly aggravating to your political opponent. Grow up, you big baby.

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