CLEAN debt ceiling bill passes House...end of mindless TP GOP...

Keep increasing that debt and wait for the day when this comes tumbling down.
So dumb- the debt ceiling rise has always been routine or semi-so till you morons.TRY WINNING AN ELECTION AND TRY YOUR BS- ACTUALLY, you did and it was a catastrophe- since you're just the idiot RW of the GOP...
The following are the names of the 28 Republicans that voted for this horrible bill.

Collins (NY)
Hastings (WA)
King (NY)
McCarthy (CA)
Miller, Gary
Rogers (KY)
Smith (NJ)

Again - republicans (for the most part) are as worthless as their marxists counterparts. Vote 'em the hell out of office.
Keep increasing that debt and wait for the day when this comes tumbling down.

I watched a show (a week ago) where several economists were presenting their views on the future of this economy - as well as the future of the dollar.

To a man - they all said the same thing. It is getting dire and there is an excellent chance that it all topples down in the next 3-5 years and will make 1929 look like a child's birthday party.

We've all been warned repeatedly and yet - we still run headlong on a hell-bound train to certain disaster. Almost like it is intended.
Thank god- good till march 2015...

'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate
CNN (blog) - 40 minutes ago
'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate. ... the chamber's 200 Democrats to pass the proposal increasing the debt ceiling that ...
House approves 'clean' debt ceiling extention
USA TODAY - 39 minutes ago
House approves 'clean' debt limit after Republicans drop demands ...*Cached42 minutes ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives narrowly ... Although
Boehner called his decision to advance a "clean" debt limit a ...

It's nothing more than a political move on the Republican side. Why on earth would they make themselves the BAD GUY--by "shutting down the government"-and be all over headline news --when they just got handed the best gift they could ever receive.


Sometimes you have to know when to pick your fights. And now is not the time--with the news all over Obamacare like bees to honey.
Tell Senator Cruz lol. It's a real moneymaker...We'll see about O-care- most people want it fixed, not repealed, and the fix is mainly getting the facts out in the face of a tidal wave of Pubcrappe...

The important thing is, the Pubs have stopped sabotaging the recovery with phony crises.
Whatever - I don't generally favor "linkage" anyway. Let's just put together a good package of spending reforms. I don't care who proposes it or who "gets the credit."
Thank god- good till march 2015...


Republican-Controlled House Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

Laurence M. Vance

If there is anyone out there who still thinks that there is any difference between the two major parties then please explain to me why the Republican-controlled House just passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill.
The vote was 369-67. The Republican vote was 166-64. The vast majority of the spending is, of course, unconstitutional. And it includes much spending on offense instead of defense. The bill was distributed on Monday night and is over 1,500 pages long. You can probably count on one finger the number of House members who actually read the bill."

There's a difference but you have successfully demanded that the gop cede no ground, similarly to what Hitler did at Stalingrad. Your generals are dispirited, and the only leaders you have left are self-delusional and/or demagogs.
At least the GOP has stopped being led around by the nose by ''no compromise, un-American TP'' -TIME. and loudmouth brainwashed functional morons like the GOP posters on here...libertarians, classical liberals and god knows what, really just the tin foil RW of the RWers...

The difference is that the GOP is run by greedy idiot billionnaires who only care about their money, not the country. Everything else is just fooling the dupes with hate and division...
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At least the GOP has stopped being led around by the nose by ''no compromise, un-American TP'' -TIME. and loudmouth brainwashed functional morons like the GOP posters on here...libertarians, classical liberals and god knows what, really just the tin foil RW of the RWers...

The difference is that the GOP is run by greedy idiot billionnaires who only care about their money, not the country. Everything else is just fooling the dupes with hate and division...

Well, that's the other side. I think the gop can beat Hillary if they run on a socially progressive, but fiscally hawkish platform. They'll have to cave on simply saying NYET to HC reform and immigration, but if they just shut the hell up over gays and abortion, that might be enough.

And they don't have to be rinos. They can use a market based modle on HC and just document workers and make kids citizens.
Thank god- good till march 2015...

'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate
CNN (blog) - 40 minutes ago
'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate. ... the chamber's 200 Democrats to pass the proposal increasing the debt ceiling that ...
House approves 'clean' debt ceiling extention
USA TODAY - 39 minutes ago
House approves 'clean' debt limit after Republicans drop demands ...*Cached42 minutes ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives narrowly ... Although
Boehner called his decision to advance a "clean" debt limit a ...

It's nothing more than a political move on the Republican side. Why on earth would they make themselves the BAD GUY--by "shutting down the government"-and be all over headline news --when they just got handed the best gift they could ever receive.


Sometimes you have to know when to pick your fights. And now is not the time--with the news all over Obamacare like bees to honey.

We've been listening to the RINOs sing that tune for losers for five years now.

Now the party of half a loaf didn't even fight to get so much as the heel of the loaf.

The HoR "leadership", as it were, is nothing but a bunch of craven cowards.
If only both parties had the courage to talk about Medicare reform, tax reform, and you know, public safety and general welfare with long term goals based on American ideals.

Oh ... you mean govern in the best interests of the United States of American?

That's a good one.

You had me going there for a minute.
Republicans cry because the USA doesn't act like a deadbeat. Go fig.

Given their adoration of being a deadbeat, I'd guess a lot of Republicans owe money to a lot of people. After all, one just doesn't embrace the deadbeat lifestyle out of nowhere. That sort of moral decrepitude takes years of practice.
Republicans cry because the USA doesn't act like a deadbeat. Go fig.

Given their adoration of being a deadbeat, I'd guess a lot of Republicans owe money to a lot of people. After all, one just doesn't embrace the deadbeat lifestyle out of nowhere. That sort of moral decrepitude takes years of practice.

If the U.S. would stop acting like a Welfare Queen, spending money it doesn't have, then the U.S. could pay it's debts.
It amazes me that so many people are celebrating the country going further into debt.

Now, lets understand, if we had a republican president the left wing idiots like Franco would be wailing that more debt proves failed leadership, is unpatriotic, and the worst thing since the black plague.

Obama himself said it was a failure of leadership and unpatriotic to raise the debt ceiling--tell me Frankie boy, was he lying then or is he lying now? because one or the other is a lie.

Whats really scary is that some conservatives and republicans go along with this incredible stupidity.
Republicans cry because the USA doesn't act like a deadbeat. Go fig.

Given their adoration of being a deadbeat, I'd guess a lot of Republicans owe money to a lot of people. After all, one just doesn't embrace the deadbeat lifestyle out of nowhere. That sort of moral decrepitude takes years of practice.

The interest on the debt will always be paid first. There is, and never was, any chance of the US defaullting on its debt payments---------to claim otherwise is a blatant LIE.
Well, that's the other side. I think the gop can beat Hillary if they run on a socially progressive, but fiscally hawkish platform. They'll have to cave on simply saying NYET to HC reform and immigration, but if they just shut the hell up over gays and abortion, that might be enough.

I agree

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